The FictionMags Index
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[]Johnson, James (1976- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Bite the Bullet, (cs) Murky Depths #7, March 2009
- * A Brief History of Dogfighting, (cs) Murky Depths #7, March 2009
- * The Factory, (cs) Murky Depths #6, Winter 2008/2009
- * Final Cut, (cs) Murky Depths #5, September 2008
- * Hero in Hell, (cs) Murky Depths #8, June 2009
- * Kite (with Scott Purdy), (ss) Murky Depths #12, June 2010
- * The Naked Soul of Man, (cs) Murky Depths #10, December 2009
- * Warped, (cs) Murky Depths #4, June 2008
- * [front cover], (cv) Murky Depths #8, June 2009
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Murky Depths #8, June 2009
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[]Johnson, James Weldon (1871-1938) (chron.)
- * The Auto-biography of an Ex-Colored Man, (bg) The Half-Century Magazine Nov, Dec 1919, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug/Sep, Oct,
Nov, Dec 1920
- * The Creation, (pm) 1927
- * Futility, (pm) Harper’s Magazine November 1929
- * Go Down, Death!, (pm) God’s Trombones by James Weldon Johnson, The Viking Press, 1927
- * Lynching in Tennessee, (ar)
- * The Negro’s Creative Genius, (ar)
- * The Practice of Lynching, (ar) The Century Magazine November 1927
- * Selections from “Saint Peter Relates an Incident”, (ex)
- * The White Witch, (pm) The Crisis 1915
[]Johnson, Jane (1960- ); used pseudonyms Jude Fisher & Gabriel King (chron.)
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- * Editing the Stars: An Interview with Jane Johnson by Sebastian Cook, (iv) Focus #26, June/July 1994
- * Fools Gold Trilogy by Liz Simmonds, (br) Probe #137, June 2008
- * Gabriel King—Feliduo by Elizabeth Counihan, (iv) Odyssey #3, 1998
- * Rose of the World by Iain Emsley, (br) Interzone #200, October 2005
- * The Wild Road (with M. John Harrison) by David Mathew, (br) Interzone #126, December 1997
- * The Wild Road (with M. John Harrison) by Michael M. Levy, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #126, February 1999
[]Johnson, Jean (fl. 1920s-1950s) (chron.)
- * Adventure in Candlelight, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine July 12 1941
- * And Now This Dawning, (nv) Winning Love August 1945
- * Anniversary Blues, (ss) Love Book Magazine August 1950
- * Bachelor Bait, (ss) Love Fiction Monthly April 1942
- * Birds of Passage, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine May 2 1944
- * Born a Hussy, (nv) Love Fiction Monthly July 1937
- * Broadway Boy Meets Girl, (nv) Sweetheart Stories #299, March 1941
- * Broadway Starlight, (ss) Love Fiction Monthly February 1938
- * Casanova Regrets, (ss) Love Book Magazine April 1941
- * Christmas Love Song, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine December 28 1943
- * Counterfeit Cupid, (nv) Best Love Stories—Cupid’s Diary March 1931
- * Cover-Up Kisses, (nv) Love Fiction Monthly December 1938
- * Dangerous Shallows, (nv) Loving Hearts May 1929
- * A Dazzling Light, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine November 16 1943
- * Design for Glamour, (ss) Love Book Magazine March 1948
- * Don’t Look So Innocent!, (ss) Love Fiction Monthly October 1936
- * A Dream Apart, (ss) Love Short Stories November 1949
- * Dream Girl to Order, (ss) Thrilling Love December 1937
- * The Dream Island, (nv) Love Book Magazine May 1944
- * Emergency Husband, (ss) Love Book Magazine February 1945
- * Fairy Gold, (ss) Sweetheart Stories #205, October 31 1933
- * Farewell to Glamour, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine April 23 1938
- * Flight to Arcady, (ss) Thrilling Love January 1942
- * The Genii Appears, (ss) Cupid’s Diary October 30 1929
- * Gentleman Gangster, (ss) Ainslee’s Smart Love Stories April 1936
- * Gentlemen, Beware!, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine December 14 1940
- * Georgiana Rebels, (ss) Sweetheart Stories #163, May 19 1931
- * Girl About Town, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine July 29 1939
- * A Girl Can Dream, (ss) Love Short Stories August 1948
- * Happy Landing, (ss) Magic Love March 1946
- * Harvest Kisses, (ss) Love Book Magazine November 1945
- * Haunted Lady, (nv) Magic Love January 1947
- * He Asked Me to Be Mrs. Potter D’Orsay Palmer No. 3, (iw) Living Romances from Actual Life February 1940
- * Heavy Suitor, (ss) Smart Love Stories August 1937
- * Hidden Fires, (ss) Smart Love Stories October 1937
- * Highway to Heaven, (sl) Sweetheart Stories #169 Aug 11, #170 Aug 25, #171 Sep 8, #172 Sep 22, #173 Oct 6, #174 Oct 20 1931
- * Holiday for a Hero, (ss) Love Short Stories December 1944
- * In Waltz Time, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine February 25 1939
- * Just a Quiet Evening, (ss) Sweetheart Stories #72, February 7 1928
- * Just for the Thrill of It, (ss)
- * A Kingdom to Come, (sl) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine Aug 22, Aug 29 1936
- * Kisses Are Playthings, (ss) Love Fiction Monthly January 1937
- * Knight in Khaki, (ss) Love Book Magazine October 1944
- * Lady in Waiting, (ss) Love Book Magazine March 1941
- * The Lady Regrets, (ss) Love Fiction Monthly October 1937
- * Lady Santa Claus, (ss) Love Book Magazine January 1944
- * Last Night in Paris, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine August 13 1938
- * Lay That Ghost, (ss) Appeal #1, 1946
- * Love at First Flight, (ss) All-Story Love June 1948
- * Love Specialist, (ss) Thrilling Love November 1937
- * Make-Believe Heaven, (nv) Love Short Stories October 1946
- * The Man She Gave Up, (nv) Ten-Story Love Magazine January 1941
- * Marriage Trap, (ss) Love Fiction Monthly February 1937
- * The Midas Touch, (nv) Sweetheart Stories #65, December 20 1927
- * Misplaced Dream, (ss) All-Story Love August 1947
- * Never in This World!, (ss) Loving Hearts July 1929
- * No Brighter Flame, (ss) Love Short Stories October 1945
- * “No” Girl, (ss) Love Fiction Monthly September 1936
- * No Moon Needed, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine April 2 1938
- * No Other Lips, (ss) Love Fiction Monthly November 1934
- * No Questions Asked, (nv) Sweetheart Stories #73, February 14 1928
- * No Trespassing, (ss) Best Love Stories—Cupid’s October 1 1930
- * One More Good-by, (ss) All-Story Love February 1944
- * The Piper Is a Profiteer, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine December 1942
- * Prelude to a Kiss, (ss) Love Fiction Monthly March 1937
- * The Princess Wakes Up, (nv) New Love Magazine December 1947
- * Reluctant Lips, (nv) Glamorous Love Stories July 1954
- * Remember This Night!, (ss) Love Short Stories February 1941
- * Remembrances, (pm) The Novel Magazine March 1928
- * Reputation None Too Good, (nv) Complete Love Magazine August 1940
- * Retreat to Love, (nv) Magic Love September 1945
- * The Return, (ss) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine March 1938
- * Revolt in Paradise Alley, (ss) Leading Love January 1946
- * Rolling Stone Blues, (ss) Sweetheart Stories #240, April 1936
- * A Roof Over Her Head, (ss) Thrilling Love September 1940
- * Santa Claus—1941, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine December 20 1941
- * Satan Played Cupid, (ss) All-Story Love August 1949
- * Sentimental Interlude, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine July 31 1937
- * Shadowed Heaven, (ss) All-Story Love January 1949
- * Shadow of a Dream, (nv) All-Story Love October 1950
- * Sidetracked, (ss) This Week August 2 1936
- * Sometimes the Stars Sing, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine July 13 1943
- * Spring Morning, (ss) Everybody’s Combined with Romance August 1929
- * Star-Spangled Christmas, (ss) Love Book Magazine January 1948
- * Storm Over Paradise, (nv) Love Short Stories September 1948
- * Strangers’ Honeymoon, (nv) Love Fiction Monthly May 1938
- * Suzie Joins the Navy, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine April 20 1943
- * Sweet Madness, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine October 8 1938
- * Tangled Skeins, (ss) Cupid’s Diary January 8 1930
- * Then She Tried Tears, (ss) Sweetheart Stories #58, November 1 1927
- * There’s Only Today!, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine June 15 1943
- * This Love Will Last, (ss) Thrilling Love July 1938
- * Three of a Kind, (ss) Love Fiction Monthly March 1938
- * A Tired Romeo, (ss) 1942
- * Too Tempting, (na) Ten-Story Love Magazine November 1941
- * Treasure Hunt, (ss) Sweetheart Stories #116, July 30 1929
- * Trial Fiance, (ss) Ten-Story Love Magazine May 1941
- * Vigil, (vi) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine January 1939
- * White Violets, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine December 9 1939
- * Wife in Exile, (nv) Romance April 1949
- * Without Music, (nv) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine October 19 1943
- * A Wolf for Winnie, (na) New Love Magazine December 1949
- * Yesterday’s Sweetheart, (ss) Sweetheart Stories #113, June 18 1929
- * You Can’t Please Them!, (ss) Sweetheart Stories #89, July 17 1928
- * You Forgot to Remember, (nv) Love Fiction Monthly November 1936
[]Johnson, Jean (fl. 2000s-2010s) (books) (chron.)
- * Beauty and the Beast, (na) Bedtime Stories, Heat, 2010
- * Bedtime Stories, (oc) Berkley/Heat, April 2010
- * Birthright, (na) Elemental Magic, Berkley, 2007
- * The Courtship of Wall Daad, (na) Bedtime Stories, Heat, 2010
- * The Frog Prince, (nv) Bedtime Stories, Heat, 2010
- * Gifts of the Magi, (na) An Enchanted Season, Berkley Sensation, 2007
- * The Hero Industry, (ss) Subversion ed. Bart R. Leib, Crossed Genres Publications, 2011
- * The King Who Heard a Joke, (nv) Bedtime Stories, Heat, 2010
- * Me Princess on the Glass Hill, (na) Bedtime Stories, Heat, 2010
- * Parker’s Paradise, (ss) Beyond the Sun ed. Bryan Thomas Schmidt, Fairwood Press, 2013
- * Puss-in-Boots, (na) Bedtime Stories, Heat, 2010
- * Sleeping-Beauty, (na) Bedtime Stories, Heat, 2010
- * Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, (na) Bedtime Stories, Heat, 2010
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