The FictionMags Index
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[]Warner, P(elham) F(rancis) (1873-1963) (about) (chron.)
- * Association Football at Oxford, (ar) The Captain #80, November 1905
- * The Athletic Corner:
* ___ Association Football at Oxford, (cl) The Captain #80, November 1905
* ___ Football Luck, (cl) The Captain #84, March 1906
* ___ Hockey Past and Present, (cl) The Captain #83, February 1906
* ___ Our Team for South Africa, (cl) The Captain #81, December 1905
* ___ Some Christmases I Have Spent, (cl) The Captain #82, January 1906
* ___ Some New Cricket Celebrities, (cl) The Captain #79, October 1905
- * The Australian Cricketers, (ar) The Strand Magazine June 1905
- * Bowlers I Have Played Against, (ar) The Windsor Magazine June 1910
- * Cricketers I Have Played With, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine June 1910
- * Cricket in Many Climes, (ms) The Captain #15, June 1900
- * Cricket Reform, (ar) The Grand Magazine May 1905
- * Curiosities of Cricket, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine June 1909
- * Don’ts for Captains, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine June 1907
- * English Cricketers Abroad, (ar) The Windsor Magazine February 1899
- * Football Luck, (ar) The Captain #84, March 1906
- * Hockey Past and Present, (ar) The Captain #83, February 1906
- * How Matches Are Won, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine June 1910
- * Imperial Cricket, (ar) The Windsor Magazine July 1910
- * Is Bowling More Scientific?, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine July 1909
- * Our Team for South Africa, (ar) The Captain #81, December 1905
- * Some Christmases I Have Spent, (ar) The Captain #82, January 1906
- * Some New Cricket Celebrities, (ar) The Captain #79, October 1905
- * The West Indian Cricket Team, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper June 9 1900
- * Will England Keep the “Ashes”?, (ar) The London Magazine January 1921
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[]Warner, Rex; [i.e.,Reginald Ernest Warner] (1905-1986) (about) (chron.)
- * An Autobiography, (br) The London Magazine December 1954 [Ref. Edwin Muir]
- * Christ Recrucified, (br) The London Magazine March 1954 [Ref. Nikos Kazantzakis]
- * Cicero and the Roman Republic, (br) The London Magazine July 1956 [Ref. F. R. Cowell]
- * Collected Poems, (br) The London Magazine March 1955 [Ref. C. Day Lewis]
- * The Confidential Clerk, (br) The London Magazine June 1954 [Ref. T. S. Eliot]
- * Count Belisarius, (br) The London Magazine July 1955 [Ref. Robert Graves]
- * The Day of the Monkey, (br) The London Magazine December 1955 [Ref. David Karp]
- * Dialogue with Death, (br) The London Magazine October 1954 [Ref. Arthur Koestler]
- * The Emperor’s Clothes, (br) The London Magazine February 1954 [Ref. Kathleen Nott]
- * The Enormous Shadow, (br) The London Magazine December 1955 [Ref. Robert Harling]
- * The Flowers of the Forest, (br) The London Magazine February 1956 [Ref. David Garnett]
- * The Golden Honeycomb, (br) The London Magazine April 1954 [Ref. Vincent Cronin]
- * A History of the Crusades: Volume Three, (br) The London Magazine February 1955 [Ref. Steven Runciman]
- * Homer’s Daughter, (br) The London Magazine July 1955 [Ref. Robert Graves]
- * The Invisible Writing, (br) The London Magazine October 1954 [Ref. Arthur Koestler]
- * John Bunyan, (br) The London Magazine August 1955 [Ref. Roger Sharrock]
- * John Milton, (br) The London Magazine August 1955 [Ref. Kenneth Muir]
- * Jonathan Swift, (br) The London Magazine July 1954 [Ref. John Middleton Murry]
- * The King’s Peace, (br) The London Magazine May 1955 [Ref. C. V. Wedgwood]
- * The Lakers, (br) The London Magazine June 1955 [Ref. Norman Nicholson]
- * The Letters of Edward Gibson, (br) The London Magazine May 1956 [Ref. J. E. Norton]
- * Maria Cross, (br) The London Magazine February 1954 [Ref. Donat O’Donnell]
- * Marianne Thornton, (br) The London Magazine November 1956 [Ref. E. M. Forster]
- * Memoirs of Hadrian, (br) The London Magazine October 1955 [Ref. Marguerite Yourcenar]
- * Orpheus and Eurydice, (ss) Men and Gods by Rex Warner, MacGibbon & Kee, 1950
- * The Outsider, (br) The London Magazine September 1956 [Ref. Colin Wilson]
- * The Quiet American, (br) The London Magazine March 1956 [Ref. Graham Greene]
- * The Russian Novel in English Fiction, (br) The London Magazine June 1957 [Ref. Gilbert Phelps]
- * The Selected Letters of Anton Chekhov, (br) The London Magazine November 1955 [Ref. Lillian Hellman]
- * The Stepmother, (br) The London Magazine December 1955 [Ref. R. C. Hutchinson]
- * The Stronghold, (br) The London Magazine April 1954 [Ref. Xan Fielding]
- * Tacitus on Imperial Rome, (br) The London Magazine July 1956 [Ref. Michael Grant]
- * That Uncertain Feeling, (br) The London Magazine December 1955 [Ref. Kingsley Amis]
- * Uncommon People, (br) The London Magazine February 1956 [Ref. Paul Bloomfield]
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[]Warner, Stan (fl. 1930s-1940s); house pseudonym (chron.)
- * Almost King, (ss) Romantic Western May 1939, as "His Majesty McGuire", by James A. Lawson
- * Backtrack, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories December 1939, as "The Sealed Eye", by Curtis Blount
- * Bad Brand, (ss) Spicy Western Stories December 1936, as "No Greenhorn with Guns", by William B. Rainey
- * A Better Trap, (ss) Super-Detective Stories July 1935, as "Dog Medicine", by Justin Pate
- * Blood Emeralds, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories September 1935, as "Jungle Jinx", by Jose Vaca
- * Body English, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories July 1937, as "Pushover", by Robert A. Garron
- * Break Through [Ed Byrnes], (nv) Romantic Detective December 1938, as "Kill-Simple Gal", by James H. S. Moynahan
- * Brother in Blood, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories October 1937, as "There Will Be Madness", by Ken Cooper
- * Cemetery Plot, (ss) Super-Detective March 1945
- * Crime Squad, (ss) Private Detective Stories September 1941
- * Dead Man’s Game, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories August 1936, as "Two Hands to Choke", by Colby Quinn
- * Dead or Dying, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories January 1938, as "At the Moment of Murder", by Colby Quinn
- * Death Downstairs, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories February 1937, as "A Shamus and a Sheba", by Huntley Palmer
- * Death to Three, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories October 1936, as "An Eye for an Eye", by Carl Moore
- * Death Watch, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories November 1936, as "Traitor’s Gold", by Hamlin Daly
- * Double Death, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories January 1938, as "The Second Knife", by Curtis Blount
- * Double or Nothing, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories November 1940
- * Eight Ball, (ss) Super-Detective October 1942
- * End of Track, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories March 1936, as "Jungle", by Carson Train
- * Faber’s Folly, (nv) Speed Western Stories April 1945
- * The Face of Murder, (ss) Private Detective Stories February 1943
- * Fighting Girl, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories August 1935, as "The Black 13", by Ellery Watson Calder
- * For Good Measure, (ss) Spicy Western Stories December 1940
- * Fork the in Road, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories September 1935, as "The Blood Drinkers", by Jerome Severs Perry
- * For the Devil, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories July 1937, as "The Black Thing Walks", by Stewart Gates
- * Girl in the Saddle, (ss) Spicy Western Stories April 1937, as "Mexican Meeting", by Rex Norman
- * Gunman’s Guess, (ss) Super-Detective August 1942
- * The Head of Death, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories July 1941
- * Home and Dead on the Range, (ss) Spicy Western Stories May 1940, as "Dude Devil Gal", by Larry Dunn
- * “Johnny Get Your Gun”, (ss) Speed Western Stories October 1944
- * The Last Laugh, (nv) Private Detective Stories August 1943
- * Leave It to a Lady, (ss) Private Detective Stories March 1941
- * Love Ain’t Hay, My Buckaroo!, (nv) Speed Western Stories April 1944
- * Man Wanted, (ss) Speed Western Stories April 1943
- * Matter of Percentage, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories March 1936, as "Bamboo Flower", by Clive Trent
- * A Mind to Kill, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories April 1938, as "Slide Back the Skull", by Colby Quinn
- * More Precious than Rubies, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories October 1937, as "I’ll Buy Your Appetites", by Lew Merrill
- * Murder-Branded Gal, (ss) Speed Western Stories June 1944
- * Murder in the Afternoon, (nv) Private Detective Stories July 1943
- * Murder Redoubled, (ss) Romantic Detective October 1938, as "Murder—Double or Nothing", by Laurence Donovan
- * Not Enough Blood…, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories May 1941
- * No Victory, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories April 1937, as "Master of the Yellow Rats", by Stewart Gates
- * One Hell Too Many, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories December 1936, as "Web of Death", by Carl Moore
- * Outlaw’s Cache, (ss) Spicy Western Stories June 1941
- * Panic by Night, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories December 1940
- * Queen Takes the Jack, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories August 1936, as "Hard Enough", by Arthur Humbolt
- * Race Against Death, (ss) Spicy Western Stories March 1937, as "Maverick’s Brand", by Stewart Gates
- * Revenge on the Sundown Trail, (nv) Spicy Western Stories March 1940, as "Red Wheels", by James A. Lawson
- * Rotten, Like an Egg!, (na) Speed Detective December 1946
- * A Screw Turning, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories November 1937, as "The Third Man", by Colby Quinn
- * The Shadow on His Face, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories June 1938, as "Watch the Lady", by Robert A. Garron
- * Short of War, (ss) Spicy Western Stories June 1938, as "Dead Man’s Guns", by Larry Dunn
- * Stranger in Flight, (ss) Six-Gun Western December 1948
- * Take Cover, (ss) Spicy Western Stories November 1941
- * Too Bad to Kill, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories September 1937, as "Synthetic Husband", by Lew Merrill
- * Top Rider, (ss) Spicy Western Stories July 1937, as "Sheep Hater", by Clint Morgan
- * Trap for a Killer, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories March 1935, as "Double Death", by Alan Anderson
- * Wrong Bullet, (ss) Private Detective Stories August 1941
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