Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Stories, Listed by Author
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CARR, JOHN DICKSON (chron.) (continued)
- * The Lions Paw [Colonel March], (nv) The Strand Magazine Jul 1938, as Error at Daybreak by Carter Dickson.
- * The Locked Room [Dr. Gideon Fell], (ss) The Strand Magazine Jul 1940
- * The Man Who Explained Miracles [Sir Henry Merrivale], (na) The Housewife Jan 1956 (+2), as Ministry of Miracles by Carter Dickson.
- * The Man Who Saw the Invisible [Colonel March], (ss) The Strand Magazine Apr 1938, as The New Invisible Man by Carter Dickson.
- * The Man Who Was Dead, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine May 1935
- * New Murders for Old, (ss) The Illustrated London News Christmas 1939; also as The One Real Horror; see also under Carter Dickson.
- * The One Real Horror, (ss) The Illustrated London News Christmas 1939, as New Murders for Old.
- * The Other Hangman, (ss) A Century of Detective Stories, ed. Anon., Hutchinson 1935; see also under Carter Dickson.
- * Persons or Things Unknown, (ss) The Sketch Christmas 1938, as by Carter Dickson.
- * The Phantom Archer, (pl) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Jun 1948; first broadcast on Suspense, CBS radio, Mar 9, 1943.
- * Poison in Jest, (n.) Harper 1932
- * The Problem of the Green Capsule [Dr. Gideon Fell], (n.) Harper 1939
- * The Problem of the Wire Cage [Dr. Gideon Fell], (n.) Harper 1939
- * The Proverbial Murder [Dr. Gideon Fell], (nv) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Jul 1943; also as The Proverbial Murderer.
- * The Proverbial Murderer [Dr. Gideon Fell], (nv) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Jul 1943, as The Proverbial Murder.
- * Right Before Your Eyes [Colonel March], (ss) The Strand Magazine Feb 1939, as The Hiding Place by Carter Dickson.
- * The Silver Curtain [Colonel March], (ss) The Strand Magazine Aug 1939, as by Carter Dickson.
- * Stand and Deliver!, (ar) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Mar, Apr 1973
- * Strictly Diplomatic [Colonel March], (ss) The Strand Magazine Dec 1939, as by Carter Dickson.
- * Terrors Dark Tower, (nv) Detective Tales Oct 1935
- * The Third Bullet [Dr. Gideon Fell], (na) Hodder & Stoughton 1937, as by Carter Dickson.
- * To Wake the Dead, (ss) The Sketch Christmas 1937, as Blind Mans Hood by Carter Dickson.
- * To Wake the Dead [Dr. Gideon Fell], (n.) Harpers Magazine 1938; not the same as the story of the same name in the December 1966 issue of Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine.
- * Will You Make a Bet with Death?, (pl) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Apr 1954; first broadcast on Suspense, CBS radio, November 10, 1942.
- * Will You Walk Into My Parlor?, (pl) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Sep 1945
- * William Wilsons Racket [Colonel March], (ss) The Strand Magazine Feb 1941, as by Carter Dickson.
- * The Wrong Problem [Dr. Gideon Fell], (ss) The Evening Standard Aug 14 1936
_____, reviews:
- * Best Mysteries of the Month, (br) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Jan, Feb, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1969, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 1970
_____, [ref.]
- * Collecting Crime: The Impossible John Dickson Carr by Mike Ashley, (cl) Crime Time #50 2006
- * EQMMs First Critics by Jon L. Breen, (ar) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Nov 2016
- * The Golden Age of Crime Fiction, Part 5: John Dickson Carr by Alan Perry, (ar) Sherlock #63 2004
- * The Great Detectives: John Dickson Carrs Dr. Gideon Fell by Pasquale Accardo, M.D., (cl) The Strand Magazine #9 2002
- * Hocus-Pocus at Drumis Tree by Handon C. Jorricks, (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Apr 1966
- * Im the Old Man by Dan Andriacco, (ar) Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine #22 2017
- * Issue #583Dedicated to Messrs. Boucher, Breen, Carr, Haycraft & Hubin, (ed) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine May 1991
- * John Dickson Carr (1906-1977) by Edmund Crispin, (pm) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Sep 1978
- * John Dickson Carr on British Radio by Douglas G. Greene, (ar) The Armchair Detective Jan 1979
- * John Dickson Carr Tribute, uncredited, (ms) The Armchair Detective Apr 1977
- * John Dickson Carr, Alias Roger Fairbairn, and the Historical Novel by Douglas G. Greene, (ar) The Armchair Detective Oct 1978
- * The Jury Box: John Dickson Carr by James E. Keirans, (ar) The Armchair Detective Sum 1991
- * My Favourite Crime Authors 9. John Dickson Carr by Philip Scowcroft, (ar) A Shot in the Dark Sum 1996
- * The Other Detectives: Doctor Gideon Fell by Brian Adrian, (ar) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #25 1998
- * The Sound of Suspense: John Dickson Carr as a Radio Writer by Francis M. Nevins, Jr., (ar) The Armchair Detective Oct 1978
- * Suspense on the High Seas: John Dickson Carr by Tony Medawar & James E. Keirans, (ar) The Armchair Detective Fll 1991
- * [photo of EQMM reviewers: Anthony Boucher, John Dickson Carr, Allen J. Hubin, and Jon L. Breen] by Jon Weiman, (cv) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine May 1991
- * [photo of John Dickson Carr], uncredited, (cv) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Mar 25 1981
CARRICK, GERTRUDE (fl. 1950s) (chron.)
- * Cub Scout Caper, (ss) Colliers Jun 10 1955, as The Cub Scout Who Didnt.
- * The Cub Scout Who Didnt, (ss) Colliers Jun 10 1955; also as Cub Scout Caper.
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