Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Stories, Listed by Author
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EARNSHAW, FENTON W. (chron.) (continued)
- * The Loan Wolves [Dan McGuire], (nv) Thrilling Detective Nov 1940
- * Make Mine Death [MacAnderson], (nv) Thrilling Detective Nov 1941
- * Murchison Got a Gun, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine Feb 1948
- * Murder Jackpot [Dan McGuire], (nv) Thrilling Detective Oct 1939
- * Murder Lives Here!, (na) New Detective Magazine May 1947
- * Murder Steps In [Dan McGuire], (na) Thrilling Detective Jun 1940
- * Portfolio of Death [Dan McGuire], (nv) Thrilling Detective Jun 1941
- * Public Corpse Number One, (ss) Detective Short Stories Apr 1942
- * Reversion to Type, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Jul 5 1941
- * Slaughter in a Sarong, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine Mar 1949
- * There Is No Mr. Henry, (nv) Doc Savage Jan/Feb 1948
EBERHART, MIGNON G(ood) (1899-1996) (chron.)
- * Bermuda Grapevine, (na) The American Magazine Oct 1938
- * The Black Bag, (na) The Dragnet Magazine Feb 1929
- * The Bride Cried Murder [James Wickwire], (ss) This Week Sep 28 1958; also as Mr. Wickwire Adds and Subtracts.
- * The Calico Dog [Susan Dare], (nv) The Delineator Sep 1934; also as The Case of the Calico Cat.
- * The Case of the Calico Cat [Susan Dare], (nv) The Delineator Sep 1934, as The Calico Dog.
- * The Claret Stick [Susan Dare], (nv) The Delineator Jul 1934
- * The Dangerous Widows [James Wickwire], (ss) This Week Jan 18 1953
- * The Dark Corridor, (nv) Flynns Dec 5 1925
- * Date to Die [James Wickwire], (ss) This Week Oct 17 1954
- * The E-String, (nv) Flynns Mar 27 1926; also as The E-String Murder.
- * The E-String Murder, (nv) Flynns Mar 27 1926, as The E-String.
- * Easter Devil [Susan Dare], (nv) The Delineator Jun 1934
- * The Empty Inn [Sarah Keate], (ss) Mystery Mar 1934
- * Express to Danger [Susan Dare], (na) The American Magazine Feb 1939
- * Final Entry, (ss) Suspense (UK) Oct 1959
- * The Flowering Face [Susan Dare], (nv) The Delineator May 1935
- * The Hound of the Wellingtons [James Wickwire], (ss) This Week Feb 6 1955, as Murder by Night.
- * Hussy!, (ss) Mystery May 1934
- * The Man Who Was Missing [Susan Dare], (nv) The Delineator Aug 1934
- * Marked for Death [Sarah Keate], (ss) Mystery Nov 1933
- * Miss Dare in Danger [Susan Dare], (na) Mystery Book Magazine Feb 1946
- * Mr. Wickwire Adds and Subtracts [James Wickwire], (ss) This Week Sep 28 1958, as The Bride Cried Murder.
- * Murder at the Dog Show, (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Jan 1958
- * Murder by Night [James Wickwire], (ss) This Week Feb 6 1955; also as The Hound of the Wellingtons.
- * Murder in the Rain [James Wickwire], (ss) This Week Jun 7 1953, as The Rain Dripped Death.
- * Murder on St. Valentines Day [James Wickwire], (ss) This Week Apr 4 1954, as The Valentine Murder.
- * Murder on the Wall [Sarah Keate], (ss) Mystery Jan 1934
- * The Murders in Federie Manor, (sl) Startling Detective Adventures Jun, Jul 1930
- * The Night Watch Mystery [Sarah Keate], (ss) Mystery Aug 1933
- * No Cry of Murder [James Wickwire], (ss) This Week Jun 25 1952
- * The Old Mans Diamond [Sarah Keate], (ss) Mystery Feb 1934
- * Postiche [Susan Dare], (nv) The Delineator Aug 1935
- * The Rain Dripped Death [James Wickwire], (ss) This Week Jun 7 1953; also as Murder in the Rain.
- * The Valentine Murder [James Wickwire], (ss) This Week Apr 4 1954; also as Murder on St. Valentines Day.
- * The Wagstaff Pearls [James Wickwire], (ss) This Week Sep 21 1952
- * When the Clock Struck Seven, (ts) Suspense (UK) Feb 1959
ECCLES, MARJORIE (1927- ); (about) (chron.)
- * The Egyptian Garden, (ss) Crime in the City, ed. Martin Edwards, Do-Not Press 2002
- * Find and Replace, (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine May/Jun 2017
- * Murder in a Time of Siege, (ss) Past Crimes: Perfectly Criminal III, ed. Martin Edwards, Severn House 1998
- * The Painters Wife, (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine May/Jun 2018
- * Rearrangements, (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Nov 2009
- * Remembering Kazarian, (ss) Whydunit, ed. Martin Edwards, Severn House 1997
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