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Magazine Contents Lists: Page 10725

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    Swift Story Magazine   (about)
    One-shot mystery/detection magazine with the tagline “It Fits Your Pocket”, which was replaced the following month by The Pocket Magazine (with the same tagline), which also only lasted for one issue.

    • Publishers:
      • Gilbert Patten Corporation; 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY: Swift Story Magazine.
    • Editors:

    Swill [#4, 2009] ed. Rob Pierce ($5.00, 64pp, 8½″ x 11″ s/s) []
    Sean Craven, art & design. Details supplied by Gordon Van Gelder.

    Swill [#7, 2013] ed. Rob Pearce []
    The Seventh Anthology of Exquisitely Unpleasant Fiction. There are b&w photographs on pages 2, 13, 14, 19, 20, 28, 35, 37, 38, 43 44, 52,and 64. Presumably all are by Sean Craven, who is credited with “art & design” on the masthead, which lists no publisher.
    Details supplied by Gordon Van Gelder.

    Swing Capers! [n.d. (c. 1950)] (Teal Publishing, 75¢, 32pp, cover by Marcus) []
    Only price listed is 75¢. Subtitled “A Magazine for Men”
    Details supplied by Morgan Wallace.

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