The FictionMags Index
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[]Ignatow, David (1914-1997) (about) (chron.)
- * Bathsheba, (pm) Botteghe Oscure
- * The City, (pm)
- * Improvisation I, (pm) Lillabulero #14, Spring 1974
- * Improvisation II, (pm) Lillabulero #14, Spring 1974
- * In Your Dreams, (pm) Botteghe Oscure
- * Journal Excerpts, (ms) Ploughshares Fall 1971
- * King David, (pm) Botteghe Oscure
- * Long Island Trek, (pm) Arena February/March 1951
- * Mystique, (pm) Botteghe Oscure
- * News Report, (pm) Discovery No. 1 ed. John W. Aldridge & Vance Bourjaily, Pocket, 1953
- * On Hollow Legs, (pm) Ploughshares Fall 1979
- * Simultaneously, (pm) Figures of the Human by David Ignatow, Wesleyan Univ. Press, 1964
- * Soft, Soft, (pm) Ploughshares Summer 1972
- * Subway, (pm) Ploughshares Fall 1979
- * Theme and Variations, (pm) Ploughshares Summer 1972
- * untitled (“I’m looking for something to distract me”), (pm) Transatlantic Review #52, Autumn 1975
- * untitled (“I sit here thinking I should write”), (pm) Transatlantic Review #52, Autumn 1975
- * The Visit, (pm) Pulpsmith Fall 1987
[]Ignota; pseudonym of Elizabeth Wolstenholme (1833-1918) (about) (chron.)
- * American Wives of English Husbands, (ar) The Harmsworth Monthly Pictorial Magazine September 1898
- * The Archbishop of York and the Hon. Mrs. Maclagan, (ar) The Sunday Strand March 1900 [Ref. Augusta & William Maclagan]
- * Aristocratic Poachers, (ar) The Grand Magazine July 1905
- * Beautiful Mothers and Children, (ar) The Woman at Home December 1901
- * The Bishop of Southwell and Lady Laura Ridding at Thurgarton Priory, (ar) The Sunday Strand June 1900 [Ref. George & Laura Ridding]
- * Children Who Earn Big Incomes, (ar) The London Magazine October 1902
- * Delay, (pm) The Argosy (UK) August 1875
- * Diet Fads in Relation to Feminine Beauty, (ar) The Grand Magazine June 1905
- * English Political House-Parties, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine January 1900
- * Entertaining English Royalty, (ar) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine September 1899
- * Fair Sportswomen, (ar) The Harmsworth Monthly Pictorial Magazine September 1899
- * Famous Pets of Famous Folk, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine February 1903
- * Fifty Years of Fashion, (ar) The London Magazine July 1908
- * The Godsons of the King, (ar) The Royal Magazine December 1901
- * Great Preachers. Their Homes and Households:
* ___ The Archbishop of York and the Hon. Mrs. Maclagan, (ar) The Sunday Strand March 1900 [Ref. Augusta & William Maclagan]
* ___ The Bishop of Southwell and Lady Laura Ridding at Thurgarton Priory, (ar) The Sunday Strand June 1900 [Ref. George & Laura Ridding]
* ___ Mrs. Creighton, (ar) The Sunday Strand February 1900 [Ref. Louise Creighton]
* ___ The New Bishop of London, (ar) The Sunday Strand May 1901 [Ref. Arthur Winnington-Ingram]
* ___ Rev. and Mrs. Hugh Price Hughes, (ar) The Sunday Strand May 1900 [Ref. Hugh Price & Mary Howard Hughes]
- * Hosts and Hostesses of Royalty, (ar) The Woman at Home July 1901
- * How Millionaires Shop in Paris, (ar) The Woman at Home September 1901
- * Irish Beauties: Some Fair Daughters of the Emerald Isle, (ar) The Harmsworth Monthly Pictorial Magazine November/December 1898
- * Ladies at the Front: The Woman’s Side of the War, (ar) The Harmsworth Monthly Pictorial Magazine February 1900
- * A Lady Photographer: An Interview with Miss Kate Pragnell, (iv) The Woman at Home April 1899
- * A Lady Photographer Who Never Photographs Men, (ar) The Harmsworth Monthly Pictorial Magazine April 1899 [Ref. Alice Hughes]
- * Lady Shopkeepers, (ar) The Idler December 1895
- * Leaders of French Society, (ar) The Woman at Home February 1902
- * Leading Ladies of the Opposition, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine February 1897
- * Mrs. Creighton, (ar) The Sunday Strand February 1900 [Ref. Louise Creighton]
- * The New Bishop of London, (ar) The Sunday Strand May 1901 [Ref. Arthur Winnington-Ingram]
- * Our Leaders at the Coronation, (ar) The Sunday Strand June 1902
- * Our Soldiers’ Wives, (ar) The Harmsworth Monthly Pictorial Magazine March 1900
- * Peers and Peeresses in Business, (ar) The Harmsworth Monthly Pictorial Magazine May 1899
- * Princess Charles of Denmark, (ar) The Lady’s Realm April 1898 [Ref. Maud of Wales]
- * The Queen as a Country Lady, (ar) Fry’s Magazine April 1910
- * The Queen’s Friends, (ar) The Harmsworth Magazine July 1901
- * Rev. and Mrs. Hugh Price Hughes, (ar) The Sunday Strand May 1900 [Ref. Hugh Price & Mary Howard Hughes]
- * The Riviera: The Playground of Princes, (ar) The Woman at Home February 1901
- * Royal Londoners, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine June 1903
- * Scotch Beauties, (ar) The Harmsworth Monthly Pictorial Magazine August 1899
- * Scottish Sport and Autumn House Parties, (ar) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine October 1899
- * Wealth and Its Owners, (ar) The Grand Magazine November 1907
- * The Wearers of the Strawberry Leaves, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine March 1899
- * What to Wish; and How, (pm) The Argosy (UK) May 1875
[]Igoe, Hype (fl. 1920s-1930s) (chron.)
- * Ring Sensations of 1930, (ar) Fight Stories January 1931
- * Through the Ropes, (cl) Fight Stories Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1929
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1930
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1931
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 1932
- * With the Leather-Pushers, (cl) Jack Dempsey’s Fight Magazine May, Jun, Aug 1934
- * [unknown article], (ar)
[]Ihezue, Somto O. (fl. 2020s) (chron.)
- * Desperate Ark Wives, (ss) Haven Speculative #18, November 2024
- * Editorial, (ed) Solarpunk Magazine #10, July/August 2023
- * Idemili, (pm) Strange Horizons April 3 2023
- * In Our Bodies, There Is Heat, (pm) Nightmare #136, January 2024
- * Judge’s Comments, (ms) Elegant Literature #30, May 2024
- * Let These Names Water Tomorrow, (pm) Shoreline of Infinity #36, Autumn 2023
- * Like Stars Daring to Shine, (ss) Fireside Magazine #103, Summer 2022
- * Of Porridge, Untethered Things & Rabbits, (vi) Bacopa Literary Review October 2021
- * Tenets of Ascendance (with Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki), (ss) Robotic Ambitions ed. Lesley Conner & Jason Sizemore, Apex Publications, 2023
- * Water Finding Water, (pm) Shoreline of Infinity #36, Autumn 2023
- * Where You Go, (ss) Omenana #16, December 2020
- * Whole, (ss) Cossmass Infinities #8, April 2022
_____, ed.
[]Ijasan, Adelehin (fl. 2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Cycle of the Eternal Witness, (ss) Omenana #15, August 2020
- * From Earth to Io, With Love, (ss) Fiyah #21, Winter 2022
- * A Heap of Petrified Gods, (vi) Lightspeed #176, January 2025
- * Madam Shaje’s Catering, (ss) Omenana #25, March 2023
- * The Rafting of Jorge Santa Cruz, (ss) IZ Digital July 5 2023
- * Xhova, (ss) Mothersound ed. Wole Talabi, Android Press, 2023
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