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Irving, Washington (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Legend of Prince Ahmed Al Kamel, or, The Pilgrim of Love, (nv) Tales of the Alhambra by Washington Irving, Lea & Carey, 1832, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- * The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, (nv) The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent #6, March 15 1820, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- World’s One Hundred Best Short Stories, Volume Nine: Ghosts ed. Grant Overton, Funk & Wagnalls Company, 1927
- Weird Tales November 1928
- Thirteen Uncanny Tales ed. Roger Lancelyn Green, Dent, 1970
- Witches, Wraiths and Warlocks ed. Ronald Curran, Fawcett Premier, 1971
- Short Story/Short Film ed. Fred H. Marcus, Prentice Hall, 1977
- The Best Fantasy of the 19th Century ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Beaufort, 1982
- Ghosts: A Classic Collection, Unicorn Pub. House, 1989
- Fiction 50: An Introduction to the Short Story ed. James H. Pickering, Prentice Hall, 1993
- American Short Stories (6th edition) ed. Eugene Current-Garcia & Bert Hitchcock, Addison-Wesley, 1996
- Fiction 100: An Anthology of Short Stories (9th edition) ed. James H. Pickering, Prentice Hall College Div., 2000
- American Short Stories (7th edition) ed. Eugene Current-Garcia & Bert Hitchcock, Longman US, 2001
- Kopfhalter! Spring 2005
- Bedtime Stories ed. Diana Secker Tesdell, Everyman's Library, 2011
- Oct 15 2013, Oct 27 2015, Oct 27 2017
- The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Rip Van Winkle, & Other Gothic Tales, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2018
- Campfire Ghost Stories About Haunted Forests and Cursed Campers ed. M. Grant Kellermeyer, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2020
- * The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, (nv) Mostly Ghostly ed. Gregory C. Aaron, Courage Books, 1991; adapted by Steven Zorn
- * The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, (nv)
- * The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, (ex) The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent #6, March 15 1820, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- * The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Rip Van Winkle, & Other Gothic Tales, (Oldstyle Tales Press, May 2018, co) ; edited by M. Grant Kellermeyer
- * The Legend of the Arabian Astrologer, (nv) The Alhambra by Washington Irving, Colburn & Bentley, 1832, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- The Idler October 1908
- The 20-Story Magazine #204, June 1939
- Tales of the Occult ed. Jack C. & Barbara H. Wolf, Fawcett Crest, 1975
- The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Rip Van Winkle, & Other Gothic Tales, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2018
- Egyptian Bizarre ed. Jeffrey A. Linscott, Jon A. Schlenker & Charles G. Waugh, Sam Teddy Publishing, 2021
- * The Legend of the Enchanted Soldier, (ss) Tales of the Alhambra by Washington Irving, Lea & Carey, 1832
- * Legend of the Engulphed Convent, (ss) The Knickerbocker March 1840, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- * Legend of the Moor’s Legacy, (ss) The Alhambra by Washington Irving, Colburn & Bentley, 1832, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- * Legend of the Two Discreet Statues, (ss) The Alhambra by Washington Irving, Colburn & Bentley, 1832, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- * Letter to Henry Brevoort, December 11, 1824, (lt)
- * A Literary Dinner [Buckthorne], (ss) Tales of a Traveller by Geoffrey Crayon & Gent., John Murray, 1824, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- * Literary Life [Buckthorne], (ss) Tales of a Traveller by Geoffrey Crayon & Gent., John Murray, 1824, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- * Little Britain, (ar) The Sketch Book by Geoffrey Crayon, John Murray, 1820, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- * Manhattan’s Early Petticoats, (ar) , as by D. Knickerbocker
- * The Mason of Granada, (ss)
- * The Men of the Moon, (ss) History of New York by "D. Knickerbocker", 1809
- * The Moor’s Legacy, (ss) The Alhambra by Washington Irving, Colburn & Bentley, 1832, as "Legend of the Moor’s Legacy", by Geoffrey Crayon
- * The Mutability of Literature, (ar) The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent #4, November 10 1819, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- * Notoriety [Buckthorne], (ss) Tales of a Traveller by Geoffrey Crayon & Gent., John Murray, 1824, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- * An Old Fashioned Christmas Dinner [Bracebridge], (ss) The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent #5, January 1 1820, as "Christmas Dinner", by Geoffrey Crayon
- * On Newton’s Painting of the Dull Lecture, (pm) The European Magazine March 1826
- * The Painter’s Adventure, (ss) Tales of a Traveller by Geoffrey Crayon & Gent., John Murray, 1824, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- * The Poor-Devil Author, (ss) Tales of a Traveller by Geoffrey Crayon & Gent., John Murray, 1824, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- * Practical Philosopher [Buckthorne], (ss) Tales of a Traveller by Geoffrey Crayon & Gent., John Murray, 1824, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- * The Pride of the Village, (ss) The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent #6, March 15 1820, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- * Rip Van Winkle, (nv) The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent #1, June 23 1819, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- Swinton’s Story-Teller #18, February 13 1884
- The Garden of Romance ed. Ernest Rhys, Kegan Paul Trench Trubner, 1897
- Boston Sunday Globe Magazine April 1 1917
- Best Stories of All Time May 1926
- The Red Room by H. G. Wells and Other Stories, Happy Hour Library, 192?
- Greatest Short Stories: Volume 1, American, P.F. Collier, 1953
- Magic ed. Seon Manley & Gogo Lewis, Funk & Wagnalls, 1967
- Witches, Wraiths and Warlocks ed. Ronald Curran, Fawcett Premier, 1971
- Strange Adventures in Time ed. Roger Lancelyn Green, J.M. Dent, 1974
- Over the Rainbow: Tales of Fantasy and Imagination, St. Michael, 1983
- Major American Short Stories ed. A. Walton Litz, Oxford University Press US, 1994
- The Oxford Book of American Short Stories ed. Joyce Carol Oates, Oxford University Press US, 1994
- A Web of Stories: An Introduction to Short Fiction ed. Jon & Marjorie Ford, Prentice Hall, 1998
- Short Fiction ed. Charles H. Bohner & Dean Dougherty, Prentice Hall, 1999
- The American Short Story and Its Writer: An Anthology ed. Ann Charters, Bedford Books, 1999
- American Gothic: An Anthology, 1787-1916 ed. Charles Crow, Wiley-Blackwell, 1999
- Fiction 100: An Anthology of Short Stories (9th edition) ed. James H. Pickering, Prentice Hall College Div., 2000
- About Time ed. Chad Arment, Coachwhip Publications, 2008
- 21 Essential American Short Stories ed. Leslie M. Pockell, St. Martin's Press, 2011
- Swords and Steam Short Stories ed. Laura Bulbeck, Flame Tree Publishing, 2016
- The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Rip Van Winkle, & Other Gothic Tales, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2018
- The Big Book of Classic Fantasy: The Ultimate Collection ed. Ann & Jeff VanderMeer, Vintage Books, 2019
- Campfire Ghost Stories About Haunted Forests and Cursed Campers ed. M. Grant Kellermeyer, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2020
- Classic Fantasy Stories ed. Farah Mendlesohn, Macmillan Collector's Library, 2024
- * Roscoe, (ar) The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent #1, June 23 1819 [Ref. William Roscoe], as by Geoffrey Crayon
- * A Royal Poet, (ar) The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent #3, September 13 1819, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- * Rural Funerals, (ar) The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent #4, November 10 1819, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- * Rural Life in England, (ar) The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent #2, July 31 1819, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- * The Saga of Dolph Heyliger and the Storm Ship, (nv) Bracebridge Hall, or The Humorists by Geoffrey Crayon, John Murray, 1822, as "The Storm-Ship", by Geoffrey Crayon
- * The Saga of the Devil and Tom Walker, (ss) Tales of a Traveller by Geoffrey Crayon & Gent., John Murray, 1824, as "The Devil and Tom Walker", by Geoffrey Crayon
- * The Saga of Wolfert Webber, or, Golden Dreams, (nv) Tales of a Traveller by Geoffrey Crayon & Gent., John Murray, 1824, as "Wolfert Webber; or, Golden Dreams", by Geoffrey Crayon
- * St. Mark’s Eve, (ss) Bracebridge Hall, or The Humorists by Geoffrey Crayon, John Murray, 1822, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- * The St. Nicholas Treasure Box of Literature:
* ___ The Stage Coach [Bracebridge], (ss) The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent #5, January 1 1820
- * Sir Walter Scott’s Cat, (ex) The Crayon Miscellany by Geoffrey Crayon, Carey, Lea, and Blanchard, 1835, as "Abbotsford", by Geoffrey Crayon
- * Sorrow for the Dead, (nf) The Literary Emporium January 1845
- * The Spectre Bridegroom, (ss) The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent #4, November 10 1819, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- Swinton’s Story-Teller #7, November 28 1883
- Great Short Stories II: Ghost Stories ed. William Patten, Collier, P.F., 1909
- Chicago Ledger April 8 1911
- Humorous Ghost Stories ed. Dorothy Scarborough, Ph.D., G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1921
- Great Short Stories of the World ed. Barrett H. Clark & Maxim Lieber, The World Publishing Company, 1925
- Ainslee’s June 1926
- American Ghost Stories ed. C. Armitage Harper, Houghton Mifflin, 1928
- Weird Tales June 1928
- The Golden Book Magazine #60, December 1929
- Great Ghost Stories, New Era Library, 1933
- A Century of Creepy Stories, Hutchinson, 1934
- The Great Book of Thrillers ed. H. Douglas Thomson, Odhams Press, 1935
- The Great Book of Thrillers (var. 1) ed. H. Douglas Thomson, Odhams, 1937
- Thirteen Ghostly Yarns (var. 1) ed. Elizabeth Sechrist, Macrae Smith, 1942
- Thrilling Tales of Unusual Interest, Gulliver Books, 1943
- Another Seven Strange Stories ed. John L. Hardie, Art & Educational, 1944
- Twenty-Two Strange Stories ed. John L. Hardie, Art & Educational, 1946
- Snapdragon ed. Mervyn Savill, Arthur Barker, 1955
- Ghosts, Ghouls and Other Nuisances ed. Maxim Lieber, Seven Seas Books, 1959
- Great Ghost Stories ed. Herbert van Thal, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1960
- Tales of the Supernatural, Panther, 1962
- A Treasury of Great Ghost Stories ed. Ira Peck, Popular Library, 1965
- Where Nightmares Are ed. Peter Haining, Mayflower, 1966
- Thin Air ed. Alan C. Jenkins, Blackie, 1966
- Tales from the Unknown ed. Kurt Singer, W.H. Allen, 1970
- Thin Air (var. 1) ed. Alan C. Jenkins, Blackie, 1972
- Uncanny Tales 1 ed. Dennis Wheatley, Sphere, 1974
- 65 Great Tales of the Supernatural ed. Mary Danby, Octopus Books, 1979
- Romantic Gothic Tales, 1790-1840 ed. G. R. Thompson, Harper & Row, 1979
- The Evil Image ed. Patricia L. Skarda & Nora Crow Jaffe, NAL Meridian, 1981
- Phantom Lovers ed. Denys Val Baker, William Kimber, 1984
- Great Tales of Suspense, Watermill Press, 1988
- Great Ghost Stories in Large Print ed. Mary C. Allen, G.K. Hall, 1988
- Signet Classic Book of American Short Stories ed. Burton Raffel, Signet Classic, 1990
- Great Tales of Terror, Chancellor Press, 1991
- Great Vampires & Other Horrors, Chancellor Press, 1992
- Creepy Stories, Bracken Books, 1994
- World’s 25 Most Popular Ghost Stories (of the 19th Century) ed. T. M. Gray & Charles G. Waugh, Sam Teddy Publishing, 2013
- Fireside Ghost Stories for Valentine’s Day ed. M. Grant Kellermeyer, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2018
- The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Rip Van Winkle, & Other Gothic Tales, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2018
- * The Stage Coach [Bracebridge], (ss) The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent #5, January 1 1820, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- * The Storm Ship, (nv) Bracebridge Hall, or The Humorists by Geoffrey Crayon, John Murray, 1822, as "Dolph Heyliger", by Geoffrey Crayon
- * The Story of the Bandit Chieftain, (ss) Tales of a Traveller by Geoffrey Crayon & Gent., John Murray, 1824, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- * The Story of the Young Italian, (ss) Tales of a Traveller by Geoffrey Crayon & Gent., John Murray, 1824, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- * The Story of the Young Robber, (ss) Tales of a Traveller by Geoffrey Crayon & Gent., John Murray, 1824, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- * The Stout Gentleman [Bracebridge], (ss) Bracebridge Hall by Washington Irving, John Murray, 1822
- * Stratford-on-Avon, (ar) The Sketch Book by Geoffrey Crayon, John Murray, 1820, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- * The Strolling Manager [Buckthorne], (ss) Tales of a Traveller by Geoffrey Crayon & Gent., John Murray, 1824, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- * The Student’s Bride, (vi)
- * The Tale of the German Student, (ss) Tales of a Traveller by Geoffrey Crayon & Gent., John Murray, 1824, as "The Adventure of the German Student", by Geoffrey Crayon
- * Tales of a Traveler, (ss)
- * Tales of a Traveller, (John Murray, August 1824, oc) , as by Geoffrey Crayon
- * To the Reader, (in) Tales of a Traveller by Geoffrey Crayon & Gent., John Murray, 1824, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- * The Tower of the Infantas, (ex) from The Alhambra, Lea & Carey, 1832
- * The Voyage, (ar) The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent #1, June 23 1819, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- * Westminster Abbey, (ar) The Sketch Book by Geoffrey Crayon, John Murray, 1820, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- * The Widow and Her Son, (ss) The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent #3, September 13 1819, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- * The Wife, (ss) The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent #1, June 23 1819, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- * Wolfert’s Roost, (ex) Tales of a Traveller by Geoffrey Crayon & Gent., John Murray, 1824, as "Wolfert Webber; or, Golden Dreams", by Geoffrey Crayon
- * Wolfert Webber; or, Golden Dreams, (nv) Tales of a Traveller by Geoffrey Crayon & Gent., John Murray, 1824, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- * Written in the Deepdene Album, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine May 1860
- * The Young Robber, (ss) Tales of a Traveller by Geoffrey Crayon & Gent., John Murray, 1824, as "The Story of the Young Robber", by Geoffrey Crayon
_____, [ref.]
- * The Bride of the Guillotine, (ss) Reynolds’s Miscellany of Romance, General Literature, Science, and Art #97, May 18 1850
- * “The Dilating Powers of an Anaconda”: Ichabod Crane in Eden by Terry W. Thompson, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #264, August 2010
- * English Men and Women of Letters of the 19th Century. 3. Washington Irving by Clementina Black, (ar) Atalanta December 1888
- * Recollections of Washington Irving by L. Gaylord Clark, (bg) Lippincott’s Magazine of Literature, Science and Education May 1869
- * Washington Irving by S. T. Joshi, (ar) Fantastic Fictioneers: A History of the Incredible Volume One ed. Pete Von Sholly, PS Publishing, 2019
- * Washington Irving, (bg) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1862
- * Washington Irving and Science Fiction by H. Bruce Franklin, (ar) Future Perfect, Revised Edition ed. H. Bruce Franklin, Oxford University Press US, 1978
[]Irving-Fletcher, Frank (fl. 1900s-1910s) (chron.)
- * The Amatory Career of Robinson, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine May 1910
- * A Boon of Misfortune, (ss) The Scrap Book July 1908
- * The Crucial Hour, (ss) The Popular Magazine February 1908
- * The Education of Mr. Groober, (ss) The Gray Goose May 1908
- * Jones, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine May 1908
- * Mr. Greenleaf Makes a Speech, (ss) The Gray Goose June 1908
- * The Other Fellow, (ss) The Cavalier October 1908
- * Our First Love Affair, (ar) The Bohemian Magazine August 1908
- * “A Rag and a Bone and a Hank of Hair”, (ss) Young’s Magazine September 1912
- * The Temptation of Jelliby, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine August 1909
- * That Villain Cawdry, (ss) Short Stories February 1910
- * A Widow and Bachelors Two, (ss) People’s December 1908
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