Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index

Contents Lists

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    Startling Detective Adventures [v7 #41, December 1931] (Country Press, Inc., 15¢, large pulp, cover by L. Fried)
    Details supplied by John Locke from Table of Contents.
    • 8 · How Milwaukee Cleans Up Its Crooks · Chester L. Saxby · ar
    • 22 · “Craig Kennedy,” Master Detective, Reveals the Secrets of the Collings Pirate Mystery · Arthur B. Reeve · ar

    Startling Mystery Magazine    (about)
    An attempt to cash in on the popularity of the “shudder pulps”, Startling Mystery Magazine used reprint covers and paid authors only half the then-going rate. Perhaps as a result it folded after only two issues, though a third issue was planned.

    • Publishers:
      • Fictioneers, Inc.; 2256 Grove Street, Chicago, IL: Startling Mystery Magazine

    • Editors:

    Startling Mystery Magazine [v1 #3, June 1940 (unpublished)] (pulp)
    One story was announced for the unpublished June 1940 issue.
    • Lure of the Moon Maidens · Francis James · nv Horror Stories Oct 1940

    Startling Mystery (UK)    (about)
    British reprint edition of Startling Mystery Magazine. There was probably only one issue which reprinted stories from the first issue of the American edition.

    • Publishers:
      • Pemberton’s (of Manchester) Ltd.; 14 Lever Street, Manchester 1: Startling Mystery (UK)

    Startling Mystery Stories    (about)
    Startling Mystery Stories specialised in stories where either the detective or villain had supernatural powers or their scientific equivalent. Despite a steadily growing circulation during its 18 issues it was killed in 1971 by increasing costs and distribution problems.

    • Publishers:
      • Health Knowledge, Inc.; New York: Startling Mystery Stories

    • Editors:

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