The FictionMags Index
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Gardner, Erle Stanley (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Ham, Eggs an’ Coffee [Bob Larkin], (nv) The Black Mask August 1925
- * The Hand Is Quicker than the Eye [Lester Leith], (na) Detective Fiction Weekly September 16 1939, as "Lester Leith, Magician"
- * The Hand of Horror, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine June 15/July 1 1933
- * The Hand of the Tong, (ss) Clues 2nd August 1929
- * Hands of Death [Dave Barker], (nv) Rapid-Fire Detective Stories December 1932
- * Hanging Friday [Bob Larkin], (ss) Black Mask September 1929
- * Hard as Nails [Ed Jenkins], (nv) The Black Mask March 1925; not the same as the story of the same name in the January 15, 1935 issue of Dime Detective.
- * Hard as Nails, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine January 15 1935; not the same as the story of the same name in the March 1925 issue of Black Mask.
- * Hard-Boiled, (ss) Clues 2nd August 1928
- * Hardy Case Nears Climax, (ar) Argosy November 1950
- * Hawks of the Midnight Sky [Speed Dash (The Human Fly)], (na) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd September 1929
- * Hazel of the Mining Camps, (ts) Smart Set August 1926, uncredited.
- * A Headache for Butch [Ed “The Headache” Migrane], (nv) Double Detective December 1939
- * A Hearse for Hollywood [Jax Keen], (nv) Double Detective November 1939
- * The Heavenly Rat [Ed Jenkins; Ngat T’oy], (nv) Black Mask September 1934
- * Hell’s Danger Signal [Paul Pry], (ss) Gang World April 1932
- * Hell’s Fireworks [Paul Pry], (ss) Gang World January 1932
- * Hell’s Kettle [Ed Jenkins], (ss) Black Mask June 1930
- * Her Doggy Friend, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 2 1931
- * The Higher Court [Sidney Zoom], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly March 8 1930
- * Higher Up [Sidney Zoom], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly September 19 1931
- * Hijacker’s Code [Paul Pry], (ss) Gang World May 1931
- * The Holman Case: A New Look, (ar) Argosy December 1956
- * The Holman Case: Final Reckoning, (ar) Argosy January 1957
- * Honest Money [Ken Corning], (nv) Black Mask November 1932
- * Hoodoo, (ss) Clues August 1931
- * Hooking the Crooks [Ed Jenkins; Helen Chadwick], (nv) Black Mask March 1929
- * The Hope-So Hunch [Speed Dash (The Human Fly)], (nv) Top-Notch Magazine May 1 1927
- * A Horse on Fane, (ss) Clues 2nd December 1930
- * Hoss Sense, (ss) Brief Stories Magazine March 1926
- * Hot Cash [Lester Leith], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly May 23 1931; not the same as the story of the same name in the November 1934 issue of Black Mask.
- * Hot Cash [Ed Jenkins], (ss) Black Mask November 1934; not the same as the story of the same name in the May 23, 1931 issue of Detective Fiction Weekly.
- * Hot Dollars! [Lester Leith], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly July 26 1930
- * Hot Guns [Ed “The Headache” Migrane], (nv) Double Detective March 1940
- * The Hot Squat [Ed Jenkins], (nv) Black Mask October 1931
- * A Hot Tip [Lester Leith], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly May 11 1929
- * Hot Tips, (nv) Detective Action Stories May 1931
- * The Hour of the Rat [Ed Jenkins; Ngat T’oy], (nv) Black Mask February 1933
- * The House of Three Candles, (ss) This Week November 6 1938
- The Pocket Mystery Reader ed. Lee Wright, Pocket, 1942
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 1956, as "To Strike a Match"
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (UK) #40, May 1956, as "To Strike a Match"
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (Australia) #109, July 1956, as "To Strike a Match"
- The Comfortable Coffin ed. Richard S. Prather, Fawcett, 1960, as "To Strike a Match"
- Ellery Queen’s Anthology #2, 1961, as "To Strike a Match"
- The Case of the Murderer’s Bride and Other Stories, Davis, 1969, as "To Strike a Match"
- 101 Mystery Stories ed. Bill Pronzini & Martin H. Greenberg, Avenel, 1986, as "To Strike a Match"
- * The Human Side of the Sheppard Case, (ar) Argosy September 1957
- * The Human Zero, (co) William Morrow, 1981 ; edited by Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh
- * The Human Zero, (nv) Argosy December 19 1931
- * A Hundred to One [Señor Arnaz de Lobo], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly April 30 1932
- * The Ideal Sleeping Bag, (ar) Argosy April 1953
- * The Importance of Truth, (ar) Argosy May 1957
- * The Impossible Homicide, (ar) Argosy September 1955
- * The Impossible Murder, (ar) Argosy June 1958
- * The Incredible Case of Clarence Boggie, (ar) Argosy March 1949
- * The Incredible Mister Smith [Ed Jenkins; Ngat T’oy], (nv) Black Mask March 1943
- * Indian Magic, (ss) This Week May 5 1940
- * In Full of Account [Ed Jenkins], (na) Black Mask May 1927
- * In Love and War, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly July 24 1926
- * The Innocent Must Be Protected, (ar) Argosy April 1950
- * In Round Figures [Lester Leith], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly August 23 1930
- * Inside Job [Sidney Zoom], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly January 7 1933
- * Introduction to “The Shadowy Third”, (is) Today’s Woman #107, September 1948
- * Introductory Notes to “Lester Leith, Impersonator”, (is) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #78, May 1950
- * The Invisible Ring [Rex Kane], (ss) Detective Action Stories April 1932
- * Is This the Perfect Crime?, (ts) The American Weekly October 21 1945
- * It’s a Pipe! [Lester Leith], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly August 10 1929
- * It’s the McCoy [Paul Pry], (nv) Dime Detective Magazine January 1939
- * It Takes a Crook [Sidney Zoom], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly February 6 1932
- * The Ivory Casket [Major Brane], (nv) Argosy March 17 1934
- * The Jack of Death [Bob Crowder], (nv) All Detective Magazine February 1934
- * Jade Sanctuary [Ed Jenkins], (nv) Black Mask December 1940
- * The Jellyfish Corpse, (ss) Detective Action Stories July 1931
- * Jeweled Butterfly, (na) Cosmopolitan October 1952
- * Jim Hurd’s Wife, (ts) Smart Set February 1925, uncredited.
- * The Joss of Tai Wong, (ss) Adventure March 1939
- * Juggled Gems [Lester Leith], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly December 24 1932
- * Just a Suspicion [Sid Ranger], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly February 9 1929
- * Justice in High Gear, (ar) Argosy March 1953
- * The Key to Room 537, (nv) Detective Action Stories October 1930
- * The Kid Beats the Gun [Patent Leather Kid], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly August 5 1933
- * The Kid Clears a Crook [Patent Leather Kid], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly February 3 1934
- * The Kid Clips a Coupon [Patent Leather Kid], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly April 21 1934
- * The Kid Cooks a Goose [Patent Leather Kid], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly July 14 1934
- * The Kid Covers a Kill [Patent Leather Kid], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly November 4 1933
- * The Kid Makes a Bid [Patent Leather Kid], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly February 18 1933
- * The Kid Muscles In [Patent Leather Kid], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly April 15 1933
- * The Kid Passes the Sugar [Patent Leather Kid], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly July 16 1932
- * The Kid Stacks a Deck [Patent Leather Kid], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly May 28 1932
- * The Kid Steals a Star [Patent Leather Kid], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly November 17 1934
- * The Kid Takes a Cut [Patent Leather Kid], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly May 20 1933
- * The Kid Throws a Stone [Patent Leather Kid], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly October 22 1932
- * The Kid Wins a Wager [Patent Leather Kid], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly September 10 1932
- * Killed and Cured [Señor Arnaz de Lobo], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly February 21 1931
- * Killers Demand Service, (ss) All Star Detective Stories June 1932
- * King of the Eagle Clan [Speed Dash (The Human Fly)], (na) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd June 1929
- * The Kiss of Death [Steve Raney], (nv) Clues All Star Detective Stories September 1932
- * The Knockout Guy [Paul Pry], (ss) Gang World December 1931
- * Landlubbing to Alaska, (ar) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly June 1927
- * The Land of Painted Rocks [Whispering Story], (nv) Argosy January 28 1933
- * The Land of Poison Springs [Whispering Story], (nv) Argosy April 9 1932
- * The Last Bell on the Street [Pete Quint], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 3 1941
- * The Last Wallop, (ss) Short Stories March 10 1925
- * Laugh That Off [Ed Jenkins; Helen Chadwick], (na) The Black Mask September 1926
- * Law Enforcement at the Crossroads, (ar) Argosy May 1956
- * Lawless Waters, (nv) Short Stories February 25 1934
- * The Law of Cactus Flats, (nv) Argosy Allstory Weekly September 12 1925
- * The Law of Drifting Sand [Whispering Story], (nv) Argosy August 20 1932
- * The Law of Glancing Bullets [Fish Mouth McGinnis], (ss) Short Stories August 25 1926
- * The Law of the Borderland [Steve Raney], (nv) Clues All Star Detective Stories December 1932
- * Law of the Ghost Town [Whispering Story], (ss) Argosy April 22 1933
- * Law of the Lawless, (nv) Brief Stories July 1928
- * Law of the Rope [Whispering Story], (nv) Argosy March 11 1933
- * “Lay Off the Gross Case!”, (ar) Argosy October 1949
- * Leaden Honeymoon [Señor Arnaz de Lobo], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly March 11 1933
- * Leg Man [Pete Wennick], (nv) Black Mask February 1938
- * Lester Frames a Fence [Lester Leith], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly December 13 1930
- * Lester Leith, Financier [Lester Leith], (na) Flynn’s Detective Fiction January 1943, as "Something Like a Pelican"
- * Lester Leith, Impersonator [Lester Leith], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly October 28 1939, as "A Thousand to One"
- * Lester Leith, Magician [Lester Leith], (na) Detective Fiction Weekly September 16 1939
- * Lester Takes the Cake [Lester Leith], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly November 23 1929
- * Let’s Fight for Justice, (ar) Argosy May 1955
- * The Letter of the Law, (ss) Clues 1st November 1929
- * Lifted Bait [Sidney Zoom], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly October 21 1933
- * The Lighthouse Murder, (nv) Amazing Detective Stories March 1931
- * Little Mysteries:
* ___ No. 8—Is This the Perfect Crime?, (ts) The American Weekly October 21 1945
- * The Lizard’s Cage [El Paisano], (nv) Argosy February 10 1934
- * Loaded with Dynamite [Paul Pry], (ss) Gang World October 1931
- * A Load of Dynamite [The Old Walrus], (ss) West May 5 1927
- * Local Color, (ar) Writer’s Digest January 1932
- * A Logical Ending [Key-Clew Clark], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly April 29 1933
- * Looking Isn’t Seeing, (ss) Boys’ Life July 1962
- * Loose Threads of Crime, (ss) Clues 2nd May 1930
- * Lord of the High Places [Speed Dash (The Human Fly)], (na) Top-Notch Magazine February 1 1928
- * Lost, Strayed and Stolen [Lester Leith], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly February 24 1934
- * Luck Charms, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly November 1 1930
- * Make It Snappy, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine December 1931
- * Making the Breaks [Ken Corning], (nv) Black Mask June 1933
- * Manacled Vengeance, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine 1st June 1929
- * The Maniac Mystery, (nv) Strange Detective Stories November 1933
- * The Man in the Silver Mask [Man in the Silver Mask], (na) Detective Fiction Weekly July 13 1935
- * A Man Is Missing, (na) The American Magazine November 1946
- * The Man on the End [Lester Leith], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly September 27 1930
- * The Man Who Couldn’t Forget [The Man Who Couldn’t Forget], (na) All Detective Magazine October 1934
- * The Man Who Talked [Man in the Silver Mask], (na) Detective Fiction Weekly September 7 1935
- * The Man Who Was in Two Places at Once, (ss) Mercury Mystery Book-Magazine July 1957
- * The Man with Pin-Point Eyes, (nv) Argosy January 10 1931
- * Marked Money [Dane Skarle], (nv) Dime Detective Magazine December 1932
- * A Mate for Effie A, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly June 26 1926
- * A Matter of Accounting [El Paisano], (nv) Argosy April 21 1934
- * A Matter of Impulse [Señor Arnaz de Lobo], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly February 7 1931
- * The Meandering Trail, (ss) Ace-High Magazine 2nd December 1926
- * Meet the Prosecutors, (ar) Argosy December 1957
- * The Men Who Make the Argosy, (cl) Argosy December 7 1929
- * Midnight Justice [Speed Dash (The Human Fly)], (na) Top-Notch Magazine 1st March 1930
- * The Mob Buster, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly September 4 1926
- * Money, Marbles and Chalk [Ed Jenkins], (nv) The Black Mask November 1926
- * Monkey Eyes, (na) Argosy Allstory Weekly Jul 27, Aug 3 1929
- * The Monkey Murder [Lester Leith], (na) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine January 1939
- * Monkeyshine [Lester Leith], (na) Detective Fiction Weekly March 16 1940
- * A Month on Impulse, (ss) People’s January 1 1924, as by Charles M. Green
- * More Than Skin Deep, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine November 15 1926
- * Murder Apprentice [Dudley Bell], (nv) All Detective Magazine June 1933
- * Murder Bait, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine March 15 1935
- * The Murder Case Which Keeps Contradicting Itself, (ar) Argosy October 1958
- * “Murder in Las Vegas”, (ar) Argosy May 1954
- * The Murder Mark [Mr. Manse; Sam Selby], (nv) Detective Action Stories April 1931
- * The Murder Masquerade, (nv) Detective Action Stories November 1930
- * Murder on the Apache Trail, (ar) Argosy December 1952
- * The Murder Push [Ed Jenkins], (ss) Black Mask October 1933
- * Murder Up My Sleeve, (n.) Cosmopolitan September 1937
- * Muscle Man [Paul Pry], (nv) Gang World September 1931
- * Muscle Out [Ed Jenkins; Ngat T’oy], (nv) Black Mask April 1938
- * Muscling In, (nv) The Underworld Magazine December 1930
- * My Most Baffling Murder Case, (ar) 1956
- * My Name Is Zoom! [Sidney Zoom], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly April 12 1930
- * The Mysterious Mr. Manse [Mr. Manse; Sam Selby], (nv) Detective Action Stories January 1931
- * The Mystery of the Landlady’s Death, (ar) Argosy April 1954
- * My Stories of the Wild West, (ar) The Atlantic Monthly July 1966
- * Nellie’s Naughty Nighty, (ss) Breezy Stories August 1921
- * New Lie Test Proves Hardy Innocent, (ar) Argosy October 1950
- * New Twenties [Ed Jenkins; Ngat T’oy], (nv) Black Mask April 1934
- * New Worlds, (nv) Argosy December 17 1932
- * The Next Stiff [Ed Jenkins; Big Bill Delano], (ss) Black Mask December 1928
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