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    The Enchantresses by Vera Chapman (with Mike Ashley) (Gollancz, January 8, 1998, 0-575-06524-9, £16.99, 223pp, hc, no, cover by Harvey Parker)
        Arthurian fantasy novel of his three “half-sisters”: Morgause, Vivian, and Morgan, trained in magic by Merlin, completed by Mike Ashley after Chapman’s death. An extract was published as ‘A Sword for Arthur’ in The Merlin Chronicles (ed. Mike Ashley, Raven, 1995).

    The Enchantresses ,(with:Ashley, Mike) by Vera Chapman (Vista, February 25, 1999, 0-575-60325-9, £5.99, 223pp, pb, no, cover by Harvey Parker)
        Reprint (Gollancz 1998) Arthurian fantasy novel completed by Mike Ashley after Chapman’s death.

    Antarctic Conquest:The Great Explorers in Their Own Words ed. Walker Chapman (The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc., 1965, LC:65-26503, $6.95, xv+368pp, hc, oa, cover by Burt Goldblatt)
    • xiii · Foreword · Walker Chapman · fw
    • 1 · Part I: Terra Australis Incognita 1506-1777 · Walker Chapman · si
    • 5 · Ludovico di Varthema · Ludovico di Varthema; translated by John Winter Jones · ex from The Travels of Ludovico di Varthema, Hakluyt Society, 1863
    • 6 · Amerigo Vespucci · Amerigo Vespucci; translated by Clements R. Markham · ex from The Letters of Amerigo Vespucci, Hakluyt Society, 1894
    • 8 · Francis Fletcher · Francis Fletcher · ex from The World Encompassed by Sir Francis Drake, Nicholas Bourne, 1628
    • 10 · Cornelius Wytfliet · Cornelius Wytfliet · ex (r)
      translated from the Dutch (Descriptionis Ptolemaicae Augmentum, Joannes Bogardus, 1597).
    • 11 · Juan Luis Arias · Juan Luis Arias; translated by R. H. Major · ex from Early Voyages to Terra Australis, Hakluyt Society, 1859
    • 13 · Jacob Le Maire · Jacob Le Maire; translated by J. A. J. de Villiers · ex from The East and West Indian Mirror, Hakluyt Society, 1906
    • 16 · Anthony de la Roché · Anthony de la Roché; translated by Alexander Dalrymple · ex from A Collection of Voyages Chiefly in the Southern Atlantic Ocean, self-published, 1775
    • 18 · Lionel Wafer · Lionel Wafer · ex from A New Voyage & Description of the Isthmus of America, James Knapton, 1699
    • 19 · George Shelvocke [from A Voyage Round the World by Way of the Great South Sea] · George Shelvocke · ex J. Senex, W. & J. Innys, J. Osborn & T. Longman, 1726
    • 22 · Bouvet de Lozier · Bouvet de Lozier · ex Terra Australis Cognita ed. John Callender, A. Donaldson, 1768
    • 26 · James Cook · James Cook · ex from The Journals of Captain Cook, Volume II, Hakluyt Society, 1961
    • 39 · Part II: The Whaling and Sealing Era 1821-1839 · Walker Chapman · si
    • 43 · Edward Bransfield · Dr. Young · ex Edinburgh Philosophical Journal April 1821, uncredited.
    • 47 · Nathaniel Palmer · Nathaniel Palmer · ex from The Log of the Hero, 1820
    • 48 · Palmer’s Voyage in Edmund Fanning’s Account · Edmund Fanning · ex from Voyage Round the World, Collins & Hannay, 1833 [Ref. Nathaniel Palmer]
    • 51 · Fabian Gottlieb von Bellingshausen · Fabian Gottlieb von Bellingshausen; translated by Edward Bullough · ex from The Voyage of Captain Bellingshausen to the Antarctic Seas, 1819-1821, Hakluyt Society, 1945
      translated from the Russian (1831).
    • 61 · John Davis · John Davis · ex The Voyage of the Huron and the Huntress by Edouard A. Stackpole, Connecticut Printers, 1955
    • 62 · Christopher Burdick · Christopher Burdick · ex The Voyage of the Huron and the Huntress by Edouard A. Stackpole, Connecticut Printers, 1955
    • 63 · James Weddell · James Weddell · ex from A Voyage Towards the South Pole, Performed in the Years 1822-’24, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1825
    • 74 · James Eights · James Eights · ex Voyages to the South Seas ed. Edmund Fanning, William H. Vermilye, 1838, as “A Description of the New South Shetland Isles”
    • 79 · John Biscoe · John Biscoe · ex The Antarctic Manual ed. George Murray, The Royal Geographical Society, 1901
    • 85 · John Balleny · John Balleny · ar Journal of the Royal Geographical Society 1839, as “Discoveries in the Antarctic Ocean in February, 1839”
    • 87 · Charles Darwin · Charles Darwin · ar Journal of the Royal Geographical Society 1839, as “Note on a Rock seen on an Iceberg in 61° S. Lat.”
    • 89 · Part III: Toward the Magnetic Pole 1841-1874 · Walker Chapman · si
    • 93 · Dumont d’Urville · Dumont d’Urville; translated by Ethel S. Barton · ex The Antarctic Manual ed. George Murray, The Royal Geographical Society, 1901
      translated from the French (Voyage at Pole Sud, 1845).
    • 107 · Charles Wilkes · Charles Wilkes · ex from Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition During the Years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, Lea & Blanchard, 1848
    • 118 · James Clark Ross · James Clark Ross · ex from A Voyage of Discovery and Research in the Southern and Antarctic Regions, John Murray, 1847
    • 129 · H. N. Moseley · H. N. Moseley · ex from Notes by a Naturalist on H.M.S. Challenger, John Murray, 1892
    • 135 · Part IV: The Heroic Age 1896-1920 · Walker Chapman · si
    • 138 · H. J. Bull · H. J. Bull · ex from The Cruise of the “Antarctic”, Edward Arnold, 1896
    • 142 · The Belgica Expedition · Frederick A. Cook, M.D. · ex from Through the First Antarctic Night, Doubleday & McClure, 1900
    • 149 · Carstens Borchgrevink · Carstens Borchgrevink · ex from First on the Antarctic Continent, George Newnes, 1901
    • 157 · Louis Bernacchi · Louis Bernacchi · ex from To the South Polar Regions, Hurst & Blackett, 1901
    • 161 · Robert Falcon Scott—First Expedition · Robert F. Scott · ex from The Voyage of the “Discovery”, Smith, Elder, 1905
    • 173 · C. J. Skottsberg—Winter on Paulet Island · C. J. Skottsberg · ex Antarctica ed. Otto Nordenskjöld, Macmillan, 1905
    • 188 · The Scotia Expedition · J. H. Harvey Pirie, L. C. Mossman & R. N. Rudmose-Brown · ex from The Voyage of the “Scotia”, William Blackwood & Sons, 1906
    • 196 · Ernest Shackleton · Ernest Shackleton · ex from The Heart of the Atlantic, J.B. Lippincott, 1909
    • 211 · Robert Falcon Scott—Second Expedition · Robert F. Scott · ex from Scott’s Last Expedition, Dodd, Mead, 1913
    • 219 · Apsley Cherry-Garrard · Apsley Cherry-Garrard · ex from The Worst Journey in the World, Chatto & Windus, 1922
    • 236 · Roald Amundsen · Roald Amundsen; translated by A. G. Chater · ex from South Pole, John Murray, 1913
      translated from the Norwegian.
    • 253 · Sir Douglas Mawson · Sir Douglas Mawson · ex from The Home of the Blizzard, Heinemann, 1915
    • 268 · Shackleton’s Boat Journey · Ernest Shackleton · ex from South: The Story of Shackleton’s Last Expedition, Macmillan, 1920
    • 283 · Part V: The Age of Mechanized Exploration 1930-Present · Walker Chapman · si
    • 286 · Byrd’s Flight to the South Pole · Richard E. Byrd · ex from Little America, Putnam, 1930
    • 303 · Byrd’s Second Expedition · Richard E. Byrd · ex from Alone, Putnam, 1938
    • 315 · Byrd’s Last Flight to the South Pole · Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd · ex from “All-Out Assault on Antarctica”, National Geographic August 1956
    • 317 · The Norwegian-British-Swedish Expedition · John Giæver · ex from The White Desert, Chatto & Windus, 1954
    • 321 · Dr. Paul Siple · Dr. Paul Siple · ex from 90° South, Putnam, 1959
    • 331 · Fuchs: South Ice to the South Pole · Sir Vivian Fuchs & Sir Edmund Hillary · ex from The Crossing of Antarctica, Little, Brown, 1958
    • 347 · The Antarctic Treaty · [uncredited] · ar 1959
    • 357 · Index · ix

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