The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 919
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[]Black, Dorothy; maiden name of Dorothy MacLiesh (1890-1977) (about) (chron.)
- * Across the Water, (ss) The Strand Magazine July 1936
- * Acting Up to Emerson, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal October 1926
- * The Actress at No. 1 [The Avenue], (ss) This Week August 7 1938
- * The Admiral’s Ice-Box, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal July 1928
- * Alison, (ss) Smart Set August 1929
- * All a Girl Wants, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine October 1934
- * Althea Goes Abroad, (ss) The Grand Magazine May 1923
- * Amanda and Friend, (ss) Woman’s Journal December 1962
- * And if Your Song-Bird Disappears, (ss) All-Story Magazine (UK) #14, November 1927
- * And Then Came Spring, (ss) The Royal Magazine April 1926
- * Anon, (ss) The Royal Magazine January 1929
- * Another Woman, (ss) Collier’s December 4 1943
- * Any Woman’s Hero, (ss) This Week March 14 1937
- * Babes in the Wood [Miss Pilkington], (ss) The Passing Show February 9 1935
- * Back of Beyond, (ss)
- * The Bad Hat, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #18, December 1923
- * A Basket of Roses, (ss) Woman’s Journal June 1963
- * The Beginning of a Fairytale [Jeremy, Earl of Frenshfield], (ss) The Grand Magazine May 1933
- * Besieged at Christmas, (ar) The Passing Show December 24 1932
- * The Best for Mandy [Jeremy, Earl of Frenshfield], (ss) The Grand Magazine April 1933
- * Bits of Dreams, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal July 1926
- * Bonfires, (ss) This Week December 15 1935
- * “Britons Never…”, (ss) Britannia and Eve December 1937
- * By Arrangement, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #25, July 1924
- * The Captains and the Kings Depart, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 9 1927
- * The Chinese Chest, (ss) The Grand Magazine November 1929
- * Cinderella, (ss) MacLean’s April 15 1931
- * City Gents, (ss) Britannia and Eve November 1936
- * Clarissa Steps Out, (ss) The Grand Magazine December 1929
- * The Daffodil Girl, (ss) The Grand Magazine August 1932
- * Damsel in Distress, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine December 1933
- * Dangerous Women, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine October 1929
* ___ No. 2. Prey for Sharks, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine November 1929
* ___ No. 3. Love Among the Chickens, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine December 1929
* ___ No. 4. “Some Mischief Still”, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine January 1930
- * Daphne Demurs [Miss Pilkington], (ss) The Passing Show January 26 1935
- * The Desert’s Dusty Face:
* ___ The Firm’s Bachelor, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 26 1928
* ___ The Firm’s Boots, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 9 1928
* ___ The Three Musketeers, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 23 1928
* ___ [untitled?], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 21 1928
* ___ No. 1. The Firm’s Bachelor, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 26 1928
* ___ No. 2. The Firm’s Boots, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 9 1928
* ___ No. 3. The Three Musketeers, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 23 1928
* ___ No. 4. “The Man Who Sat Apart”, (ss) The Story-teller November 1928
- * The Destroyer, (ss) The Red Magazine July 30 1926
- * The Doctor at No. 9 [The Avenue], (ss) This Week August 14 1938
- * Doing the East, (ss) Pictorial Review March 1928
- * The Dream Bride, (ss) The Grand Magazine July 1932
- * The Duke and the Girl, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal March 1960
- * “East Is East”, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 12 1928
- * Empty Arms, (ss) The Grand Magazine December 1924
- * The Empty Heart [Atlantic Crossing], (ss) This Week January 22 1939
- * The Eternal Question, (ss) The Grand Magazine February 1932
- * “Excuse Me!”, (ss) The Story-teller December 1933
- * The Faithful Lover, (ss) The Ladies’ Home Journal September 1925
- * Family Life Is Difficult, (ss) Britannia and Eve July 1932
- * Fanny, (ss) Smart Set December 1929
- * The Fantastic Armada, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal October 1940
- * Fate and That Doctor Chap, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine August 1923
- * Fate—The Ace Director, (nv) Fiction Magazine February 1943
- * Fenella, (ss) Smart Set September 1929
- * Festival of Lanterns, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal January 1927
- * The Fifth Guest, (ss) The Grand Magazine February 1925
- * Finishing School, (ss) The Novel Magazine April 1937
- * The Firm’s Bachelor, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 26 1928
- * The Firm’s Boots, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 9 1928
- * The Flapper, (ss) The Royal Magazine April 1923
- * Flight of the Songbirds, (ss) This Week October 15 1939
- * The Flowering Aloe, (ss) The Royal Magazine January 1921
- * Flute and the Buffalo, (ss) The Designer and The Woman’s Magazine June 1926
- * Foolish Man, (ss) The Grand Magazine January 1940
- * For Tired Business Men, (ss) The New Royal Magazine December 1930
- * Freedom, (ss) The Home Magazine (UK) July 1924
- * The Fruit Bat [Back of Beyond], (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal May 1932
- * Full Circle, (ss) The Story-teller September 1933
- * The Funny Man, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #1, July 1922
- * Gallant Deception, (ss) This Week October 22 1939
- * The Game That Hurt No One, (ss) The Royal Magazine May 1927
- * The Gardullas at No. 13 [The Avenue], (ss) This Week July 31 1938
- * Gay Scenario [Jeremy, Earl of Frenshfield], (ss) The Grand Magazine June 1933
- * The General, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #14, August 1923
- * The Gentle Boffin, (ss) Woman’s Journal July 1960
- * Gentle Stranger, (ss) McCall’s March 1955
- * The Gift, (ss) Pictorial Review July 1929
- * Girl Hunt, (ss) This Week June 29 1941
- * The Girl in the Shabby Hat, (ss) The Grand Magazine April 1924
- * The Girl Was Too Clever, (ss) This Week August 25 1940
- * The Girl Who Did Not Go Down, (ss) The Royal Magazine June 1923
- * The Girl Who Went to Paris, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #23, May 1924
- * The Girl with Painted Lips, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal March 1927
- * The Girl with the Painted Lips, (ss) All-Story Magazine (UK) #1, October 1926
- * Goodbye, Summer, (ss) The Passing Show October 20 1934
- * The Goose and the Gendarme, (ss) Woman’s Journal March 1954
- * Gossip, (ss) The Windsor Magazine December 1934
- * Go Thy Way, (ss) The Grand Magazine November 1934
- * Grandson of Satan [Atlantic Crossing], (ss) This Week January 15 1939
- * The Healing Touch, (ss) The Grand Magazine February 1924
- * Heart’s Desire, (ss) The Royal Magazine September 1924
- * Her Husband’s Affections, (ss) Romance December 1924
- * Her Little Sister, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal November 1926
- * The Hidden Heart, (sl) The Saturday Evening Post Jan 12, Jan 19, Jan 26, Feb 2 1946
- * Hide and Seek, (ss) The Royal Magazine March 1924
- * His Daughter, (ss) Pan: The Fiction Magazine November 1922
- * His Magnificent Way, (ss) The Royal Magazine May 1924
- * His Wonders to Perform, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 9 1929
- * Home Is the Sailor, (sl) Woman’s Journal Feb, Mar 1949
- * House Without Doors, (n.) Ladies’ Home Journal March 1954
- * How Is a Girl to Know?, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal March 1928
- * The Hungry Man, (ss) The Story-teller January 1935
- * The Ice Cream Man [Back of Beyond], (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal March 1932
- * I Do Enjoy Myself!, (ar) The Royal Magazine October 1926
- * If I Were a Boy Again, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal January 1940
- * If Your Song-Bird Disappears, (ss) The Delineator August 1927
- * I Gotta Wings, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal March 1930
- * “I Heard a Wise Man Say”, (ss) The Story-teller November 1933
- * I Kiss Your Hand, Madam, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post August 3 1929
- * Ill Wind [The Firm], (ss) The Story-teller September 1934
- * The Importance of Being Seven, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal February 1926
- * The Inestimable Benefit, (ss) The Red Magazine April 22 1927
- * The Infamous Mr. Conker, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal September 1929
- * In the House of Wa Lee:
* ___ Mad Dog, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 13 1928
* ___ The Man Who Talked, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 20 1928
* ___ [untitled?], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 6 1928
* ___ Vital Das, Failed B.A., (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 27 1928
- * Invasion, (ss) Britannia and Eve July 1941
- * Is It Worth While, (ss) The Royal Magazine September 1926
- * Is Our Future Preordained? (with John Drinkwater), (ar) Hutchinson’s Magazine March 1929
- * It Can’t Be Learned, (ss) Pan: The Fiction Magazine August 1923
- * “I Trace the Rainbow”, (ss) This Week September 20 1942
- * It’s Difficult for Girls!, (sl) People’s Popular Monthly Jan, Mar, May 1926
- * It’s the Americans, (ss) Collier’s August 7 1943
- * Jack Takes a Captive, (ss) This Week September 27 1942
- * Jacob’s Ladder, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal May 1928
- * Jean, (ss) Smart Set July 1929
- * A Knight Came Riding By [Jeremy, Earl of Frenshfield], (ss) The Grand Magazine July 1933
- * The Lady in Porcelain, (ss) McCall’s Magazine October 1931
- * The Lamp of Friendship, (ss) The Story-teller December 1934
- * The Lantern Festival, (ss) The Royal Magazine January 1927
- * Last Love, (ss) The Story-teller April 1929
- * Last Season’s Debutante, (ss) Liberty February 4 1933
- * Laura, (ss) Smart Set October 1929
- * Let Nothing You Dismay, (ss) The Home Magazine (UK) December 1925
- * Life Has Many Jokes, (ss) The New Royal Magazine April 1931
- * Life’s a Bazaar, (ss) The Royal Magazine June 1929
- * Life with Money, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal August 1958
- * Little Bit of Fluff, (ss) Chatelaine March 1930
- * The Little Blue Room, (ss) The Grand Magazine January 1924
- * The Little Brass Buddha, (ss) The Grand Magazine September 1923
- * The Little Man, (ss) The Grand Magazine January 1930
- * Little Singing Bird, (ss) The Grand Magazine March 1940
- * Little Star, (ss) The Australian Women’s Weekly May 2 1936
- * The Littlest Ones, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine December 1933
- * Little They Knew, (ss) Pictorial Review May 1929
- * “Little Tin Gods!” [The Firm], (ss) The Story-teller October 1934
- * Lo, All Our Pomp, (ss) MacLean’s August 1 1928
- * The Lone Ace, (ss) The Grand Magazine December 1930
- * Lords and Ghosts and Ladies, (ss) Romance June 1925
- * Love a la Mode, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal October 1941
- * Love Among the Chickens, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine December 1929
- * Love and Guile [Miss Pilkington], (ss) The Passing Show February 23 1935
- * Love Calls the Tune, (ss) The Story-teller October 1933
- * Love Flew In, (ss) This Week March 14 1943
- * Love in a Mist, (ss) The Royal Magazine October 1924
- * Love Is Brave, (ss) This Week April 7 1940
- * The Loveless Marriage, (sl) McCall’s Aug, Sep 1956
- * The Love Match, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #6, December 1922
- * Love Never Faileth, (ss) Chatelaine December 1928
- * Love’s Old Sweet Song, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal June 1957
- * The Love Story of Captain Blaster, (ss) The Novel Magazine May 1935
- * Love Was Once a Little Boy, (ss) The Royal Magazine June 1926
- * Love Your Neighbor, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal June 1940
- * Luck of the Draw, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal April 1960
- * Mad Dog, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 13 1928
- * The Man Who Once Was King, (ss) The Royal Magazine January 1926
- * The Man Who Said “Please!”, (ss) This Week October 1 1939
- * “The Man Who Sat Apart”, (ss) The Story-teller November 1928
- * The Man Who Talked, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 20 1928
- * The Man Who Understood Women, (ss) Britannia and Eve November 1932
- * Maris, (ss) Smart Set November 1929
- * Married Women, (ss) Britannia and Eve December 1931
- * A Marvelous Surprise, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion April 1940
- * Men Are Naturally Dangerous, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 27 1952
- * Men Are Unkind [Atlantic Crossing], (ss) This Week January 8 1939
- * Midnight Alibi, (ss) The Strand Magazine July 1937
- * Midwinter, (ss) The Story-teller January 1933
- * Miss Flannel and the Hereafter, (ss) Woman’s Journal January 1947
- * Miss Jones, (ss) Woman’s Journal September 1947
- * Miss Pilkington Takes a Hand:
* ___ 1: Daphne Demurs [Miss Pilkington], (ss) The Passing Show January 26 1935
* ___ 2: Babes in the Wood [Miss Pilkington], (ss) The Passing Show February 9 1935
* ___ 3: Love and Guile [Miss Pilkington], (ss) The Passing Show February 23 1935
- * Mr. Charrabandi’s Assistant, (ss) Harper’s Magazine July 1936
- * Mr. Palmerston’s Christmas Box, (ss) Harper’s Bazaar
- * My Heart Flies Homing, (sl) My Weekly #1760, April 20 1946
- * Next Door Neighbours, (ss) The Royal Magazine June 1924
- * The Nightdress Case, (ss) The Blue Magazine #69, March 1925
- * No Caste, (ss) Liberty September 1 1928
- * No Ladies’ Man, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine February 1934
- * Nothing but Trouble, (ss) The Strand Magazine June 1936
- * Nothing Venture, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine February 1938
- * No Trouble at All!, (ss) Britannia and Eve December 1953
- * Now the Day Is Over [Atlantic Crossing], (ss) This Week January 29 1939
- * Oh! Them Golden Slippers, (ss) All-Story Magazine (UK) #3, December 1926
- * Old Clothes, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #13, July 1923
- * The Old Dog, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal June 1962
- * On a Rising Moon, (ss) The Strand Magazine February 1936
- * One Day’s Sport, (ss) The Strand Magazine February 1931
- * The Only Girl on Board, (ss) The Novel Magazine May 1934
- * Only Two Years, My Lovely, (ss) Liberty June 11 1932
- * The Orange Pompoms, (ss) The Grand Magazine January 1926
- * Outcasts, (ss) Pictorial Review November 1925
- * Out of Dreams, (ss) The Grand Magazine January 1932
- * The Pagoda [The Firm], (ss) The Story-teller November 1934
- * Pa Jama Prelude, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal May 1927
- * Passing the Love of Women, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post August 27 1927
- * The Passmores at No. 20 [The Avenue], (ss) This Week December 26 1937
- * The Perfect Crime, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine August 1937
- * The Philanderer, (ss) Pan: The Fiction Magazine April 1922
- * Picnic in the Snow, (ss) The Windsor Magazine December 1938
- * The Pipes of Pan, (ss) Pan: The Fiction Magazine January 1922
- * Poor Sport, (ss) The Story-teller January 1934
- * Portrait of a Gentleman, (ss) The Designer and The Woman’s Magazine October 1926
- * The Pretty Man, (ss) The Royal Magazine January 1924
- * Prey for Sharks, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine November 1929
- * The Priceless Ass, (ss) Woman’s Journal April 1961
- * Prisoners of Love, (n.) The Illustrated Love Magazine March 1930
- * Queer Bedfellows, (ss) The Passing Show July 20 1935
- * Questionable Character, (ss) This Week October 8 1939
- * The Quiet One, (ss) The Home Magazine (UK) April 1925
- * The Real Thing, (ss) The Grand Magazine December 1923
- * The Re-Incarnation of Ping-Shong, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #12, June 1923
- * Reserved Seats, (ss) The Strand Magazine September 1934
- * Roses at Christmas, (ss) All-Story Magazine (UK) #4, January 1927
- * Salvage, (ss) The Royal Magazine March 1926
- * Saving Their Bacon, (ss) John Bull March 5 1949
- * Sea Change, (ss) Woman’s Journal May 1962
- * The Second Chance, (ss) The Grand Magazine January 1925
- * Sedition, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 27 1931
- * She Knew What She Wanted, (ss) Woman’s Journal July 1953
- * She Liked Tall Men, (ss) The Delineator March 1929
- * She Never Knew Why, (ss) The Royal Magazine December 1926
- * Ship’s Doctor, (ss) The Novel Magazine June 1936
- * Should Auld Acquaintance, (ss) The Novel Magazine January 1937
- * Silver Lining [Atlantic Crossing], (ss) This Week February 5 1939
- * Silver Shoes, (ss) The Royal Magazine July 1923
- * Six Penn’orth of Coppers, (ss) The Grand Magazine September 1924
- * Smoke in His Eyes, (ss) This Week February 7 1943
- * Solo for Flute, (ss) Woman’s Journal January 1949
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