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Magazine Contents Lists: Page 4054

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    Eerie Tales   (about)
    The uncompleted serial was eventually published in paperback as The Face That Launched a Thousand Ships by the Adam Publishing Co. in 1941.

    • Publishers:
      • C.K. Pub. Co.; Toronto, Ont.: Eerie Tales.

    eI [#54, v10 #1, February 2011] (cover: Cupid Goes Cosmic by Steve Stiles) [] (Full Text)
    Special tribute to Harlan Ellison on the occasion of his being named recipient of the 2011 Eaton Award for Lifetime Achievement in Science Fiction by the University of California, Riverside. available at
    Details supplied by Bill Burns.

    Eidolon   (about)

    • Publishers:
      • Eidolon Publications; North Perth, Western Australia: Eidolon, Winter 1990 – Spring 1990.
    • Editors:
    • Features:
      • Critical Embuggerance · Robin Pen · cl; Aut-Spr '90, Sum, Win, Spr '91, Sum, Aut, Spr '92, Sum 93 - Win 94.

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