Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Stories, Listed by Author
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PACHTER, JOSH (chron.) (continued)
_____, trans.
- * After Closing Time, by Nova Lee Maier, (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Jan/Feb 2017
- * After the Fall, by Bram Dehouck, (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Feb 2015; translated from the Flemish (De Redder en de Dood).
- * Bloody Hot, by René Appel, (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Aug 2006; translated from the Dutch (Elsevier, 2004).
- * The Candy-Factory Girls, by Tessa de Loo, (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Nov 2009; translated from the Dutch.
- * Checkmate in Chimbote, by Bob Van Laerhoven, (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Jun 2014; translated from the Flemish.
- * Eight Days a Week, by Nicolet Steemers, (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Jul 2015; translated from the Dutch (Stille Getuigen, Collectieve Propaganda van het Nederlandse Boek, 2011).
- * End of the Line, by Herbert De Paepe & Els Depuydt, (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Sep/Oct 2018; translated from the Flemish.
- * The Final Analysis, by Luciano Sívori, (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Jan/Feb 2018; translated from the Spanish.
- * Friends Like You, by Pieter Aspe, (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine May 2015
- * Garage 27, by Herbert De Paepe & Els Depuydt, (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine May 2016; translated from the Flemish.
- * Houseful of Mussels, by Janwillem van de Wetering [Adjutent Grijpstra; Sgt. de Gier], (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Apr 1985; translated from the Dutch.
- * The Last Run, by Michael Berg, (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Sep/Oct 2015; translated from the Dutch (De Laatste Rit, Over de Grens, De Geus, 2014).
- * The Lighthouse, by Hilde Vandermeeren, (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Mar/Apr 2016; translated from the Flemish (De Vuurtoren).
- * A Long-Cherished Dream, by Carla Vermaat, (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Jun 2009; translated from the Dutch (Een Lang Gekoesterde Droom) with the ending rewritten by Pachter.; adapted by Josh Pachter.
- * The Red Mercedes, by Theo Capel, (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Jun 2004; translated from the Dutch (De Rode Auto, the Dutch Playboy, 1985).
- * Red-Handed, by René Appel, (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Dec 2014; translated from the Dutch (Heterdaad).
- * Stinking Plaster, by Bavo Dhooge, (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Sep/Oct 2011; translated from the Flemish (Stinkend Gips).
- * Stranger in the Night, by Hilde Vandermeeren, (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Dec 2016
- * There Goes Ravelaar, by Janwillem van de Wetering [Adjutent Grijpstra; Sgt. de Gier], (nv) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Jan 1985; translated from the Dutch.
_____, [ref.]
PACKARD, FRANK (Lucius) (1877-1942); (about) (chron.)
- * The Decoy, (ss) The Cavalier Sep 1911
- * The Missing Hour [Jimmie Dale (The Gray Seal)], (sl) Detective Fiction Weekly Mar 16, Mar 23, Mar 30, Apr 6, Apr 13, Apr 20 1935
- * One-Twenty-Nine East, (ss) Pearsons Magazine (US) Mar 1909
- * Thine Eyes Upon That Which Is Not, (ss) Short Stories Jul 1911, as Thine Eyes Upon That Which Was Not.
- * Thine Eyes Upon That Which Was Not, (ss) Short Stories Jul 1911; also as Thine Eyes Upon That Which Is Not.
_____, [ref.]
PAGE, NORVELL W(ooten) (1904-1961); see pseudonym N. Wooten Poge; (about) (chron.)
- * Alias the Corpse Maker, (na) Detective Tales Oct 1936
- * The Angel of Death [Angus Saint-Cloud (The Death Angel)], (ss) Crime Busters Jan 1938
- * Angels Wings [Angus Saint-Cloud (The Death Angel)], (nv) Street & Smiths Mystery Magazine May 1940
- * Barracks of the Brave, (ss) Ace G-Man Stories Nov/Dec 1936
- * The Black Bats Dragon Trail [Tony Quinn (The Black Bat)], (na) Black Book Detective Magazine Jan 1941, as by G. Wayman Jones.
- * Black Harvest [Jules Tremaine], (ss) Black Mask Apr 1933
- * Black Mask Mystery:
* ___ No. 4 The Murder in the Tunnel, (pz) Black Mask Aug 1933
- * Blood Arrow [Angus Saint-Cloud (The Death Angel)], (ss) Crime Busters Sep 1938
- * Blood on the Dragons Horn, (na) Strange Detective Mysteries Jan 1941
- * Blue Eye of Death, (nv) Clues Detective Stories Mar 1941
- * Bodies in Bronze, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine Dec 1935
- * Bringer of Fiery Death, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine Nov 1938
- * Canned Goods, (ss) The Phantom Detective Jan 1934
- * City of Corpses [Ken Carter], (nv) Ten Detective Aces Jul 1933
- * The City Ruled by Murder, (nv) Ace G-Man Stories Sep/Oct 1936
- * Claws of Vengeance, (nv) Black Book Detective Magazine Aug 1934
- * Clue of Courage, (ss) Strange Detective Stories Jan 1934
- * Comeback of the Damned, (na) Detective Tales Jun 1936
- * The Confessional [Jules Tremaine], (ss) Black Mask Mar 1933
- * The Cop and the G-Man, (ss) Ace G-Man Stories May/Jun 1937
- * Coppers Cross, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly Aug 8 1936
- * Corpse Fever Is Catching, (nv) Detective Tales Nov 1938
- * A Corpse for Company, (ss) Strange Detective Mysteries Oct 1941
- * Crimes Capital City, (nv) Detective Tales Oct 1937
- * Crimes Christmas Carol, (ss) Detective Tales May 1939
- * Cutthroat Clue [Dick Barrett], (ss) Crime Busters May 1938
- * The Dance of the Skeletons, (na) Dime Mystery Magazine Oct 1933
- * Dead Hands Cant Kill!, (nv) Strange Detective Mysteries Jan 1942
- * The Death Beast, (na) Dime Mystery Magazine Dec 1933
- * Death for His Fee!, (nv) Detective Tales Apr 1936
- * The Death Game, (na) Detective Tales Mar 1936
- * The Death Moth [Angus Saint-Cloud (The Death Angel)], (na) Crime Busters Aug 1939
- * Deaths Fair Charmers, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine May 1936
- * Deaths Red Feather, (nv) Clues Detective Stories Feb 1940
- * Deaths Ruby [Dick Barrett], (ss) Crime Busters Nov 1937
- * The Demon-Mask Murders [Angus Saint-Cloud (The Death Angel)], (nv) Street & Smiths Mystery Magazine Mar 1941
- * The Devils Clinic [Owen Robert Storm Masters], (nv) Detective Tales Dec 1937
- * The Diamond Monster [Dick Barrett], (ss) Crime Busters Feb 1938
- * Dirty Dishes, (ss) Black Book Detective Magazine Oct 1934
- * Double Cross with Honor, (ss) Detective Tales May 1936
- * The Emeralds Curse [Dick Barrett], (ss) Crime Busters Dec 1937
- * The Finger Points, (ss) Great Detective Aug 1934
- * Fingers of Fear, (ss) Strange Detective Mysteries May 1941
- * Funny Business [Mark Curtis], (ss) The Shadow Magazine Mar 1 1933
- * G Stands for Glory, (ss) Ace G-Man Stories Jul/Aug 1937
- * G-Men Get No Death Furlough, (nv) Ace G-Man Stories Nov/Dec 1938
- * Gallows Ghost [Ken Carter], (nv) Ten Detective Aces Sep 1933
- * The Glamour of Sin!, (ss) Detective Tales Mar 1940
- * The Green Death, (nv) Ten Detective Aces Apr 1933
- * Gum Chew Work, (ss) Super-Detective Stories Apr 1935
- * Gun-Song at Twilight, (nv) Ace G-Man Stories Jul/Aug 1938
- * Hells Music [Ken Carter], (nv) Ten Detective Aces May/Jun 1933
- * How Green Are My Corpses!, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine Mar 1941
- * In a Pickle [Mark Curtis], (ss) The Shadow Magazine May 15 1933
- * In at the Death [Angus Saint-Cloud (The Death Angel)], (ss) Crime Busters Jan 1939
- * The Invisible Headsman, (na) Street & Smiths Mystery Magazine Jan 1940
- * Jewel Kill [Angus Saint-Cloud (The Death Angel)], (nv) Crime Busters Oct 1939
- * Just Pals, (ss) Thrilling Detective Sep 1934
- * LawWithout a Badge!, (nv) Detective Tales Aug 1935
- * The Leopard Kills [Angus Saint-Cloud (The Death Angel)], (ss) Crime Busters Jun 1939
- * Like Father, (ss) Detective Tales Sep 1935
- * Little Brothers of Death [Angus Saint-Cloud (The Death Angel)], (ss) Crime Busters Mar 1939
- * The Love That Kills, (ss) Detective Tales Dec 1935
- * The Man Who Wouldnt Stay Dead [Owen Robert Storm Masters], (na) Detective Tales May 1937
- * Medal for Murder [Angus Saint-Cloud (The Death Angel)], (nv) Street & Smiths Mystery Magazine Mar 1940
- * Murder Dyed Their Lips, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine Sep 1937
- * Murder Edits the News, (na) Detective Tales Jul 1937
- * Murder Follows the Headlines, (na) Detective Tales Dec 1938
- * Murder in the G-School, (nv) Ace G-Man Stories Mar/Apr 1939
- * The Murder in the Tunnel, (pz) Black Mask Aug 1933
- * Murder Magic [Angus Saint-Cloud (The Death Angel)], (ss) Crime Busters Apr 1938
- * Murder Rides the Flood, (nv) Detective Tales Feb 1937
- * Murder Runs the Marathon, (ss) Detective Yarns Jun 1938
- * Music for the Lusting Dead, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine Jul 1936
- * Once a Cop, (ss) Detective Tales Oct 1935
- * Orchid Hell, (ss) Super-Detective Stories Jul 1934
- * The Red Eye of Rin-Po-Che [Moriarity OMoore], (na) Dime Mystery Magazine Nov 1939
- * The Red Hand of Kali [Moriarity OMoore], (na) Dime Mystery Magazine Nov 1940
- * The Red Pool, (nv) Street & Smiths Mystery Magazine Jun 1940
- * Satans Hoof [Ken Carter], (nv) Ten Detective Aces Oct 1933
- * Satans Penthouse Carnival, (ss) Strange Detective Mysteries Jan/Feb 1939
- * Satans Sideshow [Ken Carter], (ss) Dime Detective Magazine Sep 1935
- * Simple Simon G-Man, (nv) Ace G-Man Stories May/Jun 1938
- * The Sinister Embrace [Ken Carter], (nv) Ten Detective Aces Nov 1933
- * The Skull of Wu Pei Fu [Dick Barrett], (ss) Crime Busters Mar 1938
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