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[]Gillings, Walter (H.) (1912-1979); used pseudonyms Geoffrey Giles, Herbert Hughes, Valentine Parker & Thomas Sheridan (about) (books) (chron.)
- * A.E. van Vogt, (bg) Science Fiction Monthly v2 #2, 1975 [Ref. A. E. van Vogt]
- * Aid from America, (ed) Tales of Wonder #7, Summer 1939
- * The Aim of Science Fiction, (ed) Tales of Wonder #4, Autumn 1938
- * Aims and Objects, (ar) Vision of Tomorrow December 1969
- * The Amazing Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs, (ar) Edgar Rice Burroughs 1975 [Ref. Edgar Rice Burroughs]
- * Are We Martians?, (ed) Tales of Wonder #9, Winter 1939
- * Are You There, Mars?, (ar) Fantasy, The Magazine of Science Fiction August 1947
- * Arthur C. Clarke, (bg) Science Fiction Monthly v1 #7, 1974 [Ref. Arthur C. Clarke]
- * Arthur C. Clarke: Man and Writer: The Man from Minehead—The Science Fiction Stories of Arthur C. Clarke, (ar) Algol November 1974 [Ref. Arthur C. Clarke]
- * The Battle of the Canals, (ar) Science Fantasy #1, Summer 1950, as by Thomas Sheridan
- * Bogy in the Sky, (ar) Science Fantasy #2, Winter 1950/1951, as by Thomas Sheridan
- * Bride of the Spaceways, (ar) Cosmos Science-Fantasy Review #3, June/July 1969 [Ref. George Griffith]
- * The Conquest of Space, (ed) Tales of Wonder #12, Autumn 1940
- * Conquest of Time, (ed) Tales of Wonder #14, Spring 1941
- * Cosmic Comeback, (bg) Cosmos Science-Fantasy Review #1, April 1969
- * The Dawn of Space-Travel, (ar) Science Fantasy #2, Winter 1950/1951, as by Valentine Parker
- * Dead Author Inspires New SF Venture, (ar) Cosmos Science-Fantasy Review #1, April 1969 [Ref. John Russell Fearn], as by Thomas Sheridan
- * Edgar Allan Poe, (bg) Ghoul #1, 1976 [Ref. Edgar Allan Poe]
- * E. E. “Doc” Smith, (bg) Science Fiction Monthly v1 #10, 1974 [Ref. E. E. “Doc” Smith]
- * The Effect of Interplanetary Flight, (ar) Journal of the British Interplanetary Society May 1950; report on Clarke speech at British Interplanetary Society, 4 Feb 1950.
- * Eric Frank Russell, (bg) Science Fiction Monthly v2 #3, 1975 [Ref. Eric Frank Russell]
- * The Eternal Quest, (ed) Cosmos Science-Fantasy Review #1, April 1969
- * The Evolution of Science Fiction, (ed) Tales of Wonder #3, Summer 1938
- * Fantasies and Facts, (ed) Science Fantasy #1, Summer 1950
- * First Encounters, (ar) Vision of Tomorrow August 1969
- * Foreseeing the Amazing World of the Future, (ed) Tales of Wonder #1, 1937
- * The Fortean Influence (with Mike Ashley), (ar) The Visual Encyclopedia of Science Fiction ed. Brian Ash, Pan, 1977, uncredited.
- * Forward, Fantasy!, (ed) Scientifiction April 1937
- * The Future of Man, (ed) Tales of Wonder #13, Winter 1941
- * Going Down!, (ar) Fantasy, The Magazine of Science Fiction December 1946, as by Thomas Sheridan
- * Going Your Way, (ed) Science Fantasy #2, Winter 1950/1951
- * Hands Across the Sea, (ar) Vision of Tomorrow February 1970
- * Henry Kuttner & C. L. Moore, (bg) Science Fiction Monthly v2 #6, 1975 [Ref. Henry Kuttner & C. L. Moore]
- * He’s Converting the Masses!, (iv) Scientifiction January 1937 [Ref. John Beynon Harris]
- * His Stories Grow Like Plants, (iv) Scientifiction April 1937 [Ref. Festus Pragnell]
- * If Hitler Had Laid Claim to Luna, (ed) Tales of Wonder #15, Autumn 1941
- * The Impatient Dreamers:
* ___ 1. First Encounters, (ar) Vision of Tomorrow August 1969
* ___ 2. Aims and Objects, (ar) Vision of Tomorrow December 1969
* ___ 3. Shadow of the Master, (ar) Vision of Tomorrow November 1969
* ___ 4. Science Fiction Weakly, (ar) Vision of Tomorrow January 1970
* ___ 5. Hands Across the Sea, (ar) Vision of Tomorrow February 1970
* ___ 6. Year of the Blast-Off, (ar) Vision of Tomorrow March 1970
* ___ 7. Something Old, Something New, (ar) Vision of Tomorrow April 1970
* ___ 8. The Way of the Prophet, (ar) Vision of Tomorrow May 1970
* ___ 10. Topless in Utopia, (ar) Vision of Tomorrow July 1970
* ___ 11. Pages in Waiting, (ar) Vision of Tomorrow August 1970
- * In the Days Before the Triffids, (ar) Cypher #8, September 1972 [Ref. John Wyndham]
- * Isaac Asimov, (bg) Science Fiction Monthly v2 #4, 1975 [Ref. Isaac Asimov]
- * Is the Universe Alive?, (ed) Tales of Wonder #16, Spring 1942
- * It’s a Hard Sell—but the Price Is Right!, (ar) Cosmos Science-Fantasy Review #1, April 1969, as by Geoffrey Giles
- * Jack Williamson, (bg) Science Fiction Monthly v1 #12, 1974 [Ref. Jack Williamson]
- * The Jinn in the Test-Tube, (ar) Science Fantasy #1, Summer 1950, as by Herbert Hughes
- * John W. Campbell, (bg) Science Fiction Monthly v2 #1, 1975 [Ref. John W. Campbell]
- * John Wyndham, (bg) Science Fiction Monthly v1 #9, 1974 [Ref. John Wyndham]
- * Lady in Danger, (an) Utopian Publications, 1945 , uncredited.
- * Looking Into the Future, (ed) Scientifiction January 1937
- * Lost and Parallel Worlds (with Mike Ashley), (ar) The Visual Encyclopedia of Science Fiction ed. Brian Ash, Pan, 1977, uncredited.
- * Lost Planet, (ar) Fantasy, The Magazine of Science Fiction December 1946, as by Geoffrey Giles
- * The Man with the Ideas, (iv) Scientifiction October 1937 [Ref. John Russell Fearn]
- * Masters of Horror:
* ___ 1. Edgar Allan Poe, (bg) Ghoul #1, 1976 [Ref. Edgar Allan Poe]
- * The Midget from Mars, (ss) Tales of Wonder #3, Summer 1938, as by Thomas Sheridan
- * Modern Masters of Science Fiction:
* ___ 1. Arthur C. Clarke, (bg) Science Fiction Monthly v1 #7, 1974 [Ref. Arthur C. Clarke]
* ___ 2. Ray Bradbury, (bg) Science Fiction Monthly v1 #8, 1974 [Ref. Ray Bradbury]
* ___ 3. John Wyndham, (bg) Science Fiction Monthly v1 #9, 1974 [Ref. John Wyndham]
* ___ 4. E. E. “Doc” Smith, (bg) Science Fiction Monthly v1 #10, 1974 [Ref. E. E. “Doc” Smith]
* ___ 5. Olaf Stapledon, (bg) Science Fiction Monthly v1 #11, 1974 [Ref. Olaf Stapledon]
* ___ 6. Jack Williamson, (bg) Science Fiction Monthly v1 #12, 1974 [Ref. Jack Williamson]
* ___ 7. John W. Campbell, (bg) Science Fiction Monthly v2 #1, 1975 [Ref. John W. Campbell]
* ___ 8. A.E. van Vogt, (bg) Science Fiction Monthly v2 #2, 1975 [Ref. A. E. van Vogt]
* ___ 9. Eric Frank Russell, (bg) Science Fiction Monthly v2 #3, 1975 [Ref. Eric Frank Russell]
* ___ 10. Isaac Asimov, (bg) Science Fiction Monthly v2 #4, 1975 [Ref. Isaac Asimov]
* ___ 11. Robert A. Heinlein, (bg) Science Fiction Monthly v2 #5, 1975 [Ref. Robert A. Heinlein]
* ___ 12. Henry Kuttner & C. L. Moore, (bg) Science Fiction Monthly v2 #6, 1975 [Ref. Henry Kuttner & C. L. Moore]
* ___ 13. Stanley G. Weinbaum, (bg) Science Fiction Monthly v2 #7, 1975 [Ref. Stanley G. Weinbaum]
- * The Moon Men, (ar) Fantasy, The Magazine of Science Fiction December 1946
- * Now’s Your Chance, (ed) Scientifiction June 1937
- * No. 1 Fan: The Monster Man, (bg) Cosmos Science-Fantasy Review #2, May 1969 [Ref. Forrest J Ackerman], as by Thomas Sheridan
- * Olaf Stapledon, (bg) Science Fiction Monthly v1 #11, 1974 [Ref. Olaf Stapledon]
- * On the Other Side of the Pond, (cl) Fantasy Magazine; Jul - Jan 37.
- * Pages in Waiting, (ar) Vision of Tomorrow August 1970
- * The Philosopher of Fantasy, (iv) Scientifiction June 1937 [Ref. Olaf Stapledon]
- * Ray Bradbury, (bg) Science Fiction Monthly v1 #8, 1974 [Ref. Ray Bradbury]
- * The Road to the Stars, (br) Science Fantasy #1, Summer 1950, as by Geoffrey Giles
- * Robert A. Heinlein, (bg) Science Fiction Monthly v2 #5, 1975 [Ref. Robert A. Heinlein]
- * Science Fiction—and You, (ed) Tales of Wonder #5, Winter 1938
- * Science Fiction—The New Literature, (ed) Tales of Wonder #2, Spring 1938
- * Science Fiction Weakly, (ar) Vision of Tomorrow January 1970
- * Science Isn’t Everything, (iv) Scientifiction January 1938 [Ref. Benson Herbert]
- * Shadow of the Master, (ar) Vision of Tomorrow November 1969
- * Shaver and the Gods on Earth (with Mike Ashley), (ar) The Visual Encyclopedia of Science Fiction ed. Brian Ash, Pan, 1977, uncredited.
- * Skylight, (ar) Fantasy, The Magazine of Science Fiction April 1947, as by Thomas Sheridan
- * Something Old, Something New, (ar) Vision of Tomorrow April 1970
- * Spacecraft and Star Drives (with Philip Harbottle), (ar) The Visual Encyclopedia of Science Fiction ed. Brian Ash, Pan, 1977, uncredited.
- * Space-Ship Ahoy!, (ar) Fantasy, The Magazine of Science Fiction April 1947
- * Stanley G. Weinbaum, (bg) Science Fiction Monthly v2 #7, 1975 [Ref. Stanley G. Weinbaum]
- * Tales of Wonder & Reprints, (iv) The Futurian Summer 1939
- * Tiger Girl, (an) Utopian Publications, 1945 , uncredited.
- * The Time Is Not Yet, (ed) Science Fantasy #3, Winter 1951/1952
- * Too Good to Be True, (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #128, March 1963
- * Topless in Utopia, (ar) Vision of Tomorrow July 1970
- * Travellers in Time, (br) Science Fantasy #1, Summer 1950, as by Valentine Parker
- * 2000 Years of Science Fiction, (br) Science Fantasy #2, Winter 1950/1951, as by Geoffrey Giles
- * Use Your Imagination!, (ed) Tales of Wonder #8, Autumn 1939
- * Utopias and Nightmares, (ar) The Visual Encyclopedia of Science Fiction ed. Brian Ash, Pan, 1977, uncredited.
- * Warfare and Weaponry (with Philip Harbottle), (ar) The Visual Encyclopedia of Science Fiction ed. Brian Ash, Pan, 1977, uncredited.
- * War in the Future, (ed) Tales of Wonder #10, Spring 1940
- * The Way of the Prophet, (ar) Vision of Tomorrow May 1970
- * What Readers Want, (ed) Tales of Wonder #6, Spring 1939
- * The World of Tomorrow, (ed) Tales of Wonder #11, Summer 1940
- * The Writer People Believed In, (ar) Cosmos Science-Fantasy Review #2, May 1969 [Ref. John Wyndham]
- * Year of the Blast-Off, (ar) Vision of Tomorrow March 1970
- * [letter from Essex, England], (lt) Fantastic Novels Magazine January 1949
_____, ed.
- * Editor:
* ___ Science Fantasy, #1 - #2.
* ___ Tales of Wonder
- * Editor: Scientifiction Jan, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct 1937, Jan, Mar 1938
- * Editor: Tales of Wonder #2 Spr, #3 Sum 1938, #6 Spr 1939
- * Editor: Fantasy, The Magazine of Science Fiction Dec 1946, Apr, Aug 1947
- * Editor: Cosmos Science-Fantasy Review #1 Apr, #2 May, #3 Jun/Jul 1969
_____, [ref.]
[]Gillington, Alice E(lizabeth) (1863-1934); used pseudonym Romany Rawny (about) (chron.)
- * All Adown to Devon, (pm) The Windsor Magazine February 1905
- * Apple Tree Stories, (pm) The Windsor Magazine May 1914
- * Arcturus, the Spring Star, (pm) The Folks-at-Home #22, March 25 1897
- * Barley Gold, (pm) The Windsor Magazine September 1918
- * Black-Stalking, (pm) The Windsor Magazine December 1916, as by Romany Rawny
- * Blackthorn Winter, (pm) The Windsor Magazine February 1928
- * Brown Barbara, (pm) The Folks-at-Home #8, December 19 1896
- * Candlemas Eve, (pm) The Windsor Magazine February 1924
- * The Carnival Passes, (pm) The Windsor Magazine September 1910
- * Children of the Snows, (pm) The Windsor Magazine February 1928
- * The Christmas Fir, (pm) The Windsor Magazine December 1926
- * Cup-Moss Grey, (pm) The Windsor Magazine November 1917
- * The Dance, (pm) The Windsor Magazine January 1913
- * The Dark Honeycomb, (pm) The Windsor Magazine October 1922
- * Doors of the Hillside, (pm) The Windsor Magazine November 1924
- * Down in Grand-mer’s Garden, (pm) The Windsor Magazine May 1926
- * Down ’Long in Dorset Gardens, (pm) The Windsor Magazine August 1928
- * Dream-Roses, (pm) The Windsor Magazine July 1916, as by Romany Rawny
- * Ferly-Fair, (pm) The Windsor Magazine March 1927
- * The Fir Fore-Right the Caravan Door, (pm) The Windsor Magazine January 1917, as by Romany Rawny
- * The First Snow, (pm) The Windsor Magazine December 1921
- * The Foot-Bridge, (pm) The Windsor Magazine November 1910
- * Fortunes at the Gipsy Fair, (pm) The Windsor Magazine October 1917
- * Fragrant Palmate Orchis, (pm) The Windsor Magazine October 1924
- * The Gift, (pm) The Windsor Magazine February 1922
- * Gillyflower, (pm) The Windsor Magazine May 1923
- * The Glen of Green Rushes, (pm) The Windsor Magazine November 1927
- * The Green and Bushy Tree, (pm) The Windsor Magazine December 1928
- * The Green Birch-Broom, (pm) The Windsor Magazine May 1927
- * Green Leaves of the Forest, (pm) The Windsor Magazine January 1925
- * The Green Spaces of the Wood, (pm) The Windsor Magazine June 1926
- * The Heart of the Swinging Fir, (pm) The Windsor Magazine December 1925
- * Heart’s Sorrow, Art Thou Sleeping?, (pm) The Folks-at-Home #14, January 28 1897
- * Herb-Agrimony, (pm) The Windsor Magazine October 1920
- * High Tapers, (pm) The Windsor Magazine October 1925
- * The Holly Bearers, (pm) The Pall Mall Magazine December 1908
- * The Holly Fair, (pm) The Windsor Magazine December 1920
- * It Is the Wild Wood Cherry, (pm) The Windsor Magazine April 1911
- * The June House, (pm) The Windsor Magazine June 1910
- * The Leaf Dance, (pm) The Windsor Magazine November 1925
- * The Lifting Light, (pm) The Windsor Magazine September 1916
- * The Little Fir, (pm) The Windsor Magazine February 1929
- * The Medlar, (pm) The English Illustrated Magazine November 1905
- * The Moorhen Mother, (pm) The Windsor Magazine April 1922
- * The Moss, the Merry Green Ivy, (pm) The Windsor Magazine December 1909
- * Nancy’s River-Bells, (pm) The Windsor Magazine January 1910
- * The Nine Days ’Fore Christmas, (pm) The Windsor Magazine December 1919
- * The Rainbird, (pm) The Windsor Magazine April 1920
- * Red Caps, (pm) The Windsor Magazine January 1921
- * The Red Necklace, (pm) The Windsor Magazine December 1908
- * The Ring o’ Cowslips, (pm) The Folks-at-Home #23, April 1 1897
- * A Rosy Star, (pm) The Windsor Magazine September 1929
- * Sewing Alone O!, (pm) The Windsor Magazine June 1911
- * Shadows, (pm) The Windsor Magazine December 1923
- * Snow-Clouds, (pm) The Windsor Magazine January 1909
- * The Southern Cross, (pm) The Folks-at-Home #12, January 14 1897
- * To Kitty on Halloween, (pm) The Folks-at-Home #1, October 31 1896
- * The Torch Fungus, (pm) The Folks-at-Home #13, January 21 1897
- * Toward the Sweet Dusk of Christ-a-Mass Tide, (pm) The Windsor Magazine December 1924
- * Twilight Tents, (pm) The Windsor Magazine November 1916
- * Wandering Flames, (pm) The Windsor Magazine November 1923
- * When Days Fall Cold and Rimy, (pm) The Windsor Magazine December 1912
- * Wild Feathers, (pm) The Windsor Magazine October 1910
- * A Wild Flower, (pm) The Windsor Magazine February 1917, as by Romany Rawny
- * The Wild, Gloaming Wind, (pm) The Windsor Magazine October 1927
- * Wild Hearts, (pm) The Windsor Magazine November 1926
- * A Winter Wood Song, (pm) The Windsor Magazine December 1914
- * Withy and Holly. A Gipsy Carol, (pm) The Windsor Magazine December 1915, as by Romany Rawny
- * Withy Wood, (pm) The Windsor Magazine March 1913
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