The FictionMags Index
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[]Irwin, W. Livingstone (fl. 1900s-1920s) (chron.)
- * “Alma Mater”, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper August 22 1908
- * Athletes in Parliament, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper April 9 1910
- * Athletic Parsons, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper June 5 1909
- * The Blue in the Making, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper August 22 1908
- * Canadian Universities, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper February 27 1909
- * Changes in Rugby Football: How the Game Has Developed in Fifty Years, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper February 1920
- * The Coming Cricket Season, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper Apr 27, May 4 1912
- * The Cricket Season of 1910, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper July 2 1910
- * England v Australia at Cricket, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper April 6 1912
- * Football in America, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper December 18 1909
- * Haverford (U.S.A.) College and our Public Schools, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper June 3 1911
- * The Immigrant Alien, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper May 8 1909
- * A Lesson in Etiquette: A ’Varsity Sketch, (ss) The Captain #108, March 1908
- * Mr. John Neville Crawford (Surrey), (bg) The Boy’s Own Paper June 25 1910
- * Public School Cricket in 1910, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper May 20 1911
- * Some Famous Cricketers. I.—Great Batsmen, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper May 20 1911
- * Some Famous Cricketers. II.—Great Bowlers, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper May 27 1911
- * Some Famous Cricketers. III.—Great Wicket-Keepers, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper June 3 1911
- * Some Famous Rugby Players, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper December 23 1911
- * The South African Rugby Football Team, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper April 12 1913
- * The “Springboks” Football Team, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper November 16 1912
- * The University Boat-Race, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper March 26 1910
- * The “W. G. Grace of Australia” (W. L. Murdoch), (ob) The Boy’s Own Paper May 13 1911
[]Irwin, Wallace (Admah) (1875-1959); used pseudonym Hashimura Togo (about) (chron.)
- * Able Seaman Blythe, (pm) Smith’s Magazine June 1911
- * Above the Stars, (vi) Collier’s May 3 1930
- * Accentuated, (pm) Smith’s Magazine September 1913
- * According to Darwin, (pm) Smith’s Magazine November 1910
- * Act Three, (ss) Metropolitan November 1916
- * Add 1 to 1920 and How Much Do It Make, If Anything? [Hashimura Togo], (ss) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly January 1921
- * An Adventure in Cold Storage, (pm) Smith’s Magazine September 1908
- * The Adventures of a Paper Doll, (ss) Good Housekeeping January 1908
- * Aero Gossip, (pm) Smith’s Magazine June 1910
- * An Affair of Peanuts [The Little Booster], (ss) McClure’s Magazine May 1913
- * Ah-Lee-Bung Celebrating the Glorious Fourth, (ss) The Delineator July 1917
- * Airy Nothings, (pm) Smith’s Magazine July 1912
- * Aladdin, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #57, November 16 1923
- * Alexander, a Whale, (pm) Smith’s Magazine August 1909
- * All for Bud, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion February 1930
- * All Front and No Back, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 13 1917
- * An Almost Silent Opera, (pl) Collier’s June 2 1928
- * American Beauty, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 8 1927
- * America’s Bang Up Ceremony [Hashimura Togo], (fa) Collier’s July 4 1908, as by Hashimura Togo
- * America’s Game of Ball [Hashimura Togo], (fa) Collier’s October 10 1908, as by Hashimura Togo
- * Anastasia, an Anecdote, (pm) Smith’s Magazine February 1907
- * Another Neglected Industry, (ar) The American Legion Monthly December 1928
- * Apartment No. 5, (ss) Success June 1926
- * An Arabian Nightmare, (pm) Metropolitan Magazine November 1905
- * Arms and Legs, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine January 1917
- * Artemus Budd, Humorist, (pm) Smith’s Magazine July 1915
- * Artistic Adventures of Prof. Sven Golly and Hon. Miss Trilby [Hashimura Togo], (ss) The American Magazine April 1910
- * At the Doctor’s Door, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine November 1917
- * At the Sign of the Slack Hand, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post October 12 1918
- * Aurora O’Rook, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine January 1907
- * A-Waiting for Me, (pm) Smith’s Magazine February 1916
- * A-Whistling up a Gale, (pm) Smith’s Magazine March 1910
- * Bad News from Boston, (ss) The Delineator November 1935
- * The Ballad of Hagersack, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post October 15 1904
- * The Ballad of the Sea Ser-pent, (pm) Smith’s Magazine December 1906
- * The Ball of the Whales, (pm) Sunset September 1903
- * The Battle of Clothesline Bay, (pm) The London Magazine January 1905
- * The Battle of the Bottle; or, Lyrical Lies, (pl) Collier’s June 7 1930
- * The Beachcomber, (ss) The Red Magazine October 28 1921
- * Beats all Creation, (pm) Life
- * The Beautiful Garden of Toys, (pm) Woman’s Home Companion December 1906
- * Beautiful Lady in Black, (ss) This Week August 22 1937
- * Beauty, (ss) McClure’s Magazine August 1920
- * A Bed on the Boulevard, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post February 24 1923
- * The Belated Santa Claus, (pm) Cosmopolitan Magazine January 1910
- * A Bench in the Park, (ss) McClure’s Magazine October 1919
- * The Best Short Story of 1921 [Hashimura Togo], (ss) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly July 1921
- * The Billyad, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post Jul 15, Jul 22, Jul 29 1911
- * The Biography of Mike, an Octopus, (pm) Smith’s Magazine June 1913
- * Bitten Off, (pm) Smith’s Magazine April 1908
- * The Blessed Season, (ss) The Red Book Magazine July 1920
- * Blood Is Thicker Than Gasoline, (ss) McClure’s January 1927
- * Bloomin’, (pm) Smith’s Magazine June 1908
- * The Blooming Angel, (na) The Saturday Evening Post Mar 15, Mar 22, Mar 29, Apr 5, Apr 12 1919
- * The Booster’s Honeymoon [The Little Booster], (ss) McClure’s Magazine October 1913
- * The Breakfast Table Murder Mystery, (ss) Esquire June 1934
- * The Bright Looney-Loon, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post March 3 1906
- * Broadway Bill, the Terrible Tenderfoot, (ss) Collier’s March 9 1912
- * The Broken Chapter, (ss) The Red Magazine August 17 1923
- * Brother Ben, (ss) Collier’s September 15 1923
- * The Buttermilk Maid, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 5 1921
- * The Cabinet of Doctor Calcooly, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post May 15, May 22, Jun 5, Jun 19, Jul 3 1926
- * The Cabinet of Doctor Calcooly - His Daily Dozen, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post April 24 1926
- * Can Africa Wait Till March 4? [Hashimura Togo], (fa) Collier’s September 19 1908, as by Hashimura Togo
- * Can Hon. North Pole Be Detected? [Hashimura Togo], (fa) Collier’s August 22 1908, as by Hashimura Togo
- * Capitol Fun, (pl) Collier’s March 22 1930
- * Captain Barrett’s Parrot, (pm) Smith’s Magazine March 1916
- * Captain Pink of the “Peppermint”, (pm) Leslie’s Monthly Magazine August 1904
- * Captain Potipher’s Misfortune, (pm) Smith’s Magazine August 1908
- * Captain Ruggles’ Experiment, (pm) Smith’s Magazine December 1915
- * Capting Spanker’s Anchor, (pm) Smith’s Magazine October 1915
- * Capting Spratt’s Sagacious Cat, (pm) Smith’s Magazine November 1913
- * The Cares of a Caretaker, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post April 1 1905
- * Challenge at the Border, (ss) Collier’s July 17 1926
- * The Chamber of Tranquility, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine March 1906
- * Cherry, (ss) The Red Magazine November 25 1921
- * Chivalry, (pm) Smith’s Magazine May 1910
- * A Circular Ditty, (pm) Smith’s Magazine May 1911
- * Circumstantial Evidence, (pm) Smith’s Magazine June 1915
- * The Climb Upward, (ss) The Premier Magazine #142, June 13 1922
- * Cloudburst, (ss) Collier’s March 14 1925
- * The Club Bore, (vi) Collier’s March 13 1926
- * Codfish Aristocracy, (pm) The Smart Set September 1905
- * Comfort, (pm) Smith’s Magazine February 1913
- * A Communistic Phantasma, (pm) Smith’s Magazine March 1913
- * A Conference of Experts, (pm) Smith’s Magazine February 1910
- * The Confessions of Nero, (??) Burr McIntosh Monthly February 1910
- * Conscience and the Rich Man, (pm) Smith’s Magazine December 1912
- * Consolations in Adversity, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post December 23 1905
- * Consolations of a Ne’er-Do-Much, (pm) Smith’s Magazine March 1912
- * The Conventional Meeting of Reps in Chicago [Hashimura Togo], (fa) Collier’s June 20 1908, as by Hashimura Togo
- * The Country Cousin, (ss) The Premier Magazine #157, January 9 1923
- * The Country Mouse, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 9 1918
- * A Curtain Raiser, (pm) The Smart Set January 1912
- * Curtains of Mystery, (pl) Collier’s April 28 1928
- * Daddy’s Girl, (ss) Everybody’s October 1922
- * Danny Dean, Diver, (pm) Smith’s Magazine October 1912
- * A Dash to the Pole, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post February 20 1904
- * Days of Joy, (ss) Pictorial Review September 1923
- * Deep Breathing, (pm) Smith’s Magazine October 1910
- * Demi-Tasse, (ss) McClure’s Magazine June 1919
- * The Democratic Machine at Yale, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 18 1906
- * A Departmental Ditty, (pm) Collier’s May 13 1911
- * A Detective Story, (pm) Smith’s Magazine April 1916
- * The Diary of a Fool:
* ___ I—Jonah Quick Discovers the Secret of Immediate Wealth, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 11 1908
* ___ II—Mr. Quick’s Experience with table Salt and with a Captain of Indeustry, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 18 1908
* ___ III—Jonah Quick Strolls Into Paradise, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 25 1908
* ___ IV—Mr. Quick Delivers the Goods to Quietus, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post February 1 1908
* ___ V—The Whale Catches Jonah and Saves Him from the Sharks, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post February 8 1908
- * Did You Ever Stop to Think?, (pm) Sunset October 1903
- * Direct Action, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 15 1919
- * The Discoverers, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post January 16 1904
- * The Ditty of Kitty Green, (pm) Smith’s Magazine January 1907
- * Do As You’re Told, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion September 1929
- * Do I Believe in Sandy Claws? [Hashimura Togo], (fa) Collier’s December 12 1908, as by Hashimura Togo
- * Don’t Carry Firearms, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion June 1929
- * Doomed, (vi) Collier’s March 29 1930
- * Dot and Carry Ten, (ss) Pictorial Review June 1929
- * Do Them Turkies Deserve a Constitution? [Hashimura Togo], (fa) Collier’s September 26 1908, as by Hashimura Togo
- * Do Venezuela Want Dutch Treat? [Hashimura Togo], (fa) Collier’s October 3 1908, as by Hashimura Togo
- * Dreams, (ss) The Yellow Magazine April 21 1922
- * The Dutiful Mariner, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post January 23 1904
- * Easter Interview, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post April 6 1912
- * The Echo, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 27 1917
- * Economy, (pm) Smith’s Magazine September 1911
- * Election Day [Hashimura Togo], (fa) Collier’s November 14 1908, as by Hashimura Togo
- * Engine Trouble [The Little Booster], (ss) McClure’s Magazine June 1913
- * The Enigma, (ss) The Red Magazine June 9 1922
- * Enter Archie, (ss) McClure’s Magazine July 1919
- * Eternal Youth, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 21 1917
- * Faith, (ss) Pictorial Review March 1916
- * Famous Men Who Have Forgotten Me, (ar) The American Magazine September 1919
- * Fatally Frivolous Carpenter Dan, (pm) Smith’s Magazine February 1911
- * Feather’s Breadth, (vi) Liberty April 16 1938
- * The Feetsteps of Science [Hashimura Togo], (fa) Collier’s April 11 1908, as by Hashimura Togo
- * Financing Freedom, (ar) McClure’s Magazine July 1917
- * The First Lesson, (pm) Smith’s Magazine October 1911
- * Fishing for Compliments, (ia) Metropolitan Magazine October 1910
- * A Fish’s Hornpipe, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post May 12 1906
- * A Flier in Longevity [The Little Booster], (ss) McClure’s Magazine February 1913
- * Flighty Navigation of Air [Hashimura Togo], (fa) Collier’s June 27 1908, as by Hashimura Togo
- * Florizel and Fortunatus, (ss) The Century Magazine March 1912
- * Fluff, (ss) Pan: The Fiction Magazine August 1922
- * Football for Mollycuddles [Hashimura Togo], (fa) Collier’s November 21 1908, as by Hashimura Togo
- * The Forebearance of an Admiral, (pm) 1904
- * The Forgiving Spirit, (pm) Smith’s Magazine January 1912
- * Fortune’s Favorite, (nv) Everybody’s Magazine June 1912
- * Free, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 14 1918
- * Free Speech, (ss) The Red Book Magazine December 1912
- * The Frenzied Flying Fish, (pm) Smith’s Magazine May 1908
- * Frenzied Furniture, (pm) Good Housekeeping
- * From a Sailor’s Log, (pm) Smith’s Magazine March 1906
- * From Romany to Rome, (pm) Harper’s Monthly Magazine November 1905
- * Garden Sass, (pm) Smith’s Magazine May 1916
- * Gasless Sunday, (ss) McClure’s Magazine March 1919
- * The Gas Man, (ms) McClure’s Jul, Aug, Sep 1926
- * A Gentleman’s Agreement, (ss) McClure’s Magazine September 1914
- * The Gentleman’s Agreement [Hashimura Togo], (ss) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly March 1921
- * A German Idyll of Occupied France, (cs) The Strand Magazine July 1918
- * The Ghost of Simeon Bean, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post April 9 1904
- * The Gift of Silence, (vi) Collier’s February 20 1937
- * Girl Hunt, (sl) The Illustrated Love Magazine Jan, Feb 1931
- * The Girl of California, (pm) Sunset December 1903
- * Glory Minus, (pm) Smith’s Magazine March 1915
- * The Goat, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 13 1916
- * The Goddess of Noise, (pm) Collier’s July 3 1909
- * Go Get ’er!, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion April 1930
- * The Gop and the Donk, (pl) Collier’s September 8 1928
- * A Grain of Salt, (pm)
- * Grains of Salt, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post June 18 1904
- * Grammar vs. Love, (pm) Smith’s Magazine July 1908
- * The Great Outsides [Hashimura Togo], (ss) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly May 1921
- * The Great Oyster Conspiracy, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 23 1926
- * Green Eyes, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #53, September 21 1923
- * The Grouch, (ss) McClure’s Magazine June 1914
- * Gullible’s Travels, (sl) Collier’s May 18 1907
- * H—A Chantey, (pm) Smith’s Magazine March 1908
- * “Ham and Eggs”, (ss) Pictorial Review June 1920
- * Handy Andy, (ss) The Red Magazine March 3 1922
- * Harvard, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 4 1906
- * Hashimura Togo and the “Weak-Enders” [Hashimura Togo], (ss) Good Housekeeping June 1914
- * Hashimura Togo at the Seashore [Hashimura Togo], (ss) Good Housekeeping July 1914
- * Hashimura Togo—Butler [Hashimura Togo], (ss) Good Housekeeping March 1915
- * Hashimura Togo—Domestic Scientist. Togo’s Thursday Out [Hashimura Togo], (ss) Good Housekeeping March 1914, as "Hashimura Togo’s Thursday Out"
- * Hashimura Togo. He Discovers the Unexpectedly Tango Qualities of American Tea [Hashimura Togo], (ss) Good Housekeeping August 1914
- * Hashimura Togo in Bachelor’s Hall [Hashimura Togo], (ss) Good Housekeeping February 1914
- * Hashimura Togo Runs a Furnace [Hashimura Togo], (ss) Good Housekeeping January 1914
- * Hashimura Togo’s Moving Day [Hashimura Togo], (ss) Good Housekeeping April 1914
- * Hashimura Togo’s Thursday Out [Hashimura Togo], (ss) Good Housekeeping March 1914
- * Hashimura Togo Swats the Fly [Hashimura Togo], (ss) Good Housekeeping May 1914
- * Hashimura Togo, Westerner:
* ___ Very Polite Xmas, Thank You! [Hashimura Togo], (ss) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly December 1920
* ___ Add 1 to 1920 and How Much Do It Make, If Anything? [Hashimura Togo], (ss) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly January 1921
* ___ Poppaganda [Hashimura Togo], (ss) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly February 1921
* ___ The Gentleman’s Agreement [Hashimura Togo], (ss) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly March 1921
* ___ Welcome to Texas [Hashimura Togo], (ss) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly April 1921
* ___ The Great Outsides [Hashimura Togo], (ss) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly May 1921
* ___ The Japanese Mormon or Wed but What of It? [Hashimura Togo], (ss) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly June 1921
* ___ The Best Short Story of 1921 [Hashimura Togo], (ss) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly July 1921
* ___ Own Your Own Home [Hashimura Togo], (ss) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly September 1921
- * Hats and the Ladies Inside of Them [Hashimura Togo], (fa) Collier’s December 5 1908, as by Hashimura Togo
- * Heads Together, (ss) Collier’s April 19 1930
- * The Heart Confessions of a Nurse-Girl, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine February 1904
- * Heavenly Cop, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal January 1930
- * He Died Laughing, (ss) Redbook Magazine January 1937
- * Heel Tops, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 26 1927
- * Her Own Life, (ss) The Red Book Magazine June 1922
- * He Shot the Bird of Paradise, (ss) McClure’s Magazine September 1915
- * Hickory Dickory Dock, (ss) McClure’s Magazine May 1921
- * The Highest, (ss) McClure’s Magazine July 1914
- * High Tariff on Princes [Hashimura Togo], (fa) Collier’s May 2 1908, as by Hashimura Togo
- * His Face, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 16 1918
- * Historical Parallels, (pm) Smith’s Magazine March 1911
- * His Wife’s Shadow, (ss) Hearst’s International January 1923
- * Hole-in-the-Ground, (ss) Collier’s October 27 1917
- * Home Department, (ss) Collier’s May 1 1926
- * Home, Mother and the Cabaret, (ss) McClure’s Magazine March 1916
- * The Hon. Bomb [Hashimura Togo], (fa) Collier’s May 16 1908, as by Hashimura Togo
- * Hon. J.W. Caesar, Mayor of Rome [Hashimura Togo], (ss) The American Magazine December 1909
- * The Hon. Mars, (hu) Collier’s March 28 1908, as by Hashimura Togo
- * Hon. Modesty—Is It a Disease? [Hashimura Togo], (fa) Collier’s July 11 1908, as by Hashimura Togo
- * Hon. Simple Life Among Ambassadors [Hashimura Togo], (fa) Collier’s June 13 1908, as by Hashimura Togo
- * Hooverian Nights Entertainment, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post Jun 20, Jul 25, Oct 10 1931
- * A Hopeless Combination, (pm) Smith’s Magazine July 1913
- * How Do You Do!, (ss) The Shrine Magazine April 1928
- * How Eve Got Even, (pm) The Argosy September 1911
- * “How Muchee You Pay?”, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine February 1906
- * How They “Broke Into Print”:
* ___ I (with George Washington Cable, Thomas Dixon, Anna Katharine Green, Francis Arthur Jones, Reginald Wright Kauffman, Jack London, Alice Hegan Rice, Amélie Rives & Harold Bell Wright), (bg) The Strand Magazine (US) August 1914
- * How to Collect Our Foreign Loans, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post July 24 1926
- * H. Togo Helps Hon. Father [Hashimura Togo], (ss) Good Housekeeping September 1914
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