The FictionMags Index
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[]Dellomar; pseudonym of Ed Bodin (1894-1983) (chron.)
- * Sweetheart’s Numberscope, (cl) Sweetheart Stories #238 Feb, #239 Mar 1936
- * Your Friendly Numbers, (cl) Young Love April 1937
- * Your Friendly Numbers, (cl) Sweetheart Stories #254 Jun, #256 Aug, #258 Oct, #259 Nov, #260 Dec 1937, #262 Feb, #263 Mar, #266 Jun 1938
- * Your Friendy Numbers, (cl) Sweetheart Stories #268, August 1938
- * Your Sweetheart Numberscope, (cl) Sweetheart Stories #221 Sep, #224 Dec 1934, #227 Mar, #230 Jun, #231 Jul, #236 Dec 1935, #240 Apr, #242 Jun 1936
[]Delman, David (1924-2012) (chron.)
- * And Then She Smiled, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal July 1970
- * The Annulment, (ss) Cosmopolitan April 1959
- * Barrier, (ss) Redbook April 1964
- * Charley the Rat [Gabey Yeager], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 1998
- * The Conspiracy, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine November 1992
- * The Interrogation, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine November 1993
- * Ivy Palmer’s Victory, (ss) Redbook February 1962
- * The Jilting, (ss) Redbook June 1967
- * Love nor Money [Roy Loomis; LaMar Hunnicut], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine April 1996
- * Mama Napoleon, (ss) Redbook April 1968
- * None So Blind, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine February 1995
- * One Dead Canary [Gabey Yeager], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 1997
- * One Hidden Day, (ss) Redbook June 1962
- * Outfoxxed [Roy Loomis; LaMar Hunnicut], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine October 1995
- * The Return, (ss) Cosmopolitan January 1961
- * Rick Blyden’s Back in Town, (ss) Chatelaine August 1970
- * The Right Man, (na) Redbook April 1960
- * Slow Joe, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine mid December 1993
- * Summer out of Season, (na) Redbook May 1963
- * Talent with a Capital “T”, (ss) Cosmopolitan November 1959
- * Three’s a Family, (ss) Redbook April 1959
- * Triangle, (na) Redbook June 1966
- * Wilhelmina and the Widow, (ss) Redbook February 1961
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[]Delman, William (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Adiona Falters, (ss) Little Blue Marble December 6 2017
- * AL1 Y0 ARM B0L0NG T0 0S, (vi) The Arcanist May 4 2018
- * The Challenger’s Last Ride, (vi) The Arcanist March 5 2020
- * The Commonwealth Turn, (ss) Kzine #20, January 2018
- * The Cure, (ss) Bastion #5, August 2014
- * Donut’s End, (vi) The Arcanist December 22 2017
- * The Endless Lives of Kama, (vi) Daily Science Fiction December 21 2018
- * Every Broken Tie, (vi) Daily Science Fiction March 5 2020
- * Fruits of the Next, (ss) Helios Quarterly Magazine: The Complete Series ed. Zelda Knight, Aurelia Leo, 2022
- * Ghost Fishing, (ss) Little Blue Marble May 29 2020
- * Head in the Cloud, (vi) The Arcanist August 17 2018
- * Intervention, (ss) Little Blue Marble May 17 2019
- * Known Issues, (ss) Mythic #6, Spring 2018
- * Minerva, (vi) New Myths #41, December 2017
- * Nothing to See Here, (ss) SciFan Magazine #10, October 2017
- * Numen, (vi) The Arcanist March 1 2019
- * The Outsider, (vi) The Arcanist November 16 2018
- * The Reapers’ Harmony, (ss) Write Ahead the Future Looms May/June 2019
[]Delmar, Rosalind (1941-2024) (about) (chron.)
- * Best & Worst Books of 1977 (with Neal Ascherson, Hilary Bailey, Angela Carter, Elaine Feinstein, Sara Maitland, Alan Munton & Peter Nicholls), (ar) Bananas #9, Winter 1977
- * Pieces of Women, (ar) Bananas #8, Summer 1977
- * Property’s Progress, (ar) Bananas #9, Winter 1977
_____, trans.
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[]Delmar, Sally (fl. 1920s-1930s) (chron.)
- * Anonymous, (ss) Snappy Stories Winter 1930
- * April Fool Girl, (ss) Snappy April 1931
- * Bashful Dears, (ss) Snappy Stories Winter 1932
- * Blondes Will Be Blondes, (ss) Snappy October 1930
- * Bologna in the Bois, (ss) French Stories Summer 1933
- * A Little Love for Leonora, (ss) Snappy May 1931
- * The Love Charm, (ss) Snappy February 1931
- * Petting Patsy, (ss) Snappy September 1931
- * Racy Grayce, (pm) Snappy November 1929
- * Radio Rhapsody, (ss) Snappy July 1931
- * Rural Romance, (ss) Snappy June 1931
- * Saucy Salome, (ss) Snappy October 1931
- * Sylvia Causes a Sensation, (ss)
- * Tempting Toinette, (ss) Snappy November 1931
- * The Thrill Racket, (ss) Snappy March 1931
- * Too Many Beauties, (ss) Snappy January 1931
- * Vagrant Virtue, (ss) Snappy September 1930
- * Viviane’s Virtue, (ss) Snappy November 1930
- * What the Lady Will Wear, (ss) Snappy January 1930
- * Wrong Number, (ss) Snappy December 1931
- * Zelma’s Speakeasy, (ss) Snappy November 1929
[]Delmar, Viña (née Croter) (1905-1975) (chron.)
- * The Admirable Liar, (nv) Snappy Stories 2nd August 1923
- * After We’re Wed—No Foolin’, (ss) Snappy Stories December 1926
- * The Age of Chiselry, (ss) Liberty August 30 1930
- * Air Mail to Red Riding Hood, (ss) Cosmopolitan November 1940
- * À la Mr. Caruso, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st August 1925
- * All Through the House, (ss) Cosmopolitan January 1941
- * And a Little Child…, (ss) Cosmopolitan January 1937
- * The Antique Girl, (ss) Zest October 1926
- * Apartment 84, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st August 1926
- * Bangles and Butter, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd October 1923
- * Beach Nuts and Life Savers, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd September 1924
- * Beautiful but Dumb, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd March 1924
- * Be Good to Mary, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd July 1924
- * The Belle of Barnesville, (ss) Liberty August 6 1927
- * The Bells of St. Mary’s, (ss) Cosmopolitan November 1945
- * Betty in Blue, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st September 1926
- * A Bit Russian, (ss) Woman’s Journal June 1929
- * Blair Takes the Air, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st February 1926
- * The Blank Verse Girl, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd June 1926
- * Blind Date, (ss) The Red Book Magazine January 1929
- * Bootleg Love, (nv) Snappy Stories 1st December 1924
- * Born Actress, (na) Cosmopolitan March 1941
- * Bottles and Rags, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd March 1925
- * Bright Girl, (sl) Liberty Jun 2, Jun 9, Jun 16, Jun 23, Jun 30, Jul 7, Jul 14, Jul 21, Jul 28, Aug 4 1934
- * Bunk—and a Heaping Bowl of Applesauce, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st April 1924
- * A Career for Dolly, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st November 1924
- * Carol Called Pat, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st January 1925
- * A Chance at Heaven, (sl) Liberty Apr 9, Apr 16, Apr 23, Apr 30, May 7, May 14 1932
- * Charmed, I Assure You, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd September 1925
- * Christine Gets Lit Up, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd March 1926
- * Clement Joins the Ladies, (ss) Snappy Stories March 1927
- * Close-Up, (ss) Liberty September 27 1930
- * Common Folk, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd February 1924
- * Companionate, (ss) Liberty May 19 1928
- * Da Cappo, (ss) Liberty July 28 1928
- * Daily Tabloid, (sl) Liberty Nov 10, Dec 8 1928, Jan 19, Feb 16 1929
- * Dance Hall, (ss) Liberty March 16 1929
- * Dancing Stars, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd February 1926
- * The Day Never Came, (sl) The Delineator January 1935
- * “Dearie, You’re It”, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd October 1924
- * Does He Get the Girl?, (ss) Liberty November 8 1930
- * Do You Believe in Luck?, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st November 1925
- * Do You Remember Me?, (ss) Cosmopolitan July 1940
- * Do You Take These Women?, (sl) Good Housekeeping June 1942
- * The Dumb Waitress, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd April 1924
- * Elopement, (ss) Redbook Magazine June 1930
- * The Emperor’s Chair, (ss) The Grand Magazine September 1927
- * The Enchanted, (sl) McCall’s Feb, Mar, Apr 1965
- * The End of the World, (nv) Cosmopolitan March 1934
- * The Fall of the Angel, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st May 1926
- * Family Affair, (ss)
- * Fifty Dollars for Snip Snip, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd November 1924
- * The Flapper and the Flivver, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st October 1924
- * Flight by Night, (ss) Britannia and Eve December 1935
- * Forces, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 27 1930
- * A Fragrance to Remember, (ss) Cosmopolitan July 1945
- * Free!, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st November 1923
- * From Hick to Chic, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd June 1925
- * Galoot Meets a Few Friends, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st December 1925
- * The Genius, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st March 1924
- * The Gimme-Virgin, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd August 1925
- * The Girl Who Screamed, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd September 1926
- * The Girl with the Lemon-Colored Hair, (ss) Cosmopolitan September 1943
- * Going Astray, (ss) Snappy Stories February 1927
- * The Golden Barrier, (ss) Smart Set November 1928
- * Golden Mules, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st March 1925
- * The Golden Purse, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd October 1925
- * Goody and the Devil Incarnate, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd February 1925
- * The Grandmother, (ss) Liberty September 15 1928
- * The Green Hatter, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st September 1925
- * Haig, Holly and Haig, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd January 1924
- * Hard as Nails, (ss) The Red Book Magazine August 1928
- * He’s Wonderful!, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd April 1926
- * His Bedside Manner, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st April 1926
- * Hollywood Dynasty, (sl) Cosmopolitan May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep 1939
- * Hollywood Never Knew, (ss) Cosmopolitan March 1940
- * Hollywood Rumor, (ss) Cosmopolitan November 1938
- * The Home Front, (ss) Cosmopolitan August 1942
- * Honeymoon, (ss) Liberty December 7 1929
- * The Human Side, (ss) Cosmopolitan November 1939
- * If We Could Be Alone, (n.) Ladies’ Home Journal March 1942
- * “I Hardly Know You”, (ss) Snappy Stories January 1927
- * The Innkeeper’s Wife, (ss) Cosmopolitan January 1935
- * It Really Happened, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd June 1923
- * It’s a Tough Life, (ss) Liberty May 21 1927
- * It’s Too Hot to Be Good, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd July 1926
- * The Jeer Leader, (ss) Liberty January 21 1928
- * John Jones and Wife, (ss) Cosmopolitan January 1928
- * Just an Ice Girl, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd July 1925
- * Juvenile Delinquency, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st June 1924
- * Kept, (sl) Liberty Jun 29, Jul 6, Jul 13, Jul 20, Jul 27, Aug 3, Aug 10, Aug 17, Aug 24, Aug 31,
Sep 7, Sep 14 1929
- * Kiss in the Fog, (ss) Cosmopolitan May 1943
- * Kitty Goes to Coney, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st October 1926
- * Know Your Man!, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st July 1924
- * A Lady with Money, (ss) Smart Set September 1928
- * The Laughing Stranger, (sl) Ladies’ Home Journal May, Jun, Jul 1953
- * A Legend for Spring Brides, (ss) Cosmopolitan April 1948
- * Letter to a Lady, (ss) The American Magazine December 1946
- * The Little Theater, (ss) Liberty October 13 1928
- * Loser Takes All, (ss) Snappy Stories and Pictures August 30 1927
- * Loser Takes All, (nv) Cosmopolitan December 1941
- * Love—Common and Preferred, (ss) Smart Set October 1928
- * A Lover in Need, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st January 1926
- * Lulu Unpacks a Scandal, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st June 1926
- * The Magic Cottage, (ss) Good Housekeeping October 1944
- * A Main Street Mama, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd May 1926
- * Mama Goes A-Huntin’, (nv) Snappy Stories 2nd April 1925
- * A Man in Her Room, (ss) Good Housekeeping June 1945
- * Married to a Voice, (ar) McClure’s June 1927
- * A Matter of Honor, (nv) Cosmopolitan November 1942
- * Merry Christmas, Dear Reader, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd January 1925
- * Miracle Mountain, (nv) Cosmopolitan January 1944
- * Morals and Milkmen, (ss) Snappy Stories and Pictures April 5 1927
- * Naughty Ghost Girl, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd November 1923
- * Never Again Till We’re Married, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st July 1926
- * Night Flight, (ss) Cosmopolitan April 1935
- * Night-Time Blues, (ss) Britannia and Eve October 1929
- * North of Fifty-Third, (ss) Liberty November 5 1927
- * Not for Children, (na) McCall’s March 1943
- * Nothing Ever Happens to Me!, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st February 1924
- * “Not Our Sort”, (ss) Cosmopolitan January 1945
- * Oh, Nita Was a Lazy Girl!, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd December 1924
- * One of the Wise Virgins, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st August 1924
- * One Width Too Narrow, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st June 1923
- * Only a Woman Would Know, (ss) Cosmopolitan September 1938
- * The Other Side of the Story, (ss) Cosmopolitan May 1944
- * Panorama, (ss) Liberty July 2 1927
- * Patchouli and Billiards, (ss) Liberty March 10 1928
- * Patty Dares the Bumps, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st December 1923
- * Peg Fills a Fourflush, (nv) Snappy Stories 2nd May 1923
- * The Phantom Shore, (n.) Ladies’ Home Journal July 1940
- * Pick-Up, (ss) The Red Book Magazine November 1928
- * Pink Bonbons, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st April 1923
- * Portrait of a Pliant Lady, (ss) Snappy Stories November 1926
- * Pretty Sadie McKee, (sl) Liberty Jun 24, Jul 1, Jul 8, Jul 15, Jul 22, Jul 29, Aug 5, Aug 12, Aug 19, Aug 26, Sep 2,
Sep 9 1933
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