The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 79
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Aiken, Joan (Delano) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Island Wedding, (ss) The Windscreen Weepers, Gollancz, 1969
- * The Jar of Cobblestones, (ss) Puffin Post
- * The Jealous Apprentice, (ss) John Creasey’s Crime Collection 1984 ed. Herbert Harris, Gollancz, 1984
- * John Sculpin and the Witches, (ss) All You’ve Ever Wanted by Joan Aiken, Jonathan Cape, 1953
- * Jugged Hare, (ss) The Pan Book of Horror Stories ed. Herbert van Thal, Pan, 1959
- * The Kingdom Under the Sea, (ss) The Kingdom Under the Sea, J. Cape, 1971
- * The Kingdom Under the Sea and Other Stories, (oc) Jonathan Cape, 1971
- * The King of Nowhere, (ss) Give Yourself a Fright, Delacorte, 1989
- * The King of the Forest, (ss) Moon Cake and Other Stories, Hodder, 1998
- * The King Who Declared War on the Animals, (ss) The Kingdom Under the Sea, J. Cape, 1971
- * The King Who Stood All Night, (ss) All You’ve Ever Wanted by Joan Aiken, Jonathan Cape, 1953
- * Kitty Snickersnee [Armitage Family], (ss) The Serial Garden, Big Mouth House, 2008
- * The Lame King, (ss) A Goose on Your Grave, Gollancz, 1987
- * The Land of Trees and Heroes [Armitage Family], (ss) Girl’s Choice, Hamlyn, 1965
- * The Last Chimney Cuckoo, (nv) Up the Chimney Down and Other Stories, 1984
- * The Last Slice of Rainbow, (ss) Storyteller Part Two by Joan Aiken, Marshall Cavendish Part Works, 1982
- * The Last Slice of Rainbow and Other Stories, (co) Cape, 1985
- * The Last Specimen, (ss) A Whisper in the Night (var. 1), Delacorte, 1984
- * A Leaf in the Shape of a Key, (ss) All the Year Round by Joan Aiken, Evans Brothers, 1980
- * Lease of a Gold-Banded Pen, (ss) Argosy (UK) April 1964
- * The Legacy, (ss) A Fit of Shivers, Gollancz, 1990
- * A Leg Full of Rubies, (ss) Argosy (UK) November 1959
- * Let Down Your Hair, (ss) Argosy (UK) April 1960
- * Light Work, (ss) A Foot in the Grave with Jan Pienkowski, Jonathan Cape, 1989
- * The Lilac in the Lake, (ss) A Small Pinch of Weather by Joan Aiken, J. Cape, 1969
- * The Lions, (ss) Tale of a One-way Street, J. Cape, 1978
- * The Liquorice Tree, (ss) Winter Sleepwalker and Other Stories, Cape, 1994
- * Listening, (ss) A Touch of Chill, Gollancz, 1979
- * Little Nym, (ss) The Walker Book of Ghost Stories ed. Susan Hill, Walker, 1990
- * Lob’s Girl, (ss) A Whisper in the Night (var. 1), Delacorte, 1984
- * Lodgers, (nv) A Touch of Chill, Gollancz, 1979
- * Lodging for the Night, (ss) Argosy (UK) March 1963
- * A Long Day Without Water, (nv) Young Winter’s Tales 2 ed. M. R. Hodgkin, Macmillan UK, 1971
- * A Long Way to Swim, (ss) A Touch of Chill (var. 1), Delacorte, 1980
- * The Looking-Glass Tree [Armitage Family], (nv) Cricket 1976
- * Look Out for the Platform, (ss) Woman’s Journal November 1957
- * The Lost Five Minutes, (ss) Allsorts 4 ed. Ann Thwaite, Macmillan, 1971
- * Lost—One Pair of Legs, (ss) The Last Slice of Rainbow by Joan Aiken, Cape, 1985
- * Lots of Love, (ss) Woman’s Journal June 1960
- * An L-Shaped Grave, (ss) A Fit of Shivers, Gollancz, 1990
- * Mad About the Place, (ss) Woman’s Journal February 1964
- * Mademoiselle Crusoe, (ss) Woman’s Journal June 1966
- * Man and Owl, (pm) The Skin Spinners by Joan Aiken, The Viking Press, 1976
- * The Man Who Had Seen the Rope Trick, (ss) A Bundle of Nerves, Gollancz, 1976
- * The Man Who Pinched God’s Letter, (ss) Faithless Lollybird and Other Stories by Joan Aiken, Jonathan Cape, 1977
- * Marmalade Wine, (ss) Suspense (UK) September 1958
- Suspense (Australia) September 1958
- Argosy (UK) August 1964
- Horror Anthology ed. Syd Bentlif, Mayflower, 1965
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 1965, as "A Walk in the Wood"
- The Fontana Book of Great Horror Stories ed. Christine Bernard, Fontana, 1966
- The Windscreen Weepers, Gollancz, 1969
- The Tenth Pan Book of Horror Stories ed. Herbert van Thal, Pan, 1969
- Merchants of Menace ed. Hillary Waugh, Doubleday, 1969
- The Green Flash and Other Tales of Horror, Suspense and Fantasy, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1971
- John Creasey’s Mystery Bedside Book 1972 ed. Herbert Harris, Hodder & Stoughton, 1971
- A Bundle of Nerves, Gollancz, 1976
- Stories of Terror ed. John L. Foster, Ward Lock, 1982
- Murder by the Glass ed. Peter Haining, Souvenir Press, 1994
- * Mayhem and Marjoram, (ss) Woman’s Journal September 1960
- * Melusina, (ss) Winter Sleepwalker and Other Stories, Cape, 1994
- * A Mermaid Too Many, (ss) Argosy (UK) November 1957
- * Merminster, (ss) A Whisper in the Night, Gollancz, 1982
- * The Midnight Rose, (ss) Up the Chimney Down and Other Stories, 1984
- * Midwinter Nightingale, (ss) Woman’s Journal February 1962
- * Midwinter Song, (pm) The Skin Spinners by Joan Aiken, The Viking Press, 1976
- * Milo’s New Word [Armitage Family], (ss) Moon Cake and Other Stories, Hodder, 1998
- * Minette, (ss) The Windscreen Weepers, Gollancz, 1969
- * Miss Hooting’s Legacy [Armitage Family], (ss) The Methuen Book of Sinister Stories ed. Jean Russell, Methuen, 1982
- * The Missing Heir, (nv) Up the Chimney Down and Other Stories, 1984
- * Miss River, (ss) Argosy (UK) January 1957, as by Nicholas Dee
- * Miss Spitfire, (ss) A Whisper in the Night, Gollancz, 1982
- * Model Wife, (ss) Argosy (UK) July 1956
- * The Mole, (ss) Argosy (UK) July 1959, as by Nicholas Dee
- * Moment of Hazard, (ss) Suspense (UK) November 1959, as by Nicholas Dee
- * The Monkey’s Wedding, (ss) Night Terrors ed. Lois Duncan, Simon & Schuster, 1996
- * Moon Cake, (nv) Moon Cake and Other Stories, Hodder, 1998
- * Moon Cake and Other Stories, (oc) Hodder Children's Books, November 1998
- * Moonshine in the Mustard Pot, (ss) Faithless Lollybird and Other Stories by Joan Aiken, Jonathan Cape, 1977
- * The Moon’s Revenge, (ss) Jonathan Cape, 1987
- * Mousework, (ss) The Windscreen Weepers, Gollancz, 1969
- * Moveable Ears, (ss) A Foot in the Grave with Jan Pienkowski, Jonathan Cape, 1989
- * Mrs. Chatterbox, (ss) A Whisper in the Night, Gollancz, 1982
- * Mrs. Considine, (ss) The Windscreen Weepers, Gollancz, 1969
- * Mrs. Nutti’s Fireplace [Armitage Family], (nv) A Harp of Fishbones, Jonathan Cape, 1972
- * Music for the Wicked Countess, (ss) Argosy (UK) September 1955
- * My Disability, (ss) A Creepy Company, Gollancz, 1993
- * My Feeling about Ghosts, (bg) Dancing with the Dark ed. Stephen Jones, Vista, 1997
- * The Mysterious Barricades, (ss) More Than You Bargained For by Joan Aiken, 1955
- * The Mysterious Meadow, (ss) Moon Cake and Other Stories, Hodder, 1998
- * A Nasty, Muddy Ghost Dog, (ss) Short Circuits ed. Donald R. Gallo, Delacorte, 1992
- * The Night the Stars Were Gone, (ss) Faithless Lollybird and Other Stories by Joan Aiken, Jonathan Cape, 1977
- * Number Four, Bowstring Lane, (ss) A Fit of Shivers, Gollancz, 1990
- * Octopi in the Sky, (ss) Argosy (UK) December 1959
- * Old Fillikin, (ss) Ghostly Encounters, 1981
- Ghost After Ghost ed. Aidan Chambers, Kestrel, 1982
- Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine April 1982
- A Whisper in the Night, Gollancz, 1982
- A Whisper in the Night (var. 1), Delacorte, 1984
- A Haunt of Ghosts ed. Aidan Chambers, Harper & Row, 1987
- Fear in the Blood ed. Mike Ashley, The British Library, 2024
- * The Old Poet, (ss) A Goose on Your Grave, Gollancz, 1987
- * Our Feathered Friends, (ss) Woman’s Journal
- * Over the Cloudy Mountains, (ss) Winter Sleepwalker and Other Stories, Cape, 1994
- * Palace Cook’s Tale, (vi) The Puffin Annual Number 2 ed. Treld Bicknell & Kaye Webb, Puffin Books, 1975
- * The Pear Tree, (ss) The Kingdom Under the Sea, J. Cape, 1971
- * Peer Behind the Scene, (ss) All Hallows’ Eve ed. Mary Elizabeth Allen, Walker US, 1992
- * The People in the Castle, (ss) More Than You Bargained For by Joan Aiken, 1955
- * Petticoat Palm, (ss) Moon Cake and Other Stories, Hodder, 1998
- * Picnic Area, (ss) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine July 1982
- * Postman’s Knock, (ss) Woman’s Journal
- * Potter’s Grey, (ss) Up the Chimney Down and Other Stories, 1984
- * Power-Cut, (ss) A Book of Contemporary Nightmares ed. Giles Gordon, Michael Joseph, 1977
- * Prelude, (lk) Armitage, Armitage, Fly Away Home by Joan Aiken, Doubleday, 1968
- * Pride of the Circle Y, (ss) The Windscreen Weepers, Gollancz, 1969
- * The Prince of Darkness, (ss) A Harp of Fishbones, Jonathan Cape, 1972
- * Quando Tu Vas, (ss) Scaremongers ed. Andrew Haigh, Tanjen, 1997
- * The Queen of the Moon, (ss) Tale of a One-way Street, J. Cape, 1978
- * The Queen with Screaming Hair, (ss) Jubilee Jackanory, BBC, 1977
- * Reading in Bed, (ss) The Monkey’s Wedding and Other Stories by Joan Aiken, Small Beer Press, 2011
- * Red-Hot Favourite, (ss) Argosy (UK) March 1958, as by Nicholas Dee
- * The Reed Girl, (ss) The Kingdom Under the Sea, J. Cape, 1971
- * The Rented Swan, (ss) The Far Forests, Viking, 1977
- * A Rhyme for Silver, (ss) Guardian Angels ed. Stephanie Nettell, Viking Kestrel, 1987
- * River Boy, (ss) Argosy (UK) June 1961
- * The Road from Rushout Wood, (ss) Chilling Christmas Tales, Scholastic UK, 1992
- * Rocket Full of Pie [Armitage Family], (ss) More Than You Bargained For by Joan Aiken, 1955
- * The Rocking Donkey, (ss) All You’ve Ever Wanted by Joan Aiken, Jonathan Cape, 1953
- * A Room Full of Leaves, (ss) More Than You Bargained For by Joan Aiken, 1955
- * The Rose-Garden Dream, (ss) A Fit of Shivers, Gollancz, 1990
- * The Rose of Puddle Fratrum, (ss) The World of Ballet, Collins, 1970
- * Safe and Soundproof, (ss) Argosy (UK) April 1959
- * Sailors’ Legends, (ss) Argosy (UK) October 1961, as by Nicholas Dee
- * The Sale of Midsummer, (ss) The Sixth Ghost Book ed. Rosemary Timperley, Barrie & Jenkins, 1970
- * Sea Mice, (nv) Fog Hounds, Wind Cat, Sea Mice, Macmillan UK, 1984
- * Searching for Summer, (ss) Argosy (UK) September 1958
- The Windscreen Weepers, Gollancz, 1969
- The Green Flash and Other Tales of Horror, Suspense and Fantasy, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1971
- Ladies of Fantasy ed. Seon Manley & Gogo Lewis, Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, 1975
- A Bundle of Nerves, Gollancz, 1976
- * The Serial Garden [Armitage Family], (co) Big Mouth House, October 2008
- * The Serial Garden [Armitage Family], (ss) Armitage, Armitage, Fly Away Home by Joan Aiken, Doubleday, 1968
- * A Set for Every Sheep, (ss) Argosy (UK) September 1962
- * The Sewanee Glide, (ss) John Creasey’s Crime Collection 1979 ed. Herbert Harris, Gollancz, 1979
- * Shadows & Moonshine, (co) David R. Godine, November 2001
- * She Was Afraid of Upstairs, (ss) A Touch of Chill (var. 1), Delacorte, 1980
- * The Shrieking Door, (ss) A Fit of Shivers, Gollancz, 1990
- * The Silver Cup, (ss) Moon Cake and Other Stories, Hodder, 1998
- * A Small Pinch of Weather, (ss) Woman’s Journal September 1962, as by Nicholas Dee
- * Smell, (ss) The Windscreen Weepers, Gollancz, 1969
- The Green Flash and Other Tales of Horror, Suspense and Fantasy, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1971
- A Bundle of Nerves, Gollancz, 1976
- Venemous Tales of Villainy and Vengeance ed. Helen Hoke, Dutton/Lodestar, 1984
- Trespassers ed. Steve Bowles, Collins, 1986
- * Smoke from Cromwell’s Time, (ss) A Small Pinch of Weather by Joan Aiken, J. Cape, 1969
- * Snail, (pm) The Skin Spinners by Joan Aiken, The Viking Press, 1976
- * Snow Horse, (ss) A Whisper in the Night (var. 1), Delacorte, 1984
- * Socksy Boy, (ss) Argosy (UK) February 1961
- * Something, (ss) A Fit of Shivers, Gollancz, 1990
- * Something Very Obsessional, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine November 1982
- * Sonata for Harp and Bicycle, (ss) Argosy (UK) August 1958
- The Green Flash and Other Tales of Horror, Suspense and Fantasy, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1971
- A Bundle of Nerves, Gollancz, 1976
- Ghostly Laughter ed. Barbara Ireson, Beaver Books, 1981
- Ghost Stories, Octopus Books, 1982
- The Penguin Book of Ghost Stories ed. J. A. Cuddon, Penguin, 1984
- Nightshade ed. Robert Phillips, Carroll & Graf, 1999
- * The Spider in the Bath, (ss) The Last Slice of Rainbow by Joan Aiken, Cape, 1985
- * Spur of the Moment, (ss) Argosy (UK) January 1959
- * The Stolen Quince Tree [Armitage Family], (ss) Armitage, Armitage, Fly Away Home by Joan Aiken, Doubleday, 1968
- * The Story about Caruso, (ss) Winter’s Crimes 5 ed. Virginia Whitaker, Macmillan UK, 1973
- * Sultan: A Friend, (nv) A Whisper in the Night, Gollancz, 1982
- * Sultan’s Splash, (ss) Argosy (UK) December 1963
- * Summer by the Sea, (ss) The Windscreen Weepers, Gollancz, 1969
- * The Sun-God’s Castle, (ss) The Kingdom Under the Sea, J. Cape, 1971
- * The Sun’s Cousin, (ss) The Kingdom Under the Sea, J. Cape, 1971
- * A Surfeit of Apricorns, (ss) Woman’s Journal January 1963
- * The Swan Child, (ss) A Whisper in the Night, Gollancz, 1982
- * Sweet Singeing in the Choir [Armitage Family], (ss) All You’ve Ever Wanted by Joan Aiken, Jonathan Cape, 1953
- * Take a Book Wherever You Go, (vi) Bookbird April 1973
- * Tale of a One-Way Street, (co) Cape, 1978
- * Tale of a One-Way Street, (ss) Tale of a One-way Street, J. Cape, 1978
- * A Taxi to Solitude, (ss) Argosy (UK) April 1961, as by Nicholas Dee
- * Tea at Ravensburgh [Armitage Family], (ss) More Than You Bargained For by Joan Aiken, 1955
- * They Have Found Out, (ss) A Creepy Company, Gollancz, 1993
- * The Thing-in-Waiting, (ss) 1994
- * Think of a Word, (ss) Hundreds and Hundreds ed. Peter Dickinson, Puffin, 1984
- * The Third Wish, (ss) Britannia and Eve July 1955
- * Time to Laugh, (ss) A Touch of Chill, Gollancz, 1979
- New Terrors 1 ed. Ramsey Campbell, Pan, 1980
- A Touch of Chill (var. 1), Delacorte, 1980
- Fearfully Frightening ed. Barbara Ireson, Beaver Books, 1984
- New Terrors II ed. Ramsey Campbell, Pocket, 1984
- Omnibus of New Terrors ed. Ramsey Campbell, Pan, 1985
- John Creasey’s Crime Collection 1985 ed. Herbert Harris, Gollancz, 1985
- * The Tinker’s Curse, (ss) The Spell Singer and Other Stories ed. Beverley Mathias, Blackie, 1989
- * Toomie, (ss) A Creepy Company, Gollancz, 1993
- * A Touch of Chill, (co) Gollancz, August 1979
- * A Touch of Chill (var. 1), (co) Delacorte Press, May 1980
- * The Tractor, the Duck and the Drum, (ss) Tale of a One-way Street, J. Cape, 1978
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