The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 5031
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[]Hollinger, Shannon (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Bad Moon Rising, (ss) Mystery Weekly July 2019
- * A Campfire Tale, (ss) Dark Moon Digest #18, January 2015
- * Detecting Fear, (ss) Suspense Magazine June 2014
- * Here I Am, (ss) 34 Orchard #4, Autumn 2021
- * It’s in the Bag, (ss) Dark Lane Anthology: Volume 5 ed. Tim Jeffreys, Dark Lane Books, 2017
- * Last Stop of the Night, (ss) Pulp Modern Winter 2022
[]Hollinger, Veronica (fl. 1980s-2010s) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Ambient, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #5, January 1989 [Ref. Jack Womack]
- * Anne Rice, (br) Science-Fiction Studies March 1995 [Ref. Bette B. Roberts]
- * Contemporary Trends in Science Fiction Criticism, 1980-1999, (ar) Science-Fiction Studies v26 #2, #78, July 1999
- * Deconstructing the Time Machine, (ar) Science-Fiction Studies July 1987
- * A Distant Technology, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #133, September 1999 [Ref. J. P. Telotte]
- * Familiar Feminist Territory, (rv) Science-Fiction Studies March 1993 [Ref. Margarete Keulen]
- * Feminist SF: Construction and Deconstruction, (ar) Science-Fiction Studies July 1989 [Ref. Sarah LeFanu]
- * Guinevere Fails to Interest, (rv) Science-Fiction Studies March 1993 [Ref. Barbara Ann Gordon-Wise]
- * Impressions from the Conference Circuit, (ar) Science-Fiction Studies November 1996
- * One Man’s Canon, (rv) Science-Fiction Studies March 1986 [Ref. David Pringle]
- * Parabolas of Science Fiction (with Brian Attebery), (in) Parabolas of Science Fiction ed. Brian Attebery & Veronica Hollinger, Wesleyan University Press, 2013
- * (Re)reading Queerly: Science Fiction, Feminism, and the Defamiliarization of Gender, (cr) Science-Fiction Studies March 1999
- * Science Fiction and Postmodern Fiction, (br) Science-Fiction Studies November 1993 [Ref. Barbara Puschmann-Nalenz]
- * Science Fiction as Archive Fever, (ar) Parabolas of Science Fiction ed. Brian Attebery & Veronica Hollinger, Wesleyan University Press, 2013
- * A Speculative Music ’Zine, (lt) Science-Fiction Studies November 1996
- * The Technobody and Its Discontents, (rv) Science-Fiction Studies March 1997 [Ref. Anne Balsamo, Mark Dery & Claudia Springer]
- * Totalizing History, (rv) Science-Fiction Studies March 1988 [Ref. Brian W. Aldiss & David Wingrove]
- * Towards a History of Science Fiction Criticism (with Arthur B. Evans, Donald M. Hassler & Gary Westfahl), (si) Science-Fiction Studies v26 #2, #78, July 1999
- * The Transylvanian Library, (br) Science-Fiction Studies November 1993 [Ref. Greg Cox]
- * Twenty-One Ways of Looking at a Vampire, (rv) Science-Fiction Studies November 1990 [Ref. Margaret L. Carter]
- * The Unpredictable Adventure, (br) Science-Fiction Studies March 1995 [Ref. Claire Myers Spotswood Owens]
- * Utopian and Science Fiction by Women, (br) Science-Fiction Studies March 1995 [Ref. Jane L. Donawerth & Carol A. Kolmerton]
- * The Utopia of the Perverse: An Exercise in “Transgressive Reinscription”, (cr) FemSpec v2 #1, 2000
- * The Vampire and the Alien: Variations on the Outsider, (ar) Science-Fiction Studies July 1989
- * Women in Science Fiction and Other Hopeful Monsters, (si) Science-Fiction Studies July 1990
_____, ed.
- * Editor (with Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr., Arthur B. Evans, Robert A. Latham & Carol McGuirk): Science-Fiction Studies v26 #2, #78, July 1999
- * Editor (with Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr., Arthur B. Evans & R. D. Mullen): Science-Fiction Studies Nov 1993, Mar, Nov 1994, Mar, Jul 1995, Nov 1996, Mar 1997
- * Parabolas of Science Fiction (with Brian Attebery), (oa) Wesleyan University Press, July 2013
_____, [ref.]
- * Blood Read: The Vampire as Metaphor in Contemporary Culture (with Joan Gordon) by David Mathew, (br) Interzone #134, August 1998
- * Edging Into the Future (with Joan Gordon) by Joseph Milicia, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #202, June 2005
- * On Philip K. Dick: 40 Articles from Science-Fiction Studies (with Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr., Philip K. Dick, Arthur B. Evans & R. D. Mullen) by Robert Irwin, (br) Foundation #58, Summer 1993
- * Queer Universes: Sexualities in Science Fiction (with Joan Gordon & Wendy Gay Pearson) by Lesley A. Hall, (br) Foundation #109, Summer 2010
- * The Wesleyan Anthology of Science Fiction (with Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr., Arthur B. Evans, Joan Gordon, Robert A. Latham & Carol McGuirk) by Daniel Hartland, (br) Foundation #109, Summer 2010
[]Hollingshead, John (1827-1904) (chron.)
- * At the Play, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine January 1862, uncredited.
- * Behind the Curtain, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine December 1860, uncredited.
- * Charles Lamb’s One Romance, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine September 1903
- * Covent Garden Market, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine March 1862, uncredited.
- * The Excursion Train, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine December 1861, uncredited.
- * Ideal Houses, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine April 1860, uncredited.
- * A Legend of Brighthelmstone, (vi) Routledge’s Christmas Annual 1880
- * Neighbours, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine November 1860, uncredited.
- * The Parochial Mind, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine January 1861, uncredited.
_____, [ref.]
[]Hollingsworth, Bob (fl. 2000s) (chron.)
- * Flint’s Lock [1632] (with Leonard Hollar, Tom Van Natta & John Zeek), (ar) Grantville Gazette v3, 2004
- * How to Build a Machine Gun in 1634 with Available Technology: Two Alternate Views [1632] (with Leonard Hollar, Tom Van Natta & John Zeek), (ar) Grantville Gazette v4, 2005
- * What Replaces the SRG? [1632] (with Leonard Hollar, John Rigby, Philip Schillawski, Tom Van Natta & John Zeek), (ar) Grantville Gazette v5, 2005
[]Hollingsworth, Ceylon E. (1869-1949) (chron.)
- * An Ambition Priestess, (ss) Argosy and Railroad Man’s Magazine February 22 1919
- * Betty Ann’s Villain, (ss) MacLean’s September 1 1929
- * The Biggest Thing in the World, (ss) Collier’s October 3 1914
- * Blood and Bacon, (ss) Collier’s March 12 1921
- * The Boy’s Politics, (ss) Collier’s July 18 1914
- * A Corner-Stone Calf, (ss) McClure’s Magazine April 1905
- * Digging Out a Nobleman, (ss) Collier’s March 20 1915
- * Gooseflesh, (ss) Argosy July 26 1919
- * Harp of a Thousand Strings, (ss) Collier’s February 28 1920
- * I Ain’t a Coward, Maw, (ss) Collier’s May 14 1921
- * In a Far Country, (ss) The Red Book Magazine April 1910
- * Intuition’s Inning, (ss) The Popular Magazine August 1 1910
- * Love and Sediment, (ss) Collier’s February 12 1921
- * Mind of a Man, (ss) Collier’s January 31 1920
- * Mother Puts One Over on “George”, (ss) The American Magazine September 1923
- * Ol’ Auze of Monkeys’ Nest, (ss) Short Stories November 1919
- * Pants, (ss) Collier’s July 3 1920
- * The Pestimus, (ss) Collier’s September 25 1915
- * The Power of the Press, (ss) Everybody’s April 1923
- * Punderson Waite, (ss) Collier’s January 1 1916
- * Saleratus Smith, (ss) Collier’s February 20 1915
- * Sarah Mariar’s Great Idea, (ss) The Red Book Magazine March 1910
- * Scotty and the Swaggers Imp, (ss) Collier’s August 30 1919
- * Strong Medicine, (ss) Collier’s December 1 1917
- * They Never Grow Up, (ss) The American Magazine February 1923
[]Hollingsworth, Matt (1968- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Cogs, (ss) Bards and Sages Quarterly July 2016
- * The Final Jerod Daxx, (ss) Nebula Rift v4 #12, 2017
- * Mother and Son, (ss) The Colored Lens #43, Spring 2022
- * Paper Walls, (ss) Electric Spec August 31 2017
- * The Seer, (ss) Bards and Sages Quarterly July 2018
- * Test Patterns, (ss) James Gunn’s Ad Astra #14, June 2024
- * That Which Was Once My Soul, (ss) James Gunn’s Ad Astra #11, September 2022
- * When I Was the Red Baron, (ss) Interzone #299, May 2024
- * [illustration(s)] (with Pat Broderick & Ralph Cabrera), (il) Harlan Ellison’s Dream Corridor Special January 1995
- * [illustration(s)] (with Pat Broderick & Ralph Cabrera), (il) Harlan Ellison’s Dream Corridor, Volume One by Harlan Ellison, Dark Horse Comics, 1996
- * [illustration(s)] (with Sean Konot & Eric Shanower), (il) Harlan Ellison’s Dream Corridor #3, May 1995
- * [illustration(s)] (with Sean Konot & Eric Shanower), (il) Harlan Ellison’s Dream Corridor, Volume One by Harlan Ellison, Dark Horse Comics, 1996
[]Hollis, Audrey R. (fl. 2000s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Alexa, Play Solidarity Forever, (ss) Fireside Magazine #94, August 2021
- * Dinner in Daylight, (ss) Tales of the Talisman v5 #2, 2009
- * Emily Post’s Guide to Alien Encounters, (vi) Daily Science Fiction January 12 2018
- * Full Moon for Bobby Tangerine, (ss) Sounds of the Night August 2008
- * How to Be Afraid, (ss) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #39, June 2019
- * Lipstick for Villains, (vi) Flash Fiction Online #78, March 2020
- * Red Ribbons, (ss) Leading Edge #55, May 2008
- * Regret, Return, Reignite, (ss) Strange Horizons July 15 2019
- * Seedlings, (ss) Strange Horizons September 3 2018
- * Sugar Mother, (ss) On Spec #113, 2020
[]Hollis, Barbara (fl. 1910s-1930s) (chron.)
- * Always, (pm) Heart to Heart Stories July 1925
- * At Tea, (pm) Telling Tales January 1921
- * Crumbs, (pm) Breezy Stories August 1919
- * Garden, (pm) Telling Tales 2nd February 1925
- * He Never Knew, (pm) Breezy Stories July 1931
- * In Appreciation of Tea, (pm) Ainslee’s April 1922
- * Irony, (pm) Breezy Stories November 1921
- * I Shall Remember, (pm) Breezy Stories 1st July 1924
- * Love’s Barometer, (pm) Telling Tales July 1920
- * Mary—Etcetera, (pm) Laughter September 1926
- * Nostalgia, (pm) Breezy Stories November 1918
- * Our Other Lives, (pm) Breezy Stories December 1918
- * Postponement, (pm) Saucy Stories May 1925
- * Realization, (pm) Droll Stories June 1924
- * The Reason, (pm) Smith’s Magazine July 1919
- * Regret, (pm) Breezy Stories June 1919
- * Reprieve, (pm) Telling Tales 1st February 1925
- * Resolution, (pm)
- * Resolve, (pm) Breezy Stories 1st November 1924
- * Sense-Dream, (pm) Breezy Stories August 1920
- * Ship O’Dreams, (pm) Telling Tales August 1920
- * The Spell, (pm) Ainslee’s August 1921
- * The Test, (pm) Harper’s Magazine March 1923
- * Then Where Breathes He?, (pm) Droll Stories August 1926
- * The Thrall, (pm) Breezy Stories April 1921
- * To a Light o’ Love, (pm) Telling Tales 2nd February 1924
- * To a Little Ship, (pm) Harper’s Magazine March 1922
- * Try It!, (pm) Heart to Heart Stories June 1925
- * Until, (pm) Telling Tales 1st April 1925
- * With Evening, (pm) Breezy Stories January 1924
- * Words, (pm) Telling Tales 1st March 1924
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