The FictionMags Index
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Holland, Stephen (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Francisco Hidalgo, (ob) Not Forgotten by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2012 [Ref. Francisco Hidalgo]
- * Francisco Solano Lopez Obituary, (ob) The Guardian October 24 2011 [Ref. Francisco Solano Lopez]
- * Francis Wilford-Smith, (ob) Not Forgotten by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2012 [Ref. Francis Wilford-Smith]
- * Frank Atkins, (bg) Pseuds Corner #2, March 1994 [Ref. Frank Atkins]
- * Frank Barrett (Frank Davis), (bg) Forgotten Authors Volume 2 by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2018 [Ref. Frank Barrett]
- * Frank Bellamy: The Swift Years, (in) Frank Bellamy’s Complete Swift Stories ed. Steve Holland, Book Palace, 2010 [Ref. Frank Bellamy]
- * Frank Frazetta Obituary, (ob) The Guardian May 13 2009 [Ref. Frank Frazetta]
- * Frank Humphris, (ob) Paperback, Pulps and Comics October 1994 [Ref. Frank Humphris]
- * Frank Launder, (ob) PBO #5, Summer 1997 [Ref. Frank Launder], as by Peter Halliday
- * Frederick E. Smith Obituary, (ob) The Guardian May 27 2012 [Ref. Frederick E. Smith]
- * Frederick Foden, (bg) Forgotten Authors Volume 2 by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2018 [Ref. Frederick Foden]
- * Frederick Foden Bibliography, (bi) PBO #9, Spring 1998 [Ref. Frederick Foden]
- * From Ash Bank to Ace Books, (ar) PBO #2/3, Spring/Summer 1996
- * From Ballads to Bellamy: The Story of Robin Hood, (in) Frank Bellamy’s Robin Hood: The Complete Adventures ed. Steve Holland, Book Palace, 2008
- * Frontline UK, (ar) Frontline UK ed. Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2014
- * The Full Griff, (bi) Paperback Parade #47, February 1997
- * Future History (News), (cl) Science Fiction World #1 Jun, #2 Jul, #3 Aug, #4 Sep 2000, uncredited.
- * Galaxy Quest, (mr) Science Fiction World #4, September 2000, as by Tony L. Lear
- * Gaywood Press, Compact Books and Hank Janson Publishers, (nf) R. Williams, February 1986
- * G. C. Bleeck, (bi) Pseuds Corner #4, November 1994 [Ref. G. C. Bleeck]
- * Geoffrey Bond, (ob) Not Forgotten by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2012 [Ref. Geoffrey Bond]
- * The Geography of Elekton, (ar) The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire: The Puppet Emperor ed. Rob van Bavel & Steve Holland, Don Lawrence Collection, 2007
- * George Hamilton Teed, (bg) Forgotten Authors Volume 3 by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2018 [Ref. G. H. Teed]
- * George H. Smith Bibligraphy, (bi) PBO #4, Spring 1997 [Ref. George Henry Smith]
- * George H. Teed: A Bibliography, (bi) G. H. Teed (1886-1938) by Steve Holland, Norman Wright, 2001 [Ref. G. H. Teed]
- * George Norman Philips: A Bibliography, (bi) Zenith: Prince of Chaos by Steve Holland, Norman Wright, 2002 [Ref. George Norman Philips]
- * George Perez Obituary, (ob) The Guardian May 30 2022 [Ref. George Pérez]
- * George Woodbridge, (ob) The Guardian February 12 2004 [Ref. George Woodbridge]
- * Gerald Biss, (bg) Forgotten Authors Volume 1 by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2017 [Ref. Gerald Biss]
- * Gerald Evans: The Man Behind the Black Sphere, (ar) Beyond the Void by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2024 [Ref. Gerald Evans]
- * G. H. Teed (1886-1938), (nf) Norman Wright, November 2001
- * G. H. Teed: A Life of Adventure, (bg) G. H. Teed (1886-1938) by Steve Holland, Norman Wright, 2001 [Ref. G. H. Teed]
- * Giant War (with David A. Roach), (bi) The Fleetway Picture Libraries Vol. 1: The War Libraries by Steve Holland & David A. Roach, Book Palace Books, 2007
- * Les Gibbard, (ob) Not Forgotten by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2012 [Ref. Les Gibbard]
- * Gil Kane, (ob) The Guardian February 4 2000 [Ref. Gil Kane]
- * Gino D’Antonio’s Worlds of Adventure, (bg) Worlds of Adventure ed. Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2013 [Ref. Gino D’Antonio]
- * Giorgio Bellavitis, (ob) Not Forgotten by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2012 [Ref. Giorgio Bellavitis]
- * The Glass Palace, (is) The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire: The House of the Five Moons ed. Rob van Bavel, Steve Holland & Meerten Welleman, Don Lawrence Collection, 2005
- * Going for Gold, (ar) Science Fiction World #3, August 2000, as by Tony L. Lear
- * Gormenghast, (mr) Science Fiction World #3, August 2000, as by Tony L. Lear
- * The Gramol Group 1932-1937 (with Richard Williams), (nf) Dragonby Press, January 1990
- * Gramol on Trial, (ar) PBO #2/3, Spring/Summer 1996
- * Gramol Publications: The History of Paul Renin’s First Publisher, (ar) PBO #2/3, Spring/Summer 1996
- * Grant Hughes Checklist, (bi) PBO #9, Spring 1998
- * Graveyard Shift, (ed) PBO #1 Oct 1995, #2/3 Spr/Sum 1996, #5 Sum, #6/7 Aut, #8 Win 1997, #9 Spr 1998
- * The Green Mile, (mr) Science Fiction World #4, September 2000, as by Neil Cooper
- * The Green Smog, (is) The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire: The Green Smog ed. Rob van Bavel & Steve Holland, Don Lawrence Collection, 2009
- * Greg Bear Obituary, (ob) The Guardian December 29 2022 [Ref. Greg Bear]
- * Griff: Some Rats Have Two Legs, (ar) Paperback Parade #47, February 1997
- * Grumpy Old Astronauts, (ar) Science Fiction World #4, September 2000, as by Tony L. Lear
- * Guy Ramsey, (bg) Forgotten Authors Volume 1 by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2017 [Ref. Guy Ramsey]
- * Gwyn Evans (1898-1938), (nf) Norman Wright, June 2004
- * Gwyn Evans: A Bibliography, (bi) Gwyn Evans: The Lunatic, The Lover and the Poet by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2012
- * Gwyn Evans: A Bibliography, (bi) Gwyn Evans (1898-1938) by Steve Holland, Norman Wright, 2004 [Ref. Gwyn Evans]
- * Gwyn Evans: The Lunatic, The Lover and the Poet, (nf) Bear Alley Books, April 2012
- * Gwyn Evans: The Lunatic, The Lover and the Poet (var. 1), (nf) Bear Alley Books, January 2021
- * Hamilton & Panther Books 1945-1956 (with Richard Williams), (nf) Dragonby Press, November 1987
- * The Hank Janson Novels, (bi) The Trials of Hank Janson by Steve Holland, Books Are Everything, 1991 [Ref. Hank Janson]
- * Harlan Ellison Obituary, (ob) The Guardian June 29 2018 [Ref. Harlan Ellison]
- * Harry Lampert, (ob) The Guardian November 18 2004 [Ref. Harry Lampert]
- * Harvey Pekar Obituary, (ob) The Guardian July 13 2010 [Ref. Harvey Pekar]
- * Hell and High Water (with Melissa Hyland), (iv) Science Fiction World #1, June 2000 [Ref. Brian Downey & Xenia Seeberg], as by Emma Burton
- * Henry Fox: From Rodent to Rabbit, (ar) Beyond the Void by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2024 [Ref. Henry Fox]
- * Hero of the Spaceways, (ar) ThrillerUK #7, July 2001
- * The History of Lion, (ar) Karl the Viking Volume 2: The Powers of Helvud ed. Rob van Bavel, Steve Holland & Meerten Welleman, Don Lawrence Collection, 2008
- * Holiday Specials (with David A. Roach), (bi) The Fleetway Picture Libraries Vol. 1: The War Libraries by Steve Holland & David A. Roach, Book Palace Books, 2007
- * Holiday Specials & Tie-Ins, (bi) Countdown to TV Action by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2014
- * The Holland Column, (cl) Paperback, Pulp and Comic Collector #3 Jul, #4 Dec 1991, #5 May, #6 Aug 1992, #7 Jan, #8 Jun 1993, Feb 1994
- * House, (bi) Pseuds Corner #1, #2 Mar 1994
- * The House of the Five Moons, (is) The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire: The House of the Five Moons ed. Rob van Bavel, Steve Holland & Meerten Welleman, Don Lawrence Collection, 2005
- * The House on Haunted Hill, (mr) Science Fiction World #4, September 2000, as by Neil Cooper
- * How Many Books Can You Get Out of One Novel, (ar) PBO #4, Spring 1997, as by Emma Burton
- * Hugh R. Oldham, (bg) PBO #4, Spring 1997 [Ref. Hugh R. Oldham]
- * Hurricane, (bi) Hurricane and Champion: The Companion Papers to Valiant by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2011
- * Hurricane and Champion: The Companion Papers to Valiant, (nf) Bear Alley Books, March 2011
- * Hurricane and Champion: The Companion Papers to Valiant (var. 1), (nf) Bear Alley Books, April 2020
- * Hurricane Annual, (bi) Hurricane and Champion: The Companion Papers to Valiant (var. 1) by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2020
- * Hurricane & Champion: Companion Papers to Valiant, (in) Hurricane and Champion: The Companion Papers to Valiant by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2011
- * The Hydro Man, (is) The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire: The Curse of King Yutta ed. Rob van Bavel, Steve Holland & Meerten Welleman, Don Lawrence Collection, 2005
- * Ian J. Scott, (ob) Not Forgotten by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2012 [Ref. Ian J. Scott]
- * If Rose Pink or Lilac Is the Answer, What’s the Question?, (in) The Best of Boyfriend ed. Steve Holland, Prion, 2008, as by Melissa Hyland
- * “I Kill ’Em Inch by Inch”, (ar) The Big Book of Noir ed. Ed Gorman, Lee Server & Martin H. Greenberg, Carroll & Graf, 1998 [Ref. Ben Sarto]
- * I Kill ’em Inch by Inch: The Ben Sarto Story, (ar) Paperback, Pulps and Comics October 1994 [Ref. F. Dubrez Fawcett]
- * Incoming, (ms) Science Fiction World #1 Jun, #2 Jul, #3 Aug, #4 Sep 2000, uncredited.
- * Index, (bi) Rocket: The First Space-Age Weekly by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2020
- * Index, (ix) Dreaming of Utopia by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2024
- * An Index to Mellifont Press, (nf) Galactic Central Publications, March 1995
- * In Self Defence: The Obscenity of Pete Costello, (ar) Crime Time #9, 1997 [Ref. Pete Costello & Edwin B. Self]
- * Interview: Gregory Benford (with Liz Holliday), (iv) Odyssey #0, September 1997 [Ref. Gregory Benford]
- * Intro, (in) Pseuds Corner #4, November 1994
- * Introduction, (in) The Mike Western Story ed. Steve Holland, S. Holland, 1990
- * Introduction, (in) The 1st UK Paperback and Pulp Bookfair Official Souvenir Booklet ed. Steve Holland, Zeon Publications, 1991
- * Introduction, (in) The Fleetway Companion by Steve Holland, A. & B. Whitworth, 1992
- * Introduction, (in) The Mike Western Story (var. 1) ed. Steve Holland, A. & B. Whitworth, 1992
- * Introduction, (in) The Power Pack, An Index of the Power Comics by Steve Holland, A. & B. Whitworth, 1993
- * Introduction, (in) Pseuds Corner #1, #2 Mar, #3 Jul 1994
- * Introduction, (in) When Dames Get Tough by Hank Janson, Telos Publications, 2004
- * Introduction, (in) Death or Glory ed. Steve Holland, Prion, 2007
- * Introduction, (in) Unleash Hell ed. Steve Holland, Prion, 2007
- * Introduction, (in) Valentine Picture Story Library ed. Lara Maiklem, Prion, 2008
- * Introduction, (in) Against All Odds ed. Steve Holland, Prion, 2008
- * Introduction, (in) Love on Ward B ed. Steve Holland, Prion, 2008, as by Melissa Hyland
- * Introduction, (in) Rick Random, Space Detective ed. Steve Holland, Prion, 2008
- * Introduction, (in) High Noon ed. Steve Holland, Prion, 2008
- * Introduction, (in) Let ’Em Have It! ed. Steve Holland, Prion, 2008
- * Introduction, (in) Up and At ’Em ed. Steve Holland, Prion, 2009
- * Introduction, (in) Aces High ed. Steve Holland, Prion, 2009
- * Introduction, (in) Hit the Dirt! ed. Steve Holland, Prion, 2010
- * Introduction, (in) No Surrender ed. Steve Holland, Prion, 2010
- * Introduction, (in) Wings of Death ed. Steve Holland, Prion, 2010
- * Introduction, (in) The Complete Captain Future ed. Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2014
- * Introduction, (in) Forgotten Authors Volume 1 by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2017
- * Introduction, (in) Forgotten Authors Volume 2 by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2018
- * Introduction, (in) Forgotten Authors Volume 3 by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2018
- * Introduction, (in) Forgotten Authors Volume 4 by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2018
- * Introduction, (in) Rocket: The First Space-Age Weekly by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2020
- * Introduction, (in) Beyond the Void by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2024
- * Introduction, (in) The Trials of Hank Janson by Steve Holland, Books Are Everything, 1991 [Ref. Hank Janson]
- * The Invaders from Gallas, (is) The Trigan Empire: The Invaders from Gallas ed. Rob van Bavel & Steve Holland, Don Lawrence Collection, 2009
- * The Invasion of Bolus, (is) The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire: The Reign of Thara ed. Rob van Bavel & Steve Holland, Don Lawrence Collection, 2006
- * The Invisibility Ray, (is) The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire: The Red Death ed. Rob van Bavel & Steve Holland, Don Lawrence Collection, 2008
- * “I Published 6d Fiction” Confessions of a Publisher, (ar) Paperback, Pulp and Comic Collector #5, May 1992 [Ref. Clifford Lewis]
- * “I Published 6d Fiction”; or, the Crimes and Passions of a Mushroom Publisher, (iv) PBO #5, Summer 1997 [Ref. Clifford Lewis]
- * Iron Man, (ar) Boys’ World: Ticket to Adventure ed. Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2013
- * “Iron Mask”: The Story of Harry Bensley’s “Walking Round the World” Hoax, (nf) Bear Alley Books, May 2016
- * “Iron Mask”: The Story of Harry Bensley’s “Walking Round the World” Hoax (var. 1), (nf) Bear Alley Books, August 2018
- * “It’s a Scream, Baby!”, (ar) Science Fiction World #4, September 2000, as by Tony L. Lear
- * James Edward Crabtree, (bg) Forgotten Authors Volume 4 by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2018 [Ref. James Edward Crabtree]
- * James Herbert Obituary, (ob) The Guardian March 21 2013 [Ref. James Herbert]
- * James P. Hogan Obituary, (ob) The Guardian August 5 2010 [Ref. James P. Hogan]
- * Jay Morton, (ob) The Guardian October 31 2003 [Ref. Jay Morton]
- * Jean Giraud Obituary, (ob) The Guardian March 12 2012 [Ref. Jean Giraud]
- * Jennifer Rardin Obituary, (ob) The Guardian November 15 2010 [Ref. Jennifer Rardin]
- * Jesús Blasco: El camino hasta Zarpa de Acero, (bg) Zarpa de Acero No. 1 ed. Vicente Garcia, Dolmen Editorial, 2021 [Ref. Jesús Blasco]; translated by Alberto Ga. Marcos
- * Jim Moffatt (aka Richard Allen, etc., etc.) Bibliography, (bi) Paperback, Pulps and Comics February 1996 [Ref. James Moffatt]
- * Joe Gores Obituary, (ob) The Guardian February 10 2011 [Ref. Joe Gores]
- * Joe Simon Obituary, (ob) The Guardian December 16 2011 [Ref. Joe Simon]
- * John Brody [John Brody], (ar) Boys’ World: Ticket to Adventure ed. Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2013
- * John Donegan, (ob) Not Forgotten by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2012 [Ref. John Donegan]
- * John F. Watt: Spencer’s Mystery Man, (bi) Badger Tracks by Steve Holland, Underworld Studios, 1997 [Ref. John F. Watt]
- * John Glasby: A Working Bibliography, (bi) Badger Tracks by Steve Holland, Underworld Studios, 1997 [Ref. John S. Glasby]
- * John Harvey Bibliography, (bi) PBO #5, Summer 1997 [Ref. John Harvey]
- * John Harvey: Post-Modern Pulpsmith, (iv) PBO #5, Summer 1997 [Ref. John Harvey]
- * John Hench, (ob) The Guardian February 13 2004 [Ref. John Hench]
- * John Hicklenton, (ob) Not Forgotten by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2012 [Ref. John Hicklenton]
- * John Ryan, (ob) Not Forgotten by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2012 [Ref. John Ryan]
- * John Spencer and Badger Books 1948-1967, (nf) R. Williams, September 1985
- * John Spencer Magazines, (bi) Beyond the Void by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2024
- * John William Jennison, (bi) PBO #9, Spring 1998 [Ref. John W. Jennison]
- * John Woo Filmography, (bi) Crime Time #7, 1997 [Ref. John Woo]
- * John Worsley, (ob) The Guardian October 13 2000 [Ref. John Worsley]
- * Jose Casanovas Sr., (ob) Not Forgotten by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2012 [Ref. Jose Casanovas, Sr.]
- * Jose Maria Jorge, (ob) Not Forgotten by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2012 [Ref. Jose Maria Jorge]
- * Jose “Pepe” Gonzalez, (ob) Not Forgotten by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2012 [Ref. Jose Gonzalez]
- * Journey to Orcadia, (is) The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire: The Curse of King Yutta ed. Rob van Bavel, Steve Holland & Meerten Welleman, Don Lawrence Collection, 2005
- * Joy Laurey Obituary, (ob) The Guardian June 11 2014 [Ref. Joy Laurey]
- * J. Redding Ware, (bg) Forgotten Authors Volume 4 by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2018 [Ref. J. Redding Ware]
- * J.T. Edson: Happiness Is a Warm Gun, (ar) Midweek October 8 1992 [Ref. J. T. Edson]
- * Jules Engel, (ob) The Guardian September 17 2003 [Ref. Jules Engel]
- * Julius Schwartz, (ob) The Daily Telegraph February 12 2004 [Ref. Julius Schwartz], uncredited.
- * J. Weedon Birch, (bg) Forgotten Authors Volume 3 by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2018 [Ref. J. Weedon Birch]
- * Kangaroo Books: A Brief History, (bi) PBO #1, October 1995, as by Neil Cooper
- * Karl Mannheim and the Scientific Thrillers, (ar) PBO #4, Spring 1997
- * The Karl the Viking Saga Part 1—A Legend Is Born, (ar) Karl the Viking Volume 1: The Sword of Eingar ed. Rob van Bavel, Steve Holland & Meerten Welleman, Don Lawrence Collection, 2008
- * The Karl the Viking Saga Part 2—The Dream Team, (ar) Karl the Viking Volume 2: The Powers of Helvud ed. Rob van Bavel, Steve Holland & Meerten Welleman, Don Lawrence Collection, 2008
- * The Karl the Viking Saga Part 3—New Opponents, (ar) Karl the Viking Volume 3: Island of the Monsters ed. Rob van Bavel, Steve Holland & Meerten Welleman, Don Lawrence Collection, 2008
- * The Karl the Viking Saga Part 4—New Horizons, (ar) Karl the Viking Volume 4: The Quest of the Long Ships ed. Rob van Bavel, Steve Holland & Meerten Welleman, Don Lawrence Collection, 2008
- * Keith Edgar Bibliography, (bi) PBO #5, Summer 1997 [Ref. Keith Edgar]
- * Keith Roberts, (ob) The Guardian October 16 2000 [Ref. Keith Roberts]
- * Ken Bulmer, (ob) The Guardian December 22 2005 [Ref. Kenneth Bulmer]
- * Ken Bulmer, creador de la Zarpa, (bg) Zarpa de Acero No. 1 ed. Vicente Garcia, Dolmen Editorial, 2021 [Ref. Kenneth Bulmer]; translated by Alberto Ga. Marcos
- * Kenneth Hopkins, (bi) PBO #8, Winter 1997/1998 [Ref. Kenneth Hopkins]
- * Knights of the Air, (in) Eagles Over the Western Front Volume 1 ed. Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2011
- * Knockout (with David Ashford), (bi) Knockout Comic: An Illustrated Guide by David Ashford, John Allen-Clark & Steve Holland, A. & B. Whitworth, 1997
- * Knockout Comic: An Illustrated Guide (with David Ashford & John Allen Clark), (nf) A. & B. Whitworth, December 1997
- * The Lady Holds a Gun!, (ar) Crime Time #7, 1997 [Ref. Dail Ambler]
- * The Lady Holds a Gun: On the Trail of Dail Ambler, (ar) Pseuds Corner #4, November 1994 [Ref. Dail Ambler]
- * Lama from Devon, (ar) Dodgem Logic #7, December 2010/January 2011
- * The Lancashire Cowboy and the Bloodhound: The Art of Denis McLoughlin, (ar) Paperback Parade #24, June 1991 [Ref. Denis McLoughlin]
- * The Land of No Return, (is) The Trigan Empire: The Invaders from Gallas ed. Rob van Bavel & Steve Holland, Don Lawrence Collection, 2009
- * Launch Sequence, (ar) Countdown to TV Action by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2014
- * Laurence James, (ob) The Guardian March 14 2000 [Ref. Laurence James]
- * Laurence James Bibliography, (bi) PBO #2/3, Spring/Summer 1996 [Ref. Laurence James]
- * The Least-Known Best Seller, (iv) PBO #2/3, Spring/Summer 1996 [Ref. Laurence James]
- * “Let Me Die in Drag”, (ar) Crime Time #3, 1996 [Ref. Edward D. Wood, Jr.]
- * The Life and Loves of James Moffatt, (ar) The Paperback Fanatic #11, August 2009 [Ref. James Moffatt]
- * The Light Fantastic, (bg) Badger Tracks by Steve Holland, Underworld Studios, 1997 [Ref. Norman Light]
- * The Light Fantastic, (bg) The Complete Captain Future ed. Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2014 [Ref. Norman Light]
- * Lion (with Gary Edric Armitage), (bi) The Complete Lion Index by Steve Holland & Gary Armitage, A. & B. Whitworth, 1995
- * Lion Annual, (bi) Lion: King of Picture Story Papers by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2013
- * Lionel Fanthorpe, (bg) The 1st UK Paperback and Pulp Bookfair Official Souvenir Booklet ed. Steve Holland, Zeon Publications, 1991 [Ref. R. Lionel Fanthorpe]
- * Lion Holiday Special, (bi) Lion: King of Picture Story Papers by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2013
- * Lion: King of Picture Story Papers, (nf) Bear Alley Books, January 2013
- * Lion & Valiant Special Extra, (bi) Lion: King of Picture Story Papers by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2013
- * Locker Chronology, (bi) PBO #2/3, Spring/Summer 1996
- * The Lokan Invasion, (is) The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire: Revolution in Zabriz ed. Rob van Bavel & Steve Holland, Don Lawrence Collection, 2007
- * Longbow: Hoka-Hey! Yah!, (in) Longbow Volume 1 ed. Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2020
- * Look and Learn. A History of the Classic Children’s Magazine, (nf) Steve Holland, July 2006
- * Los Creadores…Ted Cowan & Reg Bunn, (bg) Spider ed. Vicente García, Dolmen Editorial, 2021 [Ref. Reg Bunn & Ted Cowan]; translated by Lorenzo F. Diaz
- * Lost and Found: The Art of John Millar Watt, (bg) Treasure Island ed. Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2013 [Ref. J. Millar Watt]
- * Lost and Found: The Art of Mike Hubbard, (bg) King Solomon’s Mines ed. Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2013 [Ref. Mike Hubbard]
- * The Lost City, (is) The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire: The Red Death ed. Rob van Bavel & Steve Holland, Don Lawrence Collection, 2008
- * The Lost Valley, (is) The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire: The Green Smog ed. Rob van Bavel & Steve Holland, Don Lawrence Collection, 2009
- * Lost Worlds and Treasures: H. Rider Haggard, (in) H. Rider Haggard’s King Solomon’s Mines, Allan Quatermain, Montezuma’s Daughter ed. Steve Holland, Book Palace Books, 2013
- * The Lost Years, (is) The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire: The Curse of King Yutta ed. Rob van Bavel, Steve Holland & Meerten Welleman, Don Lawrence Collection, 2005
- * Louise Heilgers, (bg) Forgotten Authors Volume 2 by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2018 [Ref. Louise Heilgers]
- * The Lunatic, the Lover and the Poet, (bg) Gwyn Evans (1898-1938) by Steve Holland, Norman Wright, 2004 [Ref. Gwyn Evans]
- * The Lure of Griff, (ar) Crime Time #1, 1995 [Ref. Griff]
- * Macgregor Urquhart Bibliography, (bi) PBO #5, Summer 1997 [Ref. Macgregor Urquhart]
- * Magazines, (bi) Badger Tracks by Steve Holland, Underworld Studios, 1997
- * Make Mine…Michael Storme, (ar) Pseuds Corner #3, July 1994 [Ref. George H. Dawson]
- * The Making of a Legend, (iv) Beyond Fantasy & Science Fiction #2, June/July 1995 [Ref. David A. Gemmell]
- * Malcolm Douglas, (ob) Not Forgotten by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2012 [Ref. Malcolm Douglas]
- * The Man from the Future, (is) The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire: The Sun-Worshippers ed. Rob van Bavel, Steve Holland & Meerten Welleman, Don Lawrence Collection, 2004
- * The Man Who Searched for Fear, (in) The Man Who Searched for Fear ed. Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2014
- * Marion Lehane-Willis, (bg) Forgotten Authors Volume 4 by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2018 [Ref. Marion Lehane-Willis]
- * Martin Aitchison Obituary, (ob) The Guardian November 10 2016 [Ref. Martin Aitchison]
- * Martin Woodhouse Obituary, (ob) The Guardian July 5 2011 [Ref. Martin Woodhouse]
- * The Masked Raiders, (is) The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire: The Prisoner of Zerss ed. Rob van Bavel, Steve Holland & Meerten Welleman, Don Lawrence Collection, 2004
- * Mean Streetmaps, (ar) Crime Time v2 #1, 1998
- * Mean Streetmaps, (co) Bear Alley Books, March 2011
- * Meet Spencer’s Fiction Factory: John S. Glasby, (ar) Beyond the Void by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2024 [Ref. John S. Glasby]
- * Meet the Artist…Bill Lacey, (bg) Eagles Over the Western Front Volume 3 ed. Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2011 [Ref. Bill Lacey]
- * Meet the Author, (bg) Arena ed. Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2014 [Ref. David Taylor]
- * Meet the Author…Michael Butterworth, (bg) Eagles Over the Western Front Volume 2 ed. Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2011 [Ref. Michael Butterworth]
- * Menace from the Deep, (is) The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire: The Puppet Emperor ed. Rob van Bavel & Steve Holland, Don Lawrence Collection, 2007
- * The Men Behind the Flying Saucer Review (with Roger Perry), (nf) Bear Alley Books, July 2017
- * Merlo the Magician [Merlo the Magician], (ar) Boys’ World: Ticket to Adventure ed. Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2013
- * Michael Bishop Obituary, (ob) The Guardian November 28 2023 [Ref. Michael Bishop]
- * Michael Storm (A. Ernest Hinshelwood), (bg) Forgotten Authors Volume 3 by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2018 [Ref. Ernest Sempill]
- * Michael Storm (Charles Ignatius Sempill), (bg) Forgotten Authors Volume 3 by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2018 [Ref. Charles Sempill]
- * Michael Storme (George H. A. Dawson), (bg) Forgotten Authors Volume 3 by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2018 [Ref. George H. Dawson]
- * Mike Western—A Comic Chronology, (bg) The Mike Western Story ed. Steve Holland, S. Holland, 1990 [Ref. Mike Western]
- * Mike Western Stripography, (bi) The Mike Western Story (var. 1) ed. Steve Holland, A. & B. Whitworth, 1992 [Ref. Mike Western]
- * The Miniature Killers of Zelph, (is) The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire: The Prisoner of Zerss ed. Rob van Bavel, Steve Holland & Meerten Welleman, Don Lawrence Collection, 2004
- * Mini-Mysteries: Bryan Berry, (bg) Pseuds Corner #3, July 1994 [Ref. Bryan Berry]
- * Miscellanea II: Minor Publishers 1947-1960 (Part One) (with Richard Williams), (nf) R. Williams, January 1986
- * The Mission of Lukas Rann, (is) The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire: The Sun-Worshippers ed. Rob van Bavel, Steve Holland & Meerten Welleman, Don Lawrence Collection, 2004
- * Modern Fiction 1945-1958, (nf) R. Williams, December 1984
- * Morley Adams, (bg) Forgotten Authors Volume 1 by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2017 [Ref. Morley Adams]
- * Motion Tracker, (cl) Science Fiction World #1 Jun, #2 Jul, #3 Aug, #4 Sep 2000, as by Pete Taylor
- * Mrs. Frances Campbell, (bg) Forgotten Authors Volume 3 by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2018 [Ref. Frances Campbell]
- * The Mushroom Jungle, A History of Postwar Paperback Publishing, (nf) Zeon Books, October 1993
- * Mysteries of the House of Harrison & Viles, (bg) Forgotten Authors Volume 3 by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2018 [Ref. Edward Harrison & Edward H. Viles]
- * Mystery Men, (mr) Science Fiction World #2, July 2000, as by Pete Taylor
- * Mystery Thrillers: The Untold Story of British Post-War Pulps, (ar) Pulpdom #34, June 2003
- * Nastor, the Faith Healer, (is) The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire: The Sun-Worshippers ed. Rob van Bavel, Steve Holland & Meerten Welleman, Don Lawrence Collection, 2004
- * The Nations of Viktris, (ar) The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire: The Puppet Emperor ed. Rob van Bavel & Steve Holland, Don Lawrence Collection, 2007
- * Nelson S. Bond, (ob) The Guardian November 21 2006 [Ref. Nelson S. Bond]
- * The Newcoll Fraud, (ar) Dreaming of Utopia by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2024 [Ref. Eric William Browning]
- * Norman Lazenby: Then and Now, (iv) PBO #2/3, Spring/Summer 1996 [Ref. Norman A. Lazenby]
- * Norman Light: The Age of N. Light-enment, (ar) Beyond the Void by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2024 [Ref. Norman Light]
- * Norman Wesley Firth: The Prince of Pulp Pedlars, (ar) Dreaming of Utopia by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2024 [Ref. Norman Firth]
- * No Sex Please…The Rise (Oo-er Missus) and Fall of the Confessions Books, (ar) PBO #2/3, Spring/Summer 1996
- * Not Forgotten, (oc) Bear Alley Books, October 2012
- * Not with a Bang!, (ar) Science Fiction World #1, June 2000, as by Tony L. Lear
- * The Novels of J.T. Edson, (bi) Paperback, Pulps and Comics November 1996 [Ref. J. T. Edson]
- * Of Sopwiths, Spits, Spies and Spacemen: The Last Years of Thriller Picture Library, (in) Thriller Comics Library: An Illustrated Guide Vol. 3 by David Ashford & Steve Holland, A. & B. Whitworth, 1992
- * Olga Katzin, (bg) Forgotten Authors Volume 4 by Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2018 [Ref. Olga Katzin]
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