The FictionMags Index
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Eliot, George (chron.) (continued)
- * Romola:
* ___ Chapter LXVIII. Romola’s Waking, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1863, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter LXIX. Homeward, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1863, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter LXX. Meeting Again, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1863, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter LXXI. The Confession, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1863, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter LXXII. The Last Silence, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1863, uncredited.
* ___ Epilogue, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1863, uncredited.
- * Silas Marner, (n.)
- * Vain Man, (ms)
_____, [ref.]
- * English Men and Women of Letters of the 19th Century. 10. George Eliot by Sarah Tytler, (ar) Atalanta July 1889
- * George Eliot, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine February 1881
- * George Eliot, (ob) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine #784, February 1881
- * George Eliot’s Coventry Friends by Warwick H. Draper, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine February 1906
- * George Eliot’s Manuscripts, (ms) Black & White #16, May 23 1891
- * George Eliot, the Novelist by Emily J. Mackintosh, (bg) Peterson’s Magazine April 1881
- * The Homes of George Eliot by Frederic Taber Cooper, (ar) The London Magazine February 1905
- * Where a Genius Was Nurtured by C. S. Sargisson, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine April 1913
[]Eliot, [Major] George F(ielding) (1894-1971); used pseudonyms C. K. M. Scanlon & Robert Wallace (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Abdul the Turk, (ar) War Stories #96, July 1931
- * The Ace in Black, (ss) Sky Birds January 1932
- * Ace in the Hole, (ss) Battle Stories #15, November 1928
- * Across the Marne, (nv) War Stories #42, October 25 1928
- * The Admiral’s Right Eye, (ss) Sky Birds September 1933
- * Africa Wakes, (nv) Five-Novels Monthly December 1933
- * Ali from Algiers, (ar) War Stories #107, June 1932
- * The Ambassador’s Wallet [Constable Oake], (ss) Nick Carter Magazine January 1934
- * America’s First Rebel, (ar) Adventure December 1959
- * Anchors Aweigh!, (nv) War Stories #96, July 1931
- * April Fool, Fritz! [Jack Morgan & Jim Pell], (ss) Battle Birds May 1933
- * Arms for Ethiopia, (na) Thrilling Adventures January 1936
- * The Army Without a Country, (ar) War Stories #105, April 1932
- * Assassins of the Balkans, (nv) Top-Notch February 1936
- * At Grips with the Turk, (nv) War Stories #56, May 9 1929
- * Attack at Anchor, (ss) Saga April 1954
- * Avanti Savoia!, (ar) War Stories #99, October 1931
- * The Bat Flight, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces September 1932
- * Battle Birds of Belgium, (na) Sky Birds March 1932
- * Bear Back Mission [Jack Morgan & Jim Pell], (ss) The Lone Eagle December 1938
- * Before We Can Win, (ar) Liberty August 22 1942
- * Behind the Black Legion—What?, (ar) Liberty September 5 1936
- * Beyond the Parapet, (ss) War Stories April 1927
- * Birds of Betrayal, (ss) Sky Birds February 1932
- * Black Flames, (nv) War Stories #104, March 1932
- * Black Magic [Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men July 1936, as by C. K. M. Scanlon
- * Black Wings Across the Desert, (ss) Flying Aces June 1930
- * Black Wings Ahead!, (ss) Flying Aces December 1932
- * A Blaze of Glory, (ss) Battle Aces January 1931
- * The Blood Debt, (ss) Flying Aces May 1930
- * Blood in the Sky, (nv) Sky Riders #22, August 1930
- * Blood of the Legion, (ss) Ace-High Magazine December 1933
- * The Blue Devils, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces June 1933
- * Blueprints of Peril, (ss) Thrilling Spy Stories Winter 1940
- * The Blue Sultan, (nv) Thrilling Adventures March 1935
- * Boarders Away! [Caleb Pettengill], (na) Bluebook March 1955
- * Bomber Bait, (ss) Sky Aces March 1939
- * Bombs for the Bridge, (ss) War Birds #30, June 1930
- * Bright Lights, (ss) Sky Fighters October 1936
- * Bring ’Em Back Dead, (co) Black Dog Books, July 2012
- * Bring ’Em Back Dead [Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men November 1935, as by C. K. M. Scanlon
- * Bristol, the Blunderer, (nv) Adventure February 1 1935
- * The Brood of the Yellow Dragon, (nv) War Stories #40, September 27 1928
- * Brothers Offended, (ss) The Saint Mystery Magazine April 1960
- * Buccaneers of the Baltic, (nv) Submarine Stories #11, May 1930
- * Building for Peace, (ar) Argosy November 1944
- * Bulldogs of the Sea, (nv) War Stories #15, October 13 1927
- * Bullet-Proof Hawks, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces June 1934
- * Burn, Sink, Destroy, (ts) Saga April 1953
- * Can Fortifications Save the Nazis?, (ar) Argosy June 1944
- * The Capitol Crime [Gordon Renville], (na) Spy Novels Magazine June 1935
- * The Cat Chokes [Jack Morgan & Jim Pell], (ss) Battle Aces April 1931
- * Chains of Fear, (nv) Popular Detective May 1935
- * Clipped!, (ss) Sky Riders #23, September 1930
- * The Cloak of Don Hernando, (ss) The Grand Magazine April 1934
- * The Code of the Rat, (ss) The Saint Detective Magazine July 1956
- * Code of the Sky, (na) Sky Fighters October 1935
- * Cold Steel, (ss) War Stories #48, January 17 1929
- * The Cold-War Blonde, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 26 1959
- * Constable Sherlock, (ss) West August 18 1928
- * Contraband, (nv) Three Star Stories 1st March 1929
- * The Copper Bowl, (ss) Weird Tales December 1928
- By Daylight Only ed. Christine Campbell Thomson, Selwyn & Blount, 1929
- The Not at Night Omnibus ed. Christine Campbell Thomson, Selwyn & Blount, 1937
- Weird Tales December 1939
- The Pan Book of Horror Stories ed. Herbert van Thal, Pan, 1959
- More Macabre ed. Donald A. Wollheim, Ace, 1961
- These Will Chill You ed. Lee Wright & Richard G. Sheehan, Bantam, 1967
- The Unspeakable People ed. Peter Haining, Leslie Frewin, 1969
- Macabre Military Stories ed. Ronald Holmes, Leo Cooper, 1979
- Death ed. Stuart David Schiff, Playboy, 1982
- The Big Book of Adventure Stories ed. Otto Penzler, Vintage, 2011
- Weird Tales: The Best of the 1920s ed. Darrell Schweitzer, Centipede Press, 2025
- * Court of Dishonor, (na) Sky Birds October 1933
- * Crates—and How!, (ss) War Birds #28, April 1930
- * The Crimson Circus [Jack Morgan & Jim Pell], (ss) Battle Aces October 1932
- * The Crimson Five, (nv) Flying Aces June 1931
- * The Day Abdullah Died, (ar) Adventure October 1956
- * Dead Ahead, (ss) Sky Birds August 1930
- * Deadeye Ropes the Uhlans, (ss) Triple-X Magazine #52, September 1928
- * Deadeye’s Spy Rendezvous, (ss) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #64, 1934
- * Deadlight Cay [Caleb Pettengill], (na) Bluebook September 1955
- * Dead Man’s Express, (ss) War Stories #105, April 1932
- * Dead Men Tell No Tales, (nv) Submarine Stories #10, March 1930
- * Death at My Elbow, (na) The Saint Detective Magazine December 1955
- * The Death Dive, (ss) Battle Aces November 1930
- * Death Flight, (nv) Sky Riders #28, February 1931
- * Death’s Envoy [Gordon Renville], (nv) Spy Novels Magazine April 1935
- * Death to America, (na) War Stories #90, January 1931
- * Death Trail, (ss) Thrilling Detective May 1934
- * The Defense Can’t Win, (ar) Argosy April 1944
- * The Desert Devils, (ss) Battle Stories February 1928
- * Desert Doom, (nv) War Novels #24, December 1929
- * The Desert Legion, (nv) War Novels #8, September 1928
- * Dictator’s Darling, (ss) Male May 1956
- * Dope Grapplers, (ar) Argosy November 1951
- * Draw Saber!, (ss) Outdoor Stories September 1927
- * Dreadnaught of Destiny, (sl) Battle Stories Mar, Apr, #9 May 1928
- * Dreadnaughts, (nv) War Stories #36, August 2 1928
- * Drome of the Doomed, (nv) Flying Aces January 1933
- * Duel of Disaster, (ss) Sky Birds February 1935
- * Dumb—Like a Dummy!, (ss) Sky Aces December 1939
- * Duty, (ss) Sky Fighters May 1936
- * Dynamite Tryst, (ss) Western Romances #36, May 1934
- * The Eagle of Atlas, (nv) War Novels #2, March 1928
- * The Eagle’s Eye, (ss) Battle Aces September 1932
- * Eagles of the Iron Cross, (na) Sky Birds November 1931
- * East of Suez, (ss) Battle Stories January 1928
- * Emergency Call—State Police, (ss) Michael Shayne Mystery Magazine December 1956
- * The Ever-Victorious Army, (ts) Saga February 1953
- * The Executioner’s Signature, (na) The Saint Detective Magazine May 1957
- * An Eye for an Eye, (ss) Battle Birds July 1933
- * The Falcon Strikes, (nv) The Lone Eagle June 1935
- * Famous German Aces, (ar) Flying Aces January 1932
- * Fat Chance, (ss) Sky Birds December 1933
- * The Fiery Pit [Constable Oake], (ss) Nick Carter Magazine October 1933
- * Fighting Men:
* ___ No. 1: Abdul the Turk, (ar) War Stories #96, July 1931
* ___ No. 2: Tommy, (ar) War Stories #97, August 1931
* ___ No. 3: The “K und K” Army, (ar) War Stories #98, September 1931
* ___ No. 4: Avanti Savoia!, (ar) War Stories #99, October 1931
* ___ No. 5: The Ladies from Hell, (ar) War Stories #102, January 1932
* ___ 6. Gallant Little Belgium, (ar) War Stories #102, January 1932
* ___ No. 6: Gallant Little Belgium, (ar) War Stories #102, January 1932
* ___ No. 7: Jerry, (ar) War Stories #103, February 1932
* ___ No. 8: The Army Without a Country, (ar) War Stories #105, April 1932
* ___ No. 9: Ali from Algiers, (ar) War Stories #107, June 1932
- * Fighting Shadows, (ss) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1937, 1936
- * The Fightin’ Irish [Jack Morgan & Jim Pell], (ss) Battle Birds April 1933
- * The Fireworks Flight, (ss) Flying Aces September 1931
- * Flagship of Fear, (ss) Ten Detective Aces September 1933
- * Flags of Peril, (nv) Thrilling Adventures December 1936
- * The Flames of Vengeance, (na) Navy Stories #8, September 1929
- * Flaming Seas, (na) Navy Stories February 1929
- * The Flight That Failed, (ss) Flying Aces July 1933
- * The Flying Battleship [Jack Morgan & Jim Pell], (ss) Battle Aces December 1932
- * The Flying Cavalry, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces January 1933
- * Flying Conjurors, (ss) Sky Fighters March 1934
- * The Flying Eye, (ss) War Birds #31, July 1930
- * The Flying Fool, (ss) Battle Aces March 1931
- * The Flying Goat [Jack Morgan & Jim Pell], (ss) Dare-Devil Aces November 1935
- * Flying Ice, (ss) War Birds #24, December 15 1929
- * For the Honor of the Regiment, (ar) Argosy March 1944
- * Fortunes of War, (ss) War Stories #100, November 1931
- * “For Valour”, (ar) Sky Birds August 1931
- * Forward Artillery, (ss) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #43, March 1931
- * Freebooter, (sl) Argosy Dec 21, Dec 28 1935
- * Gallant Little Belgium, (ar) War Stories #102, January 1932
- * The Galloping Bandits, (nv) The Saint Mystery Magazine (UK) August 1961, as "The Galloping Bandits of Zululand"
- * The Galloping Bandits of Zululand, (nv) The Saint Mystery Magazine (UK) August 1961
- * Generals Can Fight, (ss) Air Stories (UK) July 1935
- * Ghost Killer [Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men September 1936, as by C. K. M. Scanlon
- * The Glory Grabber, (ss) Wings December 1934
- * The Gold-Plated Gunboat [Caleb Pettengill], (na) Bluebook February 1956
- * “The Great Retreat”, (nv) War Stories #35, July 19 1928
- * Green Dynamite!, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces September 1935
- * Guerrilla!, (ar) Argosy October 1944
- * Guest Editorial, (ed) Air War Fall 1940
- * The Guns of Jutland, (na) Navy Stories April 1929
- * Gurkha Knives, (ss) War Novels #10, November 1928
- * Hands of the Idol, (nv) Five-Novels Monthly July 1934
- * Hangman’s Patrol, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces April 1933
- * Happy Birthday, (ss) The Lone Eagle April 1935
- * Harbor of Hate, (nv) Spy Stories January 1935
- * Hawk from Hell, (ss) Battle Birds March 1934
- * Hawks of the Alps, (na) Sky Birds August 1932
- * Hell on the High Seas, (ss) Variety Story Magazine July 1938
- * Hell’s Mascot [Jack Morgan & Jim Pell], (ss) Battle Aces July 1932
- * Here Come the Yanks!, (ts) War Stories #84, August 1930
- * The Herr Leutnant’s Witness, (ss) Flying Aces November 1932
- * His Brother’s Keeper, (vi) Weird Tales September 1931
- * His Own Idea, (ss) The Danger Trail August 1928
- * The Ho-Hum Ace, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces June 1935
- * Hold ’Em, Contemptibles, (nv) War Stories #92, March 1931
- * Hostage!, (ss) Sky Riders #25, November 1930
- * Hot Money [Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men December 1935, as by C. K. M. Scanlon
- * The Hot Spotters, (ss) Sky Birds September 1932
- * How the Emerald Ring, (ss) Prize Detective Magazine February 1930
- * Human Target, (ss) Collier’s July 8 1955
- * Identification [Constable Oake], (ss) Nick Carter Magazine July 1934
- * In Burma’s Jungle, (ss) War Novels #13, February 1929
- * In Prussia’s Command, (nv) War Stories #60, July 4 1929
- * In Turkish Waters, (ss) Navy Stories March 1929
- * The Iron Hawk, (ss) Battle Aces April 1932
- * The Iron Pilot Strikes, (ss) Battle Aces October 1930
- * It’s an Ill Wind, (ss) Battle Aces July 1931
- * It’s the Old Army Game, (ss) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #34, June 1930
- * The Jade Circle, (nv) War Stories #70, November 21 1929
- * The Jade Sceptre, (nv) Flying Aces February 1932
- * Jerry, (ar) War Stories #103, February 1932
- * Jewels of Death, (sl) Ace-High Magazine Feb, Mar, Apr, Jun 1934
- * Johnny Get Your Gun!, (ss) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #35, July 1930
- * The Jungle Blockade, (ss) War Stories #66, September 26 1929
- * Jungle Justice, (ss) War Stories (UK) November 1935
- * Justice in the Jungle, (ss) Detective-Dragnet Magazine October 1931
- * The Justice of the Czar, (ss) Weird Tales August 1928
- * Kid Buzzard [Jack Morgan & Jim Pell], (ss) Dare-Devil Aces May 1935
- * The Kid of the 89th, (ss) Flying Aces December 1931
- * Killer’s Cockpit, (ss) Flying Aces February 1933
- * King’s Evidence, (ss) The Danger Trail May 1928
- * Kit Carson’s Pal, (nv) Ace-High Magazine November 1933
- * The “K und K” Army, (ar) War Stories #98, September 1931
- * The Ladies from Hell, (ar) War Stories #102, January 1932
- * The Lance of Sabutai, (nv) Thrilling Adventures June 1935
- * The Last Crest, (ss) Over the Top January 1930
- * The Last Crusade, (nv) War Stories #99, October 1931
- * The Last Laugh, (ss) Mystery Stories April 1928
- * The Last Trick, (ss) Battle Aces November 1931
- * League of Traitors, (nv) Spy Stories October 1935
- * The Legion Strikes, (nv) Explorers September 1929
- * The Lethal Light, (ss) Popular Detective June 1938
- * Let’s Put the A-Bomb in Macy’s Window, (??) Collier’s May 16 1953
- * Look Pleasant, Fritz! [Jack Morgan & Jim Pell], (ss) Battle Aces June 1931
- * Loot, (ss) War Stories #39, September 13 1928
- * Loot for the Legion, (nv) Action Stories September 1934
- * The Lorelei of Lille, (ss) Spy Stories March 1935
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