The FictionMags Index
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[]Sturner, Jason (fl. 1990s-2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * Belch, (pm) Space and Time #117, Fall 2012
- * Charon Falls Into the Styx, (vi) Bards and Sages Quarterly October 2012
- * Deal Down at the Hospital, (vi) Liquid Imagination #14, August 2012
- * Dryad Weeping on a Fallen Tree, (pm) Space and Time #115, Fall 2011
- * Faerystruck Down, (pm) Tales of the Talisman v9 #1, 2013
- * Ghoul of the Enamel, (pm) Spectral Realms #3, Summer 2015
- * The Girl with the Crooked Spine, (ss) Electric Spec May 31 2014
- * Illusion for the Web of Roads, (pm) Liquid Imagination #14, August 2012
- * Intimate Universes, (pm) Tales of the Talisman v10 #1, 2014
- * Like…Chicken, (ss) Aphelion #161, April 2012
- * Making Amends, (pm) Star*Line April/June 2013
- * Misery of He Who Is Older Than All Men, (pm) Tales of the Talisman v9 #3, 2013
- * Not for Mortal Eyes, (ss) Disturbed Digest #5, June 2014
- * Out of the Ad Space, (pm) Aoife’s Kiss September 2012
- * Penumbra, (ss) Black Petals (online) #55, Spring 2011
- * Post-Funeral Mission (to Mars), (pm) Tales of the Talisman v10 #2, 2014
- * Potawatomi Island, (ss) Electric Spec February 28 2015
- * Spiral of Flies, (ss) Morpheus Tales #22, October 2013
- * Strings, (vi) New Myths #20, September 2012
- * Time to Grow Up Where There’s No Time at All, (pm) Mythic Delirium #26, Winter/Spring 2012
- * The Tramp Clown’s Secret, (ss) Space and Time #120, Spring 2014
- * The Unfortunate Heartbreak of Faritook the Earwig, (vi) The Sirens Call #9, June 2013
- * We Call Them Gods, (pm) Tales of the Talisman v10 #4, 2015
[]Sturner, Jay (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Allure of the Western Sky, (pm) Spectral Realms #15, Summer 2021
- * Awakening, (pm) Aphelion #287, September 2023
- * Dam Bones, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Monsters, Winter 2024
- * Earth’s Reclamation/Next Up, (pm) Star*Line Winter 2023
- * Faerystruck Down, (pm) The Sirens Call #56, Winter 2021
- * Final Gathering, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2022
- * From Below, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2022
- * The Ghost in the Corner and Other Stories, (br) The Green Book #11, Bealtaine 2018 [Ref. Lord Dunsany]
- * Ghoul of the Ash, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Fall 2023
- * Ghoul of the Enamel, (vi) The Sirens Call #56, Winter 2021
- * The God of Dark Fantasy Prose-Poetry, (pm) Spectral Realms #16, Winter 2022
- * The Great and Final Feast, (pm) Spectral Realms #20, Winter 2024
- * In Dreams, (vi) Flash Digest July 2024
- * Last Soldier on the Beach, (pm) Spectral Realms #17, Summer 2022
- * Lord? I’m Comin’ Home to You, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Fall 2023
- * Love Child (with Manuel Arenas), (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Folk Horror, Spring 2024
- * Making Amends, (pm) The Sirens Call #56, Winter 2021
- * Moon Masks, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Masquerade, Fall 2024
- * Mother Earth’s Red Sister, (pp) Journ-E #1, Vernal Equinox 2022
- * Mother Nature and the AI Poet, (pm) Journ-E #4, Autumnal Equinox 2023
- * The Moth Fairies Pay a Visit, (pm) Space and Time #142, Fall/Winter 2022
- * Not a Writer, (pm) Aphelion #292, March 2024
- * Pitcher Plant, (pm) Star*Line Fall 2022
- * Slishra-Ew, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Summer 2023
- * Spiral of Flies, (vi) The Sirens Call #56, Winter 2021
- * Suburban Pitcher Plant, Sarracenia Suburbiana, (pm) Not One of Us #69, 2022
- * Sycophant of the Siren, (pm) Spectral Realms #19, Summer 2023
- * They Sing Me Along, (pm) Space and Time #143, Spring/Summer 2023
- * Wandering Albatross, (pm) Journ-E #1, Vernal Equinox 2022
- * When Confronted by an Elder God…, (pm) Aphelion #293, April 2024
- * Ynè-Kee’s Journey, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Winter 2022
[]Sturrock, (James) Dudley (1882-?) (about) (chron.)
- * At the Tea-Cosy Inn [Pixie O’Hara], (ss) The London Magazine June 1920
- * Christopher Peale, Aviator:
* ___ A Complete Story of War in the Air, (ss) The London Magazine November 1913
* ___ How He Acted the Knight Errant, (ss) The London Magazine February 1914
* ___ How He Brought a King out of a Tight Corner, (ss) The London Magazine August 1913
* ___ How He Made a Friend and an Enemy, and What Came of It, (ss) The London Magazine October 1913
* ___ How He Prevented a War, (ss) The London Magazine July 1914
* ___ How He Saved the SS. “King-Emperor”, (ss) The London Magazine July 1913
* ___ How He Took the Law Into His Own Hands, (ss) The London Magazine January 1914
- * A Complete Story of War in the Air, (ss) The London Magazine November 1913
- * The Confidence Trick, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine June 1924
- * “Cupid Wins by a Knock-Out” [Pixie O’Hara], (ss) The London Magazine April 1920
- * The Decoy [Pixie O’Hara], (ss) The London Magazine July 1920
- * The Education of a Profiteer [Pixie O’Hara], (ss) The London Magazine February 1920
- * Gambler Malone, (ss) The Grand Magazine April 1932
- * “Heart of Gold” [Pixie O’Hara], (ss) The London Magazine March 1920
- * “Her Own Counthry” [Pixie O’Hara], (ss) The London Magazine November 1920
- * Highway Robbery, (ar) The London Magazine August 1914
- * How He Acted the Knight Errant, (ss) The London Magazine February 1914
- * How He Brought a King out of a Tight Corner, (ss) The London Magazine August 1913
- * How He Made a Friend and an Enemy, and What Came of It, (ss) The London Magazine October 1913
- * How He Prevented a War, (ss) The London Magazine July 1914
- * How He Saved the SS. “King-Emperor”, (ss) The London Magazine July 1913
- * How He Took the Law Into His Own Hands, (ss) The London Magazine January 1914
- * Jade [Pixie O’Hara], (ss) The London Magazine September 1920
- * The Lady with the Ladder, (ss) The Royal Magazine May 1925
- * Life and Death and a Piece of String [Pixie O’Hara], (ss) The London Magazine August 1920
- * “Nénuphar”, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) April 1930
- * Pixie at the Wheel (Second Series):
* ___ I.— The Education of a Profiteer [Pixie O’Hara], (ss) The London Magazine February 1920
* ___ 2. “Heart of Gold” [Pixie O’Hara], (ss) The London Magazine March 1920
* ___ 3. “Cupid Wins by a Knock-Out” [Pixie O’Hara], (ss) The London Magazine April 1920
* ___ 4. At the Tea-Cosy Inn [Pixie O’Hara], (ss) The London Magazine June 1920
* ___ 5. The Decoy [Pixie O’Hara], (ss) The London Magazine July 1920
* ___ No. 6 Life and Death and a Piece of String [Pixie O’Hara], (ss) The London Magazine August 1920
* ___ No. 7. Jade [Pixie O’Hara], (ss) The London Magazine September 1920
* ___ No. 8. “Her Own Counthry” [Pixie O’Hara], (ss) The London Magazine November 1920
- * Pixie at the Wheel:
* ___ No. 1. She Plays a Part in a Political Crisis [Pixie O’Hara], (ss) The London Magazine August 1914
* ___ No. II. She Tumbles on a Tragedy [Pixie O’Hara], (ss) The London Magazine September 1914
* ___ No. III. She Acts the Detective [Pixie O’Hara], (ss) The London Magazine October 1914
* ___ No. IV. She Captures a German Spy [Pixie O’Hara], (ss) The London Magazine November 1914
* ___ No. V. She Captures Some Smugglers [Pixie O’Hara], (ss) The London Magazine January 1915
- * The Racketeers, (ss) Britannia and Eve August 1931
- * She Acts the Detective [Pixie O’Hara], (ss) The London Magazine October 1914
- * She Captures a German Spy [Pixie O’Hara], (ss) The London Magazine November 1914
- * She Captures Some Smugglers [Pixie O’Hara], (ss) The London Magazine January 1915
- * She Plays a Part in a Political Crisis [Pixie O’Hara], (ss) The London Magazine August 1914
- * She Tumbles on a Tragedy [Pixie O’Hara], (ss) The London Magazine September 1914
- * Urgent Private Affairs, (ss) The Windsor Magazine July 1932
- * Wanted on Voyage, (ss) Maclean’s May 15 1932
[]Sturtzel, H(oward) A(llison) (1894-1984); used pseudonym Paul Annixter (about) (chron.)
- * Above Timberline, (ss) Successful Farming February 1929, as by Paul Annixter
- * African Afternoon, (ss) Cosmopolitan July 1934, as by Paul Annixter
- * Amidon’s Island, (ss) Everybody’s October 1922, as by Paul Annixter
- * Ark of the Jungle, (ss) Liberty August 27 1938, as by Paul Annixter
- * Back o’ the Yards (with Will Levington Comfort), (nv) The Grim 13 ed. Frederick Stuart Greene, Dodd, Mead, 1917
- * Badger Blood, (ss) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy June 1936, as by Paul Annixter
- * Bald Face, (ss) Argosy May 7 1938, as by Paul Annixter
- * Balmy Day, (ss) College Humor #75, March 1930, as by Paul Annixter
- * Battle Royal, (ss) Liberty May 17 1930, as by Paul Annixter
- * The Bear That Lived in a House, (ss) Liberty January 9 1932, as by Paul Annixter
- * Bigfoot, the Last Outlaw, (ss) Cosmopolitan August 1948, as by Paul Annixter
- * The Biggest Fight, (ss) Adventure September 15 1934, as by Paul Annixter
- * Black Kettle, (ss) Liberty May 4 1935, as by Paul Annixter
- * Black Man’s Africa, (ss) The Popular Magazine December 7 1919, as by Paul Annixter
- * The Black Pearl, (ss) Argosy July 15 1933, as by Paul Annixter
- * Black Sabat, (ss) Red Blooded Stories January 1929, as by Paul Annixter
- * Black Sorcery, (nv) Weird Tales December 1923/January 1924, as by Paul Annixter
- * Blasted Pine, (ss) The Country Gentleman February 1928, as by Paul Annixter
- * Border Wizard, (ss) Overland Monthly August 1918
- * Buffalo Magic, (ss) Adventure February 1944, as by Paul Annixter
- * Bug Eye, (ss) Cosmopolitan August 1934, as by Paul Annixter
- * The Burnished Trail, (ss) Adventure April 1 1931, as by Paul Annixter
- * Cage in the Jungle, (ss) Short Stories December 25 1945, as by Paul Annixter
- * The Call of Christmas, (ss) Liberty December 24 1932, as by Paul Annixter
- * Call Off the Wild, (ss) Adventure August 1937, as by Paul Annixter
- * The Capture of Black Jack, (ss) Action Stories January 1922, as by Paul Annixter
- * Catlin’s Waterloo, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine November 1921, as by Paul Annixter
- * Chacma, (ss) Liberty April 29 1933, as by Paul Annixter
- * Chinook, (ss) Liberty February 28 1931, as by Paul Annixter
- * Choirboy, (ss) Collier’s January 27 1951, as by Paul Annixter
- * A Christmas Call, (ss) Country Gentleman January 1952, as by Paul Annixter
- * Cinched to a Cyclone, (ss) The Elks Magazine February 1935, as by Paul Annixter
- * City Father, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #188, February 1938, as by Paul Annixter
- * The City in the Sycamore, (ar) Esquire June 1940, as by Paul Annixter
- * A Clean Page, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly December 26 1931, as by Paul Annixter
- * Clown Face, (ss) Short Stories October 25 1946, as by Paul Annixter
- * Congo, (ss) Argosy September 2 1933, as by Paul Annixter
- * The Crocodile God, (ss) Boys’ Life May 1950, as by Paul Annixter
- * Darkness, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly September 26 1931, as by Paul Annixter
- * Davy Tetlow and the Lubra, (ss) Adventure July 1950, as by Paul Annixter
- * Dead Sea Stuff, (ss) Holland’s September 1926, as by Paul Annixter
- * Death Is My Saddlemate, (ss) New Western Magazine August 1954, as by Paul Annixter
- * A Deep Sea Story, (ss) Esquire October 1937, as by Paul Annixter
- * Deep-Water Rat, (ss) Adventure March 1942, as by Paul Annixter
- * Deer-Slayer, (ss) Liberty January 31 1931, as by Paul Annixter
- * Depot Dog, (ss) Adventure September 1943, as by Paul Annixter
- * Desert Harlequin, (ss) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly December 1926, as by Paul Annixter
- * Devil of the Deep, (ss) Boys’ Life February 1970, as by Paul Annixter
- * The Devil of the Woods, (ss) Esquire July 1945, as by Paul Annixter
- * The Die Off, (ss) The Elks Magazine December 1935, as by Paul Annixter
- * The Discard, (ss) Snappy Stories April 1920, as by Paul Annixter
- * Dissembler of the Plains, (ss) Adventure July 15 1932, as by Paul Annixter
- * A Donkey Needs Friends, (ss) The Story-teller December 1935, as by Paul Annixter
- * The Donkey with a Lion’s Heart, (ss) Liberty July 27 1935, as by Paul Annixter
- * Drama on the Sea Floor, (ss) Esquire September 1938, as by Paul Annixter
- * Dust Devil, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine 1st February 1931, as by Paul Annixter
- * Eel Fare, (ss) Street & Smith’s Top-Notch Magazine May 1 1932, as by Paul Annixter
- * Elephant Law, (ss) Short Stories June 25 1935, as by Paul Annixter
- * Elephant Talk, (ss) Liberty March 9 1940, as by Paul Annixter
- * Emp, (ss) Adventure January 1937, as by Paul Annixter
- * Enemy Allies, (ss) The American Magazine August 1928, as by Paul Annixter
- * An Escape from Freedom, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine December 1921, as by Paul Annixter
- * Eyes in the Corner, (ss) Adventure October 1944, as by Paul Annixter
- * Fallen Monarch, (ss) Adventure March 1 1931, as by Paul Annixter
- * Ferreted Out, (ss) Crime Mysteries #5, October 14 1927, as by Paul Annixter
- * Feud, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 9 1926, as by Paul Annixter
- * Feud on High Plateau, (ss) Maclean’s March 15 1940, as by Paul Annixter
- * First Hunt, (ss) Boys’ Life September 1958, as by Paul Annixter
- * Flounder, Flounder in the Sea, (ss) Collier’s December 8 1928, as by Paul Annixter
- * For Services Rendered, (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 25 1922, as by Paul Annixter
- * Framed, (ss) Saucy Stories February 1919
- * The Genius, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd November 1919
- * Getting Sickly’s Goat, (ss) Adventure February 1947, as by Paul Annixter
- * Goliah, (ss) Liberty December 15 1934, as by Paul Annixter
- * Good Cigar, (ss) Popular Detective August 1945, as by Paul Annixter
- * Gulo the Devil, (ss) Adventure January 1 1932, as by Paul Annixter
- * Hanging Horse, (ss) Short Stories July 10 1933, as by Paul Annixter
- * The Harbor Beat, (ss) Thrilling Detective November 1943, as by Paul Annixter
- * Hattie Foley—Pal, (ss) The Red Book Magazine November 1919, as by Paul Annixter
- * High Finesse, (ss) The Pagan April 1919
- * The Hoodoo Horse, (ss) Short Stories November 10 1946, as by Paul Annixter
- * Horns of Plenty, (ss) Country Gentleman November 1952, as by Paul Annixter
- * The Human Spark, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine July 1925
- * Hunter’s Moon, (ss) Liberty September 8 1934, as by Paul Annixter
- * The Hunt for Big Eye (with Jane Annixter), (sl) Boys’ Life Apr, May 1961, as by Jane & Paul Annixter
- * The Hunting Horn, (ss) Collier’s January 25 1947, as by Paul Annixter
- * The Hunt on Conibear, (ss) Boys’ Life November 1958, as by Paul Annixter
- * In the Racket, (ss) The Red Book Magazine November 1929, as by Paul Annixter
- * The Jim Peak Grizzly, (ss) Boys’ Life October 1950, as by Paul Annixter
- * Jungle Love, (ss) Collier’s September 12 1931, as by Paul Annixter
- * Jungle Master, (ss) Street & Smith’s Top-Notch Magazine March 1 1932, as by Paul Annixter
- * Kadiak, (ss) Cosmopolitan February 1936, as by Paul Annixter
- * The Keepers of the River Dam, (ss) The American Boy January 1928, as by Paul Annixter
- * Ketch Dog, (ss) Liberty April 1950, as by Paul Annixter
- * Khambu, (ss) Boys’ Life September 1939, as by Paul Annixter
- * Killers Both, (ss) Frontier Stories March 1927, as by Paul Annixter
- * King Crumb and the Uka Mauler, (ss) Esquire August 1935, as by Paul Annixter
- * The King of the Beasts, (ss) Thrilling Adventures May 1941, as by Paul Annixter
- * King of the Green Pool, (ss) Adventure January 1953, as by Paul Annixter
- * King of the Kelp Beds, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd January 1931, as by Paul Annixter
- * Koomeriah King, (ss) Cosmopolitan August 1932, as by Paul Annixter
- * Krag of the K-9’s, (ss) Cosmopolitan November 1943, as by Paul Annixter
- * The Kraken, (ss) Adventure October 1943, as by Paul Annixter
- * The Labors of Beliak, (ss) Esquire August 1940, as by Paul Annixter
- * Last Cover, (ss) Argosy (UK) December 1946, as by Paul Annixter
- * The Last Wolf, (ss) Top-Notch June 1935, as by Paul Annixter
- * Laughing Bones, (ss) Adventure November 1942, as by Paul Annixter
- * Lion Hound, (ss) Short Stories February 25 1935, as by Paul Annixter
- * Lion in the Way, (ss) Boys’ Life January 1957, as by Paul Annixter
- * Lion Rider, (ss) Boys’ Life February 1951, as by Paul Annixter
- * Lions in the Way, (ss) Liberty March 30 1935, as by Paul Annixter
- * Little Lawless One, (ss) The Rio Kid Western Summer 1944, as by Paul Annixter
- * Lives of a Bengal Tiger, (ss) Maclean’s April 15 1933, as by Paul Annixter
- * The Local Rodeo, (ss) Complete Novel Magazine #36, April 1928, as by Paul Annixter
- * Loose Tiger, (ss) Liberty August 19 1933, as by Paul Annixter
- * Lupino, (ss) Argosy December 8 1934, as by Paul Annixter
- * The Lynching, (ss) Collier’s October 25 1947, as by Paul Annixter
- * Man-Killer, (ss) Cosmopolitan December 1942, as by Paul Annixter
- * The Man That Wanted Nothing, (sl) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd Feb, 1st Mar, 2nd Mar, 1st Apr 1931, as by Paul Annixter
- * The Man the Baboons Knew, (ss) Adventure March 1950, as by Paul Annixter
- * The Man with the Patch, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 21 1921, as by Paul Annixter
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