The FictionMags Index
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[]Thursday, Thomas; pseudonym (1894-?) (chron.)
- * Adventures of a Showman in Magazineland, (ar) Writer’s Digest March 1921
- * All That Glitters Is Not Goldie!, (ss) Blue Ribbon Western September 1947
- * The Amazing Ambrose Stubblefield, (ss) Smashing Detective Stories March 1952
- * And Howe!, (ss) Everybody’s February 1929
- * Annals of Crime, (cl) Famous Detective Stories October 1955
- * Annals of Crime, (cl) Fast Action Detective and Mystery Stories January 1957
* ___ The Doctor Died Fighting, (cl) Smashing Detective Stories March 1956
* ___ Servant of the State, (cl) Smashing Detective Stories May 1956
* ___ Shoot, Sucker—You’re Faded!, (cl) Famous Detective Stories August 1956
- * Art for Artie, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly December 30 1922
- * Attention to Trifles, (ss) Crack Detective Stories May 1946
- * Ballyhooey, (ss) Argosy October 26 1929
- * Base on Bolds, (ss) Sports Winners Spring 1944
- * Battle of the Scentury, (ss) Ten Story Sports February 1938
- * Betsey the Prize Winner, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine March 15 1923
- * Big Ballyhooey, (ss) Super Sports October 1942
- * The Big Squawk, (ss) Smashing Detective Stories July 1956
- * Billy the Kidder, (ss) Blue Ribbon Western November 1947
- * Boobs in the Trap, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine June 1 1923
- * Case of the Honest Thieves, (ss) Famous Detective Stories February 1953
- * Cats Is Cats [Charlie Twink], (ss) Top-Notch Magazine June 15 1923
- * The Champ’s a Chump, (ss) Sports Fiction Summer 1942
- * Competition Is the Strife of Trade, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly October 6 1928
- * Cops Are Also People: 2, (ar) Famous Detective Stories August 1951
- * Cops Are Also People: 4, (ar) Famous Detective Stories May 1952
- * Cops Are Also People: 5. Tender Toughs, (ar) Famous Detective Stories November 1952
- * Crack Pott, (ss) Sports Fiction Winter 1943/1944
- * Crook, Fine and Stinker, (ss) Super Sports July 1949
- * Crook Who’s Here!, (ss) Super Sports June 1950
- * The Crystal Nev-ah Lies, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly June 25 1927
- * Cutie and the Beast, (ss) Sports Fiction June 1950
- * Dead Men Don’t Move [Chief Howard], (ss) Smashing Detective Stories January 1956
- * A Dead Steal, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly June 13 1931
- * Deaf and Dumber, (ss) Argosy March 17 1934
- * The Dick and the Doc, (ss) Smashing Detective Stories June 1954
- * Direct Line to Headquarters, (ss) Thrilling Detective December 1939
- * Dirty Work, (ss) G-Men Detective March 1948
- * The Doctor Died Fighting, (ar) Smashing Detective Stories March 1956
- * Don’t Kid Yourself!, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine October 1 1927
- * Don’t Make Me Laugh!, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine January 15 1923
- * Don’t Worry about the Killer, (ss) Detective Short Stories April 1943
- * The Double Raise, (ss) Short Stories July 25 1923
- * The Dumb Wonder, (ss) Everybody’s November 1927
- * Explanation to the Press, (ss) Ten Story Sports January 1956
- * Fake It Easy!, (ss) Argosy April 5 1930
- * Fall of the Wise, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine April 1 1920
- * A Fancy Case of Murder, (ss) The Phantom Detective Summer 1951
- * Farewell to Crime, (ss) Mystery Novels and Short Stories November 1940
- * Fat and Furious [Misdemeanor Murphy; Felony Jones], (ss) Ten Story Sports January 1955
- * The Fee-Male of the Species, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly July 5 1924
- * Fiction Is Stranger Than Truth, (ss) Laughter October 1925
- * Fifty-Fifty Makes a Hundred, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly October 11 1924
- * The Fighting Organist, (ss) Action Stories July 1923
- * Fire Fighter, (ss) Popular Sports Magazine February 1938
- * Flip Van Winkle, (ss) All Sports Magazine March 1943
- * Florida Fla-Fla, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly February 19 1927
- * A Florida Reformation, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly May 15 1926
- * Fly Paper, (ss) Complete Stories 1st January 1930
- * For a Slice of Adventure, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine January 1 1923
- * Foul Playing, (ss) Crack Detective Stories March 1944
- * Fountain of Ruth, (ss) Sports Winners Summer 1943
- * A Fray Down South in Dixie, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine July 15 1927
- * Galloping Greyhounds [Misdemeanor Murphy; Felony Jones], (ss) Super Sports March 1953
- * Gentleman with a Gun, (ss) Double-Action Detective and Mystery Stories #14, January 1959
- * Gipsy Stuff [The Move-a-Long Side Show], (ss) Top-Notch Magazine July 15 1920
- * Give the Guy a Chance, (ss) Mammoth Detective March 1943
- * The Goat’s Whiskers, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine July 15 1923
- * Gone with the Winner, (ss) Ten Story Sports December 1937
- * Good Luck Is No Good, (ss) Federal Agent November 1937
- * The Great Glooper, (ss) Double Action Western November 1946
- * The Great Iron Horse Robberies, (ar) Double-Action Detective and Mystery Stories #10, May 1958
- * Great Scott!, (ss) Brief Stories Magazine July 1926
- * Hail, King of Homers! [Perfect Pictures Outfit], (ss) Top-Notch Magazine April 1 1921
- * Hail, the Professor!, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine September 1 1921
- * Hark! The Wrestling Angels Sing, (ss) Sports Winners Fall 1943
- * Hart Failure, (ss) All Sports August 1950
- * Have a Hart, (ss) All Sports April 1949
- * He Has Written Slang Worth $125,000, (ar) The New Success June 1921 [Ref. H. C. Witwer]
- * Herm the Germ, (ss) All Sports Magazine Winter 1944/1945
- * Hick Dick, (ss) Sports Fiction December 1947
- * Hi Li—Hi Low!, (ss) Super Sports January 1950
- * Hip, Hip, Hypnotism!, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine January 15 1926
- * His Royal Shyness, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly October 17 1925
- * Home, Jimmie!, (ss) Action Stories January 1922
- * Home Runyon, (ss) Sports Winners January 1943
- * Honest Thieves, (ss) Detective Stories v6 #9, 1954
- * Hot Tip, (ss) Complete Sports May 1953
- * The Houdini Kid, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine January 1946
- * Howard Called It Homicide [Chief Howard], (ss) Famous Detective Stories August 1953
- * Humor Is Supposed to Be Funny, (ar) The Author & Journalist October 1943
- * Idaho-Kum, (ss) Double Action Western June 1947
- * “Illiterature”, (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine April 10 1919
- * I’m a Very Smart Guy, (ss) Sports Fiction Summer 1944
- * It’s Great to Be Great!, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine July 15 1925
- * It Takes All Kinds to Fake a World, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly May 4 1929
- * Jail Fellow—Well Met, (ss) Double-Action Gang Magazine April 1938
- * A Jay Down South in Dixie, (ss) All Sports April 1950
- * A Jay Out West, (ss) Argosy October 4 1930
- * Just Imagine It, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine April 1 1923
- * Kid Ponce de Leon Gets Hot, (ss) Super Sports December 1938
- * King Leary, (ss) All Sports Magazine Summer 1943
- * Knocked Out Where the West Begins, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly September 1 1928
- * The Knot, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 1948
- * The Ladies Loved a Louse, (ar) Smashing Detective Stories December 1951
- * A Lady Disappears, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine November 1945
- * The Last Laugh, (ss) Crack Detective November 1942
- * Lead, Kindly Right, (ss) Sports Fiction Winter 1942/1943
- * License for Theft, (ss) Ten Detective Aces September 1937
- * Life Is What You Fake It, (ss) Sports Fiction Spring 1941
- * Little Boy Blooey, (ss) Ten Story Sports July 1937
- * A Lodging for the Knight, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine April 1 1924
- * Loud Speakers, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly November 15 1924
- * Lovely Ladies of Larceny, (ar) Famous Detective Stories August 1950
- * Love Will Find a Jay, (ss) Everybody’s December 1927
- * The Luck of Leavenworth Louis, (ss) Famous Detective Stories November 1953; a rewrite of his story “Sing Sing Sweeney” (Detective Story Magazine, January 1947).
- * Maid in Miami, (ss) Ten Story Sports July 1953
- * Mail and Female [Perfect Pictures Outfit], (ss) Top-Notch Magazine November 15 1920
- * Make It Easy, Tony, (ss)
- * The Man Who Killed a Hundred Men, (ss) The Phantom Detective Winter 1953
- * The Man with Six Voices, (ss) Laughter January 1927
- * The Master Mind, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine August 1946
- * McNutts to You, (ss) Fight Stories Fall 1943
- * Me, Ballyhoo Burns, (ss) Ace-High Magazine August 1934
- * The Men Who Make the Argosy, (cl) Argosy October 4 1930
- * Missed in Missouri [The Move-a-Long Side Show], (ss) Top-Notch Magazine May 15 1920
- * Mr. Hicks Pays Off, (ss) Super Sports February 1943
- * Mr. Mister, (ss) All-Story Weekly May 22 1920
- * The Moore the Merrier, (ss) Sports Fiction June 1947
- * Movie Stuff, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine April 1948
- * Murder in Masquerade, (tc) 20th Century Crime Cases October 1946
- * Murder with Folded Arms [Chief Howard], (ss) Smashing Detective Stories November 1955
- * Muzzling the Dog Star, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine May 1 1924
- * My Pal, Sal, (ss) Super Sports September 1946
- * The Mystery of Mary Morrow, (ar) Double-Action Detective and Mystery Stories #16, May 1959
- * Nearly Over [Jefferson Sweeney], (ss) Top-Notch Magazine April 15 1918
- * The Ninth Wonder of the World, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly August 10 1929
- * No Whiskers, (ss) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories April 1 1933
- * Of Lice and Men, (ss) The Phantom Detective September 1940
- * Oh, What a Shot!, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine August 1 1923
- * Oh, What a Surprise! [Perfect Pictures Outfit], (ss) Top-Notch Magazine February 1 1921
- * The Old Boob, (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 28 1925
- * Oliver Twisted, (ss) Baseball Stories Spring 1945
- * Once Upon a Crime, (ss) Crack Detective Stories September 1946
- * The One and Only Buffalo Blitzkrieg, (ss) Sports Winners August 1942
- * One Big Hit, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly July 30 1927
- * Out of Luck, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine April 15 1923
- * Oysters on the Laugh [Charlie Twink], (ss) Top-Notch Magazine May 15 1923
- * Panning Tin-Pan Alley (with John H. Compton & Ed Witter), (ss) Top-Notch Magazine 1st September 1930
- * Parlor, Bedroom and Graft, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly June 16 1923
- * The Parrot Really Talked, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine February 1947
- * Pay Down South in Dixie, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly July 31 1926
- * Pay for Your Peanuts, (ss) Crack Detective May 1943
- * Pay Out West, (ss) Western Outlaws December 1929
- * A Peep in the Deep, (ss) Lariat Story Magazine February 1926
- * The Piffle Peddlers, (ss) Brief Stories Magazine January 1924
- * Poets Are Paid, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine November 15 1922
- * Politeness C.O.D., (ss) Top-Notch Magazine May 15 1921
- * Portrait of a Punk, (ss) Crack Detective Stories January 1947
- * Prepare to Shed Them Now, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly May 26 1923
- * Proof of the Pudding, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine April 15 1921
- * The Purple Goldfish, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine February 15 1921
- * Put It There! [The Move-a-Long Side Show], (ss) Top-Notch Magazine May 1 1920
- * Raw, Medium and Well-Done, (ss) Blue Ribbon Western June 1946
- * The Rift in the Loot, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly May 23 1925
- * Ring the Dumb Belle, (ar) Sports Winners January 1952
- * Robinson Crew So, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly May 19 1923
- * Robinson Crusoe Jones, (ss) Ten Story Sports October 1955
- * Romance at Key West, (ar) Smashing Detective Stories December 1952
- * Romeo’s Juliet, (ss) Sports Fiction Fall 1943
- * Rork and Beans, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly April 14 1928
- * The Ruth About Florida, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly June 5 1926
- * Salute at Dawn, (ss) Sir! October 1942
- * Salute to Death, (ss) War Stories Magazine March 1953
- * Score Another for Barnum, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly September 11 1920
- * Score None for the Chair, (ss) Smashing Detective Stories September 1951
- * Scrappy Days Are Here Again, (ss) Blue Ribbon Sports April 1939
- * Screwballoney, (ss) All Sports Magazine Fall 1943
- * Seminole Shanahan, (ss) Thrilling Detective March 1943
- * Servant of the State, (ar) Smashing Detective Stories May 1956
- * Sgt. Logan’s Three Strange Cases, (ts) Smashing Detective Stories September 1954
- * Shoot, Sucker—You’re Faded!, (ar) Famous Detective Stories August 1956
- * Shorter Hours, Longer Pay, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine September 1 1920
- * The Shot That Shocked the World, (ar) Double-Action Detective and Mystery Stories #17, July 1959
- * Sinbad the Socking Sailor, (ss) Ten Story Sports April 1938
- * Sing Sing Sweeney, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine January 1947
- * Sis Boom-Florida, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly April 17 1926
- * Smart Guys Are Saps, (ss) The Masked Detective Spring 1943
- * Sock of Ages, (ss) Fight Stories October 1928
- * Some Women Don’t Get Away with Murder, (ar) Double-Action Detective and Mystery Stories #9, Winter 1957/1958
- * So Very Inquisitive!, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine October 1 1921
- * So Watt, (ss) Ten Story Sports October 1937
- * Speaking of Barnum, (ss) Ace-High Magazine March 1934
- * The Spider and the Fly-Cop, (ss) Federal Agent September 1937
- * Spirit of Barnum, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly October 9 1926
- * Spotlight on Crime, (cl) Smashing Detective Stories December 1953
- * Stop, Crook, and Listen!, (ss) Thrilling Mystery Novel Magazine March 1947
- * Strike Me Pink!, (ss) Ace-High Magazine February 1934
- * A Stroke of Genius [Jefferson Sweeney], (ss) Top-Notch Magazine April 1 1918
- * A Study in Stupidity [Chief Howard], (ss) Famous Detective Stories May 1953
- * Success? It’s Too Easy, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine August 1 1922
- * Swindlers, Inc., (ss) Ten Detective Aces November 1937
- * Take It Easy, Tony, (ss) Popular Detective August 1942
- * The Tapeworm Turns, (ss) Super Sports July 1948
- * Ten Dollars—No Sense!, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine December 15 1922
- * The Texas Terror, (ss) Action-Packed Western October 1957
- * Thanks for Listening, (ss) Ace-High Magazine April 1934
- * That Terrible Wrestler, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine April 15 1925
- * There’s Hicks in All Trades, (ss) Everybody’s February 1928
- * They Got Away with It!, (ss) Famous Detective Stories June 1950
- * Things Could Be Verse, (ss) Super Sports June 1947
- * This Jay Out, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine March 15 1928
- * Three Means Murder, (ss) Detective Fiction July 1951
- * Tomahawk McCloskey, (ss) Thrilling Sports March 1938
- * Torn in Tatters, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine January 1 1925
- * The Tour of the Bouncing Junk, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly April 25 1925
- * Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction, (ss) Super Sports October 1943
- * Twenty Smiles a Gallon, (ss) Action Stories April 1924
- * Twin, Lose or Draw, (ss) Popular Sports Magazine Fall 1944
- * Two Weeks’ Paycation, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly June 28 1924
- * Using His Head, (vi) Top-Notch Magazine April 15 1926
- * Vanity Fair—and Warmer [The Move-a-Long Side Show], (ss) Top-Notch Magazine June 15 1920
- * A Very Grave Matter, (ts) Double-Action Detective and Mystery Stories #19, November 1959
- * The Vitamin Punch, (ss) Fight Stories April 1943
- * The Wages of Sinclair, (ss) Everybody’s October 1928
- * Watt’s in a Name, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly August 3 1929
- * West Goes South, (ss) Everybody’s October 1927
- * Westward Ho! Kum!, (ss) Everybody’s September 1927
- * What a Dog-Gone Shame!, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly February 2 1924
- * When Frighthood Was in Flower, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly July 7 1923
- * When Tangle Meets Jangle [Perfect Pictures Outfit], (ss) Top-Notch Magazine October 1 1920
- * Which Was Witch?, (ar) Double-Action Detective and Mystery Stories #15, March 1959
- * Whirled in the West, (ss) Real Western February 1937
- * Who’s a Crook, (ss) Crack Detective January 1943
- * A Wife and Three Kids, (ss) Argosy December 2 1933
- * Wild and Woolly, Wow!, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine May 1 1923
- * Wild Whampoo of the Whampolo, (ss) Blue Ribbon Sports December 1937
- * Winner Fake All, (ss) Exciting Sports Winter 1947
- * With a Grin [Perfect Pictures Outfit], (ss) Top-Notch Magazine January 1 1921
- * Words and Music [Jefferson Sweeney], (ss) Top-Notch Magazine June 15 1918
- * World-Beaters, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly April 4 1925
- * The World’s Greatest Freak, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly May 24 1924
- * The World’s Worst Actor [Perfect Pictures Outfit], (ss) Top-Notch Magazine March 1 1921
- * You Can’t Twin All the Time, (hu) Super Sports 1956
- * You Gotta Have Luck, (ss) Crack Detective Stories January 1945
- * Young Mild West, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly February 28 1925
_____, [ref.]
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