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[]Coulson, John H(ubert) A(rthur) (1906-1989); used pseudonym John Bonett (chron.)
- * Atalanta Vanquished, (ss) The Evening Standard February 8 1952, as by John Bonett
- * A Bath Before Dinner, (ss) The Evening Standard October 18 1950, as by John Bonett
- * Bill to Pay, (vi) Short Stories Magazine February 1982, as by John Bonett
- * A Blooming Lyre, (ss) The Evening Standard November 11 1954, as by John Bonett
- * Children May Play, (ss) The Evening Standard June 21 1951, as by John Bonett
- * Climbing Rose, (ss) The Evening Standard October 8 1954, as by John Bonett
- * Cottage by the River, (ss) The Evening Standard July 31 1954, as by John Bonett
- * Detective on the Scent, (ss) The Evening Standard April 17 1952, as by John Bonett
- * Dinner for Two, (ss) The Evening Standard July 22 1954, as by John Bonett
- * Epifanio’s Feast, (vi) Short Stories Magazine February 1982, as by John Bonett
- * Eunice Dead, (ss) The Evening Standard September 10 1951, as by John Bonett
- * Explosive Matter, (ss) The Evening Standard January 8 1951, as by John Bonett
- * The Five Miss Forthrights, (ss) The Evening Standard December 8 1950, as by John Bonett
- * Footsteps to the Gallows, (ss) The Evening Standard June 29 1951, as by John Bonett
- * Holly Blue, (ss) The Evening Standard September 17 1951, as by John Bonett
- * I’ll Consider Your Offer, (ss) The Evening Standard January 15 1955, as by John Bonett
- * Intruder’s End, (ss) The Evening Standard October 13 1951, as by John Bonett
- * Light Exposure, (ss) The Evening Standard May 24 1952, as by John Bonett
- * Light on His Feet, (ss) The Evening Standard August 12 1952, as by John Bonett
- * Mocking Bird, (ss) Evening Express October 13 1955, as by John Bonett
- * My Friend Hoo, (ss) Magpie December 1951, as by John Bonett
- * Night Call, (ss) Argosy (UK) January 1960, as by John Bonett
- * Pretty Boy, (ss) The Evening Standard January 12 1953, as by John Bonett
- * Purpleheart, (ss) The Evening Standard December 3 1951, as by John Bonett
- * Questionnaire, (ss) The Evening Standard October 9 1951, as by John Bonett
- * Return Journey, (ss) The Evening Standard February 22 1951, as by John Bonett
- * Room 666, (ss) The Evening Standard April 3 1952, as by John Bonett
- * The Snow-White Feather, (ss) The Evening Standard August 20 1953, as by John Bonett
- * Spots on the Dandy Roll, (ss) The Evening Standard June 4 1952, as by John Bonett
- * Stiff with Diamonds, (ss) The Evening Standard September 4 1951, as by John Bonett
- * This Way Madness, (ss) Britannia and Eve January 1954, as by John Bonett
- * Toll Call, (ss) The Evening Standard December 7 1954, as by John Bonett
- * Wax in His Hands, (ss) The Evening Standard December 1 1952, as by John Bonett
[]Coulson, Juanita (Ruth) [née Wellons] (1933- ); used pseudonym John Jay Wells (about) (chron.)
- * Another Rib (with Marion Zimmer Bradley), (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction June 1963, as by Marion Zimmer Bradley & John Jay Wells
- * Avenger, (ss) Texas Rangers ed. Ed Gorman & Martin H. Greenberg, Berkley, 2004
- * Cold, Hard Silver [Ravenloft], (ss) Tales of Ravenloft ed. Brian Thomsen, TSR, 1994
- * The Dragon of Tor-Nali, (ss) Fantastic Stories February 1975
- * A Helping Hand, (ss) If November/December 1970
- * Intersection Point [Star Trek], (nv) Star Trek: The New Voyages ed. Sondra Marshak & Myrna Culbreath, Bantam, 1976
- * Little Men in Big Boots, (br) Amra v2 #19, 1962 [Ref. Mary Renault & L. Sprague de Camp]
- * The Noefan, (pm) Yandro July 1976
- * The Scent of Magic [Witch World], (nv) Tales of the Witch World 3 ed. Andre Norton, Tor, 1990
- * Unscheduled Flight, (ss) Beyond Time ed. Sandra Ley, Pocket, 1976
- * Uraguyen and I (with Miriam Allen deFord), (ss) Cassandra Rising ed. Alice Laurance, Doubleday, 1978
- * Wizard of Death, (ss) Fantastic Stories February 1973
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Amra v2 #2, v2 #5, v2 #8 1959, v2 #10, v2 #11 1960
- * [illustration(s)] (with James Cawthorn), (il) The Conan Grimoire ed. L. Sprague de Camp & George H. Scithers, Mirage Press, 1972
- * [untitled], (pm) Yandro #230, 1975
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- * The Laser’s Edge by Lynne Holdom, (ar) Science Fiction Review #19, November 1976
- * Legacy of Earth by Gene DeWeese, (br) Science Fiction Review #1, Spring 1990
- * Outward Bound by Gene DeWeese, (br) Science Fiction Review #44 Fll 1982, #1 Spr 1990
- * Outward Bound by W. Ritchie Benedict, (br) Thrust #19, Winter/Spring 1983
- * The Past of Forever by Gene DeWeese, (br) Science Fiction Review #1, Spring 1990
- * Star Sister by Gene DeWeese, (br) Science Fiction Review #1, Spring 1990
- * Tomorrow’s Heritage by Gene DeWeese, (br) Science Fiction Review #41 Win 1981, #1 Spr 1990
[]Coulson, Raymond A. (fl. 1900s-1920s) (chron.)
- * The Aeroplane That Vanished, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine July 1914
- * All Square, (ss) The Premier Magazine #152, October 31 1922
- * The Closed Manor, (ss) The Grand Magazine August 1923
- * The Courteous Siege, (ss) The Grand Magazine March 1916
- * A Finish in Style, (ss) The Grand Magazine November 1911
- * How Joshua Golding Made His Fortune, (ss) The Grand Magazine of Fiction May 1908
- * A Landscape Impromptu, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine June 1914
- * The Last Laugh, (ss) The Strand Magazine April 1921
- * The Man Who Did Not Play Games, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #11, May 1923
- * The Marvellous Man, (ss) The Red Magazine May 1 1915
- * The Note and the Doll, (ss) The Grand Magazine November 1922
- * Past the Lighthouse, (ss) T.P.’s and Cassell’s Weekly November 24 1923
- * Psyche and the Indicator, (ss) The Strand Magazine June 1921
- * Time and the Dykes, (ss) The Grand Magazine May 1915
- * The Towers of Yaghistan, (ss) McClure’s Magazine September 1923
- * Wind Tactics, (ss) Ainslee’s October 1914
[]Coulson, Robert (Stratton) (1928-1999); used pseudonym Thomas Stratton (about) (chron.)
- * Adventures of a Two-Minute Werewolf, (br) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic May 1983 [Ref. Gene DeWeese]
- * Artermath, (pm) Yandro August/September 1979
- * An Auld Acquaintance, (ob) Outworlds #70, August 1998
- * The Ballad of Yang the Nauseating, (pm) Amra v2 #64, 1975
- * Battlefield Earth, (br) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic May 1983 [Ref. L. Ron Hubbard]
- * Book Reviews, (rc) Amazing Stories; Mar-Nov 84, Jan-Nov 85, Jan-May 86.
- * Book Reviews, (rc) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov 1984, Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov 1985,
Jan, Mar, May, Jul 1986
- * By the Book (with Gene DeWeese), (ss) Amazing Science Fiction Stories May 1971
- * Conan: A Social Commentary, (ar) Amra v2 #3, 1959
- * Eyewitness, (cl) Other Worlds #2 Dec 1988, #3 Jul 1989, #4 May 1991, #5 Sum 1993, #6 Wtr 1996
- * Fear Itself, (br) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic May 1983 [Ref. Chuck Miller & Tim Underwood]
- * The Harp and the Blade, (br) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic May 1983 [Ref. John Myers Myers]
- * How to Win a Hugo, (ar) Eclipse #10, 1977
- * Human Affairs, (ss) Amazing Stories November 1986
- * Humorists in a Strange Land, (br) Amazing Stories May 1987
- * John Carper and His Electric Barsoom (with Gene DeWeese), (ss) Yandro July 1956, as by Thomas Stratton
- * King of the Wood, (br) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic May 1983 [Ref. John M. Roberts]
- * On Claymores, (lt) Amra v2 #65, 1976
- * On Leiber’s Grey-Clad Hero, (lt) Amra v2 #16, 1961
- * On Suspense, (lt) Amra v2 #15, 1961
- * The Pirates of Rosinante, (br) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic May 1983 [Ref. Alexis A. Gilliland]
- * Queen of the Timies (with Gene DeWeese), (ss) Alternate Worldcons ed. Mike Resnick, Pulphouse, 1994
- * A Rose for Armageddon, (br) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic May 1983 [Ref. Hilbert Schenck, Jr.]
- * Soy la Libertad, (ss) Beyond Time ed. Sandra Ley, Pocket, 1976
- * Thews of Iron—and a Head to Match, (br) Amra v2 #36, 1965 [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * The Tracy Business (with Gene DeWeese), (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction February 1970
- * The Twilight Zone Companion, (br) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic May 1983 [Ref. Marc Scott Zicree]
- * Up to the Sky in Ships/In and Out of Quandry, (br) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic May 1983 [Ref. A. Bertram Chandler & Lee Hoffman]
- * Wallaby Stew, (cl) Double:Bill September 1965
- * Words from Xaltotun, (ar) Amra v2 #11, 1960
- * The World of the Dark Crystal, (br) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic May 1983 [Ref. Brian Froud & J. J. Llewellyn]
- * [letter], (lt) Psychotic #20 May/Jun/Jul, #22 Sep 1955, #23 Jan 1968, #36 Aug 1980, #38 Spr 1981
- * [letter], (lt) Amra v2 #3, 1959
- * [letter], (lt) Algol #12 Mar 1967, Sum/Fll 1978
- * [letter], (lt) Riverside Quarterly August 1967
- * [letter], (lt) The Pulp Era #68, November/December 1967
- * [letter], (lt) Amazing Stories May 1970
- * [letter], (lt) The WSFA Journal #71, May/June 1970
- * [letter], (lt) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact Mar 1975, mid Dec 1985, Jul, Sep 1994, Feb 1995
- * [letter], (lt) SF Commentary #41/42 Feb 1975, #47 Aug, #48/49/50 Oct/Nov/Dec 1976
- * [letter], (lt) Janus Summer/Autumn 1978
- * [letter], (lt) Outworlds #60 Apr, #61 Jul 1991, #62 Jan 1992, #71 Nov 2020
- * [letter from Hartford City, IN], (lt) Trumpet #5 Apr 1967, #10 1969
- * [letter from Hartford City, IN], (lt) Lighthouse #15, August 1967
- * [letter from Hartford City, IN], (lt) If March/April 1971
- * [letter from Hartford City, IN], (lt) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact May 1985, Mar, May, Sep 1989
- * [letter from Hartford City, IN], (lt) Lan’s Lantern #38, July 1992
- * [letter from Wabash, IN], (lt) New Frontiers August 1960
- * [limerick], (pm) Amra v2 #51, 1969
- * [Note About the Poem by S.L. Shalayne], (ms) Yandro August 1970
- * [Note About the Poetry by Roch Benyo], (ms) Yandro January 1972
- * [untitled], (pm) Yandro January 1972
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