The FictionMags Index
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * School for Officers at Sing Sing, (ms) Best Detective Magazine January 1936
- * “The School for Scandal” at the Criterion, (th) Black & White #10, April 11 1891
- * The School for Scrappers, (pi) The Skipper #198, June 16 1934
- * School for Snipers, (ar) Modern World September 28 1940
- * School for Space Scientists, (ms) Fantastic Universe February 1960
- * School for Stars, (ar) Collier’s March 16 1956
- * A School for Stokers, (ms) The Railroad Man’s Magazine July 1910
- * School for Strippers, (pi) Midnight v2 #2, 1962
- * School for Strippers, (pi) Mayfair v4 #9, 1969
- * School for Survival, (pi) Collier’s December 8 1951
- * The School for Vandals! [Green Lantern], (cs) (by Alfred Bester) Green Lantern (comic) Fall 1943
- * School for Wireless Telegraphy at Brooklyn Navy Yard, (ar) The American Boy November 1906
- * Schoolgirl, (pi) Broadside March/April/May 1973
- * The Schoolgirl, (ss) (by Evelyn Beatrice Hall & Hugh Stowell Scott) The Cornhill Magazine November 1894
- * Schoolgirl Charged with Burglary, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 9 1917
- * Schoolgirl Madness, (ts) Street & Smith’s Real Love Magazine August 1932
- * A School-Girl of the Period, (pm) (by Edgar Fawcett) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1869
- * The Schoolgirl Outcast, (n.) (by J. G. Jones), uncredited.
- * Schoolgirl Pickpockets Arrested, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 26 1922
- * Schoolgirls of St Theresa’s, (pi) Mayfair v16 #11, 1981
- * Schoolgirls Only Half Alive, (mr) Collins’ Magazine April 1950
- * A Schoolgirl’s Outfit, (ar) The New Magazine (UK) May 1914
- * Schoolgirl’s Special Cosy Knitted Frock, (ms) Good Housekeeping (UK) February 1946
- * A School-Girl’s Story, (ss) (by Harrie Boyer) The Argosy (UK) July 1870
- * The Schoolgirl Who Lost Her Name, (n.) Schoolgirls’ Weekly 1931
- * Schoolhouse in the Foothills, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post Oct 13, Oct 27, Nov 10 1934as told to Alvin F. Harlow
- * School in Norway, (ss) The Young Commando, Fore Publications, 1944
- * A School in the Sun, (pi) Pearson’s Magazine May 1923
- * School in the Wilds, (pi) McCall’s June 1956
- * A School Joke, (hu) The Boy’s Own Paper May 18 1907
- * School Life in China, (pi) The Quiver May 1910
- * School-Life in France, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1889
- * School Life in the Future, (ar) Chums July 24 1928
- * School Magazines Reviewed, (cl) The Captain #80, November 1905
- * The Schoolmarm, (ar) Western Magazine (UK) #1, October 1980
- * The Schoolmaster, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine April 1903
- * Schoolmasters, (ar) (by John Fred Boyes) The Cornhill Magazine June 1861
- * The Schoolmaster Smuggler [Jack Moreland & Co.], (ss) The Buzzer #25, April 2 1938
- * The Schoolmaster’s Sleep, (pm) The Golden Argosy February 10 1883
- * The Schoolmaster’s Story [Pink and Blue], (ss) (by Abby Morton Diaz) The Atlantic Monthly April 1864
- * A Schoolmaster’s Tribute to Gordon, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper May 9 1885
- * The Schoolmistress at Skerne Dun, (ss) Cassell’s Family Magazine January 1878
- * The School Naturalist, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper Christmas 1905
- * The School of Free Fights [Jack Moreland & Co.], (ss) The Buzzer #28, April 23 1938
- * The School of Happiness, (ss)
- * School of Journalism, (cl) Atalanta #125, February 1898
- * The School of Journalism, (cl) Atalanta #114 Mar 1897, #129 Jun, #130 Jul 1898
- * The School of Journalism: Construction, (cl) Atalanta #120, September 1897
- * The School of Journalism: General Office Work, (cl) Atalanta #132, September 1898
- * School of Journalism: “I” and Egotism, (cl) Atalanta #118, July 1897
- * The School of Journalism: On Interviewing, (cl) Atalanta #115, April 1897
- * School of Journalism: Restraint, (cl) Atalanta #116, May 1897
- * The School of Journalism: Special Correspondence, (cl) Atalanta #131, August 1898
- * School of Journalism: The Ethics of the Interview, (cl) Atalanta #127, April 1898
- * The School of Journalism: The Woman’s Column, (cl) Atalanta #128, May 1898
- * The School of Musketry at Fleetwood, (ar) London Society January 1864
- * The School of the Lash, (sl) The Skipper #269 Oct 26, #270 Nov 2, #273 Nov 23, #275 Dec 7, #277 Dec 21, #278 Dec 28 1935, #279 Jan 4, #280 Jan 11, #281 Jan 18,
#282 Jan 25 1936
- * School of the Silent Kill, (pi) Adventure February 1954
- * The School of the Watching Eyes, (sl) The Skipper #295 Apr 25, #298 May 16, #299 May 23 1936
- * The School on Black Hawk Island! [Jack Moreland & Co.], (ss) The Buzzer #21, March 5 1938
- * School on Board, (pi) Look and Learn #52, January 12 1963
- * School on the Moon [School on the Moon], (ss) The Buzzer #1, October 16 1937
- * The School Porter, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper October 2 1886
- * School Revisited, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper February 16 1901
- * The School-Room and Bed-Room, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine April 1889
- * Schools, (ms) Cosmopolitan April 1966
- * Schools and Colleges, (ms) Good Housekeeping October 1962
- * School Savings-Banks, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper January 18 1879
- * School Science, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper December 4 1897
- * Schools for Coaches, (ms) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine August 10 1932
- * The School Ship [Cookey Scrubbs], (nv) (by Harold J. Garrish) The Boys’ Friend #1373, October 8 1927; revised from Jester, (ex-Cookey Stubbs by Harry Belbin).
- * Schools in Old Rome, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1881
- * School Sketch, (pl) Young Englishman’s Journal November 21 1868
- * The Schools of St. Louis, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1893
- * The Schools of War, (ar) The Windsor Magazine June 1917
- * School Songs, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper July 6 1889
- * School Sport Results, (ms) The Captain #221, August 1917
- * School Sports, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper December 1 1888
- * School Sports Results, (cl) The Captain #256 Jul, #261 Dec 1920
- * School Sports Results, (ms) The Captain #147 Jun 1911, #171 Jun 1913, #195 Jun 1915, #220 Jul 1917, #244 Jul 1919, #255 Jun, #257 Aug 1920, #291 Jun, #292 Jul 1923
- * School Sports Results, 1918, (ms) The Captain #232, July 1918
- * Schoolteacher, (ar) Cosmopolitan November 1938as told to Margaret Culkin Banning
- * The School-Teacher at Bottle Flat, (ss) (by John Habberton) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1876
- * The School Team in the First Division, (sl) The Skipper #469 Aug 26, #471 Sep 9, #472 Sep 16, #473 Sep 23, #474 Sep 30 1939
- * School Under the Sea, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #393, July 26 1969
- * The School with a Price on It’s Head, (sl) The Skipper #225 Dec 22 1934, #231 Feb 2, #233 Feb 16 1935
- * The Schooner, (ms) Sea Stories Magazine May 1922
- * Schopenhauer on Suicide, (ms) Strange Suicides January 1933
- * The Schubert Centenary, (ar) The Ludgate February 1897
- * Schultz: Beer That Made Milwaukee Infamous, (pi) Pix v1 #1, 1963
- * Schumann’s Quintette in E Flat Major, (ss) (by Anne M. H. Brewster) The Atlantic Monthly June 1865
- * Science, (cl) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly Jan, Feb 1876
- * Science, (cl) The New York Ledger April 1 1893
- * Science Against Crime, (ar) The Shadow, a Detective Magazine July/September 1931
- * Science Aids Police, (ms) Top-Notch Detective September 1938
- * Science Aids the Explorer, (ia) Modern Wonder July 16 1938
- * Science Aids the Tyre-Maker, (ia) Modern Wonder September 4 1937
- * Science and Criminals, (ms) Fame and Fortune Magazine 1st April 1929
- * Science and Industry—the Pattern of the Future, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #52, December 15 1954 [Ref. Sir Harold Hartley]
- * Science and Invention, (cl) The Technical World Magazine Oct, Dec 1907
- * Science and Invention, (cl) The Busy Man’s Magazine Nov 1907, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Jun 1908
- * Science and Invention, (ms) The Grand Magazine March 1939
- * Science and Its Background, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #56, 1955 [Ref. H. D. Anthony, M.A., B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.A.S.]
- * Science and Modern Life, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #67, March 15 1956 [Ref. Sir E. John Russell]
- * Science and Our Future, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #52, December 15 1954 [Ref. Roy Innes]
- * Science and Ourselves: Part II, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #50, October 15 1954 [Ref. E. J. Saunders & E. R. Franklin]
- * Science and Science Fiction: An Interview with Paul Davies, (iv) Hieroglyph ed. Ed Finn & Kathryn Cramer, HarperCollins/Morrow, 2014 [Ref. Paul Davies]
- * Science and Sense, (ts) Mystery March 1934
- * Science and the Railways, (ar) Modern Wonder August 21 1937
- * Science and the Weather Man, (ar) Science and Invention January 1921
- * The Science and Traditions of the Supernatural, (ar) (by Patrick Kennedy) Dublin University Magazine June 1863
- * Science Articles of SF Interest, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #18, June 1968
- * Science at Your Service, (cl)
- * Science Baffled by Scents, (ms) Mystery Magazine #73, November 15 1920
- * Science Beats Canute, (ar) Chums February 1935
- * The Science Behind the Aero Engine, (ia) Modern Wonder September 23 1939
- * Science Belongs to Youth, (ar) Calling All Boys #15, January 1948
- * Science Briefs, (cl) If Mar, Sep, Nov 1953, Jan, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Sep, Nov, Dec 1954
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec 1955, Feb, Apr, Jun,
Aug, Oct, Dec 1956
Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct 1957, Feb, Jun, Aug 1958, May, Jul, Sep, Nov 1961
Jan, Mar 1962
- If (UK) #1 1953, #4, #5, #6, #8, #9, #10, #11, #14 1954, #10 May, #11 Jul,
#12 Sep, #13 Nov 1961
#14 Jan, #15 Mar 1962
- * Science Builds Our Ships, (ar) Look and Learn #164, March 6 1965
- * Science Cameos:
* ___ No. 2: Guglielmo Marconi, (bg) The British Science Fiction Magazine v1 #6, 1954
* ___ No. 3: James Clark Maxwell, (bg) The British Science Fiction Magazine v1 #7, 1954
* ___ No. 4: Sir J.J. Thomson, (bg) The British Science Fiction Magazine v1 #8, 1954
* ___ No. 5: Sir Isaac Newton, (bg) The British Science Fiction Magazine v1 #9, 1954
* ___ No. 6: Marie Curie, (bg) The British Science Fiction Magazine v1 #10, 1954
* ___ No. 7: Urbain Jean Leverrier, (bg) The British Science Fiction Magazine v1 #11, 1955
* ___ No. 8: Ernest Rutherford, (bg) The British Science Fiction Magazine v1 #12, 1955
- * Science Can End Air Menace Brains Trust Demanded, (ms) Science-Fantasy Review #3, June 12 1939
- * Science Corner:
* ___ Black Holes and Academic Walls, (cl) Fantasy Scroll Magazine #9, October 2015
* ___ 7 Things to Know About Mutations, (cl) Fantasy Scroll Magazine #7, June 2015
* ___ A Whirlwind Tour of the Human Genome, (cl) Fantasy Scroll Magazine #8, August 2015
- * Science Cuts in, (ms) Flynn’s December 26 1925
- * Science Discussions Chain, (ms) British Fantasy Society Bulletin #10, August 14 1943
- * Science Endorses Hunches, (ar) Man February 1950
- * Science Examines Industry, (ar) Modern Wonder April 22 1939
- * Science Fact Digest, (cl) Science Fiction Digest; #2.
- * Science Fiction-100 Best Novels, (br) Words October 1985
- * Science Fiction Adventures in Dimension, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #57, May 15 1955 [Ref. Groff Conklin]
- * Science Fiction Almanac, (cl) Future Science Fiction Mar 1954, #35 Feb, #36 Apr, #37 Jun, #38 Aug, #39 Oct, #40 Dec 1958
- * Science Fiction and Fantasy Book Listing, (ms) Bakka Magazine March 1975
- * Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America 2010 Nebula Award Nominees, (ms) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #194, Summer 2011
- * Science Fiction and the University: A Special Report, (si) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 1972
- * Science-Fiction Around the World, (pi) Science-Fiction Plus December 1953 [Ref. James V. Taurasi]
- * Science Fiction Art, (ar) (by Jon Gustafson) The Visual Encyclopedia of Science Fiction ed. Brian Ash, Pan, 1977
- * Science-Fiction Awards, (ms)
- * Science Fiction Book Review, (br) Thrilling Wonder Stories December 1948
- * The Science Fiction Books of Arthur C. Clarke, (bi) The Best of Arthur C. Clarke: 1937-1971 by Arthur C. Clarke, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1973
- * Science Fiction Briefs, (cl) Wavelength Fall 1941
- * Science Fiction Buffs Huddle Here, (ms) Niekas #10, December 15 1964
- * Science Fiction Clients of U.S. and British Agents, (ms) SFWA Bulletin #1, July 1965
- * A Science Fiction Collection for Harvard, (ms) Harvard Library Bulletin Autumn 1955
- * Science Fiction Digest, (ms) UK Omni Autumn 1984
- * Science-Fiction Dime Novels, (pi) Science-Fiction Plus June 1953
- * Science Fiction Fandom: Book Review, (ar) The Fractal #5, Fall 1995/Winter 1996
- * Science Fiction Fan, He Say, (ms) Melbourne Bulletin Nov 1940, v1 #8, Jan 1941
- * Science Fiction Heat-Ray?, (ms) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction July 1962
- * Science Fiction in 1938: A Review, (rv) Science-Fantasy Review #2, May 29 1939
- * Science Fiction in the Cinema, (ar) (by Philip Strick) The Visual Encyclopedia of Science Fiction ed. Brian Ash, Pan, 1977
- * Science Fiction Magazines, (ar) (by Colin J. Lester) The Visual Encyclopedia of Science Fiction ed. Brian Ash, Pan, 1977
- * Science Fiction Makers—Bob Olson, (bg) Science Fiction Digest October 1932 [Ref. Bob Olsen]
- * Science Fiction Markets, (ar) Writer’s Digest July 1944
- * Science Fiction Monthly, (ar) (by M. J. Kapusniak) Another Earth #1, 1974
- * Science Fiction News, (ms) Oxygen Leaks #1, April 2020
- * The Science Fiction of Brian Aldiss, (bi) Science Fiction Blues Programme Book by Brian Aldiss, Avernus, 1987 [Ref. Brian Aldiss]
- * Science Fiction on Television, (ar) (by Mike Ashley) The Visual Encyclopedia of Science Fiction ed. Brian Ash, Pan, 1977
- * Science Fiction on the Radio, (cl) (by Morris Scott Dollens) The Science Fiction Collector Oct 1936, Jan 21 1937
- * Science Fiction—Past to Present, (ar) Space Magazine May/June 1952
- * Science Fiction Poetry Association Membership Directory—June 1979, (ms) Star*Line June 1979
- * Science Fiction Poetry on KPFK, (ms) Star*Line May/June 1986
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