The FictionMags Index
Index by Series/Imprint: Page 134
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[]Faery Chronicles, The
- Leslie Claire Walker:
- Breathless, (ss) Secret Fire Press, May 23 2014
- Girl in Black, (ss) Secret Fire Press, May 23 2014
- Snakebite, (ss) Secret Fire Press, May 23 2014
- Blood to Blood, (nv) Secret Fire Press, June 29 2014
- Phoenix, (nv) Secret Fire Press, September 25 2014
[]Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser
- Fritz Leiber:
- Two Sought Adventure, (nv) Unknown August 1939
- The Bleak Shore, (ss) Unknown November 1940
- The Howling Tower, (ss) Unknown June 1941
- The Sunken Land, (ss) Unknown Worlds February 1942
- The Grey Mouser, (pm) Acolyte Fall 1944
- Adept’s Gambit, (na) Night’s Black Agents, Arkham House, 1947
- Dark Vengeance, (nv) Suspense Magazine Fall 1951
- The Seven Black Priests, (nv) Other Worlds May 1953
- Two Sought Adventure, (co) Gnome Press, 1957
- Induction, (vi) Two Sought Adventure, Gnome Press, 1957
- Lean Times in Lankhmar, (nv) Fantastic Science Fiction Stories November 1959
- The Gray Mouser: 1, (pm) Amra v2 #8, 1959
- The Gray Mouser: 2, (pm) Amra v2 #8, 1959
- When the Sea-King’s Away, (nv) Fantastic Science Fiction Stories May 1960
- Scylla’s Daughter, (na) Fantastic Stories of Imagination May 1961
- The Unholy Grail, (nv) Fantastic Stories of Imagination October 1962
- The Cloud of Hate, (ss) Fantastic Stories of Imagination May 1963
- Stardock, (na) Fantastic September 1965
- Swords Against Wizardry, (co) Ace, July 1968
- In the Witch’s Tent, (ss) Swords Against Wizardry, Ace, 1968
- The Two Best Thieves in Lankhmar, (ss) Fantastic August 1968
- Swords in the Mist, (co) Ace, September 1968
- Their Mistress, the Sea, (vi) Swords in the Mist, Ace, 1968
- The Wrong Branch, (ss) Swords in the Mist, Ace, 1968
- Ill Met in Lankhmar, (na) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction April 1970
- The Snow Women, (na) Fantastic April 1970
- Swords and Deviltry, (co) Ace, May 1970
- Swords Against Death, (co) Ace, July 1970
- The Circle Curse, (ss) Swords Against Death, Ace, 1970
- The Price of Pain-Ease, (ss) Swords Against Death, Ace, 1970
- The Sadness of the Executioner, (ss) Flashing Swords! #1 ed. Lin Carter, SFBC, 1973
- Trapped in the Shadowland, (ss) Fantastic Stories November 1973
- The Bait, (vi) Whispers December 1973
- Beauty and the Beasts, (vi) The Book of Fritz Leiber, DAW, 1974
- Under the Thumbs of the Gods, (ss) Fantastic Stories April 1975
- Trapped in the Sea of Stars, (ss) The Second Book of Fritz Leiber, DAW, 1975
- The Frost Monstreme, (nv) Flashing Swords! #3 ed. Lin Carter, Dell, 1976
- Swords and Ice Magic, (co) Ace, July 1977
- Rime Isle, (na) Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine July 1977, etc.
- Sea Magic, (ss) The Dragon December 1977
- Bazaar of the Bizarre, (co) Donald M. Grant, 1978
- The Mer She, (nv) Heroes & Horrors, Whispers Press, 1978
- The Curse of the Smalls and the Stars, (na) Heroic Visions ed. Jessica Amanda Salmonson, Ace, 1983
- The Mouser Goes Below, (ss) Whispers October 1987
- The Knight and Knave of Swords, (co) William Morrow, December 1988
- The Mouser Goes Below, (na) The Knight and Knave of Swords, Morrow, 1988
- Árnyékország csapdájában, (ss) Fantasy Magazin 1989
- “The Tale of the Grain Ships”: A Fragment, (uw) The New York Review of Science Fiction #105, May 1997
- Lankhmar, (co) White Wolf, August 2000
- Thieves’ House, (co) White Wolf, January 2001
- Fritz Leiber & Harry O. Fischer:
- Harry O. Fischer:
- Harry O. Fischer & Fritz Leiber:
- Nathan Long:
[]Faidit, Pierre & the troubadour Cercamon|
- Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur:
- Fisherman’s Luck, (ss) Adventure November 10 1921
- Before Midnight, (ss) Adventure December 10 1921
- The Sword of the Prophet, (ss) Adventure January 10 1922
- Faithful, (ss) Adventure February 10 1922
- Red Night, (ss) Adventure March 10 1922
- For the Crown, (ss) Adventure May 20 1922
- With Song and Sword, (ss) Adventure January 10 1923
- The King’s Choice, (nv) Adventure February 10 1923
- Judgment by Steel, (nv) Adventure March 20 1923
- The Black Thief, (ss) Adventure May 10 1925
- Brothers-in-Arms, (nv) Adventure December 30 1925
- The Adventures of Faidit and Cercamon, (co) Altus Press, August 2014
[]Fairchild, Jeffrey (Dr. Skull)
- Edith Jakobsson ,[?], Ejler Jakobsson ,[?] & Norvell W. Page ,[?]:
- Ejler Jakobsson ,[?], Edith Jakobsson ,[?] & Norvell W. Page ,[?]:
- Norvell W. Page ,[?], Edith Jakobsson ,[?] & Ejler Jakobsson ,[?]:
[]Fair, Prosper, the Duke of Devizes
- Bertram Atkey:
- The Deferential Man, (ss) The Red Magazine August 14 1915
- Mending Ailsa’s Heart, (ss) The Red Magazine September 1 1915
- The Payers of “Tribute”, (ss) The Red Magazine September 15 1915
- The Wanderings of Prosper Fair, 5, (ss) The Red Magazine October 1 1915
- The Arrival of Mr. Ranger, (ss) The Red Magazine October 15 1915
- In Which Prosper Goes to the Circus, (ss) The Red Magazine January 1 1916
- Pacifying Manuel, (ss) The Red Magazine January 15 1916
- The Pale Lady, (ss) The Red Magazine February 1 1916
- The Case of Mr. Budd, A.B., (ss) The Red Magazine February 15 1916
- In Which Prosper Aids a Devout Lover, (ss) The Red Magazine March 1 1916
- The “Toffs” of Bratley Plain, (ss) The Red Magazine March 15 1916
- The Rescue of Mr. Medley, (ss) The Red Magazine April 1 1916
- The “Battling Blunt” Affair, (ss) The Red Magazine April 15 1916
- The Man Who Was a Miser, (ss) The Red Magazine May 1 1916
- The Kaffir, (ss) The Red Magazine May 15 1916
- The Hardaway-Lucas Case, (ss) The Red Magazine June 1 1916
- The Duke and the Deceiver, (ss) The Red Magazine June 15 1916
- Finding Patience, (ss) The Red Magazine December 15 1916
- The Bear That Was Not Polar, (ss) The Red Magazine December 26 1919
- The Man Who Was Romsey, (ss) The Red Magazine January 9 1920
- The Star Stealers, (ss) The Red Magazine January 23 1920
- The Man Who Rebelled, (ss) The Red Magazine February 6 1920
- The Affair of Feosa Doza, (ss) The Red Magazine February 20 1920
- “Edie”, (ss) The Red Magazine March 5 1920
- The Lurgall Louts, (ss) The Red Magazine March 19 1920
- The Man Who Was Grateful, (ss) The Red Magazine April 2 1920
- The Destroyer, (ss) The Red Magazine April 16 1920
- The Combat for Claudia, (ss) The Red Magazine April 30 1920
- The Enchantress, (ss) The Red Magazine May 14 1920
- The Bear That Was Polar, (ss) The Red Magazine May 28 1920
- The Pyramid of Lead, (n.) The Red Magazine August 1 1924, etc.
- Prosper Fair and the Tired Ladies, (ss) The Red Magazine May 8 1925, etc.
- Down the Wander-Ways with Prosper Fair, (ss) The Elks Magazine February 1926
- A Man on a Milestone, (ss) The Elks Magazine March 1926
- The Mystery of the Axes, (sl) The Elks Magazine August 1927, etc.
- The Grey Druid and Prosper Fair, (ss) The Red Magazine August 10 1928
- The Boldershaw Bullies and Prosper Fair, (ss) The Red Magazine May 31 1929
- Mansion of Slaves, (sl) The Red Magazine August 9 1929, etc.
- Philip Atkey:
[]Falconer, Geoffrey
- William Le Queux:
- The Secret Signal, (ss) The Premier Magazine #108, February 25 1921
- The Voice from the Void, (ss) The Premier Magazine #109, March 11 1921
- The Calico Glove, (ss) The Premier Magazine #110, March 25 1921
- The Devil’s Oven, (ss) The Premier Magazine #111, April 8 1921
- The Mystery Widow, (ss) The Premier Magazine #112, April 22 1921
- The Cloven Hoof, (ss) The Premier Magazine #113, May 6 1921
- The Poison Factory, (ss) The Premier Magazine #114, May 20 1921
- The Great Intrigue, (ss) The Premier Magazine #115, June 3 1921
- The Three Bad Men, (ss) The Premier Magazine #116, June 17 1921
- The Mystery of Berenice, (ss) The Premier Magazine #117, July 1 1921
- The Marked Man, (ss) The Premier Magazine #118, July 15 1921
- The Crow’s Cliff, (ss) The Premier Magazine #119, July 29 1921
[]Falkayn, David
- Poul Anderson:
- The Three Cornered Wheel, (nv) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction October 1963
- Trader Team, (na) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact August 1965, etc.
- The Trouble Twisters, (co) Doubleday, 1966
- A Sun Invisible, (nv) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact April 1966
- Supernova, (na) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact January 1967
- Satan’s World, (n.) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact August 1968, etc. [Nicholas van Rijn]
- Satan’s World, (n.) Doubleday, 1969 [Nicholas van Rijn]
- David Falkayn: Star Trader, (co) Baen, January 2009
[]Fall of the Towers
- Samuel R. Delany:
- Captives of the Flame, (n.) Ace Double, May 1963
- Captives of the Flame, (n.) Ace, May 1963
- The Towers of Toron, (n.) Ace Double, February 1964
- City of a Thousand Suns, (n.) Ace, 1965
- The Fall of the Towers, (om) Ace, 1970
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