
A collection of essays
- Introduction (Jaunting
on the Scoriac Tempests)
- Jaunting on the Scoriac
Tempests and Reeling Bullions of Hell: Shapes in the Fire
- The Decadent Detective:
Prince Zaleski
- The Black and White
Mystery of The Purple Cloud
- The Durance of Decadence:
The Pale Ape and Other Pulses
- Edward Lytton Bulwer
and the Gothic Lifestyle
- Humphry Davy's Dream
- Resisting Panthea's
Siren Song: Robert Hunt and the Poetry of Science
- Haunted by the Pagan
Past: Vernon Lee
- J. G. Ballard
- Lord, What Fools These
Mortals Be!: Confrontation with Death in James Morrow's The Eternal
- Dean R. Koontz
- Terry Pratchett
Published by The Borgo Press,
March 2009
ISBN: 1-4344-0338-6