The FictionMags Index
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[]Our Roving Reporter; pseudonym (fl. 1930s) (chron.)
- * The Whirl of Sports, (cl) Popular Sports Magazine Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec 1937, Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec 1938, Feb,
Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec 1939
[]Oursler, (Charles) Fulton (1893-1952); used pseudonyms Anthony Abbot, Arnold Fountain & Samri Frikell (books) (chron.)
- * About the Disappearance of Agatha King…, (nv) Cosmopolitan June 1932, as by Anthony Abbot
- * About the Murder of a Man Afraid of Women [Thatcher Colt], (n.) Pictorial Review April 1937, as by Anthony Abbot
- * About the Murder of Geraldine Foster [Thatcher Colt], (n.) Covici-Friede, 1930, as by Anthony Abbot
- * About the Murder of the Circus Queen, (sl) Liberty Sep 24, Oct 1, Oct 8, Oct 15, Oct 22, Oct 29, Nov 5, Nov 12, Nov 19, Nov 26 1932, as by Anthony Abbot
- * About the Perfect Crime of Mr. Digberry [Thatcher Colt], (nv) Cosmopolitan October 1940, as by Anthony Abbot
- The Second Mystery Book, Farrar & Rinehart, 1940, as by Anthony Abbot
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine Fll 1941, #84 Nov 1950, as by Anthony Abbot
- Best Stories from Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine ed. Ellery Queen, Detective Book Club, 1944, as by Anthony Abbot
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine “Overseas Edition for the Armed Forces” April 1945, as by Anthony Abbot
- To the Queen’s Taste ed. Ellery Queen, Little Brown, 1946, as by Anthony Abbot
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (Australia) #1, July 1947, as by Anthony Abbot
- Masterpieces of Mystery: Amateurs & Professionals ed. Ellery Queen, Davis, 1978, as by Anthony Abbot
- * Alias Emerald Annie (with Alexander Nicholayevitch Romanoff), (sl) Liberty May 15, May 22, May 29, Jun 5, Jun 12, Jun 19, Jun 26, Jul 3, Jul 10, Jul 17 1937, as by Anthony Abbot & Achmed Abdullah
- * As a Girl Thinks, (sl) National Pictorial Monthly May 1922
- * Before the “Amen”, (vi) The Black Cat May 1913
- * Behold This Dreamer!, (sl) Metropolitan with The Girl of To-day Oct, Nov, Dec 1923, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 1924
- * The Blaster, (ts) , as by Anthony Abbot
- * The Book with All the Answers, (ar) Cosmopolitan March 1952
- * Brains on the Stage, (ar) National Pictorial Brain Power Monthly November 1921
- * The Burglar Girl, (sl) Physical Culture October 1928, as by Arnold Fountain
- * Can the Dead Help the Living?, (ar) Ghost Stories June 1929, as by Samri Frikell
- * Can the Spirits of the Dead Be Photographed?, (ar) Ghost Stories January 1927, as by Samri Frikell
- * The Capture of Galatas, (ms) Liberty November 10 1934
- * Charged with His Own Murder, (sl) Midnight #1 Aug 19, #2 Aug 26, #3 Sep 2, #4 Sep 9, #5 Sep 16, #6 Sep 23 1922
- * Chief Bob Carter—Foe of Gamblers, (bg) Detective Story Magazine September 20 1916
- * China’s Strong Woman Talks, (ar) Liberty August 7 1937
- * Class Loyalty and Its Part in Success, (ar) National Brain Power March 1923
- * The Clue of the Red Lamp, (ss) Mystery Magazine #63, June 15 1920
- * The Conscience of the Converted General, (ts) , as by Anthony Abbot
- * Could Landon Keep Us Out of War?, (ar) Liberty November 7 1936
- * Counterfeit Clues, (ss) Mystery Magazine #98, December 1 1921
- * The Creeps [Thatcher Colt], (n.) Cosmopolitan November 1939, as by Anthony Abbot
- * The Crime That Abolished Toothache, (ts) , as by Anthony Abbot
- * The District Attorney’s Secret, (nv) Mystery Magazine #114, August 1 1922
- * The Duke of Winsdor Talks of War and Peace, (ar) Liberty March 22 1941
- * The Evil Eye, (nv) Mystery Magazine #28, January 1 1919
- * The Face from Beyond, (ts) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #36, November 1946, as by Anthony Abbot
- * Fear—the Arch Enemy, (sl) National Brain Power Dec 1922, Feb, Mar, May 1923
- * Flower of the Gods (with Alexander Nicholayevitch Romanoff), (sl) Liberty Sep 21, Sep 28, Oct 5, Oct 12, Oct 19, Oct 26, Nov 2, Nov 9 1935, as by Anthony Abbot & Achmed Abdullah
- * The Flying Turk (with John Irving Pearce, Jr.), (ss) Action Stories August 1922
- * Fools of Marriage, (th) National Brain Power December 1922
- * The Footprints on the Ceiling, (ss) Mystery Magazine #150, February 15 1924
- * Forever and Forever, Amen!, (ss) Metropolitan with The Girl of To-day April 1923
- * The Fortune in the Grave, (ts) , as by Anthony Abbot
- * From Wrestler to Master Builder, (ar) National Pictorial Brain Power Monthly September 1921
- * Ghost Girl, (ss) The Illustrated Detective Magazine June 1932, as by Anthony Abbot
- * The Ghost That Grew in a Cabinet, (ts) True Detective Mysteries August 1924, as by Samri Frikell
- * The Girl Who Plotted Her Own Murder, (ts) Cosmopolitan May 1948, as by Anthony Abbot
- * Go and Sin No More!, (ss) Metropolitan with The Girl of To-day May 1923
- * Going Up, (sl) Chicago Ledger November 13 1920
- * The Golden Adventure, (ss) The Black Cat December 1917
- * The Greatest Faith Ever Known (with April Oursler Armstrong), (ar) Collier’s August 7 1953
- * The Greatest Psychic Chuckle of the Age, (ar) Liberty March 10 1934, as by Samri Frikell
- * The Greatest Story Ever Told, (n.) Doubleday, 1949
- * The Hand in the Dark, (ss) Mystery Magazine #130, April 15 1923
- * The Hand of Judas (with John Irving Pearce, Jr.), (ss) The Black Mask June 1920
- * The Hardest Lesson, (ar) Cosmopolitan February 1952
- * Has Iceland Proved That Ghosts Exist?, (ar) Ghost Stories December 1927, as by Samri Frikell
- * Heart’s Desire, (sl) Physical Culture Dec 1929, Jan 1930, as by Arnold Fountain
- * He Fell in Love with a Ghost, (ss) Midnight Mysteries #14, November 18 1922
- * The House of Sinister Shadows, (na) Ghost Stories Apr, May, Jun, Jul 1930, as by Samri Frikell
- * The House of Whispering Shadows, (vi) Midnight Mysteries #14, November 18 1922, as by Samri Frikell
- * How Can This Man Romano Do Such Things?, (ar) Ghost Stories June 1927, as by Samri Frikell
- * How Many of These Words Do You Know?, (nf) National Brain Power September 1923
- * I Am Looking for a Writer, (ar) The Writers Year Book & Market Guide v5 #5, 1934
- * If We Have Brains Do We Need a Soul? (R.U.R.), (th) National Brain Power February 1923
- * An Indignant Gentleman Writes a Poem, (pm) Liberty April 19 1941
- * Inked Out, (ar) Liberty November 4 1939
- * Is a Woman’s Love Life Over at Forty?, (ar) Physical Culture February 1929
- * Is Hollywood More Sinned Against than Sinning?, (ar) Liberty June 18 1932
- * It’s All Done with Mirrors, (ts) , as by Anthony Abbot
- * “I Want Only Peace! I Am Not a Dictator!” Says Mussolini, (ar) Liberty May 7 1938
- * The Jeweled Pipe of Persia, (ss) Mystery Magazine #75, December 15 1920
- * The Kind of Man That Ought to Be Shot, (ss) Metropolitan with The Girl of To-day July 1923
- * A Kiss Four Years After Death, (ts) Ghost Stories March 1928, as by Samri Frikell
- * The Lady Suggested Sabotage, (ar) Liberty November 9 1940
- * The Last Word: Emil Ludwig Puts Stalin under the Microscope, (cl) Liberty January 3 1942
- * The Last Word: Is Mr. Harold Ickes an Alarmist?, (cl) Liberty January 24 1942
- * The Last Word: Mrs. Franklin Roosevelt Tells Why Women Can’t Stop War, (cl) Liberty April 26 1941
- * The Legend of the 10 Hypocrites, (hu) 10 Story Book July 1919
- * Life Is Stranger, (ts) , as by Anthony Abbot
- * The Magician Detective, (nv) Mystery Magazine #20, September 1 1918
- * A Man from Siam, (nv) Mystery Magazine #105, March 15 1922
- * The Man in Room No. 7, (ss) Mystery Magazine #87, June 15 1921
- * The Man Who Didn’t Do It, (vi) Breezy Stories December 1915
- * The Man Who Talks with the Devil, (ts) Ghost Stories September 1930, as by Samri Frikell
- * The Man with the Miracle Mind, (sl) National Pictorial Brain Power Monthly Sep, Nov 1921, as by Samri Frikell
- * A Master of Millions, (ss) Mystery Magazine #123, January 1 1923
- * The Monster, (ss) Beautiful Womanhood July 1923
- * The Mysterious Mr. Leaf, (ar) Ghost Stories September 1928, as by Samri Frikell
- * The Mystery of Geraldine, (sl) Grit Story Section #1890 Apr 12, #1891 Apr 19, #1892 Apr 26, #1893 May 3 1931, as by Anthony Abbot
- * The Mystery of Houdini’s Death, (ar) Ghost Stories February 1927, as by Samri Frikell
- * The Mystery of the Buried Abbey, (ar) Ghost Stories April 1927, as by Samri Frikell
- * The Mystery of the Flying Dagger, (ar) Ghost Stories December 1926, as by Samri Frikell
- * The Mystery of the Seven Shadows, (nv) Mystery Magazine #43, August 15 1919
- * The Mystery of the Spirit Painters, (ss) Ghost Stories June 1929, as by Arnold Fountain
- * The Mystery of the Spirit Portrait, (ar) Midnight Mystery Stories #23, January 27 1923, as by Samri Frikell
- * The Mystery of the Ten Mummies, (ss) Midnight Mystery Stories #16, December 2 1922
- * One Chance in a Million, (ts) , as by Anthony Abbot
- * One Clue Missing, (ss) Mystery Magazine #135, July 1 1923
- * The One-Line Engraving, (ar) The Photographic Times October 1914
- * One Man Who Broke Through, (ts) Ghost Stories April 1928, as by Samri Frikell
- * One Story Haunted Him, (ts) , as by Anthony Abbot
- * Paradise Kate (with Alexander Nicholayevitch Romanoff), (sl) Liberty Jul 30, Aug 6, Aug 13, Aug 20, Aug 27, Sep 3, Sep 10, Sep 17, Sep 24, Oct 1 1938, as by Anthony Abbot & Achmed Abdullah
- * Peer Gynt, (pl) National Brain Power May 1923
- * The Perfect Case, (ts) , as by Anthony Abbot
- * The Perfumed Trail [John Held, Jr.], (ss) The Illustrated Detective Magazine April 1932, as by Anthony Abbot
- * Perkins Cans a Louis Quinze, (ss) Argosy July 3 1920
- * The Phantom of the Fifteenth Floor, (n.) Ghost Stories Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1926
- * The Physical Culture Detective, (sl) Physical Culture September 1926, as by Arnold Fountain
- * Police and Press: An Invincible Partnership, (ar) Liberty January 21 1939
- * The Police and the Press, (tc) True Detective Mysteries March 1939
- * The President’s Mystery Story, (n.) Liberty November 30 1935, as by Anthony Abbot
- * The Problem of the Unsexed Woman, (ar) National Pictorial Monthly May 1922
- * Professor Satan, (ss) Mystery Magazine #81, March 15 1921
- * The Romance of a Girl Detective, (sl) Movie Weekly August 19 1922
- * Sandalwood, (sl) Macfadden Fiction-Lovers Magazine Oct, Nov, Dec 1924, Jan, Feb, Mar 1925
- * Secrets of a Mysterious Woman, (ar) Ghost Stories September 1927, as by Samri Frikell
- * Shadowing the Blue Triangle, (nv) Mystery Magazine #16, July 1 1918
- * The Shadow of the Master (with Alexander Nicholayevitch Romanoff), (sl) Liberty Sep 23, Sep 30, Oct 7, Oct 14, Oct 21, Oct 28, Nov 4, Nov 11, Nov 18, Nov 25,
Dec 2 1939, as by Anthony Abbot & Achmed Abdullah
- * The Ship of Sleepless Men, (ss) John Creasey Mystery Magazine July 1958, as by Anthony Abbot
- * Shivering in the Dark, (ss) The Illustrated Detective Magazine May 1932, as by Anthony Abbot
- * The Sign of the Seven Sharks, (nv) Mystery Magazine #12, May 1 1918
- * Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Predicts Spirit Moving Pictures!, (ar) Movie Weekly August 12 1922, as by Samri Frikell
- * Sir Conan Doyle Predicts Spirit Moving Pictures, (ar) Movie Weekly August 19 1922, as by Samri Frikell
- * A Skeptic in the Holy Land, (ex) 1937
- * The Spirit Bell, (ss) Mystery Magazine #69, September 15 1920
- * The Spirit Witness, (ss) Mystery Magazine #76, January 1 1921
- * The Stage, (cl) National Pictorial Brain Power Monthly September 1921
- * The Stone of Destiny, (??) The Parisienne Monthly Magazine July 1919
- * The Stone Yard of Satan: A Story of Horror, (ss) Midnight #9, October 14 1922
- * Stranger in the House, (ts) , as by Anthony Abbot
- * The Strangest Hoax in History, (ts) , as by Anthony Abbot
- * Strange Stories That Jafsie Told, (ar) Liberty April 18 1936
- * The Strangest Woman in the World, (ar) Midnight Mystery Stories #24, February 3 1923, as by Samri Frikell
- * A String of Blue Beads, (ss)
- * Such Is Life, (??) True Experiences November 1926, as by Arnold Fountain
- * Superman or Clever Trickster—Which?, (ar) Ghost Stories July 1926, as by Samri Frikell
- * Terror’s Messenger Boy, (ts) , as by Anthony Abbot
- * That Is the Man!, (ts) , as by Anthony Abbot
- * These Are Strange Tales, (co) John Winston Company, 1948 , as by Anthony Abbot
- * The Thing That Wept, (vi) The Thrill Book April 15 1919
- * This Thing of Darkness, (ts) , as by Anthony Abbot
- * The Thousand Dollar Thumb, (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 5 1917
- * Three Who Were Deformed, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 5 1917
- * The Thrill Is Gone (with Rupert Hughes), (vi) Collier’s 1942
- * The Tie That Binds, (vi)
- * The Trance Detective, (ss) Mystery Magazine #91, August 15 1921
- * Two Plots at Once, (ts) , as by Anthony Abbot
- * The Vanishing Heart, (ts) These Are Strange Tales by Anthony Abbot, Winston, 1948, as by Anthony Abbot
- * Vengeance Rents a House, (ts) These Are Strange Tales by Anthony Abbot, Winston, 1948, as by Anthony Abbot
- * A Very Special Agent, (ts) , as by Anthony Abbot
- * The Virgin Wife, (ts) True Experiences Dec 1926, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 1927, as by Arnold Fountain
- * The Wager, (nv) Good Housekeeping June 1944
- * What Do They Mean by Unity?, (ed) Liberty May 3 1941
- * What Is the Secret of Rubini the Great?, (ar) Ghost Stories October 1926, as by Samri Frikell
- * When Murder Had a Third Witness, (ar) Argosy May 1949, as by Anthony Abbot
- * The Whispering Head, (nv) Mystery Magazine #54, February 1 1920
- * A Whispering Mummy, (nv) Mystery Magazine #110, June 1 1922
- * The Whistle in Washington Square, (ts) , as by Anthony Abbot
- * Why I Know There Is a God, (ar) Liberty March 1949
- * Winston Churchill Writes About the U-Boat Menace, (ar) Liberty May 3 1941
- * The Woman Who Slew Her Own Soul, (sl) Physical Culture Oct, Nov, Dec 1923
- * Women and Children First, (ar) Liberty October 9 1937
- * The World’s Delight, (n.) Brief Stories Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug 1929
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