The FictionMags Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 11837

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    Windfall [v1 #1, January 1942] (15¢) []
    Subtitled “Stories, Poetry, Articles”. “Now being introduced on the University of Buffalo Campus.” Board of editors Charlotte Georgi, Eugene Cantelupe, Hope Wescott, Howard Van der Meulen, Henry Ten Eyck Perry. Circulation managers Merle Johannson, Gloria Ortner. Fiction only indexed.
    Details supplied by Richard Bleiler.

    Windfall [v1 #2, May 1942] (15¢) []
    Managing editor: Howard Van der Meulen. Associate editors: Charlotte Georgi, Eugene Cantelupe, Hope Wescott, Henry Ten Eyck Perry.
    Details supplied by Richard Bleiler.

    Windhaven [#1, 1977] ed. Jessica Amanda Salmonson (Atalanta Press, $1.50, quarto) []
    Fiction only.
    Details supplied by Ned Brooks.
    • 15 · The Legend of Caballo Grande · Whit Gibbons · ss; given as “The Legend of Caballa Grande” on the story itself.
    • 24 · The Great Cup · Ron Nance · ss

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