The FictionMags Index
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Grey, John (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Wanderer, (pm) Stygian Articles #2, Summer 1995
- * The Watchers, (pm) Thin Ice #17, 1995
- * Watching Joan of Arc Die, (pm) The Haunted Sun #3, Spring 1991
- * Watching the Winter Dancer, (pm) Malevolence #4, Winter 1997
- * The Watch on Larry, (pm) Not One of Us #11, November 1993
- * The Ways In, (pm) A Theater of Blood #4, 1992
- * We Explorers, (pm) Strangelet #0, September 2014
- * Welcome, (pm) FrostFire Worlds #12, May 2016
- * Werewolf Approaches His Nineties, (pm) Devolution Z #10, May 2016
- * Werewolf Instructions, (pm) Shapeshifter! 1995
- * We Spy the Monster at Work, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #7, Autumn 1997
- * What He Was, (pm) Ice River #3, Summer 1988
- * What I Most Remember from Our First Date, (pm) Space and Time #126, Fall 2016
- * What Is Behind It All, (pm) Thriller Magazine v2 #2, 2019
- * What My Brain Tells My Hands, (pm) Weird Tales March/April 2004
- * What Roams at Night, (pm) Crossroads #22/23, October 1998/February 1999
- * What’s Going on in Your Town, (pm) Thriller Magazine v3 #1, 2020
- * What’s Hot and What’s Not, (pm) FrostFire Worlds #8, May 2015
- * What’s Out There, (pm) Cabal Asylum #6, 1996
- * When Going Out, (pm) Fantasque July 1999
- * When the Star and I Are One, (pm) Kaleidotrope Summer 2023
- * When You Blow Out the Last Candle, (pm) Crossroads #21, June 1998
- * Where I Am Victim Too, (pm) Prisoners of the Night #5, 1991
- * Where it all could happen, (pm) Star*Line September/October 1996
- * Where They Now Stand, (pm) Crossroads June 1992
- * Where You Are, (pm) Black Lotus v1 #2, 1993
- * Who Lives Here Now?, (pm) Disturbed Digest #9, June 2015
- * Who We Meet, (pm) Sycophant #2, December 1986
- * Who Will Be Our Savior, (pm) Star*Line January/February 2002
- * Why He Must Be God, (pm) Penumbric Speculative Fiction April 2003
- * Why I Ended Up with My Lips Laced, (pm) Tales of the Talisman v6 #2, 2010
- * Why the dinosaurs died out on Zephalogia, (pm) Star*Line September/October 1998
- * Wild Annie, (pm) Palace Corbie #8, 1999
- * Windows 3995, (pm) Tales of the Unanticipated #19, August 1998/July 1999
- * Witches at the Crossroads, (pm) Crossroads #16, October 1996
- * With a Demon, No Cigarette After, (pm) Dead of Night #1, April 1989
- * With Jane, the Astronomer, (pm) Midnight Zoo v1 #6, 1991
- * With Pen in Hand, (ss) Bloodbond #1, November 2013
- * With the Dead for Company, (pm) Star*Line Spring 2023
- * Wizard Turns His Wife Into a Frog, (pm) Star*Line May/June 2004
- * The Wolf, (pm) Thriller Magazine v3 #2, 2020
- * The Wolf at the Desert Door, (pm) The Silver Web #9, Winter/Spring 1993
- * Wolf Cry, (pm) Crossroads October 1993
- * The Women in His Life, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #5, Spring 1997
- * Wonder, (pm) Prisoners of the Night #5, 1991
- * The World, Now in the Control of Its Creations, (pm) Descant Fall 2003
- * Writing a Letter to Susan on Earth, (pm) Argonaut #20, Summer 1995
- * Wrong Place, Right Time, (pm) Leading Edge #82, April 2023
- * Years Later, Nathan and His Lover, (pm) Doppelgänger #11, October 1989
- * You Can Calm Me Down, (pm) Ice River #2, Winter 1987
- * You Don’t Want to Be in a Poem, (pm) The Thirteenth Moon September 1995
- * You Know the One, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #30/31, 1990
- * Your Date for This Evening, (pm) Hungur Magazine May 2008
- * You’re Married to a Spaceman, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Autumn 2012
- * You’re Wasting Your Time, (pm) Star*Line Winter 2020
- * Your Father’s Giant Spit, (pm) Palace Corbie #6, 1995
- * Your Future and Mine, (pm) Kaleidotrope Autumn 2015
- * Your Only Child, (pm) Crossroads #18, June 1997
- * Your Other, (pm) Figment #3, April 1990
- * Your Return, (pm) The Sirens Call #59, Halloween 2022
- * Your Water Breaks, (pm) Liquid Imagination #23, November 2014
- * Zoo in the Rain, (pm) Gaslight Summer 1995
- * [two poems], (pm) Kaleidotrope #9, July 2010
[]Grey, John (fl. 1930s); used pseudonym Jack Callahan?
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- * Boomerang, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly February 24 1934, as by Jack Callahan
- * Chicken Bill, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly September 9 1933, as by Jack Callahan
- * The Fingerprint Menace, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly January 25 1936, as by Jack Callahan
- * Lo, the Poor Indian!, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly May 30 1936, as by Jack Callahan
- * Scorched Money, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly January 4 1936, as by Jack Callahan
- * Show Them Death, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly April 27 1935, as by Jack Callahan
- * To Hell and Back, (ts) Detective Fiction Weekly Jan 13, Jan 20, Jan 27, Feb 3, Feb 10, Feb 17 1934, as by Jack Callahan
[]Grey, John S. (fl. 1890s-1910s) (chron.)
- * The Glory of Being an Author, (hu) The Argosy #563, September 16 1893
- * An “Initial” Introduction: Acrostic, (pm) The Motion Picture Story Magazine March 1912
- * It’s His Business, (pm) The Motion Picture Story Magazine August 1911
- * Old Wine in New Bottles, (pm) The Motion Picture Story Magazine October 1911
- * Photoplay Censorship, (ar) The Motion Picture Story Magazine January 1912
- * Really at a Premium, (pm) Gunter’s Magazine June 1905
- * The “Stay-at-Home” Traveler, (pm) The Motion Picture Story Magazine August 1911
- * Those Queer New England Names, (pm) Smith’s Magazine July 1905
- * The Transformation, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine August 1918
[]Grey, John W(esley) (1886-1964) (chron.)
- * Are Lawyers Preventing Crooks from Being Reformed?, (ar) National Brain Power March 1923
- * A Career of Crime from the Cradle to the Chair—Why?, (ar) Physical Culture April 1925
- * Daughter of a Murderer, (sl) Midnight #6 Sep 23, #7 Sep 30, #8 Oct 7, #9 Oct 14 1922
- * Eternal Darkness, (ss) National Brain Power March 1924
- * If She’s Healthy She’ll Go Straight, (ar) Physical Culture August 1925
- * Murder in the Name of the Law, (ts) Midnight #7, September 30 1922
- * Passing Through Hell, (ms) Midnight #2, August 26 1922
- * A Philanthropic Bank Burglar, (sl) Movie Weekly Mar 18, Mar 25, Apr 1, Apr 8, Apr 15, May 6, Jun 3 1922
- * The Return of Eytinge, (ts) National Brain Power December 1923
- * To Hell and Back, (ss) Physical Culture June 1923
- * What I Beheld in the Law’s Chamber of Horrors!, (ar) Midnight #11, October 28 1922
- * Why You Can’t Win at the Racetrack, (ar) Midnight #13, November 11 1922
- * Your Enemy the Crook, (ar) National Brain Power February 1923
[]Grey, Kitty; pseudonym of Mary Elizabeth Allen (fl. 1980s-1990s) (about) (chron.)
- * An Afternoon Gardening, (lk) A Regency Valentine, Walker US, 1991
- * A Gentleman Calls, (lk) A Regency Valentine, Walker US, 1991
- * On the Church Porch, (lk) A Regency Valentine, Walker US, 1991
- * A Talk with Toby, (lk) A Regency Valentine, Walker US, 1991
- * A Walk Through Valentine Parva, (lk) A Regency Valentine, Walker US, 1991
[]Grey, Lesley (fl. 1930s) (chron.)
- * Farewell to Love, (pm) All-Story Love Stories January 5 1935
- * Love and Pride, (pm) The Windsor Magazine #428, August 1930
- * Love long silent, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine March 1939
- * Magic Mirror, (pm) The Novel Magazine May 1934
- * Metamorphosis, (pm) The Grand Magazine December 1933
- * Migration, (pm) The Grand Magazine October 1934
- * Quietness, (pm) The Windsor Magazine #430, October 1930
- * Saving Graces, (pm) The Grand Magazine January 1934
- * Severance, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine December 1935
- * Springs, (pm) The Grand Magazine December 1934
- * Stages, (pm) The Windsor Magazine #447, March 1932
- * To an Old Dress, (pm) The Novel Magazine December 1931
- * Unbelief, (pm) All-Story November 1 1930
[]Grey, Lillian (fl. 1880s-1920s) (chron.)
- * Aunt Roxy’s Advice, (vi) Peterson’s Magazine September 1889
- * The Baby’s Prayer, (pm) Arthur’s New Home Magazine Illustrated January 1892
- * The Best Things, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine September 1890
- * Decoration Day, (pm) The Golden Argosy June 2 1888
- * A Definition, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine December 1888
- * Hurry Up for Toytown, (pm) The Happy Mag. Christmas 1926
- * In Easter-Tide, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine April 1891
- * A Loyal Little Lover, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine February 1890
- * Mr. Blank’s Story of His Masterpiece, (vi) Peterson’s Magazine April 1891
- * “So Small, to Leave a Loss so Large”, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine May 1891
- * A Valentine, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine February 1887
[]Grey, Michael; pseudonym of Michael Crawley (1937-2013) (about) (chron.)
- * 1884 [Cthulhu], (ss) Cthulhu Lives! ed. Salomé Jones, Ghostwoods Books, 2014
- * Ascension, (ss) Aurealis #71, June 2014
- * Future Noir, (nv) Haunted Futures ed. Salomé Jones, Ghostwoods Books, 2017
- * Through a Day and Into the Night, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #57, 2013
[]Grey, Muriel Elizabeth (fl. 1920s-1930s) (chron.)
- * Afterthought, (pm) Breezy Stories November 1932
- * Apprehension, (pm) The Novel Magazine April 1929
- * A Box of Beads, (pm) The Novel Magazine May 1925
- * Captivity, (pm) The Novel Magazine December 1925
- * The Carnival, (pm) The Royal Magazine July 1925
- * Christmas Song, (pm) The Novel Magazine December 1931
- * Christmas Travel, (pm) The Novel Magazine December 1932
- * The Cigarette, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine September 1927
- * Contradictory, (pm) The Novel Magazine May 1935
- * The Cry-Baby, (pm) The Story-teller November 1927
- * Decree Nisi, (pm) Breezy Stories December 1932
- * Disenchantment, (pm) The Royal Magazine April 1924
- * From an Old Lover, (pm) The Royal Magazine May 1928
- * From Miss 1930 to Santa Claus, (ss) The Novel Magazine December 1930
- * Gardens, (pm) The Novel Magazine May 1928
- * The Ghosts, (pm) The Grand Magazine October 1932
- * Green Buds, (pm) The Royal Magazine January 1925
- * Heat-Wave, (pm) The Novel Magazine August 1928
- * A Lament of Women, (pm) The Novel Magazine April 1928
- * Largesse, (pm) The Novel Magazine October 1926
- * Lines Before Marriage, (pm) The Novel Magazine April 1932
- * Lost Lover, (pm) The Novel Magazine March 1934
- * Love’s Dawn, (pm) The Novel Magazine September 1937
- * Love Song, (pm) The Novel Magazine June 1929
- * Love’s Second Sight, (pm) The Royal Magazine October 1925
- * Mating Time, (pm) The Novel Magazine March 1925
- * Mistaken, (pm) The Novel Magazine April 1925
- * New Year’s Toast, (pm) The Novel Magazine January 1928
- * Nocturne, (pm) The Royal Magazine September 1926
- * Pebbles, (pm) The Novel Magazine November 1924
- * Plea to a Lover, (pm) The Novel Magazine March 1935
- * Possessions, (pm) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine April 1931
- * Primroses, (pm) The Novel Magazine March 1929
- * The Privilege, (pm) The Novel Magazine June 1928, as by M. E. G.
- * A Rare and Lovely Thing, (pm) The Novel Magazine May 1932
- * Resolves for 1933, (pm) The Novel Magazine January 1933
- * Sails, (pm) The Novel Magazine December 1928
- * Satisfaction, (pm) The Novel Magazine October 1925
- * The Secret, (pm) The Story-teller October 1931
- * The Secret Temple, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine June 1928
- * Silver Roses, (pm) The Novel Magazine June 1924
- * Solace, (pm) The Novel Magazine June 1928
- * The Song, (pm) The Royal Magazine May 1925
- * Songs of Love, (pm) The Novel Magazine February 1928
- * Stuffed!, (pm) The Novel Magazine June 1925
- * A Taking Little Thing, (pm) The Novel Magazine June 1931
- * Thirsty, (pm) The Novel Magazine February 1929
- * Twilight, (pm) The Novel Magazine May 1929
- * Understanding, (pm) The Novel Magazine February 1925
- * Uninhabited, (pm) The Novel Magazine February 1926
- * Unquenchable, (pm) The Novel Magazine April 1935
- * Worth While, (pm) The Novel Magazine November 1925
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