The FictionMags Index
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Clement, Hal (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Mission of Gravity [Mesklin], (co) Gregg, June 1978
- * Mistaken for Granted, (na) Worlds of If January/February 1974
- * Natives of Space, (co) Ballantine, April 1965
- * Needle [Robert Kinnaird], (n.) Astounding Science Fiction May, Jun 1949
- * Needle [Robert Kinnaird], (n.) Doubleday, 1950
- * Ocean on Top, (n.) If Oct, Nov, Dec 1967
- * Oh, Natural, (nv) Absolute Magnitude #9, Spring 1998
- * Only Once, (ar) The Fractal #2, Spring 1994
- * On the Tenth of Apollo 11, (ar) Galileo July 1979
- * Part Two: History, (ar) First Flights to the Moon ed. Hal Clement, Doubleday, 1970
- * Phases in Chaos, (na) Phases in Chaos ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Avon, 1991
- * Planetfall, (na) Strange Tomorrows ed. Robert Hoskins, Lancer, 1972; original version of story published as “Planet for Plunder”, Satellite Feb ’57, which had additional chapters by Sam Merwin, Jr.
- * Planet for Plunder (with Sam Merwin, Jr.), (n.) Satellite Science Fiction February 1957
- * Pretty Pictures, (ar) Event Horizon v1 #2, 1980/81
- * Probability Zero:
* ___ Avenue of Escape, (vi) Astounding Science-Fiction November 1942
- * Proof, (ss) Astounding Science-Fiction June 1942
- Possible Worlds of Science Fiction ed. Groff Conklin, Vanguard Press, 1951
- SF: Authors’ Choice 2 ed. Harry Harrison, Berkley Medallion, 1970
- Where Do We Go from Here? ed. Isaac Asimov, Doubleday, 1971
- Where Do We Go from Here? Book 1 ed. Isaac Asimov, Sphere, 1974
- Unearth Spring 1977
- The Great Science Fiction Stories: Volume 4, 1942 ed. Isaac Asimov & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1980
- First Voyages ed. Damon Knight, Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander, Avon, 1981
- The Golden Years of Science Fiction: Second Series ed. Isaac Asimov & Martin H. Greenberg, Bonanza/Crown, 1983
- Encounters ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Headline, 1988
- The Ascent of Wonder ed. David G. Hartwell & Kathryn Cramer, Tor, 1994
- The Essential Hal Clement, Volume 2: Music of Many Spheres by Hal Clement, NESFA Press, 2000
- Wondrous Beginnings ed. Steven H Silver & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 2003
- * A Question of Guilt, (nv) The Year’s Best Horror Stories: Series IV ed. Gerald W. Page, DAW, 1976
- * Raindrop, (nv) If May 1965
- * Red World 2, (ar) Galileo #11/12, 1979
- * Science, (cl) Unearth; Win 77 - Win 79.
- * Scientists at Work, (br) Galileo September 1979 [Ref. John Noble Wilford]
- * Seasoning [Medea], (nv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine September/October 1978
- * Small Changes, (co) Doubleday, 1969
- * Sortie, (na) Harsh Mistress #2 Spr/Sum, #1 Fll/Win 1994, #2 Spr, #3 Sum 1995
- * Space Lash, (co) Doubleday, 1969, as Small Changes
- * Star Light [Mesklin], (n.) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep 1970
- * Status Symbol [Laird Cunningham], (nv) Intuit by Hal Clement, NESFA, 1987
- * Stuck with It [Laird Cunningham], (nv) Stellar #2 ed. Judy-Lynn del Rey, Ballantine, 1976
- * Sunspot, (ss) Analog Science Fact—Fiction November 1960
- Analog Science Fact & Fiction (UK) March 1961
- Small Changes by Hal Clement, Doubleday, 1969
- Comets ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, NAL/Signet, 1986
- Analog’s Expanding Universe ed. Stanley Schmidt, Longmeadow, 1986
- The Essential Hal Clement, Volume 2: Music of Many Spheres by Hal Clement, NESFA Press, 2000
- * Technical Error, (nv) Astounding Science Fiction January 1944
- * “Trojan Fall”, (ss) Astounding Science Fiction June 1944
- * Uncommon Sense [Laird Cunningham], (ss) Astounding Science Fiction September 1945
- Small Changes by Hal Clement, Doubleday, 1969
- The Old Masters ed. Brian Davis, NEL, 1970
- Out of This World 10 ed. Amabel Williams-Ellis & Michael Pearson, Blackie & Son, 1973
- The Best of Hal Clement by Hal Clement, Del Rey, 1979
- Intuit by Hal Clement, NESFA, 1987
- The Essential Hal Clement, Volume 2: Music of Many Spheres by Hal Clement, NESFA Press, 2000
- Nebula Awards Showcase 2000 ed. Gregory Benford, Harvest, 2000
- * Under [Mesklin], (na) Analog Science Fiction and Fact January 2000
- * Voyager 2, (ar) Galileo November 1979
- * What?, (is) First Flights to the Moon ed. Hal Clement, Doubleday, 1970
- * Whatever Happened to the Science in Science Fiction?, (ar) Science Fiction Age September 1993
- * What? How?, (is) First Flights to the Moon ed. Hal Clement, Doubleday, 1970
- * What? Why? Who?, (is) First Flights to the Moon ed. Hal Clement, Doubleday, 1970
- * What Works for Me, (sy) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #112, Summer 1991
- * When? How?, (is) First Flights to the Moon ed. Hal Clement, Doubleday, 1970
- * When? Who?, (is) First Flights to the Moon ed. Hal Clement, Doubleday, 1970
- * Whirligig World, (ar) Astounding Science Fiction June 1953
- * Who? What?, (is) First Flights to the Moon ed. Hal Clement, Doubleday, 1970
- * Will, (in) First Contacts by Murray Leinster, NESFA Press, 1998 [Ref. Will F. Jenkins]
- * [letter], (lt) Analog Science Fact—Fiction May 1961, Dec 7 1981, Jun 2000
- * [letter from Milton, MA], (lt) If Dec 1968, Feb 1969
- * [letter from Washington, DC], (lt) Astounding Science Fiction July 1952
_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
- * 1998 Grand Master: Hal Clement by Poul Anderson & Ben Bova, (ms) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #142, Summer 1999
- * Hal Clement, (pi) Galileo #11/12, 1979
- * Close to Critical by Tom Boardman, Jr., (br) sf Impulse November 1966
- * Cycle of Fire by Floyd C. Gale, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction September 1957
- * Cycle of Fire by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction November 1957
- * Cycle of Fire by Larry A. Harris, (br) Inside #53, September 1958
- * First Flights to the Moon by Ted Pauls, (br) Science Fiction Review #43, March 1971
- * First Flights to the Moon, ed. by Hal Clement by Joanna Russ, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction April 1971
- * The Grand Master Award: Hal Clement by Poul Anderson, (ar) Nebula Awards Showcase 2000 ed. Gregory Benford, Harvest, 2000
- * Hal Clement by Jay Kay Klein, (bg) Analog Science Fiction and Fact January 2000
- * Hal Clement by Darrell Schweitzer, (iv) Amazing Science Fiction Stories March 1977
- * Hal Clement, 1922-2003 by Stanley Schmidt, (ob) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July/August 2004
- * Hal Clement: An Interview by Warren Lapine, (iv) Absolute Magnitude #6, Winter 1996
- * Hal Clement Iceworld (Lancer, 1970) by Ted White, (br) Amazing Science Fiction Stories November 1970
- * Hal Clement’s Aliens: Bridging the Gaps by Perry A. Trunick, (ar) Foundation #36, Summer 1986
- * Half Life by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #150, December 1999
- * Half Life by Donald M. Hassler, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #140, April 2000
- * Iceworld by Harlan Ellison, (br) Science Fantasy Bulletin March 1953
- * Iceworld by Sam Merwin, Jr., (br) Fantastic Universe October/November 1953
- * Iceworld by Groff Conklin, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction October 1953
- * Iceworld by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction January 1954
- * Iceworld by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #38, June 1970
- * I Discover Hal Clement by Anthony R. Lewis, (aw) The Essential Hal Clement, Volume 3: Variations on a Theme by Sir Isaac Newton by Hal Clement, NESFA Press, 2000
- * Interview: Hal Clement by Garrett Oliver, (iv) Event Horizon v1 #1, 1980
- * Interview: Hal Clement by Tim Fitzgibbons, (iv) Thrust #29, Winter 1988
- * Intuit by John Gregory Betancourt, (br) Weird Tales Spring/Fall 1989
- * Left of Africa by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #21, May 1977
- * A Logic Named Clement (or Open the Pod Bay Doors, Hal) by Bud Webster, (ar) Grantville Gazette v30, 2010
- * Mission of Gravity by Groff Conklin, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction August 1954
- * Mission of Gravity by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction Oct 1954, Feb 1959, Apr 1963
- * Mission of Gravity by John Carnell, (br) New Worlds Science Fiction #138, January 1964
- * Mission of Gravity by Lee Smith, (br) Thrust #14, Winter 1980
- * Music of Many Spheres: The Essential Hal Clement, Volume 2 by Brian M. Stableford, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #153, May 2001
- * Needle by L. Sprague de Camp, (br) Astounding Science Fiction November 1950
- * The Nitrogen Fix by Algis Budrys, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction March 1981
- * The Perfect Hard SF Novel by Mark L. Olson, (aw) The Essential Hal Clement, Volume 3: Variations on a Theme by Sir Isaac Newton by Hal Clement, NESFA Press, 2000
- * Profile: Hal Clement by Brian M. Fraser, (iv) Starship #38, Spring 1980
- * The Ranger Boys in Space by Floyd C. Gale, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction August 1957
- * Reasonable Engineering Laws by Darrell Schweitzer, (iv) Interzone #193, Spring 2004
- * The Science in Science Fiction by James E. Gunn, (is) The Road to Science Fiction #3 ed. James Gunn, Mentor, 1979
- * Small Changes by Ed Cox, (br) Science Fiction Review #31, June 1969
- * Small Changes by Algis Budrys, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction July 1969
- * Star Light by Algis Budrys, (br) The Washington Post March 5 1978
- * Starlight by Lester del Rey, (br) If September/October 1971
- * Still River by Dean R. Lambe, (br) Thrust #29, Winter 1988
- * Still River by Ken Brown, (br) Interzone #28, March/April 1989
- * Through the Eye of a Needle by Dean R. Lambe, (br) Science Fiction Review #30, March/April 1979
- * Through the Eye of a Needle by John Clute, (br) Foundation #16, May 1979
- * Trio for Slide Rule and Typewriter by David Langford, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #130, June 1999
- * The Writer As Artist by Brian M. Fraser, (ar) Starship #38, Spring 1980
[]Clement, Joseph M. (fl. 1920s-1930s) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) Everybody’s Oct 1922, Jan 1923
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Boys’ Life Dec 1920, Jul 1921
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Red Book Magazine May 1921, Jan, Aug 1934, May 1935
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Everybody’s Feb, Mar, Jun, Oct, Nov, Dec 1922, Jan, Feb, May, Jul, Aug, Sep,
Oct, Nov, Dec 1923
Jan, Oct, Nov, Dec 1924, Jan, Feb 1925
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Cosmopolitan Apr, Jun, Oct 1927
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Nash’s Magazine Oct 1927, Feb 1928, Jul 1929
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Good Housekeeping Jan, Feb, Mar, May, Jun, Sep 1929, Mar, May 1930
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The American Magazine Sep, Oct, Nov 1929, Jan, Nov 1930, Oct 1931, Jul, Oct 1932, Jul 1933
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Collier’s Apr 2, Sep 3, Sep 17, Oct 15 1932, Nov 4 1933, Sep 8 1934, May 4, Sep 28, Oct 19 1935,
Apr 4, Jun 13, Jul 18, Dec 12 1936
- * [illustration(s)], (il) This Week March 22 1936
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Canadian Home Journal September 1938
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