The FictionMags Index
Index by Title: Page 7476
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- Sir Andrew Barton, the Scotch Privateer, Defeated by the Howards by [uncredited] · (ar)
- Sir Andrew Noble, Bart. by John Pendleton · (bg)
- Sir Anthony’s Prudence by H. C. Bailey · (ss)
- Sir Anthony van Dyck by E. F. C. · (bg)
- Sir Anthony van Dyck by Ellen F. Cotton · (bg)
- Sir Anthony Van Dyck [Famous Portrait Painters No. 12] by [uncredited] · (ia)
- Sir Anton’s Attic Wife by Marie Belloc Lowndes · (ss)
- Sir Apropos of Nothing and the Adventure of the Receding Heir by Peter David · (nv)
- Sir Archibald Sinclair, Secretary of State for Air by Beverley Baxter · (bg)
- Sir Arthur and I by Frederik Pohl · (es)
- Sir Arthur and Sir Guy by Laurence Kirk · (ss)
- Sir Arthur and Sir Guy by Eric Andrew Simson · (ss)
- Sir Arthur C. Clarke: 1917-2008—A Tribute by Sheila Williams · (ed)
- Sir Arthur C. Clarke & Forrest J. Ackerman: In Memoriam by [uncredited] · (ar)
- Sir Arthur C. Clarke: “Man of the Century” by Ryder W. Miller · (ar)
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle by Arthur W. à Beckett · (ar)
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle by Richard Milner · (ar)
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Predicts Spirit Moving Pictures! by Samri Frikell · (ar)
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Predicts Spirit Moving Pictures! by Fulton Oursler · (ar)
- The Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Reader: From Sherlock Holmes to Spiritualism by Arthur Conan Doyle · (co)
- The Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Reader: From Sherlock Holmes to Spiritualism ed. Jeffrey Meyers · (co)
- The Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Reader: From Sherlock Holmes to Spiritualism ed. Valerie Meyers · (co)
- Sir Arthur Duckham by James Douglas · (ar)
- Sir Arthur Fairbairn and His Surroundings. The Story of a Deaf and Dumb Baronet by J. W. Gilbart-Smith · (ar)
- Sir Arthur Helps by J. C. Squire · (br)
- Sir Arthur Hornbrook’s Understudy by William MacLeod Raine · (ss)
- Sir Arthur of Beetle Alley by Kate Jordan · (ss)
- Sir Arthur Pearson’s Friendship by Frederick Martin · (ar)
- Sir Arthur Pinero —Playwright by Charles Frohman · (ar)
- Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch by A. St. John Adcock · (ar)
- Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch by E. A. Cook · (bg)
- Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan by Arthur H. Lawrence · (iv)
- Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan, as an Old Friend Knew Him by [uncredited] · (bg)
- Sir Arthur Sulivan’s Diary by Arthur H. Lawrence · (ar)
- Sir Arthur Sullivan by J. A. Fuller Maitland · (ob)
- Sir Arthur Sullivan, a Personal Reminiscence by George Grossmith · (ar)
- Sir Augustus Glossop Harris, KT. by [uncredited] · (ar)
- Sir Augustus Harris by Harry How · (iv)
- Sir Augustus Harris at Home by Marie A. Belloc · (ar)
- Sir Augustus Harris at Home by Marie Belloc Lowndes · (ar)
- Sir Badger by Henry Charles Hamilton Gibbs · (ss)
- Sir Badger by Cosmo Hamilton · (ss)
- Sir Balin the Savage and Good Sir Balan by Craig Hinds · (ss)
- Sir Barney Rides Out by Charles Raven · (ar)
- Sir Barney Rides Out by Maurice Richardson · (ar)
- Sir Basil and Rue by Marjorie Bowen · (ss)
- Sir Basil and Rue by Gabrielle M. V. Long · (ss)
- Sir Basil Zaharoff by Stookie Allen · (ia)
- Sir Bedevere de Beakinoaze by Hugh Chesterman · (pm)
- Sir Benjamin Stone and His Sitters by Archibald Eyre · (ar)
- Sir Benjamin’s Yes-Man by Alan Fox-Hutchinson · (vi)
- Sir Benjamin the “Baron” by Arthur Machen · (ar)
- Sir Benson Manisty by The Author of “Lost and Found” · (nv)
- Sir Ben’s Scientists Solve Everyday Problems by Ronald W. Clark · (ar)
- Sir Berenger of the Long Toe by T. S. Miller · (ss)
- Sir Bernard Spilsbury by George Godwin · (bg)
- Sir Bertram’s Tryst by H. C. Bailey · (ss)
- Sir Bertrand: A Fragment by Anna Laetitia Aikin · (ss)
- Sir Bertrand: A Fragment by Anna Laetitia Aikin Barbauld · (ss)
- Sir Betsy by Lynn J. Montross · (ss)
- Sir Bevis of Lea by Edwin F. Roberts · (ss)
- Sir Blodry, Victorious, or, A Good Knight’s Day, or, War’s Good for Nothing by David John Tyrer · (vi)
- Sir Bluebird by Hilton Ross Greer · (pm)
- Sir Blunderbuss in Borderland by Fred Gillett · (pm)
- Sir “B.O.P.” by David Coutts · (sg)
- Sir “B.O.P.” by Lewis Mennich · (sg)
- Sir Borlays and the Dark Knight by Anthony Armstrong · (ss)
- Sir Borlays and the Dark Knight by George A. A. Willis · (ss)
- Sir Boss Remembered by Darrell Schweitzer · (pm)
- Sir Boyle Roche by C. Litton Falkiner · (bg)
- Sir Boyle Roche’s Famous Letter by [uncredited] · (ar)
- Sir Broderick by John Richards · (pm)
- Sir Buccaneer by H. Bedford-Jones · (ss)
- Sir Buckle! by St. John Pearce · (ss)
- Sir Bulwer Lytton’s Advice to the Glasgow University Students by Julia E. M’Conaughy · (ms)
- Sir Bulwer Lytton’s Advice to the Glasgow University Students by [uncredited] · (ms)
- Sir Cai, the Shining Knight by Andrew Knighton · (ss)
- Sir Canis de Nobody by Darrell Schweitzer · (pm)
- Sir Cecil’s Ride by Shirley Hazzard · (ss)
- Sir Cecil’s Rival by [uncredited] · (ss)
- Sir Cecil’s Saxophone by Charles F. Lester · (pm)
- Sir Chaps by Frederick Palmer · (nv)
- Sir Charles Birkin by Colin Westney · (bg)
- Sir Charles Dilke by Henry W. Lucy · (ar)
- Sir Charles Godfrey, Baronet by Philip Bourke Marston · (ss)
- Sir Charles Hawtrey by William Pollock · (bg)
- Sir Charles Murray’s Adventures with the Pawnees by H. O. S. · (bg)
- Sir Charles Murray’s Adventures with the Pawnees by Howard Overing Sturgis · (bg)
- Sir Charles Napier: A Study by Stephen Gwynn · (bg)
- Sir Charles Palmer, Bart., M.P., and Jarrow-on-Tyne by Frederick Dolman · (ar)
- Sir Charles Santley’s Jubilee Benefit by Landon Ronald · (ar)
- Sir Charles Tennant by One Who Knew Him · (ar)
- Sir Charles Tupper by Harris L. Adams · (ar)
- Sir Charles Vernon Boys, F.R.S. by Claude F. Luke · (bg)
- Sir Charles Wyndham, a Character Sketch by Sidney Dark · (ar)
- Sir Charles Wyndham: Some Reminiscences by Percy Burton · (bg)
- Sir Chas. Kingsford-Smith—Pacific Conqueror by Alden S. McWilliams · (ia)
- Sir Cheapskate by Rhys H. Hughes · (vi)
- Sir Chentung Liang Cheng—The New Chinese Minister and His Home Life at Washington by Charles A. Selden · (ar)
- Sir Christopher Cole, K.C.B.: A Cornish Worthy by Edward Cornish · (ar)
- Sir Christopher Gardiner, Knight by Charles Francis Adams, Jr. · (ar)
- Sir Christopher Lee: Tall, Dark and Fearsome by Lawrence French · (iv)
- Sir Christopher Mings by A. H. Beesly · (pm)
- Sir Christopher Wren by John o’ London · (ar)
- Sir Christopher Wren by Wilfred Whitten · (ar)
- Sir Christopher Wren by [uncredited] · (ar)
- Sir Claude De Crespigny by Stookie Allen · (ia)
- Sir Clements Markham and the Royal Geographical Society by William George FitzGerald · (iv)
- Sir Clements Markham, K.C.B., F.R.S. by A. H. Markham · (ob)
- Sir Clifford’s Gorilla by Maurice Nicoll · (ss)
- Sir Clifford’s Gorilla by Martin Swayne · (ss)
- Sir Comely’s Adventure by S. Walkey · (ss)
- Sir Conan Doyle Predicts Spirit Moving Pictures by Samri Frikell · (ar)
- Sir Conan Doyle Predicts Spirit Moving Pictures by Fulton Oursler · (ar)
- Sir Cumference: Knight of the Round Table by Jo Carr · (pm)
- Sir Cyril Black by Peter Carvell · (iv)
- Sir Dagobert’s Last Battle by Jonathan Green · (nv)
- Sir Dagonet’s Quest by Francis B. T. Money-Coutts · (pm)
- Sir Dan de Lion by Henry Edlin · (pm)
- Sir Danny’s Governess by Mary Stafford · (sl)
- The Sirdar by “Jack” · (ar)
- The Sirdar and the Seer by Maud Churton Braby · (ar)
- The Sirdar and the Seer by Maud Churton · (ar)
- The Sirdar as a a Boy by [uncredited] · (bg)
- The Sirdar’s Camel Corps by H. C. B. Hopkinson · (ar)
- The Sirdar’s Chess-Board by Elizabeth Wormeley Latimer · (ss)
- The Sirdar’s Safe by Dennis Holman · (ss)
- Sir David Bone, 1874-1959: A Selected Bibliography by Harry R. Skallerup · (bi)
- Sir David Salomons and the Motor Question by Isabel Marks · (ar)
- Sir David Wears a Crown by Stuart Walker · (pl)
- Sir David Wilkie, R.A. by Alice Quarry · (bg)
- Sir Denis Nayland Smith by Paul M. Chapman · (ar)
- Sir Denzil by Rhys H. Hughes · (pm)
- Sir Dieudonné’s Dragon by John E. Staib · (nv)
- Sir Dinadan and the Giant Taulurd by Theodore Goodridge Roberts · (nv)
- Sir Dinadan’s Death by [uncredited] · (pm)
- Sir Domanick by Paula Talley · (ss)
- Sir Dominic Flandry: The Last Knight of Terra by Poul Anderson · (co)
- Sir Dominic Flandry: The Last Knight of Terra ed. Hank Davis · (co)
- Sir Dominick Ferrand by Henry James · (na)
- Sir Dominick Sarsfield by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu · (ss)
- Sir Dominick’s Bargain by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu · (ss)
- Sir Dominick’s Bargain by [uncredited] · (ss)
- Sir Donald Currie, K.C.M.G., M.P. by Harry How · (iv)
- Sir Donald Maclean, M.P.: A Politician with a Conscience by A. R. M. · (ar)
- Sir Donald Maclean, M.P.: A Politician with a Conscience by A. Richard Martin · (ar)
- Sir Douglas Haig by One Who Knows Him · (ar)
- Sir Douglas Mawson by Douglas Mawson · (ex)
- Sir Douglas Straight by C. M. · (ar)
- Sir Douglas Straight by Charles Morley · (ar)
- Sir! Droll Stories ed. [uncredited] · (an)
- Sir Dub the Knight by Maximilian Foster · (ss)
- Sire by John Goodrich · (ss)
- The Sire by Chad Hensley · (pm)
- Sir Ector to Sir Launcelot by Thomas Malory · (ex)
- Sired by a Creep by Charles Raven · (ar)
- Sired by a Creep by Maurice Richardson · (ar)
- The Sire de Malétroit’s Door by Robert Louis Stevenson · (nv)
- Sir Edgar Britten by Stookie Allen · (ia)
- Sir Edmund, a fragment by [uncredited] · (ss)
- Sir Edmund and Lady Monson at Home at the British Embassy by Sarah A. Tooley · (ar)
- Sir Edmund Andros by [uncredited] · (il)
- Sir Edmund Monson: Our Ambassador to the French Republic by Charles Dawbarn · (ar)
- Sir Edmund Orme by Henry James · (nv)
- Sir Edmund the Bull by Frank H. Shaw · (ss)
- Sir Edric’s Pearl by [uncredited] · (nv)
- Sir Edward Berry by W. H. Fitchett · (ar)
- Sir Edward Burne-Jones by Alfred T. Story · (ar)
- Sir Edward Burne-Jones by [uncredited] · (ar)
- Sir Edward Burne-Jones, Bart. by L. T. Meade · (ar)
- Sir Edward Burne-Jones, Bart. by Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith · (ar)
- Sir Edward Clark by Max Beerbohm · (il)
- Sir Edward Clark by Max · (il)
- Sir Edward Clarke, K.C. by T. P. O’Connor, M.P. · (ar)
- Sir Edward Clarke, K.C., at Home by William James Wintle · (bg)
- Sir Edward Clarke, Q.C., M.P. by Addison Bright · (ar)
- Sir Edward Elgar by Sydney Grew · (ar)
- Sir Edward Elgar by [uncredited] · (bg)
- Sir Edward Grey: A Character Study by Comrie Colquhoun · (bg)
- Sir Edward Grey, Bart., M.P. by [uncredited] · (ar)
- Sir Edward Grey: Fisherman by C. B. Fry · (ar)
- Sir Edward J. Harland, Bt., and Belfast by John A. Steuart · (ar)
- Sir Edward Lawson, Bart. by J. B. · (ar)
- Sir Edward Marshall Hall by Edward H. Smith · (ar)
- Sir Edward Marshall-Hall, K.C. by T. P. O’Connor, M.P. · (bg)
- Sir Edward’s Dream by R. L. Orchelle · (ss)
- Sir Edward’s Last Decision by H. C. McNeile · (ss)
- Sir Edwin Arnold at Home by M. Z. · (ar)
- Sir Edwin Landseer by Anne Isabella Ritchie · (ar)
- Sir Edwin Landseer by Anne Isabella Thackeray · (ar)
- Sir Edwin Landseer by [uncredited] · (bg)
- Sir Edwin Sandys: A Democratic Leader of Colonial Times by Henry Addington Bruce · (bg)
- The Sireen of La Conchy by Austin Adams · (ss)
- The Sireen of Sacrifice Shoals by Michael Fessier · (ss)
- Sir Eggnogg by Bayard Taylor · (pm)
- Sir Eggnogg by [uncredited] · (pm)
- Sir Eglamore the Scout by Vautier Golding · (ss)
- Sir Egmont by Robert Richardson · (pm)
- Sir Eizak Pitman to an Autograph Collector by [uncredited] · (ms)
- The Sire Lives in His Son by Maclaren Mein · (ss)
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