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Magazine Contents Lists: Page 10884

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    Surrender [195?] (The Truman Book Company, 32pp) []
    UK magazine posing as a foreign import and containing saucy stories and “good-girl” art. Subtitled “Spicy American Love Stories”.
    Details supplied by John Eggeling.

    Suspect Detective Stories   (about)
    Suspect Detective Stories was a fairly standard crime digest featuring fast-action, contemporary, crime adventure stories. It never made a mark in the crowded marketplace for such fare and folded after 5 issues. The issue numbering was continued by Infinity SF.

    • Publishers:
      • Royal Publications, Inc.; 47 East 44th Street, New York 17, NY: Suspect Detective Stories.
    • Editors:

    Suspense (Australia)   (about)
    Most (possibly all) of the issues of Suspense (UK) were distributed in Australia and New Zealand (and also South Africa for some issues) with identical contents but with covers changed to contain Australian, New Zealand and, where relevant, South African prices and, initially, to read English Suspense.

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