The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 10150
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Surdez, Georges (Arthur) (chron.) (continued)
- * Taboo, (ss) Adventure October 15 1930
- * Tadpole Grotto, (nv) Country Gentleman July 1949
- * Taken at the Flood, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine December 1946
- * Ten Minutes with the Great, (ss) Adventure August 1946
- * Thanks, Judas!, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine August 1948
- * There Once Was a Gendarme, (nv) The Blue Book Magazine October 1949
- * These Proud Sons of Gaul, (na) The Blue Book Magazine June 1945
- * They Can Be Licked!, (nv) Adventure October 1941
- * They March from Yesterday, (sl) Adventure Mar 1, Mar 15 1930
- * The Third Meeting, (ss) Argosy January 15 1938
- * Three Mad Sergeants, (nv) Adventure February 1939
- * Three Prongs, (nv) Adventure March 10 1923
- * Tiger Wings, (ss) Adventure July 1942
- * Time Fuse, (na) The Blue Book Magazine September 1946
- * Tomtoms, (ss) Adventure May 15 1932
- * The Tool of Allah, (ss) Adventure February 10 1925
- * The Tower of Death, (nv) Adventure September 1936
- * Tradition, (vi) Collier’s January 14 1939
- * The Turning of Radiquet, (ss) Esquire June 1944
- * Turnstile, (ss) Everybody’s March 1929
- * The Unconquered, (nv) Adventure February 1 1931
- * Under Contract, (ss) Adventure October 1938
- * The Unknown, (ss) Collier’s July 12 1947
- * Unknown Legionnaire, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine August 1949
- * The Voice of the Heart, (ss) Cosmopolitan August 1947
- * War Brings Tragedy, (ss) Liberty May 20 1933
- * War Cry, (ss) Adventure September 1940
- * The War Without Guns, (ss) Esquire August 1944
- * Way of the Legion, (nv) Adventure June 1936
- * The Weight of Evidence, (ss) Liberty August 26 1939
- * The Well of Bitter Waters, (ss) Adventure April 15 1927
- * West of Chad, (ss) Adventure November 10 1923
- * What I Want, I Take!, (nv) Adventure April 1941
- * When the Sun Sat Down, (ss) Adventure May 30 1924
- * Where No Man Hears, (nv) Adventure August 10 1924
- * The White Man’s Way, (nv) Adventure April 10 1924
- * Wild Hunt, (nv) The Blue Book Magazine April 1942
- * Wineskin, (ss) Adventure December 15 1930
- * Wings of Fame, (ss) Collier’s December 17 1932
- * Wings Over Gibraltar, (nv) Adventure July 1941
- * The Wise Pick Their Dead, (nv) Adventure August 1944
- * With Glory, (vi) Collier’s September 22 1934
- * The Yellow Streak, (ss) Adventure October 10 1922
- * The Yokel and the Grand Duke, (ss) Cosmopolitan October 1946
- * [letter], (lt) Adventure September 15 1935
_____, trans.
_____, [ref.]
[]Surface, Bill (fl. 1960s-1970s) (chron.)
- * The All-American—Football’s Biggest Phony, (ar) Argosy December 1968
- * Big Bend National Park: Paradise for Part-Time Pioneers, (ar) Argosy August 1972
- * Catfish Pussyfoot Across Florida, (ar) Argosy June 1969
- * DNA, (ar) Argosy May 1969
- * Espionage—Football’s Silent Defense, (ar) Argosy September 1968
- * Gamblers Are in the Pro-Football Huddle, (ar) Argosy November 1969
- * Gold Rush—1967 Style, (ar) Argosy January 1968
- * Great Fun—(with Reservations), (ar) Argosy June 1972
- * Hike the Appalachian Trail, (ar) Argosy May 1972
- * How to Buy a Slave, (ar) Argosy April 1969
- * How TV Calls the Signals in Pro Football, (ar) Argosy January 1967
- * Joe Namath: Football’s Fragile Hero, (ar) Argosy November 1966
- * The Last Days of Rogers Hornsby, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 15 1963
- * Lively Market in Lame Ducks, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 6 1964
- * The Loan That Could Cost You Your Life, (ar) Argosy September 1966
- * “Mean” Greene—Pro-Football’s King of the Mountain, (ar) Argosy January 1971 [Ref. Joe Greene]
- * The Men Who Are Out to Kill LBJ, (ar) Argosy April 1968
- * Mountain Murder—Kentucky Style, (ar) Argosy March 1971
- * The Plot to Kill the Quarterback, (ar) Argosy October 1966
- * Poison-Gas War Is Here!, (ar) Argosy July 1968
- * Pro Football’s Intimidators, (ar) Argosy November 1968
- * Pro Football’s New Motto: Knock ’Em Out Early, (ar) Argosy September 1969
- * The Pro-Football Spy, (ar) Argosy December 1970
- * Rome: Hollywood’s New Orgiastic Playground, (ar) Climax May 1962
- * The Secret Soviet Killer Squad, (ar) Argosy November 1967
- * There’s Still Gold in Them Thar Hills, (ar) Argosy July 1969
- * There’s Still Gold in Them Thar Hills, (ar) Argosy November 1972
- * They Don’t Volunteer for Football’s Suicide Squad!, (ar) Argosy January 1969
- * Why Football Is Getting Dirtier Than Ever!, (ar) Argosy October 1968
- * Will Gamblers Kill Pro Football?, (ar) Argosy October 1967
- * A Wonderland Under Your Feet: Great Caves of America, (ar) Argosy May 1972
- * The Year’s Most Chilling Story: Anyone Can Build an H-Bomb, (ar) Argosy January 1970
_____, as told to
[]Surface, David (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Always Know Where You Are, (ss) Nightmare Abbey Spring 2024
- * And My Burden Is Light, (ss) Nightmare Abbey v6, 2024
- * Angelmutter, (ss) The Twisted Book of Shadows ed. Christopher Golden & James A. Moore, Twisted Publishing, 2019
- * Come Unto Me, (vi) Morpheus Tales #25, January 2015
- * The Devil Will Be at the Door, (ss) Crooked Houses ed. Mark Beech, Egaeus Press, 2020
- * Eyes Like Small Black Stones, (ss) Ornithologiæ ed. Mark Beech, Egaeus Press, 2022
- * Faces of the Missing, (ss) Supernatural Tales #26, Spring 2014
- * Finding the Hollow Man, (ss) Nightmare Abbey Winter 2023/2024
- * Give Me Back My Name, (ss) Nightmare Abbey Summer 2022
- * Give Me Your Hand, (ss) Classic Monsters Unleashed ed. James Aquilone, Black Spot Books, 2022
- * Going Out with Angela, (ss) Slow 2002
- * Intruders, (ss) Supernatural Tales #38, Summer 2018
- * Last Ride of the Night, (nv) Ghost Highways, Midnight Street Press, 2016
- * The Last Testament of Jacob Tyler, (ss) The Tenth Black Book of Horror ed. Charles Black, Mortbury Press, 2013
- * Lost River Boys, (ss) Nightmare Abbey Summer/Fall 2023
- * The Skin You Were Born In, (ss) Phantom Drift #10, 2020
- * The Smell of Red Clay, (ss) Supernatural Tales #19, Summer 2011
- * Something You Leave Behind, (ss) Nightscript III ed. C. M. Muller, Chthonic Matter, 2017
- * The Sound That the World Makes, (ss) Nightscript: Volume One ed. C. M. Muller, CreateSpace, 2015
- * TallDarkAnd (with Julia Rust), (ss) Uncertainties: Volume III ed. Lynda E. Rucker, Swan River Press, 2018
- * Terrible Things, (ss) Shadows & Tall Trees #4, Autumn 2012
- * That the Sea Shall Be Calm, (ss) Supernatural Tales #41, Autumn 2019
- * These Things That Walk Behind Me, (ss) Nightmare Abbey Winter 2022/2023
- * Writings Found in Red Notebook, (ss) Shadows & Tall Trees #6, Spring 2014
[]Suri, Miranda (fl. 2010s) (chron.)
- * Discarded, (ss) Electric Spec November 30 2013
- * Firefly Girl, (ss) Penumbra (online) March 2014
- * The New Arrival, (ss) Electric Spec November 30 2010
- * Norwegian Waffles (For Weekends, Before or After the Apocalypse), (vi) Flash Fiction Online #21, June 2015
- * Over and Over Until the End, (ss) Mothership Zeta #6, January 2017
- * What We Found, (ss) Abyss & Apex #65, 1st Quarter 2018
[]Surovell, Hariette (chron.)
- * Candidates’ Handwriting, (ar) Penthouse (US) December 1988
- * Chinatown Cosa Nostra, (ar) Penthouse (US) June 1988
- * Historical Humor, (ar) Penthouse (US) December 1988
- * Politics:
* ___ Candidates’ Handwriting, (cl) Penthouse (US) December 1988
- * Posse Power, (ar) Penthouse (US) August 1989
- * Robert Stutman, (iv) Penthouse (US) January 1989
- * Ronnie Spector, (bg) Penthouse (US) February 1989
- * Secrets of the Secret Service, (ar) Penthouse (US) November 1988
- * Women:
* ___ Historical Humor, (cl) Penthouse (US) December 1988
* ___ Ronnie Spector, (bg) Penthouse (US) February 1989
[]Surowiecki, John (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * The Catbird as Wladslawa Szymborska, (pm) Alaska Quarterly Review Fall/Winter 2010
- * Death, Cocktails, St. Kitts, (ar) Rosebud #28, Fall/Winter 2003
- * The Poem as Frankenstein Monster, (pm) 2001: A Science Fiction Poetry Anthology ed. Keith Allen Daniels, Anamnesis Press, 2001
- * Strange Nocturnal Transmissions from Planet X, (pm) 2001: A Science Fiction Poetry Anthology ed. Keith Allen Daniels, Anamnesis Press, 2001
[]Surowitz, Eugene J. (fl. 2000s) (chron.)
- * The Circus of Dr. Lao, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #173, January 2003 [Ref. Charles G. Finney]
- * Other Verne, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #160, December 2001 [Ref. Jules Verne]
- * R.eading A. H.einlein, (ms) The New York Review of Science Fiction #247, March 2009 [Ref. Robert A. Heinlein]
- * Read This: Recently Read and Recommended, (ms) The New York Review of Science Fiction #145, September 2000
- * White Mars, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #150, February 2001 [Ref. Brian W. Aldiss & Roger Penrose]
[]Surrage, Lyddon (fl. 1920s-1930s) (chron.)
- * Accidents Will Happen, (ss) The Grand Magazine June 1924
- * All Freddy’s Fault, (ss) The Happy Mag. December 1931
- * Anthony’s Lucky Afternoon, (ss) The Happy Mag. June 1924
- * Asking Father, (vi) The Happy Mag. July 1927
- * Bad Luck Can’t Last, (ss) The Happy Mag. January 1928
- * Bad News from Pamela, (ss) The Happy Mag. December 1929
- * Bill’s Plot, (ss) Newnes Holiday Annual 1932
- * Bill’s Unlucky Day, (ss) The Happy Mag. Christmas 1926
- * The Blue Envelope, (ss) The Happy Mag. March 1926
- * Bobby Takes the Blame, (ss) The Happy Mag. August 1924
- * Both Sides of the Wall, (ss) The Happy Mag. September 1926
- * “Don’t Cry, Daphne!”, (ss) The Happy Mag. May 1929
- * George and the Lost Dog, (ss) The Happy Mag. November 1931
- * Getting to Work, (ss) The Happy Mag. February 1925
- * Good-Bye, Henry!, (vi) The Happy Mag. March 1925
- * Hard Labour, (vi) The Happy Mag. June 1931
- * A Helping Hand for Freddie, (ss) The Happy Mag. June 1928
- * Henry Finds a Way, (vi) The Happy Mag. July 1924
- * How to Propose, (vi) The Happy Mag. June 1930
- * In Love with a Hero, (ss) The Happy Mag. February 1937
- * In the Window, (vi) The Happy Mag. July 1926
- * In the Wrong House, (ss) The Happy Mag. Christmas 1924
- * Just to Help Audrey, (vi) The Happy Mag. May 1926
- * Leave It to Susan, (ss) The Happy Mag. March 1933
- * Lost in the Fog, (ss) The Happy Mag. December 1927
- * A Lucky Day for Everybody, (ss) The Happy Mag. February 1926
- * The Man in the Tweed Suit, (ss) The Happy Mag. September 1929
- * The Man She Forgot, (ss) The Happy Mag. November 1936
- * Men Can’t Sew, (vi) The Happy Mag. October 1932
- * Miss Delaware’s Mascot, (ss) The Happy Mag. October 1928
- * Miss Lavinia Interferes, (ss) The Happy Mag. January 1924
- * Not Afraid of Ghosts, (ss) The Happy Mag. Christmas 1932
- * Not at Home, (ss) The Happy Mag. November 1924
- * The Only Passenger, (ss) The Happy Mag. March 1928
- * Out for the Afternoon, (ss) The Happy Mag. November 1930
- * Patsy Gets the Sack, (ss) The Happy Mag. January 1933
- * Playing Up to Phyllis, (ss) The Happy Mag. May 1924
- * Please Go Away, (ss) The Happy Mag. October 1938
- * “Please Wait for Me”, (vi) The Happy Mag. October 1924
- * The Prettiest House in the Town, (ss) The Happy Mag. November 1926
- * A Quick Change, (ss) The Happy Mag. December 1928
- * Richard and the Leading Lady, (ss) The Happy Mag. April 1927
- * The Right Way, (ss) The Happy Mag. May 1925
- * A Second Chance, (ss) The Happy Mag. (US) September 1927
- * Shopping with Pamela, (ss) The Happy Mag. December 1932
- * Taking Care of Horace, (ss) The Happy Mag. May 1934
- * Tea with Uncle Timothy, (ss) The Happy Mag. July 1932
- * The £10 Motor Car, (ss) The Happy Mag. May 1930
- * Thrown Out, (ss) The Happy Mag. August 1934
- * Trouble with the Turkey, (ss) The Happy Mag. Christmas 1931
- * Two New Frocks, (ss) Newnes Holiday Annual 1939
- * Uncle James Comes Home, (ss) The Happy Mag. April 1924
- * Very Well, Anne, (ss) The Happy Mag. December 1923
- * The Young Man in the Tree, (ss) The Happy Mag. December 1925
- * The Young Man Who Was Lonely, (ss) The Happy Mag. July 1925
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