The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 9660
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[]Sloan, Sheila J. (fl. 1990s-2000s) (chron.)
- * Children of Bacchus, (pm) Black Petals Winter 2002
- * Darkness, (pm) Black Petals Summer 2001
- * Demon Born, (pm) Black Petals #23, Spring 2003
- * Demons Grant What Love Would Seek, (pm) The Ultimate Unknown #20, 2000
- * Eternity, (pm) The Ultimate Unknown #17, Fall 1999
- * Hunter, (pm) Black Petals Spring 2002
- * Lonely, (pm) Black Petals #24, Summer 2003
- * The Stone Lion, (pm) Black Petals #23, Spring 2003
- * This Hill, (pm) The Ultimate Unknown #19, Summer 2000
- * When Darkness Falls, (pm) Black Petals Spring 2002
- * The Witch and the Toad, (pm) Black Petals #24, Summer 2003
[]Sloane, David (fl. 1960s-1970s) (chron.)
- * The Flesh Weapon, (ss) Snap v8 #4, 1969
- * Let’s Make Sex!, (ar) Response December 1970/January 1971
- * Making Out in Sex School, (ss) Naked House Parties January/February/March 1970
- * Sexpots by the Hour, (ar) Body Shop v6 #3, 1969
- * Two Women Sharing, (ar) Private Club 82 January/February/March 1971
- * The Venal Victorians, (ss) Sexscope December 1970/January 1971
- * Who Will Rape Me First?, (ss) Affair v6 #2, 1969
[]Sloane, Kit; [i.e., Christopher Ann Sloane] (1940- ) (chron.)
- * Bad Connection, (ss) Futures Mysterious Anthology Magazine #28, Winter 2002
- * A Cautionary Tale About the Road to Publication, (ar) Futures #4, August/September 1998
- * An Editor’s Eye, (cl) Futures #11 Oct/Nov, #12 Dec/Jan 1999, #13 Feb/Mar, #14 Apr/May, #15 Jun/Jul 2000
- * Lowering the Bar: The Commercial Viability of Art, (ar) Futures #8, April/May 1999
- * The Sting, (ss) Gone Coastal ed. Margaret Searles, Seven Sisters Publishing, Inc., 2006
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[]Sloane, Steve, Ph.D. (fl. 1990s-2000s) (chron.)
- * Feet Soup, (vi) Twisted Tongue #5, February 2007
- * It’s Academic, (cl) Futures #10 Aug/Sep, #11 Oct/Nov, #12 Dec/Jan 1999, #13 Feb/Mar, #15 Jun/Jul 2000
- * The Sailor and the Whore, (vi) Futures #4, August/September 1998
- * Something of the Night, (ss) Twisted Tongue #5, February 2007
[]Sloane, T(homas) O’Conor (1851-1940) (about) (chron.)
- * Acceleration in Interplanetary Travel, (ed) Amazing Stories November 1929
- * Air and Water, (ed) Amazing Stories December 1935
- * Aluminium, (ed) Amazing Stories May 1933
- * “Amazing Stories”, (ed) Amazing Stories May 1929
- * Analysis and Synthesis, (ed) Amazing Stories October 1936
- * Appreciation of the Common, (ed) Amazing Stories July 1929
- * Asteroids and Meteoroides, (ed) Amazing Stories July 1934
- * Astrology, (ed) Amazing Stories December 1936
- * Atlantis and Its Successors, (ed) Amazing Stories August 1936
- * Atmospheric Layers, (ed) Amazing Stories February 1935
- * The Atom and the Stars, (ed) Amazing Stories September 1930
- * The Beginning of Chemistry, (ed) Amazing Stories March 1932
- * Bridges and Tunnels, (ed) Amazing Stories January 1933
- * The Brownian Movement, (ed) Amazing Stories February 1932
- * Calories and Diet, (ed) Amazing Stories January 1930
- * The Candle, (ed) Amazing Stories July 1933
- * The Classic Sciences, (ed) Amazing Stories August 1930
- * Conic Sections, (ed) Amazing Stories April 1934
- * The Corner-Stones of Chemistry, (ed) Amazing Stories April 1932
- * Cosmogony, (ed) Amazing Stories July 1932
- * A Curious Substance, (ed) Amazing Stories August 1931
- * The Curved Earth, (ed) Amazing Stories May 1931
- * Discs, (ed) Amazing Stories February 1930
- * The Discs of the Planetary World, (ed) Amazing Stories December 1931
- * The Early History of the Electric Light, (ed) Amazing Stories October 1933
- * Eclipses of the Sun, (ed) Amazing Stories December 1932
- * The Editor and the Reader, (ed) Amazing Stories September 1929
- * Electric Units in the Home, (ed) Amazing Stories December 1933
- * Elements, (ed) Amazing Stories June 1937
- * An Engineering Epic, (ed) Amazing Stories Quarterly Spring/Summer 1933
- * Errors in Science, (ed) Amazing Stories April 1931
- * The Ether and Ether Waves, (ed) Amazing Stories June 1936
- * The Four Poles of the Earth, (ed) Amazing Stories December 1937
- * Friction, (ed) Amazing Stories October 1932
- * The Future of Power on Our Earth, (ed) Amazing Stories July 1935
- * Gas, (ed) Amazing Stories June 1930
- * Gas Lighting, (ed) Amazing Stories February 1936
- * Gliding and Soaring, (ed) Amazing Stories May 1935
- * The Great and the Small, (ed) Amazing Stories April 1936
- * Heat Engines, (ed) Amazing Stories April 1933
- * Heavy Stone, (ed) Amazing Stories November 1931
- * Inconsistencies and Contradictions, (ed) Amazing Stories September 1931
- * Inefficiency in Engineering, (ed) Amazing Stories December 1930
- * Interplanetary Travel, (ed) Amazing Stories July 1930
- * In the Realm of Books, (rc) Amazing Stories; Jan 30, Feb, Jul, Aug 31, Mar 32, Jul 33, Jun 36.
- * Iron, the Amazing Metal, (ed) Amazing Stories October 1931
- * Leonardo da Vinci—The Edison of the Middle Ages, (ar) Science and Invention November 1920 [Ref. Leonardo da Vinci]
- * Leonardo of Vinci, (ed) Amazing Stories April 1935
- * Light Wave Lengths and Light Years, (ed) Amazing Stories May 1934
- * Liquid Air, (ar) Science and Invention September 1920
- * Living on the Surface, (ed) Amazing Stories May 1930
- * Lost Motion, (ed) Amazing Stories September 1932
- * Love of Country, (pm) Amazing Stories June 1934, uncredited.
- * Lumens, (ed) Amazing Stories February 1934
- * Measures and Weights, (ed) Amazing Stories February 1937
- * Mechanism and Energy, (ed) Amazing Stories November 1933
- * Meters, Barleycorns, Feet, Paces and Other Measurements, (ed) Amazing Stories October 1935
- * The Million, (ed) Amazing Stories October 1930
- * Modern Printing Methods, (ed) Amazing Stories April 1938
- * More About the Moving Earth, (ed) Amazing Stories June 1931
- * Motes and Beams, (ed) Amazing Stories January 1932
- * The Nationality of Chemistry, (ed) Amazing Stories May 1932
- * Natural Sources of Power, (ed) Amazing Stories April 1930
- * Numbers, Lines, Areas and Volumes, (ed) Amazing Stories August 1935
- * The Old and the New Atom, (ed) Amazing Stories June 1935
- * Old Time Problems in Mathematics, (ed) Amazing Stories June 1934
- * Old Time Railroading, (ed) Amazing Stories August/September 1933
- * Old-Time Writing—Papyrus and Vellum, (ed) Amazing Stories August 1934
- * Our Flatland, (ed) Amazing Stories June 1932
- * Our Ocean of Air, (ed) Amazing Stories December 1934
- * Paper and Printing, (ed) Amazing Stories September 1934
- * The Polar Sea, (ed) Amazing Stories October 1937
- * Progress in Material Economy in the Future, (ed) Amazing Stories March 1934
- * Prophecying, (ed) Amazing Stories August 1937
- * Propulsion and Acceleration in Interplanetary Travel, (ed) Amazing Stories March 1930
- * The Romance of Some Thin Wire, (ed) Amazing Stories June 1929
- * Rotary Force, (ed) Amazing Stories Quarterly Winter 1933
- * The Rotating Earth, (ed) Amazing Stories Nov 1932, Jan 1934
- * Simple Laws in Science, (ed) Amazing Stories August 1932
- * The Slow Advance of Early Science, (ed) Amazing Stories March 1933
- * Soap Bubbles and Candles, (ed) Amazing Stories June 1933
- * Some Simple Laws in Nature, (ed) Amazing Stories February 1933
- * Space Traveling, (ed) Amazing Stories March 1935
- * The Sphere of Vapor, (ed) Amazing Stories November 1934
- * The Story of Motors, (ed) Amazing Stories January 1931
- * The Subdivision of Power, (ed) Amazing Stories December 1929
- * Tapping the Earth’s Heat, (ar) Science and Invention November 1920
- * Travel in City Streets, (ed) Amazing Stories October 1929
- * Troposphere, Tropopause and Stratosphere, (ed) Amazing Stories January 1935
- * Type and Printing, (ed) Amazing Stories October 1934
- * Typography, (ed) Amazing Stories February 1938
- * Unbinding Matter, (ed) Amazing Stories November 1930
- * Von Guericke—The Wizard of Atmospheric Pressure, (ar) Science and Invention December 1920 [Ref. Otto von Guericke]
- * Waste Space, (ed) Amazing Stories August 1929
- * Waves, (ed) Amazing Stories April 1937
- * Waves and Rays, (ed) Amazing Stories July 1931
- * Weight, (ed) Amazing Stories February 1931
- * Weight in Chemistry, (ed) Amazing Stories March 1931
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[]Sloane, Wallace M. (fl. 1910s-1920s) (chron.)
- * Breaking Loose, (ss) Argosy and Railroad Man’s Magazine May 24 1919
- * A Chip Off the Old Block, (ss) All-Story Cavalier Weekly June 20 1914
- * Holidays, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly December 18 1920
- * The Joke on Lummick, (ss) Mystery Magazine February 1927
- * Mickey O’Shea and the Hand of Fate, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly February 26 1921
- * Money, (ss) Argosy June 21 1919
- * Nemesis and the Slacker, (ss) The Argosy December 15 1917
- * Peaceful Dan Tucker’s Christmas, (ss) The Argosy December 21 1918
- * Resurrecting Alabama Slim, (ss) Argosy August 9 1919
- * Rope’s Length, (ss) Argosy April 17 1920
- * A Slight Service, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly July 31 1920
- * The Stubbornest Man, (ss) Argosy July 3 1920
- * To-Morrow, (ss) The Argosy January 11 1919
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