The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 3969
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[]Gentry, David (fl. 2000s-2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) The Third Alternative #41, Spring 2005
- * [front cover], (cv) Crimewave #10, 2008
- * [front cover], (cv) The Beautiful Red by James Cooper, Atomic Fez, 2010
- * [front cover], (cv) Dark Dreams, Pale Horses by Rio Youers, PS Publishing, 2011
- * [front cover], (cv) The Dragons of the Night ed. Nick Gevers, PS Publishing, 2016
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Interzone #206 Oct 2006, #209 Apr, #211 Jul/Aug, #213 Dec 2007, #221 Apr 2009, #237 Nov/Dec 2011, #238 Jan/Feb 2012, #245 Mar/Apr, #246 May/Jun 2013
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Black Static #15 Feb/Mar 2010, #24 Aug/Sep 2011, #27 Feb/Mar, #28 Apr/May, #31 Nov/Dec 2012, #32 Jan/Feb, #33 Mar/Apr, #36 Sep/Oct, #37 Nov/Dec 2013,
#38 Jan/Feb, #39 Mar/Apr, #40 May/Jun 2014
[]Geof, Doctor; pseudonym of Geof Banyard (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Comic, (cs) SteamPunk Magazine #7, 2010
- * Not Your Punk?, (cs) SteamPunk Magazine #6, 2009
- * [cartoon(s)], (ct) SteamPunk Magazine #9, 2013
- * [cartoon(s)] (with Alex Hughes), (ct) SteamPunk Magazine #5, 2009
- * [front cover], (cv) SteamPunk Magazine #8, 2012
- * [illustration(s)], (il) SteamPunk Magazine #8, 2012
[]Geoffrey of Monmouth (c1100-1154) (chron.)
- * Esyllt and Sabrina, (ss) Legendary Tales of the Ancient Britons, John Russell Smith, 1864
- * Merlin and the Magicians, (ex)
- * On King Bladud, (ss)
- * Wars of the Giants of Albion, (ex) Golden Cities, Far ed. Lin Carter, Ballantine, 1970; translated from the Latin (Historia Regum Britanniae, ca. 1136) by Wayland Smith.
- * The Winning of the Kingdom, (ss) The Mammoth Book of Arthurian Legends ed. Mike Ashley, Carroll & Graf, 1998; adapted by Ashley from the 1912 translation of Sebastian Evans.; adapted by Mike Ashley; translated by Sebastian Evans
[]Geoffrion, L. J. (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Alkyone, (ss) Aphelion #125, September 2008
- * Boots, (ss) Expanded Horizons #59, August 2018
- * An Echo of Strings, (ss) Aphelion #119, March 2008
- * Grace of Europa, (ss) Expanded Horizons #2, November 2008
- * The Moonborn, (ss) Aphelion #114, September 2007
- * Written in the Book of the Woods, (ss) Reckoning #1, 2016
[]George, Albert (fl. 1930s-1950s) (chron.)
- * Bacteria—Wake Up and Live!, (ms) Argosy March 27 1937
- * Base-Line Boomerang, (ss) Sports Leaders Magazine October 1948
- * The Cannonball Cure, (ss) Complete Sports July 1949
- * Castoff Jockey, (ss) Short Stories April 1958
- * Cow Jumps Over Moon, (ms) Argosy November 19 1938
- * Cricket Seeks Sponsor, (ms) Argosy May 22 1937
- * Death by Air, (ms) Argosy May 27 1939
- * The Gentle Jock, (ss) Complete Sports February 1951
- * The Glory Trail Is One Mile Long, (ss) Complete Sports February 1952
- * The Gold Old Summer School, (ms) Argosy September 24 1938
- * Hurricane in the Home Stretch, (ss) Complete Sports April 1949
- * Ice on the Move, (ms) Argosy April 10 1937
- * A Job of Riding, (ss) Complete Sports March 1953
- * Kentucky Clean-Up, (ss) Super Sports September 1953
- * Never Say Die, (ms) Argosy June 26 1937
- * Readin’, Writin’—and Revelation, (ms) Argosy December 24 1938
- * Requiescat in Jawbones, (ms) Argosy December 3 1938
- * Ride the Last One for Laura, (ss) Complete Sports March 1954
- * Rocket Jockey, (ss) Complete Sports July 1948
- * Room Service, 1839, (ms) Argosy July 22 1939
- * Slaughter on Sunday Afternoon, (ss) Complete Sports May 1953
- * Stirrup Savvy, (ss) Complete Sports August 1951
- * Take the Risk Along the Rail, (ss) Complete Sports May 1951
- * 30 with Sweat, (ss) Complete Sports July 1954
- * Turpitude à la Carte, (ms) Argosy June 3 1939
- * When a Whale Becomes Unhappy, (ms) Argosy April 3 1937
[]George, Alfred (fl. 1930s) (chron.)
- * The Adler Planetarium, (ia) Argosy September 7 1935
- * The Alhambra, (ia) Argosy June 1 1935
- * The Appian Way, (ia) Argosy October 5 1935
- * The Blue Grotto, (ia) Argosy April 6 1935
- * Carlsbad Cavern, (ia) Argosy March 2 1935
- * The Circus Maximus, (ia) Argosy November 30 1935
- * The Colossi of Memnon, (ia) Argosy June 29 1935
- * The Colossus of Rhodes, (ia) Argosy March 23 1935
- * Crater Lake, (ia) Argosy April 27 1935
- * Fingal’s Cave, (ia) Argosy November 23 1935
- * Florida’s “Singing Tower”, (ia) Argosy October 12 1935
- * Fujiyama: “Sacred Mountain of Japan”, (ia) Argosy September 28 1935
- * The Giant’s Causeway, (ia) Argosy July 6 1935
- * The Great Bell of Moscow, (ia) Argosy June 22 1935
- * The Great Mosque at Delhi, (ia) Argosy September 21 1935
- * The Great Pyramid, (ia) Argosy June 8 1935
- * The Great Shwe Dagon Pagoda, (ia) Argosy May 25 1935
- * The Great Wall of China, (ia) Argosy March 9 1935
- * Hadrian’s Wall, (ia) Argosy November 9 1935
- * The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, (ia) Argosy February 2 1935
- * The Kaaba at Mecca, (ia) Argosy November 16 1935
- * King Christophe’s Citadel, (ia) Argosy August 10 1935
- * The Kremlin, (ia) Argosy December 14 1935
- * The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, (ia) Argosy April 20 1935
- * The Mayan Sacrificial Pool, (ia) Argosy February 16 1935
- * Mesa Verde, (ia) Argosy February 9 1935
- * The Ming Tombs, (ia) Argosy October 19 1935
- * Mont St. Michel, (ia) Argosy October 26 1935
- * The Mosque of St. Sophia, (ia) Argosy July 27 1935
- * The Mystery of Angkor, (ia) Argosy July 13 1935
- * No. 1 Dam of the World, (ia) Argosy January 12 1935
- * “Old Faithful” Geyser, (ia) Argosy November 2 1935
- * The Parsee Towers of Silence, (ia) Argosy May 4 1935
- * Petra, City of Rock, (ia) Argosy January 26 1935
- * The Petrified Forest, (ia) Argosy August 17 1935
- * The Pharos of Alexandria, (ia) Argosy January 5 1935
- * Pompeii, (ia) Argosy March 16 1935
- * The Porcelain Pagoda, (ia) Argosy April 13 1935
- * The Potala Palace, Lhasa, (ia) Argosy December 21 1935
- * The Rock-Hewn Temples of Ellora, India, (ia) Argosy December 28 1935
- * The Roman Catacombs, (ia) Argosy May 18 1935
- * The Serpent Mound, (ia) Argosy June 15 1935
- * The Statues on Easter Island, (ia) Argosy January 19 1935
- * Stonehenge, (ia) Argosy May 11 1935
- * The Strange Forts of Aran, (ia) Argosy March 30 1935
- * The Strasbourg Clock, (ia) Argosy August 3 1935
- * The Taj Mahal, (ia) Argosy February 23 1935
- * The Temple of Diana, (ia) Argosy July 20 1935
- * The Temple of San-Ju-San-Gen-Do, (ia) Argosy December 7 1935
- * The Temple of Zeus, (ia) Argosy September 14 1935
- * The Valley of the Kings, (ia) Argosy August 31 1935
- * The White Palace of King Chosroes, Ctesiphon, (ia) Argosy August 24 1935
- * Wonders of the World:
* ___ 1. The Pharos of Alexandria, (ia) Argosy January 5 1935
* ___ 2. No. 1 Dam of the World, (ia) Argosy January 12 1935
* ___ 3. The Statues on Easter Island, (ia) Argosy January 19 1935
* ___ 4. Petra, City of Rock, (ia) Argosy January 26 1935
* ___ 5. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, (ia) Argosy February 2 1935
* ___ 6. Mesa Verde, (ia) Argosy February 9 1935
* ___ 7. The Mayan Sacrificial Pool, (ia) Argosy February 16 1935
* ___ 8. The Taj Mahal, (ia) Argosy February 23 1935
* ___ 9. Carlsbad Cavern, (ia) Argosy March 2 1935
* ___ 10. The Great Wall of China, (ia) Argosy March 9 1935
* ___ 11. Pompeii, (ia) Argosy March 16 1935
* ___ 12. The Colossus of Rhodes, (ia) Argosy March 23 1935
* ___ 13. The Strange Forts of Aran, (ia) Argosy March 30 1935
* ___ 14. The Blue Grotto, (ia) Argosy April 6 1935
* ___ 15. The Porcelain Pagoda, (ia) Argosy April 13 1935
* ___ 16. The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, (ia) Argosy April 20 1935
* ___ 17. Crater Lake, (ia) Argosy April 27 1935
* ___ 18. The Parsee Towers of Silence, (ia) Argosy May 4 1935
* ___ 19. Stonehenge, (ia) Argosy May 11 1935
* ___ 20. The Roman Catacombs, (ia) Argosy May 18 1935
* ___ 21. The Great Shwe Dagon Pagoda, (ia) Argosy May 25 1935
* ___ 22. The Alhambra, (ia) Argosy June 1 1935
* ___ 23. The Great Pyramid, (ia) Argosy June 8 1935
* ___ 24. The Serpent Mound, (ia) Argosy June 15 1935
* ___ 25. The Great Bell of Moscow, (ia) Argosy June 22 1935
* ___ 26. The Colossi of Memnon, (ia) Argosy June 29 1935
* ___ 27. The Giant’s Causeway, (ia) Argosy July 6 1935
* ___ 28. The Mystery of Angkor, (ia) Argosy July 13 1935
* ___ 29. The Temple of Diana, (ia) Argosy July 20 1935
* ___ 30. The Mosque of St. Sophia, (ia) Argosy July 27 1935
* ___ 31. The Strasbourg Clock, (ia) Argosy August 3 1935
* ___ 32. King Christophe’s Citadel, (ia) Argosy August 10 1935
* ___ 33. The Petrified Forest, (ia) Argosy August 17 1935
* ___ 34. The White Palace of King Chosroes, Ctesiphon, (ia) Argosy August 24 1935
* ___ 35. The Valley of the Kings, (ia) Argosy August 31 1935
* ___ 36. The Adler Planetarium, (ia) Argosy September 7 1935
* ___ 37. The Temple of Zeus, (ia) Argosy September 14 1935
* ___ 38. The Great Mosque at Delhi, (ia) Argosy September 21 1935
* ___ 39. Fujiyama: “Sacred Mountain of Japan”, (ia) Argosy September 28 1935
* ___ 40. The Appian Way, (ia) Argosy October 5 1935
* ___ 41. Florida’s “Singing Tower”, (ia) Argosy October 12 1935
* ___ 42. The Ming Tombs, (ia) Argosy October 19 1935
* ___ 43. Mont St. Michel, (ia) Argosy October 26 1935
* ___ 44. “Old Faithful” Geyser, (ia) Argosy November 2 1935
* ___ 45. Hadrian’s Wall, (ia) Argosy November 9 1935
* ___ 46. The Kaaba at Mecca, (ia) Argosy November 16 1935
* ___ 47. Fingal’s Cave, (ia) Argosy November 23 1935
* ___ 48. The Circus Maximus, (ia) Argosy November 30 1935
* ___ 49. The Temple of San-Ju-San-Gen-Do, (ia) Argosy December 7 1935
* ___ 50. The Kremlin, (ia) Argosy December 14 1935
* ___ 51. The Potala Palace, Lhasa, (ia) Argosy December 21 1935
* ___ 52. The Rock-Hewn Temples of Ellora, India, (ia) Argosy December 28 1935
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