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    Double-Action Detective (1938)   (about)
    Promising “double-action thrills in the world of crime”, the magazine typically featured tough detective and crime-adventure tableaus, spotlighting the hard-boiled school of the private eye.

    • Publishers:
      • Double-Action Magazines, Inc.; 2256 Grove Street, Chicago, IL: Double-Action Detective, Oct 1938 – Jul 1940.
      • Blue Ribbon Magazines, Inc.; South Canal Street, Holyoke, MA: Double-Action Detective, Oct 1940.

    Double-Action Detective (Australia)   (about)
    A thin Australian digest printing original stories by Australian authors.

    • Publishers:
      • Action Comics Pty. Ltd.; 14 Bond Street, Sydney: Double-Action Detective.

    Double-Action Detective Stories (1954):   (about)
    Double Action Detective Stories was a pulp magazine in every way but size, at a time when the competition had moved on to more sophisticated material. Initially published only twice a year (although the issues weren’t dated), it shifted to a quarterly schedule after the fifth issue, and then to a bimonthly schedule the following year, changing its name at much the same time to Double Action Detective and Mystery Stories.

    Double-Action Detective Stories

    • Publishers:
      • Columbia Publications, Inc.; 241 Church Street, New York 13, NY; and later at 1 Appleton Street, Holyoke, MA: Double-Action Detective Stories.
    • Editors:

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