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Magazine Contents Lists: Page 7849

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    Partisan Review [Vol. 20 No. 1, January/February 1953] ed. William Phillips & Philip Rahv (Foundation for Cultural Projects, Inc., 75¢, 128pp+, 6″ x 9″) []
    Associate Editors: William Barrett, Delmore Schwartz.
    Details supplied by Todd Mason.
    • 9 · The Sense That in the Scene Delights · Benjamin DeMott · ss
    • 19 · From an Autumn Journal · Diana Trilling · nf
    • 39 · Epitaph of a Fallen Poet · Robert Lowell · pm
    • 39 · The Ballad of Wild Children · George Barker · pm
    • 40 · Old Bug Up There · Daniel G. Hoffman · pm; perhaps a more evocative title now than the poet might’ve considered.
    • 41 · Contagious Ward · John Logan · pm
    • 42 · A Pathological Case in Pliny · John Logan · pm
    • 44 · Robert Graves: A Parable for Writers · Horace Gregory · es
    • 55 · The Duchess’ Red Shoes · Delmore Schwartz · es
    • 74 · A Dialogue with W. H. Auden · Howard Griffin · iv
    • 86 · Love, Happiness and Art · Gustave Flaubert; translated by Francis Steegmuller · lt; introduced by Francis Steegmuller.
    • 102 · Painter Pugg and the Chain Carriers’ Calves: Reconsidered · James Johnson Sweeney · es
    • · “The Shores of Criticism”:
    • 108 · Book Review · John Crowe Ransom · br; of Language as Gesture by R. P. Blackmur (Harcourt, Brace).
    • 112 · Book Review · Richard Chase · br; of The Shores of Light by Edmund Wilson (Farrar, Straus and Young).
    • 115 · MacLeish and Viereck · Howard Nemerov · br; of Collected Poems 1917-1952 by Archibald MacLeish (Houghton Mifflin) and The First Morning by Peter Viereck (Scribner’s).
    • 122 · In the First Person · Allan Dowling · br; of Arrow in the Blue by Arthur Koestler (Macmillan).
    • 126 · Words Without End · Dwight Macdonald · br; of The Books in My Life by Henry Miller (New Directions).
    • 128 · Girl Wanted to do 10-12 hours volunteer editorial and secretarial work weekly for PR… · [uncredited] · ms; ad/reminder of the Bad Old Days, among the Avant-Garde.

    Partisan Review [Vol. 21 No. 1, January/February 1954] []
    Issue partially indexed.
    • · Dottie Makes an Honest Woman of Herself · Mary McCarthy · ss

    Partisan Review [Vol. 29 No. 2, Spring 1962] []
    Issue partially indexed.
    • · From the Black Notebook · Doris Lessing · ex
      extract from The Golden Notebook forthcoming from Michael Joseph (April 1962).

    Partisan Review [Vol. 30 No. 2, Spring 1963] []
    Issue partially indexed.
    • · It Always Breaks Out · Ralph Ellison · ex
      extract from Three Days Before the Shooting… forthcoming from Random House (2010).

    Partisan Review [Vol. 33 No. 4, Fall 1966] []
    Issue partially indexed.
    • · Runaway · William Styron · ex
      extract from The Confessions of Nat Turner forthcoming from Random House (1967).

    Partisan Review [Vol. 34 No. 3, Summer 1967] []
    Issue partially indexed.
    • · Whacking Off · Philip Roth · ex
      extract from Portnoy’s Complaint forthcoming from Random House (1969).

    Partisan Review [Vol. 41 No. 3, Summer 1974] []
    Issue partially indexed.
    • · Mercier and Camier · Samuel Beckett · ex
      forthcoming from Calder and Boyars (September 1974). previously published in French (Mercier et Camier, Les Éditions de Minuit, 1970).

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