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[]de Kremer, Raymond Jean Marie (1887-1964); used pseudonyms John Flanders & Jean Ray (about) (books) (chron.)
- * The Abandoned Observatory, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019, as by Jean Ray; translated from the French (“L’Observatoire abandonme”, Le journal de Gand, July 1, 1921) by Scott Nicolay.
- * At Midnight, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019, as by Jean Ray; translated from the French (“A minuit”, Les contes du whisky, Renaissance du Livre, 1925) by Scott Nicolay.
- * The Aztec Ring, (ss) Weird Tales April 1935, as by John Flanders; translated from the French (“Josuah Gullick, Preteur sur gages”, L’ami du livre, April 15, 1924 as by Jean Ray).
- * Beloved Little Wife with the Scent of Verbena…, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019, as by Jean Ray; translated from the French (“Petite femme aimee ar perfum de verveine”, L’ami du livre, December 15, 1923) by Scott Nicolay.
- * The Broken Idol, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine July 1935, as by John Flanders; translated from the French (“Le singe”, Le journal de Gand, March 18, 1921, as by Jean Ray).
- * The Cemetery Guard, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019, as by Jean Ray; translated from the French (“La guardien du cimetiere”, Le journal de Gand, August 3, 1920) by Scott Nicolay.
- * The Crocodile, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019, as by Jean Ray; translated from the French (“Le crocodile”, L’ami du livre, June 1, 1924) by Scott Nicolay.
- * Cruise of Shadows, (oc) Wakefield Press, 2019 , as by Jean Ray; translated by Scott Nicolay
- * Durer, the Idiot, (ss) Cruise of Shadows by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019, as by Jean Ray; translated from the French (“Durer l’idiot”, La Revue Belge, November 1, 1929) by Scott Nicolay.
- * The End of the Street, (ss) Cruise of Shadows by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019, as by Jean Ray; translated from the French (“Le bout de la rue”, La Croisiere des Ombres, Editions de Belgique, December 1931) by Scott Nicolay.
- * The Gloomy Alley, (nv) Cruise of Shadows by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019, as by Jean Ray; translated from the French (“La ruelle ténébreuse”, La Croisiere des Ombres, Editions de Belgique, December 1931) by Scott Nicolay.
- * The Good Deed, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019, as by Jean Ray; translated from the French (“La bonne action”, Le journal de Gand, July 8, 1921) by Scott Nicolay.
- * The Graveyard Duchess, (ss) Weird Tales December 1934, as by John Flanders; translated from the French (“Le gardien du cimetière”, Les contes du whisky, Renaissance du Livre, 1925 as by Jean Ray).
- * The Guardian of the Cemetery, (ss) Weird Tales December 1934, as "The Graveyard Duchess", by John Flanders
- * Gumpelmeyer’s Debt, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019, as by Jean Ray; translated from the French (“La dette du Gumpelmeyer”, Le journal de Gand, October 11, 1922) by Scott Nicolay.
- * A Hand…, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019, as by Jean Ray; translated from the French (“Une main”, L’ami du livre, June 15, 1924) by Scott Nicolay.
- * Herbert’s Fortune, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019, as by Jean Ray; translated from the French (“La fortune d’Herbert”, Le journal de Gand, June 23, 1921) by Scott Nicolay.
- * Herr Hubich at Night, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019, as by Jean Ray; translated from the French (“Herr Hubich dans la nuit”, L’ami du livre, August 15, 1923) by Scott Nicolay.
- * The Horrifying Presence, (ss) Cruise of Shadows by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019, as by Jean Ray; translated from the French (“La Presence horrifiante”, La Flandre liberal May 1, 1931) by Scott Nicolay.
- * If Thy Right Hand Offend Thee, (ss) Terror Tales November 1934, as by John Flanders; translated from the French (“La dette du Gumpelmeyer”, Le journal de Gand, October 11, 1922, as by Jean Ray).
- * In the Fenn Marches, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019, as by Jean Ray; translated from the French (“Dans le marais du Fenn”, L’ami du livre, January 1, 1923) by Scott Nicolay.
- * Irish Whiskey, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019, as by Jean Ray; translated from the French (“Irish Whiskey”, L’ami du livre, July 1, 1923) by Scott Nicolay.
- * Josuah Gullick, Pawnbroker, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019, as by Jean Ray; translated from the French (“Josuah Gullick, Preteur sur gages”, L’ami du livre, April 15, 1924) by Scott Nicolay.
- * Kippers, (ss) Foreign Bodies ed. Martin Edwards, The British Library, 2017, as by John Flanders; translated from the Flemish by Josh Pachter.
- * The Last Guest, (ss) Cruise of Shadows by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019, as by Jean Ray; translated from the French (“Le Dernier voyageur”, La Revue Belge, May 7, 1929) by Scott Nicolay.
- * The Last Gulp, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019, as by Jean Ray; translated from the French (“La derniere gorgee”, L’ami du livre, July 7, 1924) by Scott Nicolay.
- * The Last Traveler, (ss) Ghouls in My Grave by Jean Ray, Berkley, 1965, as by Jean Ray
- * The Mainz Psalter, (nv) Ghouls in My Grave by Jean Ray, Berkley, 1965, as by Jean Ray
- * The Mainz Psalter, (nv) Cruise of Shadows by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019, as by Jean Ray; translated from the French (“Le psautier de Mayence”, Le bien public, May 6, 1930) by Scott Nicolay.
- * Mondschein-Dampfer, (nv) Cruise of Shadows by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019, as by Jean Ray; translated from the French (“Mondschein-Dampfer”, La Croisiere des Ombres, Editions de Belgique, December 1931) by Scott Nicolay.
- * The Monkey, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019, as by Jean Ray; translated from the French (“Le singe”, Le journal de Gand, March 18, 1921) by Scott Nicolay.
- * The Monsters in the Window, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019, as by Jean Ray; translated from the French (“La fenetre aux monstres”, Les contes du whisky, Renaissance du Livre, 1925) by Scott Nicolay.
- * My Dead Friend, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019, as by Jean Ray; translated from the French (“Mon ami le mort”, L’ami du livre, March 15, 1924) by Scott Nicolay.
- * The Mystery of the Last Guest, (ss) Weird Tales October 1935, as by John Flanders; translated from the French (“Le dernier voyageur”, La croisière des ombres, Les Éditions de Belgique, 1932 as by Jean Ray).
- * The Name of the Boat, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019, as by Jean Ray; translated from the French (“Le nom du bateau”, L’ami du livre, May 1, 1924) by Scott Nicolay.
- * A Night in Camberwell, (ss) Terror Tales September 1934, as by John Flanders
- * Nude with a Dagger, (ss) Weird Tales November 1934, as by John Flanders; translated from the French (“Le tableau”, Les contes du whisky, Renaissance du Livre, 1925 as by Jean Ray).
- * One Night in Camberwell, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019, as by Jean Ray; translated from the French (“La nuit de Camberwell”, L’ami du livre, November 15, 1923) by Scott Nicolay.
- * Over Drinks, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019, as by Jean Ray; translated from the French (“Entres deux verres”, L’ami du livre, April 1, 1924) by Scott Nicolay.
- * The Phantom Executioners [Harry Dickson], (na) Harry Dickson vs. The Spider ed. Jean-Marc & Randy Lofficier, Black Coat Press, 2014, as by Jean Ray; translated from the French (“Les spectres-bourreaux”, 1933) by Jean-Marc Lofficier & Randy Lofficier.
- * Poppelreiter’s Salmon, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019, as by Jean Ray; translated from the French (“La sauman de Poppelreiter”, L’ami du livre, March 1, 1924) by Scott Nicolay.
- * The Portrait, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019, as by Jean Ray; translated from the French (“Le tableau”, Les contes du whisky, Renaissance du Livre, 1925) by Scott Nicolay.
- * The Shadowy Street, (nv) Ghouls in My Grave by Jean Ray, Berkley, 1965, as by Jean Ray
- Foundations of Fear ed. David G. Hartwell, Tor, 1992, as by Jean Ray; translated from the French (“La Ruelle Ténébreuse”, 1932).
- Shadows of Fear ed. David G. Hartwell, Tor, 1994, as by Jean Ray
- Don’t Open This Book! ed. Marvin Kaye, SFBC, 1998, as by Jean Ray
- The Century’s Best Horror Fiction, Volume Two: 1951-2000 ed. John Pelan, CD Publications, 2012, as by Jean Ray
- * The Spider Society [Harry Dickson], (na) Harry Dickson vs. The Spider ed. Jean-Marc & Randy Lofficier, Black Coat Press, 2014, as by Jean Ray; translated from the French (“La bande de l’araignée”, 1933) by Jean-Marc Lofficier & Randy Lofficier.
- * The Strange Studies of Dr. Paukenschlager, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019, as by Jean Ray; translated from the French (“Les etranges etudes de Dr. Paukenschalger”, Le journal de Gand, November 19, 1923) by Scott Nicolay.
- * Twenty Minutes After Midnight, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019, as by Jean Ray; translated from the French (“Minuit-vingt”, Le journal de Gand, May 25, 1921) by Scott Nicolay.
- * Vengeance, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019, as by Jean Ray; translated from the French (“La vengeance”, Cine, November 23, 1919) by Scott Nicolay.
- * Whiskey Tales, (oc) Wakefield Press, 2019 , as by Jean Ray; translated by Scott Nicolay
- * The White Beast, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019, as by Jean Ray; translated from the French (“La bete blanche”, Le journal de Gand, March 11, 1921) by Scott Nicolay.
- * A Whitechapel Fairy Tale, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019, as by Jean Ray; translated from the French (“Un conte de fee a Whitechapel”, L’ami du livre, January 15, 1924) by Scott Nicolay.
_____, [ref.]
[]de Kruif, Paul (Henry) (1890-1971) (about) (chron.)
- * Accidents Don’t Happen, (ar) Ladies’ Home Journal June 1935
- * Albert Abram, Wonder of the West, (ar) Hearst’s International January 1923
- * BCG: Toward the White Plague’s End, (ar) Ladies’ Home Journal March 1931
- * Boss Kettering, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post Jul 15, Jul 29, Aug 12, Aug 26, Sep 9, Sep 23 1933
- * Dr. Abram’s Box, (ar) Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine June 1924 [Ref. Dr. Albert Abrams]
- * Doctors and Drug-Mongers:
* ___ Part 5: Albert Abram, Wonder of the West, (ar) Hearst’s International January 1923
* ___ Part 6: Ponce de Leon and the Ring-Tailed Monkey, (ar) Hearst’s International February 1923
* ___ Part 7: Shotgun Cures, (ar) Hearst’s International March 1923
- * Forward from Polio, (ar) Ladies’ Home Journal February 1934
- * A Further Footnote, (ms) Coronet November 1936
- * If We Get Rain—, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal September 1934
- * Life Can Be Bought, (ar) Coronet November 1936
- * Men Fixing Life, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal June 1932
- * A New Fight Against Tuberculosis, (ar) Hearst’s International October 1923
- * A New Science of the Brain, (ar) Hearst’s International January 1924
- * Notes on Life and Death, (ar) Ken May 5 1938
- * Notes on Life or Death, (ar) Ken April 21 1938
- * An Obscure Doctor’s Success Against Diabetes, (ar) Hearst’s International November 1923
- * The People’s Death-Fight, (ar)
- * Polio Must Go, (ar) Ladies’ Home Journal July 1935
- * Ponce de Leon and the Ring-Tailed Monkey, (ar) Hearst’s International February 1923
- * Psittacosis, (ar) The Country Gentleman January 1931
- * Shotgun Cures, (ar) Hearst’s International March 1923
- * The Sleepy Death, (ar) Country Gentleman March 1934; combating encephalitis outbreaks.
- * Sunlight Cures Rickets, (ar) Hearst’s International February 1924
- * Tuberculosis Cured by the Sun, (ar) Hearst’s International April 1924
- * Young Doctor Heat, (ar) Ladies’ Home Journal April 1934
[]de la Bere, S(tephen) B(aghot) (1877-1927) (about) (chron.)
- * How I Illustrate, (sy) Pearson’s Magazine June 1908
- * Traffic, (il) The Flag ed. Major H. F. Trippel, Daily Mail, 1908
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Pall Mall Magazine Jun 1907, Oct 1910, Jan 1911
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Lady’s Realm Jul, Aug 1907, Jan, Mar, May 1908
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Windsor Magazine May 1909
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Royal Magazine June 1911
[]Delacorte, George T., Jr. (1894-1991) (about) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Editor: The Famous Story Magazine May, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1926, Jan, Feb 1927
- * Editor: The Famous Story Magazine (UK) Sep, Nov, Dec 1926, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May 1927
- * Editor: War Stories #68 Oct 24, #69 Nov 7, #70 Nov 21, #71 Dec 5, #72 Dec 19 1929, #73 Jan 2, #74 Jan 16, #75 Jan 30, #76 Feb 13,
#77 Feb 27, #78 Mar 13, #79 Mar 27, #80 Apr 10, #81 Apr 24, #82 Jun, #83 Jul, #84 Aug, #85 Sep, #86 Oct,
#87 Nov, #88 Dec 1930
#90 Jan, #91 Feb, #92 Mar, #93 Apr, #94 May, #95 Jun, #96 Jul, #97 Aug, #98 Sep, #99 Oct, #100 Nov,
#101 Dec 1931
- * Editor: Submarine Stories #9 Nov 1929, #10 Mar, #1 Apr, #11 May, #12 Jul, #13 Sep 1930
- * Editor: War Novels #23 Nov 1929, #32 Aug 1930
- * Editor (with David Arnold Balch): The Famous Story Magazine Oct, Nov, Dec 1925, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Jun 1926
- * Editor (with David Arnold Balch): The Famous Story Magazine (UK) Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Oct 1926
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