The FictionMags Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 4153

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    Epoch [v21 #1, Fall 1971] []
    Issue partially indexed.

    Epoch [v24 #3, Spring 1975] []
    Issue partially indexed.

    Epoch [v25 #1, Fall 1975] []
    Issue partially indexed.
    • · The Autobiography of My Mother · Joanna Russ · ss

    Epoch [v28 #3, Spring/Summer 1979] []
    Issue partially indexed.
    • · Isaac and the Undertaker’s Daughter · Steve Stern · ss

    Epoch [v29 #2, Winter 1980] []
    Issue partially indexed.

    Epoch [Vol. 42 No. 2, 1993] []
    Issue partially indexed.

    Epoch [v44 #2, 1996] []
    Issue partially indexed.

    Epoch [v67 #1, 2018] []
    Issue partially indexed.

    Epoch [v67 #2, 2018] []
    Issue partially indexed.

    Equinox   (about)
    Semi-professional magazine.

    • Publishers:
      • Stellar Z Productions; Pensacola, FL: Equinox.
    • Editors:

    Equinox [#1, February 1975] []
    Issue not indexed.

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