The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 9997
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[]Stovall, Dennis H(erbert) (1878-1941) (about) (chron.)
- * Because of the Kid, (ss) The Popular Magazine December 1905
- * The Boss of the Jap Train, (ss) The Railroad Man’s Magazine August 1907
- * California’s Public Parks, (ar) The Pacific Monthly June 1905
- * The Cub and the Veteran, (ss) The Railroad Man’s Magazine March 1907
- * The Dog Decides, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine June 1 1920
- * The Dynamite Division, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine December 1909
- * The Evolution of Hydraulic Placer Mining in the West, (ar) The Pacific Monthly May 1903
- * A Family Railroad, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine May 1911
- * For the Sake of Sadie, (ss) Gunter’s Magazine July 1909
- * The Gift of Doom, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine May 15 1913
- * The Girl of the Rails, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine May 20 1914
- * The Gold Sluice Battle, (nv) Top-Notch March 1 1911
- * The Horse That Did Not Go to War, (ss) The American Boy June 1915
- * In the Elk’s Eye, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine October 15 1913
- * In the Wilds of Southern Oregon. A Suggestion for a Vacation, (as) The Pacific Monthly July 1903
- * Kerbyville: The Pioneer Gold Camp of Oregon, (ar) The Pacific Monthly November 1903
- * The Knot-Hole in the Clapboard, (ss) The Pacific Monthly January 1910
- * Leave It to Caesar, (ss) Boys’ Life September 1926
- * The Link of Brotherhood, (ss) The Black Cat June 1907
- * The Lion’s Cub, (ss) The Wide World Magazine (US) July 1915
- * The Luck of Jimmy Darrow, (vi) The Pacific Monthly October 1905
- * The Luck of Silver-Tip, (ss) Top-Notch April 1 1911
- * The Luck of Sucker Creek, (ts) The Pacific Monthly October 1904
- * Maloney the Section Boss, (ss) 10 Story Book January 1908
- * The Night Watch at Waverly, (ss) Boys’ Life August 1924
- * Oregon’s Majestic Crater Lake, (ar) The Pacific Monthly October 1901
- * Out of the Dark, (ss) Top-Notch September 1 1911
- * Out of the Deputy’s Hands, (vi) The Cavalier November 1908
- * Plotters of the Royal Four, (nv) Top-Notch Magazine November 15 1910
- * The Pocket-Hunter’s Dream, (ss) The Pacific Monthly April 1903
- * “Rattler”, (ss) The Pacific Monthly November/December 1901
- * The Reign of King Leo, (ss) The Black Cat April 1906
- * The Rogue: Oregon’s Matchless River, (ar) The Pacific Monthly March 1905
- * Silver Tip, (ss)
- * The Spirit of Cabrillo, (ss) Boys’ Life February 1925
- * Straddle-Nose Johnson’s Vindication, (ss) Top-Notch February 1 1911
- * The Talking Stone, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine October 1 1913
- * Through Brimstone Syphon, (ss) The American Boy July 1913
- * Trailing an Infernal Machine, (ss) The All-Story Magazine May 1905
- * A Trip to Historic Old Galice, (ar) The Pacific Monthly February 1905
- * The Underground Gold Digger, (ar) The Pacific Monthly September 1903
- * Under the Taboo, (nv) Top-Notch Magazine March 1 1913
- * White Spot, the Great Panther of the Big Meadows, (ss) The Pacific Monthly May 1902
[]Stover, Arnold (fl. 1950s-1960s) (chron.)
- * …And My Shadow, (ss) Adam October 1960
- * The Cat, (ar) Sir Knight v1 #11, 1959
- * Death of an Agent, (ss) Adam April 1960
- * The Haunt, (ss) Adam November 1960
- * The Only House in Town, (ss) Adam Bedside Reader #2, 1959
- * A Piece of Cake, (ss) Adam January 1961
- * Stopover, (ss) Adam December 1960
- * To Kill a Broad, (ss) Adam July 1959
- * Trial by Woman, (ss) Adam May 1961
- * Why Rich Men Court Death, (ar) Adam February 1959
[]Stover, Curtis R. (1944- ); used pseudonym Norman Moore (chron.)
- * The Guilds of London (with Edward Frank Beltram, Sharon Kay Hudgins, Jeralyn J. Hughlock, Alvin Lee Rodgers & Amber Smith), (??) The Century Magazine November 1888, as by Norman Moore
- * The Oldest Church in London (with Edward Frank Beltram, Sharon Kay Hudgins, Jeralyn J. Hughlock, Alvin Lee Rodgers & Amber Smith), (??) The Century Magazine February 1887, as by Norman Moore
[]Stover, Herbert Elisha (1888-1963) (chron.)
- * Coals of Fire, (ss) Breezy Stories 2nd March 1926
- * Come, Blessed Amnesia, (ss) Droll Stories November 1924
- * Fangs, (ss) The Black Mask February 15 1924
- * The Guillotine, (ss) The Black Mask June 1 1923
- * Out-of-Doors:
* ___ The Ruffled Grouse, (cl) The Saturday Evening Post August 15 1931
- * Pink Georgette, (ss) Breezy Stories March 1920
- * The Rattle of Fear, (ss) The Black Mask September 15 1923
- * The Road Turns Right, (ss) Young’s Realistic Stories Magazine April 1928
- * The Ruffled Grouse, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 15 1931
[]Stover, Leon E(ugene) (1929-2006) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Afterword, (aw) Apeman, Spaceman ed. Leon E. Stover & Harry Harrison, Doubleday, 1968
- * Apeman, Spaceman—or, 2001’s Answer to the World’s Riddle, (ar) Amazing Stories March 1969
- * Applied Anthropology (with Harry Harrison), (si) Apeman, Spaceman ed. Leon E. Stover & Harry Harrison, Doubleday, 1968
- * Archaeology (with Harry Harrison), (si) Apeman, Spaceman ed. Leon E. Stover & Harry Harrison, Doubleday, 1968
- * Dogs, Dolphins and Human Speech, (ar) Amazing Stories April 1968
- * Dominant Species (with Harry Harrison), (si) Apeman, Spaceman ed. Leon E. Stover & Harry Harrison, Doubleday, 1968
- * Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus, (ss) Fantastic Stories August 1971
- * Fossils (with Harry Harrison), (si) Apeman, Spaceman ed. Leon E. Stover & Harry Harrison, Doubleday, 1968
- * The Hairless Ape (with Harry Harrison), (si) Apeman, Spaceman ed. Leon E. Stover & Harry Harrison, Doubleday, 1968
- * Harry Harrison Interviewed (with Brian W. Aldiss & Jim Goddard), (iv) Cypher #9, March 1973 [Ref. Harry Harrison]
- * Introduction (with Harry Harrison), (in) Apeman, Spaceman ed. Leon E. Stover & Harry Harrison, Doubleday, 1968
- * Introduction (with Willis E. McNelly), (in) Above the Human Landscape ed. Willis E. McNelly & Leon E. Stover, Goodyear Publishing, 1972
- * The John W. Campbell Awards, (ms) SFWA Bulletin #47/48, Summer 1973
- * The John W. Campbell Memorial Award, (lt) SFWA Bulletin #45, 1973
- * Killer Apes—Not Guilty!, (ar) Amazing Stories July 1968
- * Lies and the Evolution of Language, (ar) Amazing Stories January 1969
- * Local Customs (with Harry Harrison), (si) Apeman, Spaceman ed. Leon E. Stover & Harry Harrison, Doubleday, 1968
- * Naked Ape or Hairless Monkey, (ar) Amazing Stories September 1968
- * Neanderthals, Rickets and Modern Technology, (ar) Amazing Stories February 1968
- * The Pendant Spectator, (ar) Amazing Stories July 1969
- * Prehistory (with Harry Harrison), (si) Apeman, Spaceman ed. Leon E. Stover & Harry Harrison, Doubleday, 1968
- * Race-Zoology and Politics, (ar) Amazing Stories May 1969
- * Science Fiction as Culture Criticism (with Willis E. McNelly), (ar)
- * Science of Man:
* ___ Apeman, Spaceman—or, 2001’s Answer to the World’s Riddle, (ar) Amazing Stories March 1969
* ___ Dogs, Dolphins and Human Speech, (ar) Amazing Stories April 1968
* ___ Killer Apes—Not Guilty!, (ar) Amazing Stories July 1968
* ___ Lies and the Evolution of Language, (ar) Amazing Stories January 1969
* ___ Naked Ape or Hairless Monkey, (ar) Amazing Stories September 1968
* ___ Neanderthals, Rickets and Modern Technology, (ar) Amazing Stories February 1968
* ___ The Pendant Spectator, (ar) Amazing Stories July 1969
* ___ Race-Zoology and Politics, (ar) Amazing Stories May 1969
* ___ Wanted—A New Myth for Technology, (ar) Amazing Stories September 1969
* ___ War Is Peace, (ar) Amazing Stories November 1968
- * The Traveling H.G. Wells Exhibition, (ar) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #94, Winter 1986 [Ref. H. G. Wells]
- * Unfinished Evolution (with Harry Harrison), (si) Apeman, Spaceman ed. Leon E. Stover & Harry Harrison, Doubleday, 1968
- * Visit, (ss) Fantastic April 1969
- * Wanted—A New Myth for Technology, (ar) Amazing Stories September 1969
- * War Is Peace, (ar) Amazing Stories November 1968
- * What We Have Here Is Too Much Communication, (ss) Orbit 9 ed. Damon Knight, Putnam, 1971
_____, ed.
_____, trans.
_____, [ref.]
[]Stover, Matthew Woodring (1962- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Br’er Robert, (ss) Fantastic Metropolis October 28 2001
- * A Friend in Thark [Barsoom], (ss) A Princess of Mars, the Annotated Edition, and New Tales of the Red Planet, Sword & Planet, 2012
- * Gallery:
* ___ The Wizard of Character (Douglas Beekman), (pi) Realms of Fantasy December 1998 [Ref. Douglas Beekman]
- * The Persian, the Coon, and Bullets, (ss) Catopolis ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Janet Deaver-Pack, DAW, 2008
- * Revenge of the Sith [Star Wars], (n.) Del Rey LucasBooks, 2005
- * South Side Whipsaw, (ss) Conquering Science Fiction, Chicago in 2012 Worldcon Bid, 2009
- * The Tenebrous Way [Star Wars], (ss) Star Wars Insider #130, January 2012
- * The Wizard of Character (Douglas Beekman), (pi) Realms of Fantasy December 1998 [Ref. Douglas Beekman]
[]Stover, Sally (fl. 1950s) (chron.)
- * Friendship Corner, (cl) Sweetheart Love Stories Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec 1952, Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec 1953, Feb,
Apr, Jun, Sep 1954
[]Stow, Edith (1875-?) (chron.)
- * Games That the Indians Play, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper Nov 1914, Jan, Mar, May, Oct 1919
- * Games That the Indians Play II-Games with Sapling Hoops, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper March 1915
- * Games That the Indians Play III-Shinny Game, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper July 1915
- * Games That the Indians Play IV-Indian Quoits, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper September 1915
- * Games That the Indians Play IX, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper May 1917
- * Games That the Indians Play: VI—An Indian Corn Game, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper June 1916
- * Games That the Indians Play VIII, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper January 1917
- * Games That the Indians Play: V—The Evergreen-Bough Game, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper February 1916
- * Games That the Indians Play X, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper July 1917
- * Games That the Indians Play XI, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper November 1917
- * Games That the Indians Play XII, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper February 1918
- * Games That the Indians Play XIII, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper September 1918
- * Game That the Indians Play: VII—Football Among the North American Indians, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper September 1916
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