The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 10118
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Titus, Harold (chron.) (continued)
- * One Bad Little Horse, (ss) The Cavalier June 21 1913
- * One Fisherman’s Luck, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #122, August 1932
- * On the Goal Line, (ss) People’s November 1914
- * On the Trail of Forgotten Ages, (sl) The American Boy Feb, Mar, Apr, May 1914
- * The Other Doctor, (ss) The Elks Magazine March 1924
- * Out of Arizona—and Back, (ss) Short Stories March 1917
- * Over the Chasm, (ss) The Captain #227, February 1918
- * Pig Iron, (ss) Railroad Stories June 1936
- * Pioneers, (ss) Liberty August 29 1925
- * Please, No More Crackpot Land Schemes for Veterans, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 18 1944
- * Pleasure Before Business, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 15 1938
- * Precision, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 17 1937
- * Present When Needed, (ss) The Story-teller November 1932
- * Proving Ground, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 27 1937
- * Putting in the Punch, (ss) The American Boy August 1917
- * Quack Comes Into the Farm, (ar) Country Gentleman April 1943
- * The Regicide, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine June 1917
- * Respectable Strangers Welcome, (ar) Esquire July 1938
- * The Return of the Practical Nurse, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 28 1949
- * Revolution for Fishermen, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 2 1945
- * Road Open, (ss) The Country Gentleman February 1931
- * The Road to Terre Haute, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 16 1937
- * Running Free, (ss) The Country Gentleman August 1928
- * Rustlers of Devil’s Hole, (na) Western Novel and Short Stories July 1935
- * A Sacrifice Play, (nv) People’s Ideal Fiction Magazine October 1913
- * A Secondary Consideration, (ss) The Cavalier April 27 1912
- * Service, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine November 1914
- * The Shacker, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine April 1929
- * The Shadow of the Petticoat, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine October 1916
- * Sheriff Bob Reaches a Verdict, (ss) The American Magazine July 1924
- * The Silver Fox, (nv) Short Stories January 10 1926
- * The Slapneck Ghost, (ss) Boys’ Life July 1937
- * Smiling Joe, (ss) The Cavalier January 3 1914
- * The Smoke Chaser, (ss) The American Magazine September 1924
- * The Soil and the Sea, (ss) The Country Gentleman April 1927
- * Something Heroic, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine October 1933
- * Sophronia’s Spunk, (ss) All-Story Cavalier Weekly November 7 1914
- * Spindrift, (sl) Short Stories Sep 10, Sep 25, Oct 10, Oct 25 1924
- * Spirit, (ss) The Popular Magazine November 23 1914
- * Still Water, (ss) The Cavalier March 14 1914
- * Strategy on Ice, (ss) Liberty April 17 1943
- * The Strength of the Gentle, (ss) Adventure mid October 1917
- * A String of Canvasback, (ss) Country Gentleman January 1935
- * The Stuff in Him, (ss) All-Story Weekly October 23 1915
- * The Stuff of Heroes, (ss) The American Magazine August 1924
- * Sunshine, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine June 1916
- * The Takers, (ss) Short Stories June 10 1923
- * Thanks to Miss Cobb, (ss) The American Magazine July 1934
- * The Thirteenth Trial, (ss) Adventure November 1935
- * La Timo Pri la Vivado, (ss) The Cavalier January 25 1913; translation into Esperanto of “The Fear of Life”.; translated by D. O. S. Lowell
- * The Tincup Twins, (ss) Complete Stories November 1927
- * To Beat the Banshee, (ss) The Delineator February 1922
- * Today’s the Day, (ss) The American Magazine April 1935
- * To Look ’Em in the Eye, (ss) Holland’s April 1925
- * Too Easy for Billy Hill, (sl) Farm Journal May, Jun 1938
- * To the Victor, (sl) All-Story Cavalier Weekly May 23, May 30, Jun 6, Jun 13 1914
- * The Tough Nut, (sl) The Blue Book Magazine Feb, Mar, Apr 1928
- * To Uncover the Man, (ss) The American Boy December 1915
- * To Win from Mulwar, (ss) The American Boy August 1911
- * Tranquillity, (ss) The Country Gentleman May 1931
- * Truck Away, (ss) The American Magazine October 1935
- * Turn Back the Clock, (ss) The American Magazine July 1936
- * Two Good Men, (ss) All-Story Weekly May 11 1918
- * Two Men in a Ship, (ss) Country Gentleman August 1935
- * The Two-Timing Blonde, (ss) Railroad Magazine June 1967
- * Up in the Air, (ss) The American Magazine February 1934
- * Veneer, (ss) The Cavalier August 2 1913
- * The Way of a Champion, (ss) Adventure September 1942
- * When a Strong Man Really Loves, (ss) Metropolitan with The Girl of To-day April 1923
- * When the Sheriff Was Tempted, (ss) Western Story Magazine September 10 1921
- * While Wandering, (ss) Short Stories November 1913
- * Will There Be Enough Water?, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 27 1944
- * Without a Decent Impulse, (ss) Pictorial Review August 1924
- * Wolf Trail, (ss) Adventure May 15 1935
- * A Yavapai Yarn, (ss) Adventure May 1916
- * You Don’t Have to Be Sick, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 19 1947
- * You Get What You Ask For, (ss) The Shrine Magazine December 1927
_____, [ref.]
[]Titus, Nancy (fl. 1940s-1950s) (chron.)
- * All or Nothing, (ss) Collier’s January 2 1943
- * Believe in Me, (ss) Cosmopolitan November 1941
- * Borrowed Honeymoon, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion May 1949
- * Don’t Make Me Fall in Love, (ss) McCall’s February 1944
- * Families Are Like That, (na) Cosmopolitan September 1942
- * The First Hundred Years Are the Hardest, (??) Collier’s June 19 1943
- * First Week End, (ss) Cosmopolitan August 1940
- * Heart’s Wisdom, (ss) Collier’s July 15 1944
- * I’ll Be for You, (ss) Collier’s February 13 1943
- * I’ll Belong to Me, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal May 1941
- * Learn About Love, (ss) Cosmopolitan September 1941
- * Lost: One Head, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal June 1956
- * Love Comes Too Soon, (ss) Collier’s May 17 1941
- * Love Is Too Big, (??) Collier’s February 24 1945
- * The Man in the Car, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal March 1957
- * Marriage Isn’t Easy, (ss) Collier’s January 16 1943
- * No Other Spring, (ss) Fiction Magazine February 1943
- * Once and for Always, (na) Cosmopolitan April 1943
- * One Thing in Common, (ss) Cosmopolitan January 1942
- * Permanent Couple Only, (ss) Collier’s November 27 1943
- * The Sergeant Isn’t Serious, (ss) Collier’s August 19 1944
- * Sister Knows Best, (??) Collier’s November 17 1945
- * Terror, (ss) Suspense (UK) June 1959
- * This Time Forever, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion January 1943
[]Toase, Steve (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Atelier, (ss) To Drown in Dark Water, Undertow Publications, 2021
- * Beneath the Forest’s Wilting Leaves, (ss) To Drown in Dark Water, Undertow Publications, 2021
- * Between the Channels, (ss) Bourbon Penn #33, August 2024
- * The Boy with the Painted Face, (vi) Gamut Magazine #9, September 2024
- * Branch, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #40, November 2011
- * The Broken Chair, (ss) The Colored Lens #11, Spring 2014
- * Call Out, (ss) Innsmouth Magazine January 2013
- * Chicken Skin Gloves, (ss) Liquid Imagination #16, February 2013
- * Children of the Rotting Straw, (ss) Weird Horror October 2020
- * Chit Chit, (ss) Chilling Crime Short Stories ed. Josei Karani, Flame Tree Publishing, 2021
- * Crumpled, (ss) The Deadlands #31, November 2023
- * Dancing Sober in the Dust, (ss) To Drown in Dark Water, Undertow Publications, 2021
- * Dawn Caught and Dead, (ss) Not One of Us #72, 2022
- * Death Wears a Crown of Baling Twine, (ss) Not One of Us #65, 2021
- * The Delicacy of Laughter, (ss) The Colored Lens #19, Spring 2016
- * Dendrochromatic Data Recovery Report 45-274, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact May/June 2021
- * Dirt Upon My Skin, (ss) Animal Day II ed. John Benson, John Benson, 2018
- * Discarded Skins, (ss) To Drown in Dark Water, Undertow Publications, 2021
- * Dry Land, (ss) To Drown in Dark Water, Undertow Publications, 2021
- * The Enamelled Crown, (ss) Hinnom Magazine #3, 2017
- * The Ercildoun Accord, (ss) Lackington’s #25, Spring 2022
- * Flash Fiction, (vi) BFS Horizons #5, 2017
- * Flowstone, (ss) Three-Lobed Burning Eye #36, July 2022
- * Flow to the Sea, (ss) Synth 1 ed. C. M. Muller, C. M. Muller, 2019
- * The Fugue of Winter, (ss) Solarpunk Winters ed. Sarena Ulibarri, World Weaver Press, 2020
- * God in a Box, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #36, November 2010
- * Green Grows the Grief, (ss) Shadows & Tall Trees v8, 2020
- * Grenzen, (ss) To Drown in Dark Water, Undertow Publications, 2021
- * The Heart Beats Green and Grey, (ss) Three-Lobed Burning Eye #38, March 2023
- * Hyter and the House That Stands, (ss) Aurealis #98, March 2017
- * Iridescent Screams, (ss) Three-Lobed Burning Eye #40, November 2023
- * The Jaws of Ouroboros, (ss) The Fiends in the Furrows ed. David T. Neal & Christine M. Scott, Nosetouch Press, 2018
- * The Kromlau Gambit, (ss) Galileo’s Theme Park ed. Juliana Rew, Third Flatiron Publishing, 2018
- * Mask, (ss) To Drown in Dark Water, Undertow Publications, 2021
- * Microbiomes, Interstellar Travel, and Protocells: A Conversation with Dr. Rachel Armstrong, (iv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact January/February 2024 [Ref. Rachel Armstrong]
- * Mildew in the Morning, (ss) Strangelet v2 #2, 2016
- * Music Videos in the City of Life and Death, (ss) Cosmic Horror Monthly #47, May 2024
- * No Sun to Guide the Way, (ss) Speculative City #8, Summer 2020
- * Not All the Coal That Is Dug Warms the World, (ss) Not One of Us #54, September 2015
- * Ohrwurm, (ss) Not One of Us #75, 2023
- * Old Fashioned, (ss) Lackington’s #21, Spring 2020
- * On the Hills, the Knitters, (ss) Bourbon Penn #26, March 2022
- * Our Lady of the Tarpaulin, (ss) Not One of Us #60, September 2018
- * Pealing Skin, (vi) Fantasy Scroll Magazine #13, June 2016
- * Pellets, (ss) Not One of Us #70, 2022
- * The Pit and the Penitent, (ss) Kaleidotrope Autumn 2024
- * Red Clay, (ss) Pantheon Magazine #6, July 2014
- * Ruby Red and Snowflake Cold, (ss) To Drown in Dark Water, Undertow Publications, 2021
- * Schneestern, (ss) Pantheon Magazine #11, Summer 2017
- * A Seep of Cats, (ss) Not One of Us #66, 2021
- * The Silent Brush of Wings, (ss) Three-Lobed Burning Eye #30, August 2019
- * Skin Like Carapace, (ss) As You Wish ed. Virginia M. Mohlere & Donna Quattrone, Papaveria Press, 2013
- * Split Chain Stitch, (ss) Mystery Weekly November 2018
- * Start the Day with an Espresso, (ss) Strangelet July 2015
- * Streuobstwiese, (ss) Shimmer #46, November 2018
- * Tangerines and Wild Garlic, (ss) Mystery Weekly April 2019
- * The Taste of Rot, (ss) Nox Pareidolia ed. Robert S. Wilson, Nightscape Press, 2019
- * The Taste of Sound, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July/August 2022
- * Tides Breathe When Words Are Spoken, (ss) Not One of Us #63, 2020
- * To Drown in Dark Water, (Undertow Publications, April 2021, co)
- * To Rectify in Silver, (ss) Nightmare #111, December 2021
- * Under the Banner of the Black Stamen, (ss) To Drown in Dark Water, Undertow Publications, 2021
- * Uprooted, (ss) IZ Digital March 30 2023
- * Vele Di Mar Non Vid’io, (ss) Cosmic Horror Monthly #34, April 2023
- * Verwelktag, (ss) Lackington’s #17, Spring 2018
- * Why the Sea Tastes of Salt and Why the Moon Always Looks Toward Us, (ss) Typhon ed. Sarah Read, CreateSpace, 2017
- * The Winding of the Willows, (ss) Uncertainties 7 ed. Carly Holmes, Brian J. Showers & Timothy J. Jarvis, Swan River Press, 2024
- * Winter Home, (ss) To Drown in Dark Water, Undertow Publications, 2021
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