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Magazine Contents Lists: Page 4847

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    Four in One Gang and Thrills Shorts   (about)
    The title suggests an omnibus from previous volumes of Gang Shorts and Thrill Shorts, but the copy seen contains Gang Shorts #3 & #4, Occult Shorts #2 and Weird Story Magazine #2 so it is possible there were different contents in different copies.

    • Publishers:
      • Gerald G. Swan, Ltd.: Four in One Gang and Thrills Shorts.

    Four in One Weird and Occult Shorts   (about)
    This magazine was an attempt by Swan to eliminate unsold issues of various publications. The Four in One, subtitled “Supernatural Yarns”, was four separate magazines re-packaged within a new external cover, which shows a vampire rising from a coffin. Three copies have been examined with three different sets of contents, two of them including magazines that have nothing to do with the weird or the occult.

    • Publishers:
      • Gerald G. Swan, Ltd.; London, England: Four in One Weird and Occult Shorts.

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