The FictionMags Index
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[]Arno, Elroy; pseudonym of Leroy Yerxa (1915-1946) (chron.)
- * Jenny—The Flying Ford, (ss) Amazing Stories November 1943
- * Jones Buys War Blondes [Willowby Jones], (ss) Fantastic Adventures December 1943
- * Jones Gets the Willies [Willowby Jones], (ss) Fantastic Adventures March 1943
- * Meet My Mummy, (nv) Fantastic Adventures May 1947
- * Mistress of the Dark, (nv) Fantastic Adventures May 1943
- * Perfume for a Princess, (na) Fantastic Adventures December 1947
- * Secret of the Yomar, (nv) Fantastic Adventures July 1947
- * Trick with a Brick, (ss) Fantastic Adventures October 1943
- * Two Worlds to Conquer, (nv) Amazing Stories September 1945
- * You Bet Your Life, (ss) Fantastic Adventures May 1948
[]Arno, Peter; [born Curtis Arnoux Peters, Jr.] (1904-1968) (about) (chron.)
- * Celotex ad, (il) Good Housekeeping June 1931
- * Sideshow, (ms) College Humor April 1937
- * The World’s Most Famous Cartoonists—I, (hu) Lilliput March 1959
- * [cartoon(s)], (ct)
- * [cartoon(s)] (with Charles Addams, Emett, David Langdon, Ronald Searle & James Thurber), (ct) Escort 1949
- * [front cover], (cv) The New Yorker April 9 1927
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Redbook Magazine September 1935
- * [illustration(s)], (il) College Humor April 1937
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The American Magazine May 1940
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Murder Ink: The Mystery Reader’s Companion ed. Dilys Winn, Workman Publishing, 1977
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[]Arnold, A(delaide) V(ictoria) [Mrs. J. O. Arnold] (1858-1930); used pseudonyms Cecilia Bartram, George Burnside, Terence Kitchen, Thomas Narsen & Primrose Townson (about) (chron.)
- * The Best Bedroom, (ss) Derbyshire Advertiser and Journal January 31 1930
- * The Cupboard, (ss) Derbyshire Advertiser and Journal February 28 1930, as by A. V. Arnold
- * The Ginger Kitten, (ss) Derbyshire Advertiser and Journal March 7 1930, as by A. V. Arnold
- * The Home, (ss) The Herald (Tamworth) August 23 1930
- * Parliamentary Pars (An Anticipation), (hu) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #82, January 1919
- * Pepys Takes a Holiday, (ss) The Story-teller October 1918
- * The Permanent Tenant, (ss) Derbyshire Advertiser and Journal February 21 1930, as by A. V. Arnold
- * The Tank, (ss) Derbyshire Advertiser and Journal February 14 1930, as by A. V. Arnold
- * The Tenth Notch, (ss) Derbyshire Advertiser and Journal February 7 1930, as by A. V. Arnold
[]Arnold, [Sir] Edwin (1832-1904) (about) (chron.)
- * Aleahi Hoi (Come Back), (pm) The Lady’s Realm December 1897
- * Almond Blossom, (pm) Sunset February 1903
- * Are Animals Moral?, (ar) The Idler May 1896
- * Aspects of Life, (ar) Longman’s Magazine November 1893
- * Atalanta, (pm) Atalanta October 1887
- * At Sea, (pm) The Argosy January 1896
- * The Birth of Wine in Ancient Persia, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1899
- * China and Japan:
* ___ 1., (ar) The New Review #64, September 1894
- * Christ Blessing Little Children, (pm) Wide Awake December 1884
- * City and Country, (ar) The Cosmopolitan November 1892
- * A Dead Man’s Message, (pm) Once a Week August 25 1866
- * Destiny, (pm)
- * Down on the Suwanee River, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 22 1898
- * The Egyptian Thief, (ss) The Cosmopolitan August 1895
- * The First Four Ghazals of Hafiz of Shiraz, (pm) The Cosmopolitan February 1894
- * First Gateway of “The Garden of Roses” or Gulistan, (in) Longman’s Magazine February 1894
- * From Hafiz. Ghazal 447, (pm) The Lady’s Realm April 1898
- * From the Persian, (pm) The Argosy #478, January 30 1892
- * Guldaban and the Tigress, (vi) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1889
- * The Homes of the People, (ar) The Cosmopolitan January 1893
- * Indian Viceroys, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine January 1894
- * An Informal Introduction by Way of Preface to Our Christmas Supplement, (ar) The Windsor Magazine December 1898
- * A Japanese Watering Place, (ar) The Cosmopolitan December 1892
- * Japan Revisited:
* ___ City and Country, (ar) The Cosmopolitan November 1892
* ___ The Homes of the People, (ar) The Cosmopolitan January 1893
* ___ A Japanese Watering Place, (ar) The Cosmopolitan December 1892
- * Japonica—First Paper—Japan, the Country, (??) Scribner’s Magazine December 1890
- * Japonica—Fourth Paper—Japanese Ways and Thoughts, (??) Scribner’s Magazine March 1891
- * Japonica—Second Paper—Japanese People, (??) Scribner’s Magazine January 1891
- * Japonica—Third Paper—Japanese People (Continued), (??) Scribner’s Magazine February 1891
- * Knots, (ar) The Cosmopolitan May 1903
- * Kuu Ipo Kuu Lei (My Sweetheart! My Flower-Wreath!), (pm) The Lady’s Realm July 1898
- * Lines (“Stars sweep and question not. This is enough…”), (pm) Peterson’s Magazine May 1880
- * Love and Death. Being the Story of the Princess Savitrî, (pm)
- * Love and Hate, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1892
- * Love and Marriage in Japan, (ar) The Cosmopolitan February 1892
- * A Love-Song (“How thous dost come to thought, attired divinely!”), (pm) The Lady’s Realm August 1900; translated from the Sanskrit.
- * Memories of Fannie, (pm)
- * The Monsoon and the Indian Peasant, (ar) The Youth’s Companion March 31 1904
- * My Guests, (pm) The Cosmopolitan December 1894
- * Najine, (pm) The Lady’s Realm February 1897
- * A Page of Confessions, (ms) The Woman at Home November 1893
- * The Passing of Muhammad, Prophet of Arabia, (??) The Century Magazine February 1895
- * The Pastimes of an Indian Prince, (ar) The Windsor Magazine June 1904
- * The Queen’s Kiss, (pm) The Lady’s Realm July 1902
- * The Rain-drop, (pm) Atalanta July 1888
- * A Rajput Nurse, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1888
- * The Ritu Sanhâra, or Round of the Seasons, (in) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1885
- * A Rose of the Garden of Fragrance, (pm) The Pocket Magazine October 1896
- * The Scholar’s Palinode, (pm) Dublin University Magazine February 1862
- * Ship-Logs, (pm) The Windsor Magazine December 1900
- * Sohni: A Story from Indus, (pm) The Cosmopolitan April 1893
- * The Song of Sappho, (pm) The Lady’s Realm December 1899; translated from the Ancient Greek.
- * Spanish Love Song, (pm) The Lady’s Realm March 1900; translated from the Spanish.
- * The Splendor of Niagara, (ar) The Daily Telegraph
- * Spring, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine May 1861
- * The Story of a Punjab Wife, (pm) Dublin University Magazine October 1861
- * The Tenth Muse Composed for a Press Anniversay, (pm) Printers’ Pie 1904
- * Tiny Slippers, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine December 1902
- * To a Pair of Slippers in the Egyptian Exhibition, Piccadilly, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1890
- * The Two Sacrifices, (pm) The Cosmopolitan March 1896
- * untitled (“Ever since those dark eyes lighted on me…)”, (pm) The Lady’s Realm January 1898
- * The Viceregal Rule of India, (ar) The Windsor Magazine January 1903
- * Who Should Be Laureate?, (sy) The Idler April 1895
- * The Womanhood of Her Majesty the Queen, (ar) The Woman at Home July 1897
- * Woman’s Voice, (pm) The Golden Argosy March 31 1883
_____, trans.
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