The FictionMags Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 3542

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    Harlequin [Volume 1 Number 3, November 1963] ed. Michael Britton (Royal Publications, 60¢) []
    Details supplied by Richard Newsome from Table of Contents.
    • 3 · Harlequinades: Books, Records, Movies · [uncredited] · rc
    • 8 · The Mummies · Ursule Molinaro · ss
    • 12 · The Truth About Those “Jet Set” Parties · Burt Hirschfeld · ar
    • 15 · George Washington Slept Here: Spirit of ’76 · Bob Schochet · ct
    • 19 · Fugue for a Native Alien · Eddie Cohen · ss
    • 23 · Harlequin Goes to a “Nudie” Movie · [uncredited] · pi
    • 29 · How to Develop a Winning “Line” · Jay Gordon · ar
    • 31 · Building a Fool-Proof “Mousetrap” · E. W. Lee · ar
    • 35 · Harlequeen of the Month: Yolanda Phillips · [uncredited] · pi; gatefold.
    • 41 · What Made Mike Hammer Run? · Sill Roberts · ar [Ref. Mickey Spillane]; on Mickey Spillane’s fictional detective Mike Hammer.
    • 44 · Who’s Got the Action? Tips for the Bachelor-on-Tour · B. W. Von Block · ar
    • 48 · Young Broadway Sets the New Fall Fashions · [uncredited] · pi
    • 54 · Ice-Borg · [uncredited] · pi
    • 58 · The 3-D Genius of Federico Fellini · Aldo Luchessi · ar

    Title changed from Harlequin.

    Title changed from HQ.

    Dapper [v2 #5, May 1966] []
    Issue partially indexed.
    • · If You Don’t Frug Baby, What Do You Do · Tom Disch · ss

    Dapper [v3 #2, September 1966] ed. Steve Jopolo (Royal Publications, 75¢, 68pp) []
    Details supplied by Richard Newsome from Table of Contents.

    Dapper [v3 #5, April 1967] (Magnum-Royal Publications, quarto) []
    Details taken from eBay listing.

    Dapper [v3 #6, June 1967] (Magnum-Royal Publications, quarto) []
    Details taken from eBay listing.

    Dapper [v3 #8, October 1967] ed. Steve Jopolo (Magnum-Royal Publications, 75¢, s/s, cover: [photo] by Prange Pictures) []
    Details supplied by Richard Newsome from Table of Contents.
    • 4 · Dan’s Den · Dapper Dan · cl
    • 6 · The Swedish Nude and London’s Pep Pill Scandal · Eric Wilkins · pi; featuring Inga Westerlund.
    • 10 · The Man Who Hated Children · Paul Little · ss
    • 14 · Busty Ross · Bill Wenzel · cs; two-page comic strip.
    • 16 · Old Town: Chicago’s New Hip Scene · Bruce Cook · ar
    • 19 · Taponga, Anyone? · Prange Pictures · pi; featuring Janice Kelly.
    • 26 · Wonder Bopper Romina Power: World’s Sexiest Fifteen-Year-Old · [uncredited] · pi
    • 30 · Dear Lucy · Walter Brasil · ss
    • 33 · Paula: Dapper’s Date of the Month · Graphic House · pi; featuring Paula Angeles; centerfold.
    • 40 · Cop Killer · Paul W. Fairman · ss Redbook December 1958; given as by Paul V. Fairman.
    • 43 · Hurry Up Please, It’s Time! · Ray Puechner · ss
    • 44 · Child Brides: Italy’s Legal White Slavery Racket · Aldo Lucchese · ar
    • 47 · The Americanization of Emily · Galaxy · pi; featuring Emily Baldazar.
    • 54 · Happy Anniversary, Dear Frank · Jack Johnson · ss
    • 58 · Valentine’s Day · Galaxy · pi; featuring Lil Valentine.

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