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    Movie Thrillers [v1 #5, February 1925] ed. W. Adolphe Roberts (The Brewster Publications Inc., 15¢, pulp, cover: [scene from The Silent Accuser] by Charles Durant) []
    Details supplied by Sai Shankar from Table of Contents.
    • 8 · Gambler’s Greed · Richard Hoyt · pm
    • 9 · Vengeance Unflagging · H. M. Hamilton · sa
      adaptation of film The Silent Accuser.
    • 16 · The Color of His Heart · Ben Conlon · sa
      adaptation of film The Midnight Express.
    • 21 · Snarled Lives · Gordon Malherbe Hillman · sa
      adaptation of film East of Broadway.
    • 27 · G-i-r-l-s Spells Trouble · George B. Jenkins, Jr. · sa
      adaptation of film A Kick for Cinderella.
    • 30 · The Telltale Clock · Hugh Thorpe · sa
      adaptation of film The An Alibi for the Defense.
    • 34 · A Two-Gun Man · Neil Moran · sa
      adaptation of film Trigger Fingers.
    • 39 · Kisses and Death · Robert Napier · sa
      adaptation of film Argentine Love.
    • 46 · Wallace Beery’s Life of Thrills · Walter Haviland · ar [Ref. Wallace Beery]
    • · When a Nose-Length Counts · W. Carey Wonderly · sa
      adaptation of film Women First.
    • · The Snare of Destiny [Part 4 of 5] · H. A. Phillips · sa
    • · By Rule of Fist · Vance Tracey · sa
      adaptation of film The Tornado.
    • · That Lying Beard · Ralph N. Bangs · sa
      adaptation of film Courage.
    • · When Romance Flies High · Pat Scanlon · sa
      adaptation of film The Air Hawk.
    • · Pepping Up the Old Curmudgeons · Jerry Gay · sa
      adaptation of film The Battling Orioles.
    • · The Lust for Gold · Paul Crawford · sa
      adaptation of film Greed.
    • · Picked Up in the Studios · M. R. H. Norris · cl
    • · A Cross-Word Puzzle · [uncredited] · pz

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