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de Camp, L(yon) Sprague (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Warriors, (pm) Yandro #178, February 1968
- * Warriors of Mars, (br) Amra v2 #42, 1966 [Ref. Edward P. Bradbury]
- * The Weirdstone of Brisingamen, (br) Amra v2 #42, 1966 [Ref. Alan Garner]
- * The Weirwoods, (br) Amra v2 #47, 1968 [Ref. Thomas Burnett Swann]
- * The Weissenbroch Spectacles [Gavagan’s Bar] (with Fletcher Pratt), (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction November 1954
- * The Well of the Unicorn, (br) Astounding Science Fiction June 1948 [Ref. George U. Fletcher]
- * The Well of the Unicorn, (br) Amra v2 #47, 1968
- * Welsh and Other Indians, (ar) Other Worlds March 1953
- * What Is a Rosicrucian?, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction March 1956
- * The Wheels of If [Park Alister], (na) Unknown October 1940
- Unknown (UK) October 1940
- The Wheels of If and Other Science Fiction, Shasta, 1949
- Alternative Histories ed. Charles G. Waugh & Martin H. Greenberg, Garland, 1986
- Unknown Worlds ed. Stanley Schmidt & Martin H. Greenberg, Galahad Books, 1988
- The Pugnacious Peacemaker/The Wheels of If, Tor, 1990
- Down in the Bottomlands (and Other Places), Baen, 1999
- Years in the Making: The Time-Travel Stories of L. Sprague de Camp, NESFA Press, 2005
- * The Wheels of If and Other Science Fiction, (Shasta, 1949, co)
- * When the Night Wind Howls [Gavagan’s Bar] (with Fletcher Pratt), (ss) Weird Tales November 1951
- Weird Tales (UK) #14, 1952
- Tales from Gavagan’s Bar with Fletcher Pratt, Twayne, 1953
- The Ghoul Keepers ed. Leo Margulies, Pyramid, 1961
- Tales from Gavagan’s Bar (Expanded Edition) with Fletcher Pratt, Owlswick Press, 1978, as "Methought I Heard a Voice"
- Weird Tales: The Magazine That Never Dies ed. Marvin Kaye, SFBC, 1988, as "Methought I Heard a Voice"
- * Where Are the Worlds of Yesteryear?, (pm) If March 1967
- * “Where to, Please?” [Gavagan’s Bar] (with Fletcher Pratt), (ss) Weird Tales September 1952
- * Where Were We?, (ar) Galaxy Science Fiction February 1952
- * White Wizard in Tweeds, (ar) Fantastic November 1976 [Ref. J. R. R. Tolkien]
- * Why Do They Do It?, (ar) Astounding Science Fiction September 1950
- * Why I Selected “The Hibited Man”, (is) My Best Science Fiction Story ed. Leo Margulies & Oscar J. Friend, Merlin Press, 1949
- * Wide-Open Planet [Viagens Interplanetary], (nv) Future Combined with Science Fiction Stories September/October 1950
- * William Morris: Jack of All Arts, (ar) Fantastic Stories September 1974 [Ref. William Morris]
- * Willy, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #25, 1969
- * The Winter Serpent, (br) Amra v2 #47, 1968 [Ref. Maggie Davis]
- * The Wisdom of the Ancients, (ar) Science Fiction Quarterly November 1951
- * The Wisdom of the East, (ss) Unknown Worlds August 1942
- * Witchcraft, (br) Unknown Worlds February 1943 [Ref. Charles Williams], as by J. Wellington Wells
- * The Witches of Manhattan [Marko Prokopiu], (na) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine January/February 1978
- * The Witch of the Mists [Conan] (with Lin Carter), (nv) Fantastic Stories August 1972
- * Witch Queen of Lochlann, (br) Amra v2 #52, 1970 [Ref. George Henry Smith]
- * A Wizard of Earthsea, (br) Amra v2 #53, 1970 [Ref. Ursula K. Le Guin]
- * Wizards and Warriors, (in) The Spell of Seven ed. L. Sprague de Camp, Pyramid, 1965
- * Wolves Beyond the Border [Conan] (with Robert E. Howard), (nv) Conan the Usurper with Robert E. Howard, Lancer, 1967; revised by de Camp from a partial draft & brief outline by Howard.
- * Wonders Are Many, (ar) Vanguard Science Fiction June 1958
- * A Word of Explanation, (in)
- * The World Below, (br) Astounding Science Fiction April 1950 [Ref. S. Fowler Wright]
- * Worlds in Collision, (br) Astounding Science Fiction September 1950 [Ref. I. Velikovsky]
- * Worms of the Earth, (br) Amra v2 #62, 1974 [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * Wyvernhold, (ss) Science Fiction Quarterly August 1956
- * Xeroxing the Necronomicon, (pm) Phantoms & Fancies, Mirage Press, 1972
- * Yearish Look-Well, (ms) Amra v2 #43, 1967
- * Yearly Foregathering Againcarry, (ms) Amra v2 #44, 1967
- * The Year of the Horsetails, (br) Amra v2 #47, 1968 [Ref. R. F. Tapsell]
- * Years in the Making: The Time-Travel Stories of L. Sprague de Camp, (NESFA Press, February 2005, co) ; edited by Mark L. Olson
- * The Yellow Man [Willy Newbury], (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1978
- * Yesterday, Tomorrow, and Mayby (with Catherine Crook de Camp), (in) Tales Beyond Time ed. L. Sprague & Catherine Crook de Camp, Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, 1973
- * You Can’t Beat Brains, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1966
- * Young Man Lovecraft, (bg) Xenophile #18, October 1975 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft]
- * You Too Can Be a Nostradamus, (ar) Esquire December 1942
- * Yuggoth Comes to Providence, (pm) Witchcraft & Sorcery #9, 1973
- * Ziggurat, (pm) Spectrum: The Richmond Tri-Annual Review Fall 1969
- * Zothique, (br) Amra v2 #54, 1971 [Ref. Clark Ashton Smith]
- * [appeciation of Fritz Leiber], (ob) Locus November 1992 [Ref. Fritz Leiber]
- * [letter], (lt) Golden Fleece May 1939
- * [letter], (lt) Astounding Science-Fiction Dec 1939, Jul 1941, Oct 1942, Apr 1944, May 1946, Feb 1947, Mar 1949, Feb, Apr 1952,
Mar 1953, Jun, Aug, Sep 1954
Jan 1958, Oct 1969, Dec 1982, Apr 1985, Oct 1987, May 1988, Mar 1989, Feb 1990
- * [letter], (lt) Spaceways December 1940
- * [letter], (lt) Astounding Science-Fiction March 1942, as by J. Wellington Wells
- * [letter], (lt) Unknown Worlds Apr 1942, Oct 1943
- * [letter], (lt) Publications of the Institute for Twenty-First Century Studies June 1960
- * [letter], (lt) Proceedings of the Institute for Twenty-First Century Studies March 1961, Proceedings of the Institute for Twenty-First Century Studies November 1961 1961, Proceedings of the Institute for Twenty-First Century Studies December 1962 1962
- * [letter], (lt) Amra v2 #31 1964, v2 #47 1968
- * [letter], (lt) SFWA Bulletin #13 Aug 1967, #65 Wtr 1978
- * [letter], (lt) Psychotic #25 May, #26 Jul, #27 Sep, #28 Nov 1968, #32 Aug, #34 Dec 1969, #39 Aug, #41 Nov 1970, #42 Jan, #43 Mar 1971,
#16 Feb 1976
- * [letter], (lt) Magazine of Horror September 1968
- * [letter], (lt) If May/Jun 1970, Jan/Feb 1971
- * [letter], (lt) REH: Lone Star Fictioneer #4, Spring 1976
- * [letter], (lt) Fantastic November 1976
- * [letter], (lt) OAK Leaves #15, Spring 1982
- * [letter], (lt) Cromlech v1 #2, 1987
- * [letter from Lansdowne, PA], (lt) Astounding Science Fiction Oct 1945, Apr 1946
- * [letter from New York], (lt) Argosy October 26 1940
- * [letter from New York, NY], (lt) Astounding Science-Fiction Sep 1938, Jan, Feb, Apr 1939, May 1942
- * [letter from New York, NY], (lt) Unknown Jun, Oct 1939
- * [letter from Scranton, PA], (lt) Astounding Stories Sep, Dec 1937
- * [letter from Villanova, PA], (lt) Kalki #3, July 1966
- * [letter from Villanova, PA], (lt) If January/February 1972
- * [letter from Villanova, PA, 19085], (lt) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact February 1971
- * [letter from Wallingford, PA], (lt) Astounding Science Fiction Feb 1951, Dec 1953, Oct 1956
- * [letter (on Velikovsky)], (lt) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact July 1967 [Ref. Immanuel Velikovsky]
- * [limerick], (pm) Amra v2 #39 1966, v2 #51 1969
- * [linking material], (lk)
- Conan the Adventurer with Robert E. Howard, Lancer, 1966; based on “A Probable Outline of Conan’s Career” by P. Schuyler Miller & John D. Clark (The Hyborian Age, LANY Cooperative Publications, 1938).
- Conan with Robert E. Howard & Lin Carter, Lancer, 1967
- Conan the Usurper with Robert E. Howard, Lancer, 1967
- Conan the Warrior by Robert E. Howard, Lancer, 1967
- Conan the Freebooter with Robert E. Howard, Lancer, 1968
- Conan the Wanderer with Robert E. Howard & Lin Carter, Lancer, 1968
- Conan of Cimmeria with Robert E. Howard & Lin Carter, Lancer, 1969
- * [untitled speech], (ar) Requiem by Robert A. Heinlein, Tor, 1992
_____, ed.
- * Beyond the Black River by Robert E. Howard, (na) King Conan by Robert E. Howard, Gnome Press, 1953; lightly edited by de Camp from the story of the same name (Weird Tales May & June 1935).
- * Black Colossus by Robert E. Howard, (nv) Conan the Barbarian by Robert E. Howard, Gnome Press, 1954; lightly edited by de Camp from the story of the same name (Weird Tales June 1933).
- * The Blade of Conan, (Ace, May 1979, nf)
- * The Coming of Conan by Robert E. Howard (with John D. Clark), (Gnome Press, 1953, co)
- * The Conan Grimoire (with George H. Scithers), (Mirage Press, 1972, nf)
- * The Conan Swordbook (with George H. Scithers), (Mirage Press, 1969, nf)
- * Conan the Barbarian by Robert E. Howard (with John D. Clark), (Gnome Press, 1954, co)
- * Conan the Warrior by Robert E. Howard, (Lancer, 1967, co)
- * Conan the Warrior by Robert E. Howard, (Sphere, 1973, co)
- * Conan the Warrior by Robert E. Howard, (Ace, April 1983, co)
- * The Enchanter Reborn (with Christopher Stasheff), (Baen, September 1992, oa)
- * The Exotic Enchanter (with Christopher Stasheff), (Baen, June 1995, oa)
- * The Fantastic Swordsmen, (Pyramid, May 1967, an)
- * The Frost-Giant’s Daughter by Robert E. Howard, (ss) Fantasy Fiction August 1953; originally published in a somewhat different version as “Gods of the North” in The Fantasy Fan, March 1934.
- * The God in the Bowl by Robert E. Howard, (ss) Space Science Fiction September 1952; lightly edited by de Camp from the story of the same name (The Tower of the Elephant, Donald M. Grant, 1975).
- * The Hyborian Age by Robert E. Howard, (ar) The Coming of Conan by Robert E. Howard, Gnome, 1953; lightly edited by de Camp from the article of the same name (LANY Cooperative Publications 1938).
- * The Hyborian Age by Robert E. Howard, (ar) Conan the Avenger with Robert E. Howard & Bjorn Nyberg, Lancer, 1968
- * Jewels of Gwahlur by Robert E. Howard, (nv) King Conan by Robert E. Howard, Gnome Press, 1953; lightly edited by de Camp from the story of the same name (Weird Tales March 1935).
- * King Conan by Robert E. Howard (with John D. Clark), (Gnome Press, 1953, co)
- * The People of the Black Circle by Robert E. Howard, (na) Conan the Adventurer with Robert E. Howard, Lancer, 1966; lightly edited by de Camp from the story of the same name (Weird Tales September, October & November 1934).
- * The Pool of the Black One by Robert E. Howard, (nv) Conan the Adventurer with Robert E. Howard, Lancer, 1966; lightly edited by de Camp from the story of the same name (Weird Tales October 1933).
- * Queen of the Black Coast by Robert E. Howard, (nv) The Coming of Conan by Robert E. Howard, Gnome, 1953; lightly edited by de Camp from the story of the same name (Weird Tales May 1934).
- * Red Nails by Robert E. Howard, (na) Conan the Warrior by Robert E. Howard, Lancer, 1967; lightly edited by de Camp from the story of the same name (Weird Tales July & August 1936).
- * Rogues in the House by Robert E. Howard, (nv) The Coming of Conan by Robert E. Howard, Gnome, 1953; lightly edited by de Camp from the story of the same name (Weird Tales January 1934).
- * Shadows in the Moonlight by Robert E. Howard, (nv) Conan the Barbarian by Robert E. Howard, Gnome Press, 1954; lightly edited by de Camp from the story of the same name (Weird Tales April 1934).
- * The Slithering Shadow by Robert E. Howard, (nv) Conan the Adventurer with Robert E. Howard, Lancer, 1966; lightly edited by de Camp from the story of the same name (Weird Tales September 1936).
- * The Spell of Conan, (Ace, July 1980, nf)
- * The Spell of Seven, (Pyramid, June 1965, an)
- * The Sword of Conan by Robert E. Howard (with John D. Clark), (Gnome Press, 1952, co)
- * Swords & Sorcery, (Pyramid, December 1963, an)
- * Tales Beyond Time (with Catherine Crook de Camp), (Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, 1973, an)
- * 3000 Years of Fantasy and Science Fiction (with Catherine Crook de Camp), (Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, 1972, an)
- * The Tower of the Elephant by Robert E. Howard, (nv) The Coming of Conan by Robert E. Howard, Gnome, 1953; lightly edited by de Camp from the story of the same name (Weird Tales March 1933).
- * The Vale of Lost Women by Robert E. Howard, (nv) Conan of Cimmeria with Robert E. Howard & Lin Carter, Lancer, 1969; lightly edited by de Camp from the story of the same name (Magazine of Horror Spring 1967).
- * Warlocks and Warriors, (G.P. Putnam's, August 1970, an)
- * A Witch Shall Be Born by Robert E. Howard, (na) Conan the Barbarian by Robert E. Howard, Gnome Press, 1954; lightly edited by de Camp from the story of the same name (Weird Tales December 1934).
_____, trans.
- * A Journey to the Moon by Cyrano de Bergerac, (n.) 3000 Years of Fantasy and Science Fiction ed. L. Sprague & Catherine Crook de Camp, Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, 1972; translated from the French (Histoire comique, par Monsieur de Cyrano Bergerac, Contenant les Estats et Empires de la Lune, Charles de Sercy, 1657).
- * The Tower by Luigi de Pascalis, (ss) The Fantastic Swordsmen ed. L. Sprague de Camp, Pyramid, 1967
_____, [ref.]
- * Additions to L. Sprague de Camp Checklist by Phil Garland, (bi) Presenting Moonshine #22, April 9 1972
- * The Ancient Engineers by Karl Würf, (br) Amra v2 #24, 1963
- * Ancient Ruins and Archaeology (with Catherine Crook de Camp) by George H. Scithers, (br) Amra v2 #31, 1964
- * The Ape-man Within by Darrell Schweitzer, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #228, August 2007
- * The Arrows of Hercules by Fritz Leiber, (br) Amra v2 #35, 1965
- * Author, Author!, (bg) Future Science Fiction #30, 1956
- * Author, Author!, (bg) Science Fiction Stories May 1958
- * Author, Author: L. Sprague de Camp by Donald B. Day, (bg) The Fanscient Spring/Summer 1951
- * The Best of L. Sprague de Camp by Algis Budrys, (br) The Washington Post March 5 1978
- * The Best of L. Sprague de Camp by Algis Budrys, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction September 1978
- * The Carnelian Cube by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction September 1949
- * The Carnelian Cube (with Fletcher Pratt) by A. Searles, (br) Fantastic Novels Magazine May 1950
- * The Castle of Iron (with Fletcher Pratt) by Groff Conklin, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction November 1950
- * The Castle of Iron (with Fletcher Pratt) by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction May 1951
- * Catherine and L. Sprague de Camp by Patricia Jackson, (ar) Night Voyages #5, Fall 1979
- * The Complete Compleat Enchanter, by L. Sprague de Camp and Fletcher Pratt (with Fletcher Pratt) by Baird Searles, (br) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine June 1989
- * The Complete Enchanter (with Fletcher Pratt) by Spider Robinson, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction June 1977
- * Conan of Cimmeria (with Lin Carter & Robert E. Howard) by John Boardman, (br) Science Fiction Review #33, October 1969
- * The Continent Makers by Sam Moskowitz, (br) Science-Fiction Plus June 1953
- * The Continent Makers by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction November 1953
- * The Continent Makers by Groff Conklin, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction June 1953
- * Cosmic Manhunt by Groff Conklin, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction November 1954
- * Dark Valley Destiny: The Life of Robert E. Howard by Darrell Schweitzer, (br) Science Fiction Review #51, Summer 1984
- * Dark Valley Destiny: The Life of Robert E. Howard (with Jane Whittington Griffin & Catherine Crook de Camp) by Algis Budrys, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction June 1984
- * Dark Valley Destiny: The Life of Robert E. Howard (with Jane Whittington Griffin & Catherine Crook de Camp) by Darrell Schweitzer, (br) Science Fiction Review #51, Summer 1984
- * The Day of the Dinosaur (with Catherine Crook de Camp) by John Boardman, (br) Science Fiction Review #30, April 1969
- * De Camp by Phil Garland, (bi) Presenting Moonshine #36, November 1973
- * L. Sprague de Camp, (pi) Galileo #9, 1978
- * De Camp & Simak Addenda, (bi) Presenting Moonshine #39, August 1974
- * Demons and Dinosaurs, (br) Amra v2 #54, 1971
- * Divide and Rule by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction September 1949
- * Divide and Rule and The Stolen Dormouse by John K. Aiken, (br) Fantasy Review April/May 1949
- * The Eldritch Twitch by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #14, August 1975
- * An Elephant for Aristotle by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction September 1958
- * An Elephant for Aristotle by Lin Carter, (br) Inside #53, September 1958
- * The Fallible Fiend by Albert A. Nofi, (br) Amra v2 #60, 1973
- * An Follow-Up Interview with L. Sprague de Camp by Richard E. Geis, (iv) Science Fiction Review #15, November 1975
- * Footprints on Sand (with Catherine Crook de Camp) by Thomas A. Easton, (br) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact July 1982
- * The Fringe of the Unknown by Darrell Schweitzer, (br) Science Fiction Review #51, Summer 1984
- * Genus Homo (with P. Schuyler Miller) by Groff Conklin, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction November 1950
- * Genus Homo (with P. Schuyler Miller) by C. Coffin, (br) Astounding Science Fiction May 1951
- * The Glory That Was by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding/Analog Science Fact & Fiction July 1960
- * The Glory That Was by Floyd C. Gale, (br) Galaxy Magazine August 1960
- * The Glory That Was by Frederik Pohl, (br) If January 1961
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