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Magazine Contents Lists: Page 4609

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    Five-Cent Adventures   (about)
    One of the “Nickel Series” of magazines which, along with Five-Cent Detective, Five-Cent Flying Stories and Five-Cent Western, was registered for copyright in 1932. Nothing else is known about the magazine which is believed to have lasted for at most 1 issue and may never have been published.

    Five-Cent Detective   (about)
    One of the “Nickel Series” of magazines, along with Five-Cent Adventures, Five-Cent Flying Stories and Five-Cent Western published in 1932. Nothing else is known about the magazine which is believed to have lasted for only 1 issue.

    • Publishers:
      • Rainbow Publishing Corp.; Myrick Building, Springfield, MA: Five-Cent Detective.

    Five-Cent Flying Stories   (about)
    One of the “Nickel Series” of magazines which, along with Five-Cent Adventures, Five-Cent Detective and Five-Cent Western, was registered for copyright in 1932. Nothing else is known about the magazine which is believed to have lasted for at most 1 issue and may never have been published.

    Five-Cent Western   (about)
    One of the “Nickel Series” of magazines which, along with Five-Cent Adventures, Five-Cent Detective and Five-Cent Flying Stories, was registered for copyright in 1932. Nothing else is known about the magazine which is believed to have lasted for at most 1 issue and may never have been published.

    5-Detective Mysteries   (about)
    Short-lived detective pulp about which very little is known.

    • Publishers:
      • Dell Publishing Co., Inc.; 149 Madison Avenue, New York, NY: 5-Detective Mysteries.
    • Editors:

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