The FictionMags Index
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[]La Mar, Bud (fl. 1920s-1930s) (about) (chron.)
- * The Auto Buster, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine September 1927
- * The Bar Act, (ss) Short Stories September 25 1928
- * The Bear That Busted, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine November 1929
- * Behind the Chutes, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine August 1927
- * The Big Fight, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine August 1929
- * Bill Acts Like a Lady, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine July 1928
- * Blizzard, (ss) Short Stories August 25 1928
- * Buckin’ the Air, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine March 1929
- * Carnival Ballyhoo, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine April 1927
- * Cossack and Cowboy, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine April 1929
- * Cowboyin’ in the Corn Country, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine June 1927
- * Damsite Goes on the Prod, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine January 1932
- * The Escape of Fiddleface Dugan, (ss) Short Stories June 10 1930
- * Fiddleface Riley Takes the Air, (ss) West February 18 1931
- * The Fleecin’ of Celestial City, (ss) West March 5 1930
- * Fox Hunt, (ss) Redbook Magazine May 1931
- * A Game of Tags, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine February 1928
- * Injun Luck, (ss) Short Stories April 25 1928
- * The Lost Note, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine November 1930
- * The Madness of Fiddleface Dugan, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine February 1932
- * Mail Order Outlaws, (ss) Short Stories October 10 1927
- * Picket Pin Pete, (ss) West August 7 1929
- * The Pleasantville Rodeo, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine October 1928
- * Putting Poteetse on the Map, (ss) West May 1 1929
- * Riding a Bad One, (ts) The Blue Book Magazine August 1926
- * Rodeo, (ss) Frontier Stories September 1928
- * Saved from Love, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine December 1930
- * Scandalous Bill’s Rodeo, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine January 1927
- * Scandalous Bill to the Reskue, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine November 1927
- * The Scenario of Scandalous Bill, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine April 1930
- * Soldier Jack, (ss) Short Stories March 10 1928
- * Sundown, (ss) West October 1 1930
- * Tangled Wave-Lengths, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine December 1931
- * That Graveyard Horse, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine October 1927
- * Three Wise Men, (ss) Short Stories July 10 1928
- * The White Elephant, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine March 1928
- * The Wild One, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine March 1931
_____, [ref.]
[]Lamar, Thomas (fl. 1940s) (chron.)
- * Bloody Oil, (ss) Ten Detective Aces May 1940
- * Coffin Tanker, (ss) G-Men Detective January 1942
- * Crime’s Crossroads, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine January 1943
- * Don’t Get Killed, (ss) G-Men Detective November 1941
- * Government Man, (ss) The Phantom Detective March 1940
- * Hoodlum’s Fairy Tale, (ss) Detective Fiction January 10 1942
- * The King Cotton Killings, (ss) Thrilling Detective November 1941
- * Knockdown to Murder, (ss) Thrilling Detective October 1940
- * Let Me Guess, (ss) Black Book Detective January 1942
- * Monkey-Hole Kill, (ss) Double Detective August 1940
- * Murder Ain’t Funny, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine January 1942
- * Murder—in the Bag, (nv) 10-Story Detective Magazine March 1941
- * My Grave Must Be Deep, (ss) 10 Story Mystery Magazine April 1943
- * Oil for Doom, (ss) Popular Detective August 1940
- * Peaceable Man, (nv) Masked Rider Western November 1941
- * Perfumed Destiny, (ss) Ten Detective Aces January 1940
- * Poor Little Wise Guy, (ss) The Ghost, Super-Detective Summer 1940
- * This Side of the Ocean (with Jim O’Brien), (ss) Thrilling Detective July 1941
[]LaMarsh, W. C. (fl. 1920s-1930s)
_____, ed.
- * Editor: Canadian War Stories May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep 1, Sep 15, Oct 1, Oct 15, Nov 1, Dec 1 1929,
Jan, Feb 1930
[]Lamartine, Alphonse (Marie Louis de Prat) de (1790-1869) (about) (chron.)
- * Hymn, (pm)
- * The Lake, (pm)
- * Raphael, (sl) Reynolds’s Miscellany of Romance, General Literature, Science, and Art #59 Aug 25, #60 Sep 1, #61 Sep 8, #62 Sep 15, #63 Sep 22, #64 Sep 29, #66 Oct 13 1849
- * The Valley, (pm)
_____, [ref.]
[]LaMaster, Slater (1890-?) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Luckett of the Moon, (sl) Argosy Allstory Weekly Jan 7, Jan 14, Jan 21, Jan 28 1928
- * The Phantom in the Rainbow, (n.) A.C. McClurg, October 1929
- Steeger Books, November 2021
- * The Phantom in the Rainbow, (sl) Argosy Allstory Weekly Dec 29 1928, Jan 5, Jan 12, Jan 19, Jan 26, Feb 2 1929
[]Lamb, Antonia (Blick) (1943-2013) (chron.)
- * An ABZ of the Occult, (ar) Crawdaddy #22, May 1969
- * An Afternoon with Roger McGuinn, (ar) Crawdaddy #20, 1968
- * Corporate Astrology, (ar) Crawdaddy #23, June 1969
- * The Stars and the Changes (with Chester Anderson), (ar) Crawdaddy #20, 1968
- * Subud, Rock & Roll, (ar) Crawdaddy #21, April 1969
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