The FictionMags Index
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[]Jenson, Lee; pseudonym of Dan Rhys (fl. 1960s-1970s) (chron.)
- * The Bargees, (ss) Adam Bedside Reader #38, March 1969
- * The Beauty and the Bistro, (ss) Knight March 1968
- * Blue Coast Bum, (ss) Knight June 1973
- * The Buffer Zone, (ss) Knight September 1968
- * A Bunch of Carrots, (ss) Adam Yearbook 1969
- * Cherry Ripe Themselves Do Cry, (ss) Adam February 1969
- * Eagle Forgotten: America’s First Film Critic, (ar) Adam Film Quarterly #4, April 1968 [Ref. Vachel Lindsay]
- * Faithful to You (In My Fashion), (ar) Knight March 1969
- * The Flight of Gypsy Marko, (ss) Adam April 1969
- * The Flutes and the Rifles, (ss) Adam Bedside Reader #40, September 1969
- * The Ginger Girl, (ss) Cad December 1968
- * The Greeks Have a Word for It—Maria Mirka!, (ar) Adam Film World #12, January 1970
- * Interview with the Makers of “101 Acts of Love”, (iv) Adam Special Report #8, November 1971
- * Jean London—A Star Is Built, (ar) Adam May 1969 [Ref. Jean London]
- * Lady Chatterley’s Lawrence, (ar) Knight April 1969
- * Memories Are Made of This, (ss) Pix May 1971
- * Naked for a World of Men: The True Confessions of Miss Mady Maguire, (iv) Knight July 1970
- * The New Woman Who Is Stella Stevens, (iv) Knight November 1970 [Ref. Stella Stevens]
- * On Safari Through the Reeperbahn, (ar) Knight February 1970
- * A Passage on the River, (ss) Adam Yearbook 1970
- * The Prisoner of Shallot, (ss) Cad August 1969
- * Rita Rogers Revisited, (iv) Knight January 1971
- * The Separated Man, (ss) Knight July 1969
- * The Sleeping Woman, (ss) Knight August 1972
- * The Split Buddha, (ss) Adam January 1969
- * Tit for Tat, (hu) Knight May 1968
- * Underground Films—A Subculture, (ar) Adam October 1968
- * Uschi!, (iv) Knight April 1972
- * Uschi Digard: Naked Lady Par Excellence, (iv) Knight April 1972, as "Uschi!"
- * Washout at Honeymoon Culvert, (ss) Adam Bedside Reader #35, June 1968
- * When Knights Were in the Flowers, (hu) Adam Bedside Reader #37, December 1968
- * The Wounded Welkin, (ss) Adam Bedside Reader #36, September 1968
- * You’ve Never Been Loved Before, (ss) Adam Bedside Reader #53, October 1972
[]Jenssen, Dick; [i.e., Martin James Ditmar Jenssen] (1935-2024); used pseudonym Ditmar (about) (chron.)
- * Growing Pains, (vi) Perhaps December 1953
- * The Horror Show, (pm) Perhaps February 1953
- * [front cover], (cv) Perhaps Feb, Dec 1953
- * [front cover], (cv) eI #54, February 2011, as by Ditmar
- * [front cover], (cv) Astonishing! Astounding! by Malcolm Jameson, Surinam Turtle Press, 2012, as by Ditmar
- * [front cover], (cv) Outworlds #71, November 2020, as by Ditmar
- * [letter], (lt) Outworlds #71, November 2020
[]Jents, Paul (fl. 1960s-1970s) (chron.)
- * A Bang Up Gasser, (ss) International Storyteller September 1964
- * Clay, (ss) Impulse June 1966
- * Hi, Sancho!, (ss) New Worlds SF #159, February 1966
- * Our Man in 1900, (ss) Science Fantasy #81, February 1966
- * Peace on Earth, (ss) Science Fantasy #73, June 1965
- * The Pursuit of Happiness, (nv) sf Impulse February 1967
- * Unto All Generations, (ss) Science Fantasy #66, July/August 1964
[]Jephson, D(igby) L(oder) A(rmeroid) (1871-1926) (chron.)
- * “A Ballad of a Bat”, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper August 3 1912
- * “Blobs”, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper July 19 1913
- * A Born Captain, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper June 29 1912
- * The Bosbury Twins, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper June 15 1912
- * Buck Up!, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper June 1915
- * “Cock House”, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper June 1 1912
- * Cricket!, (ms) Fry’s: Magazine of Sport May 1914
- * Cricket Fallacies, (ar) C.B. Fry’s Magazine July 1904
- * The Fifth King, (ss) Fry’s: The Outdoor Magazine #68, November 1909
- * The Game, (pm) C.B. Fry’s Magazine September 1904
- * Get Ready, Boys!, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper May 17 1913
- * How We Beat Milligan’s, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper May 20 1911
- * Joseph’s Dream, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper August 5 1911
- * L.B.W., (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper September 1920
- * My Needs, (pm) Fry’s: The Outdoor Magazine August 1911
- * Oval on Bank Holiday, (pm) C.B. Fry’s Magazine August 1904
- * The Post-Bound Net, (pm) Fry’s: The Man’s Magazine February 1912
- * The Power of Mehrab Singh, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper August 1917
- * Pull at Your Pluck!, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper May 17 1913
- * The Right Sort!, (pm) The Captain #170, May 1913
- * “Smith”, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper June 21 1913
- * “Three Goals to Two!”, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper March 9 1912
- * To the Late G. A. Hutchinson, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper April 19 1913
[]Jephson, Harriet J(ulia) [née Campbell, Lady Jephson] (1854-1930) (about) (chron.)
- * Are Elopements Ever Justifiable?, (sy) The Lady’s Realm March 1903
- * “LArt de Tenir Salon”, (ar) Atalanta #88, January 1895
- * The Art of Happiness: A Discussion, (sy) The Lady’s Realm November 1902
- * Canadian Society, Past and Present, (ar) The New Review #50, July 1893
- * Danish Memories, 1, (ar) Atalanta #117, June 1897
- * Danish Memories, 2, (ar) Atalanta #118, July 1897
- * Danish Memories, 3, (ar) Atalanta #120, September 1897
- * The Ethics of Dress, (ar) Atalanta #79, April 1894
- * Hanover and Its Memories, (ar) Atalanta #112, January 1897
- * The Judge’s Widow, (ss) The Windsor Magazine June 1895
- * A Neglected Art, (ar) Atalanta #85, October 1894
- * Passing Events, (cl) Atalanta #97 Oct, #98 Nov, #99 Dec 1895, #100 Jan, #101 Feb, #102 Mar, #103 Apr, #104 May, #105 Jun, #106 Jul, #107 Aug,
#108 Sep 1896
- * A Sermon on Houses, (ar) Atalanta #87, December 1894
- * A Turkish Wedding, (ar) The Lady’s Realm July 1899
[]Jephson, Lina (fl. 1910s) (chron.)
- * The British Sailor, (pm) The Pall Mall Magazine September 1910
- * The Chief Engineer, (pm) The London Magazine July 1910
- * David and Goliath, (pm) The Grand Magazine September 1910
- * A Glorious Day, (pm) The Grand Magazine June 1911
- * Homesick, (pm) The Pall Mall Magazine October 1910
- * In the Navy, (pm) The Grand Magazine July 1910
- * “Lovely Anna”, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine February 1914
- * The “Mary Rose.” October 17, 1918. (Captain Charles Fox), (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper June 1918
- * Not While Jack’s About, (pm) The Pall Mall Magazine January 1911
- * Off for a Sailor, (pm) The Pall Mall Magazine September 1912
- * On the Downs, (pm) The Grand Magazine July 1917
- * Others, (pm) The Pall Mall Magazine November 1912
- * Portsmouth, (pm) The Pall Mall Magazine November 1910
- * “Rags”, (pm) The Grand Magazine June 1915
- * Smith!, (pm) The Grand Magazine September 1915
- * The Stokers, (pm) The Grand Magazine August 1915
- * The Stowaway, (pm) The Pall Mall Magazine June 1912
- * “Témpéraire”, (pm) The Grand Magazine August 1910
- * The Time for Love, (pm) The Grand Magazine April 1918
- * To All Who Go Down to the Sea in Ships, (pm) The Grand Magazine June 1910
- * The Turn of the Lane, (pm) The Grand Magazine June 1919
- * Useful Assets, (pm) The Grand Magazine December 1914
- * When I Get Back to Blighty, (pm) The Grand Magazine May 1917
- * When I Went Sailing, (pm) The Grand Magazine March 1919
[]Jeppesen, Jeff (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * An American Legend, (pm) Liquid Imagination #13, May 2012
- * Dr. Crow, (pm) Not One of Us #47, April 2012
- * Impressions and Indentations, (pm) Strange Horizons July 12 2010
- * Try This Surefire Memory Trick, (pm) Liquid Imagination #12, February 2012
- * Type 1 Error, (pm) Space and Time #119, Summer/Fall 2013
- * We Will Not Go to Memphis, Then, (pm) Strange Horizons March 5 2007
- * What Relativity Tells Us, (pm) Strange Horizons June 11 2007
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