The FictionMags Index
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[]McQueen, James (Stuart) (1934-1998) (about) (chron.)
- * The Blue Crane, (ss) Australian Short Stories #2, 1983
- * A Boat-shaped Mind, A Man-shaped Soul…, (ss) The Electric Beach by James McQueen, Robin Books, 1978
- * Evridiki’s Dog, (ss) Australian Short Stories #15, 1986
- * Holding Hands, (ss) The Electric Beach by James McQueen, Robin Books, 1978
- * Love and Goldfish, (ss) The Escape Machine by James McQueen, 1981
- * The Lucifer Override, (ss) Science Fiction (Australia) v2 #3, 1980
- * The Myna Birds, (ss) Short Story International #57, August 1986
- * The Red Card, (ss) Adam (Australia) July 1976
- * Sea Anchor, (ss) Australian Short Stories #7, 1984
- * Views from a Single Eye, (ss) Short Story International #40, October 1983
[]MacQueen, Peter (fl. 1890s-1910s) (chron.)
- * An American in Russia, (ar) National Magazine August 1901
- * Around the World with the Flag, (sl) National Magazine Apr, May, Jun, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov 1899
- * Bolivia, the Mountain Republic, (ar) National Magazine April 1914
- * Brazil, the Largest Republic in the World, (ar) National Magazine January 1914
- * Bridges and Bridge Builders, (ar) The Cosmopolitan August 1892
- * The Bronx Valley, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1893
- * The Building of the Panama Canal, (ar) National Magazine May 1903
- * Campaigning with General Lawton, (ar) National Magazine July 1899
- * Chile, the Yankeeland of South America, (ar) National Magazine March 1914
- * Clara Barton to the American People, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1898
- * Colonization Experiments in East Africa, (ar) National Magazine August 1900
- * Constantinople, (ar) The Cosmopolitan June 1897
- * A Criminal’s Life Story, (ss) National Magazine September 1913
- * Domes, Towers and Spires, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1892
- * The Empire of the Children of the Sun, (ar) National Magazine July 1914
- * The Environs of Boston, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1894
- * The Fight for Paranaque, (ar) National Magazine September 1899
- * General Henry W. Lawton, (ar) National Magazine February 1900
- * The Great Siberian Railway, (ar) The Brown Book of Boston September 1901
- * The Great South American Trip, (ar) National Magazine December 1913
- * Here and There in Battle-Scarred France, (ar) National Magazine January 1915
- * Holland and the Boer War, (ar) National Magazine May 1900
- * The Inside of the Situation at Manila, (ar) National Magazine June 1899
- * The Inside Story of the Macedonian Massacres, (ar) National Magazine November 1903
- * In the Canal Country: II.—The Revolution, (ar) National Magazine January 1904
- * An Island Republic for the Filipinos, (ar) National Magazine July 1902
- * The Land of Luxury, (ar) National Magazine February 1914
- * Life in the Adirondacks (with Frank Hyatt Smith), (ar) Munsey’s Magazine February 1893
- * Mexico and the Revolution, (ar) National Magazine June 1914
- * Midwinter Day in a Boer Camp, (ar) National Magazine January 1901
- * News from the Future, (ar) National Magazine March 1900
- * New Stars Rise Above the Pacific, (ar) National Magazine April 1904
- * On the German Boat for South Africa, (ar) National Magazine June 1900
- * The Outlook for the Boers, (ar) National Magazine March 1901
- * Perpendicular New York, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1893
- * The Personality of the Filipino, (ar) National Magazine July 1899
- * Peru and the Opening of the Canal, (ar) National Magazine September 1913
- * Peter’s First Panama Letter. Being Impressions of Peter MacQueen after Ten Days in the Canal Zone, (ar) National Magazine July 1913
- * The Petroleum Industry, (ar) The Cosmopolitan February 1892
- * Russia’s Gray Giant Talks for “The National”, (ar) National Magazine August 1901
- * The Social Side of Panama Life, (ar) National Magazine August 1913
- * A Talk with Admiral Dewey, (ar) National Magazine Jul, Aug 1899
- * Through the Latin Lands. In the Wake of the Boston Chamber of Commerce in South America, (ar) National Magazine October 1913
- * Through the Latin Lands. The Picturesque Railways of South America, (ar) National Magazine November 1913
- * Tolstoi on America, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1901
- * Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador, (ar) National Magazine October 1914
- * When Aguinaldo Is Captured?, (ar) National Magazine January 1900
- * With Wheeler and Roosevelt at Santiago, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1898
[]MacQueen-Pope, W(alter James) (1888-1960) (chron.)
- * Box-Office Bores, (ms) The Strand Magazine October 1945
- * The Casket of Romance, (ar) Britannia and Eve March 1952
- * Christmas at the Lyceum, (ar) The Sphere #2909A, November 11 1955
- * Chu Chin Chow, (ar) Everybody’s December 16 1950
- * Down the Strand, (ar) Britannia and Eve April 1952
- * Drury Lane Ghost, (ar) The London Mystery Magazine #2, 1950
- * Good-bye Leicester Square, (ar) Britannia and Eve January 1949
- * The Great Edwardian Actors, (ar) Britannia and Eve June 1952
- * It’s an Old Play-Going Custom, (ar) The Strand Magazine November 1943
- * “Joke Over”, (hu) Holly Leaves November 21 1937
- * Let’s All Go Down the Strand, (ar) The Sphere #3006A, November 8 1957
- * Let Us Bring Back Harlequin to Pantomime, (ar) Britannia and Eve December 1949
- * London Theatre Ghosts, (ar) The London Mystery Magazine #11, August/September 1951
- * Lovely Ladies and Handsome Men, (ar) Britannia and Eve May 1952
- * Our Nights Were Gay!, (ar) Britannia and Eve February 1952
- * Theatre Royal in the Desert, (ar) Britannia and Eve July 1942
- * This Pantomime Business, (ar) Britannia and Eve December 1946
- * What’s Yours?, (ex) from Shirtfronts and Sables, Robert Hale, 1953
[]McQueeny, Hal (fl. 1970s) (chron.)
- * Chris, (pi) Adam April 1974
- * Connie, (pi) Adam April 1974
- * Debbie, (pi) Adam July 1976
- * Julie, (pi) Adam January 1976
- * Karen, (pi) Adam September 1975
- * Liz & Dave, (pi) Knight January 1977
- * Lunching, (pi) Adam September 1976
- * Marcia, (pi) Adam October 1976
- * Marlene, (pi) Adam March 1974
- * Paula, (pi) Adam June 1974
- * Paula, (pi) Pix Oct 1974, Aug 1975
- * Robyn, (pi) Adam March 1976
- * Sandra, (pi) Adam April 1974
- * Shelagh, (pi) Adam April 1975
- * Shelly, (pi) Adam February 1976
- * Stephanie, (pi) Adam May 1976
- * Swing Club, (pi) Adam September 1976
- * Terese, (pi) Adam June 1976
- * Water Sports, (pi) Adam August 1976
- * [front cover], (cv) Adam January 1976
[]McQuiddy, A. P. (chron.)
- * Skinnin’ Bones, (cl) Talebones #16 Sum, #17 Fll 1999, #18 Wtr, #19 Spr, #20 Fll 2000, #21 Spr, #22 Fll, #23 Win 2001, #25 Fll 2002, #26 Sum,
#27 Win 2003
- * A Talk with Karen Joy Fowler, (iv) Science Fiction Eye #10, June 1992 [Ref. Karen Joy Fowler]
[]McQuiggan, Stephen (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * And a Sower Goes Forth, (ss) Bards and Sages Quarterly July 2015
- * Baby Blue, (ss) The Dark Side of the Womb ed. Kevin G. Bufton, Cruentus Libri Press, 2012
- * Birdlime, (ss) Ghostlight Winter/Spring 2018
- * The Bitch Price, (ss) Morpheus Tales #29, October 2016
- * Bone Idol, (ss) Out of the Shadows #4, February 2020
- * Bread Alone, (ss) Disturbed Digest #8, March 2015
- * Crowdiddly, (ss) Dark Horses #9, October 2022
- * Deletion, (ss) Supernatural Tales #31, Winter 2015/2016
- * The Ejection Fraction, (ss) Dark Lane Anthology: Volume Three ed. Tim Jeffreys, Dark Lane Books, 2016
- * Fester, (vi) Bards and Sages Quarterly July 2012
- * Goody Gumdrop, (ss) The Hungur Chronicles Walpurgisnacht 2024
- * Jackers, (ss) The Vanishing Point #4, Summer 2022
- * Lamb, (ss) Into the Darkness ed. David G. Barnett & C. Dennis Moore, Necro Publications, 2013
- * Late Night Programming, (ss) Morpheus Tales #30, May 2017
- * Midnight of the Unnatural, (ss) The Stygian Lepus #11, 2024
- * Mint, (ss) Dark Horses #11, December 2022
- * Mucho Mongrel, (ss) Morpheus Tales #24, September 2014
- * Never Mind the Malex, (ss) The Stygian Lepus #20, 2024
- * Odd Dog, (ss) Ghostlight Winter 2016
- * 1, 2, (Skip a Few) 99, 100., (ss) The Vanishing Point #1, Fall 2021
- * Period Drama, (ss) Black Sheep #10, April 2024
- * Shush, (ss) Morpheus Tales #18, October 2012
- * Skinbucket, (ss) SQ Mag #3, July 2012
- * The Station House Emperor, (ss) Dark Lane Anthology: Volume Nine ed. Tim Jeffreys, Dark Lane Books, 2020
- * Sugar Apples, (ss) Dragon Gems Spring 2023
- * Susanna Quietly, (ss) Swill #7, 2013
- * Swansong of Lunatics, (ss) Dark Lane Anthology: Volume Seven ed. Tim Jeffreys, Dark Lane Books, 2018
- * Thunderstone, (ss) Crime Syndicate Magazine #2, May 2016
- * You Snooze You Lose, (ss) Morpheus Tales #32, October 2018
[]McQuilland, Louis J. (1880-1946) (chron.)
- * Alas That Spring, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly October 28 1922 [Ref. Elinor Mordaunt]
- * Anne Severn and the Fieldings, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly December 2 1922 [Ref. May Sinclair]
- * Annette and Bennett, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly October 28 1922 [Ref. Gilbert Cannan]
- * “Big Business”, (ar) The Windsor Magazine November 1929
- * Bodies and Souls, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly February 17 1923 [Ref. Shaw Desmond]
- * The Breaking Point, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly October 7 1922 [Ref. Mary Roberts Rinehart]
- * The Briary Bush, (ms) John o’ London’s Weekly January 27 1923 [Ref. Floyd Dell]
- * Brushwood, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly January 6 1923 [Ref. Kathleen M. Barrow]
- * Captain Blood, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly October 7 1922 [Ref. Rafael Sabatini]
- * Carnac, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly October 14 1922 [Ref. Sir Gilbert Parker]
- * Carniss and Company, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly November 11 1922 [Ref. Henry St. John Cooper]
- * The Cathedral, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly November 4 1922 [Ref. Hugh Walpole]
- * The Children of the Wind, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly February 17 1923 [Ref. M. P. Shiel]
- * The Cloak of Gold, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly October 14 1922 [Ref. John Hastings Turner]
- * Countess Russell’s Sunny Castle in Italy, (rc) John o’ London’s Weekly December 2 1922
- * Cytherea, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly November 4 1922 [Ref. Joseph Hergesheimer]
- * Dandelion Days, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly December 16 1922 [Ref. Henry Williamson]
- * Daughters of Hecuba, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly October 7 1922 [Ref. Clara Viebig]
- * Dawn at Sundays River, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly January 13 1923 [Ref. F. E. Mills Young]
- * December Love, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly November 4 1922 [Ref. Robert Hichens]
- * Deedles, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly February 3 1923 [Ref. S. H. Webb]
- * Dobachi, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly December 16 1922 [Ref. John Ayscough]
- * The Drug and the Dreamer, (ar) Avallaunius Spring 1995
- * Echo, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly February 17 1923 [Ref. Margaret R. Larminie]
- * The Enchanted April, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly December 2 1922 [Ref. Countess Russell]
- * Environment, (ms) John o’ London’s Weekly January 27 1923 [Ref. Phyllis E. Bentley]
- * The Faithful Heart, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly February 24 1923 [Ref. Dion Clayton Calthrop]
- * A Female Gissing, (rc) John o’ London’s Weekly January 6 1923
- * Fiery Particles, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly March 10 1923 [Ref. C. E. Montague]
- * Fireside Fiction, (rc) John o’ London’s Weekly December 9 1922
- * Flappers, Ancient and Modern, (ar) Lloyd’s Magazine January 1919
- * The Flight, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly December 16 1922 [Ref. Muriel Hine]
- * From Colliery Village to Monte Carlo, (rc) John o’ London’s Weekly February 3 1923
- * The Futurist Prose of Virginia Woolf, (rc) John o’ London’s Weekly November 11 1922
- * Heart and Artifice, (pm) The Universal and Ludgate Magazine #14, June 1901
- * Hidden Lives, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly January 6 1923 [Ref. Leonora Eyles]
- * Hugh Walpole’s Power in “The Cathedral”, (rc) John o’ London’s Weekly November 4 1922
- * Jacob’s Room, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly November 11 1922 [Ref. Virginia Woolf]
- * The Joyous Pilgrim, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly February 10 1923 [Ref. Winifred Boggs]
- * The Life of Isobel Erne, (ms) John o’ London’s Weekly January 27 1923 [Ref. Peggy Webling]
- * Lovable Heroines, (rc) John o’ London’s Weekly January 27 1923
- * Love, Hate, and Humour, (rc) John o’ London’s Weekly February 24 1923
- * Love in a Pit Village, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly February 3 1923 [Ref. Lady Muir Mackenzie]
- * The Man Who Paints Motion, (ar) Lloyd’s Magazine July 1918 [Ref. C. R. W. Nevinson]
- * The Mayflower, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly January 13 1923 [Ref. Vicente Blasco Ibanez]
- * Men, Maids, and Mustard-Pot, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly February 24 1923 [Ref. Gilbert Frankau]
- * Minuet and Fox-trot, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly December 16 1922 [Ref. Agnes & Egerton Castle]
- * More William, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly February 24 1923 [Ref. Richmal Crompton]
- * The Novelist Without a Plot, (rc) John o’ London’s Weekly October 28 1922
- * Novel Stevenson Would Have Loved and Some Others, (rc) John o’ London’s Weekly October 7 1922
- * The Optimist, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly December 9 1922 [Ref. E. M. Delafield]
- * The Other End, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly February 10 1923 [Ref. R. Ellis Roberts]
- * Ovington’s Bank, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly November 11 1922 [Ref. Stanley Weyman]
- * Pender Among the Residents:, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly January 6 1923 [Ref. Forrest Reid]
- * The Poisoned Paradise, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly February 3 1923 [Ref. Robert W. Service]
- * Puppets of Fate, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly October 28 1922 [Ref. Selwyn Jepson]
- * Quest, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly January 13 1923 [Ref. Rosita Forbes]
- * Seven for a Secret, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly December 2 1922 [Ref. Mary Webb]
- * Sex Equality Fiction, (rc) John o’ London’s Weekly December 16 1922
- * Spring Magic, (ar) Lloyd’s Magazine April 1919
- * The Stiff Lip, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly October 7 1922 [Ref. W. L. George]
- * The Swami’s Curse, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly January 13 1923 [Ref. F. E. Penny]
- * Sweet Pepper, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly March 10 1923 [Ref. Geoffrey Moss]
- * The Tale of Triona, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly October 14 1922 [Ref. W. J. Locke]
- * Tales and Tragedies of Sun and Sand, (rc) John o’ London’s Weekly January 13 1923
- * Tales of Fear and Beauty, Frivolity and Adventure, (rc) John o’ London’s Weekly February 10 1923
- * Three Clever Pens, (rc) John o’ London’s Weekly March 10 1923
- * To Tell You the Truth, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly December 9 1922 [Ref. Leonard Merrick]
- * The Tree of the Garden, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly December 9 1922 [Ref. Edward Booth]
- * Tyler of Barnet, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly February 24 1923 [Ref. Bernard Gilbert]
- * Up from Nothing, (ar) The New Passing Show April 30 1932
- * The Van Roon, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly October 7 1922 [Ref. J. C. Snaith]
- * The Wanderings of Asaf, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly February 10 1923 [Ref. “Afghan”]
- * Where the Roads Cross, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly November 25 1922 [Ref. Silas K. Hocking]
- * W. J. Locke’s Striking New Romance, (rc) John o’ London’s Weekly October 14 1922
- * Womanhood in White and Black, (rc) John o’ London’s Weekly February 17 1923
- * The Wrong Shadow, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly March 10 1923 [Ref. Harold Brighouse]
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